Generation Snowflake
Meet 'Generation Snowflake' Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Re 21:8
...Kids who can't cope with being offended
Equality Conference Bans Straight White Males To Create ‘Safe Space’
Lev 18:22,
1 Ki 14:24,
Ro 1:24,
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob
University of Wisconsin students to undergo mandatory ‘cultural competency training’
School bans clapping because some people are too “sensitive” Re 21:8
Mr. 5020
We are to blame not them.
No, no. I'm responsible
for generation snowflake.
Snowflake Sodomites: Safe Space for LGBTQQIAAXYZs
Vid: Yale Students Scream at Faculty Member for Violating Their Safe Space
Colleges turn to coloring books to de-stress students
1 Co 13:11
'Trigger Warning' Issued for Presidential Debate
Professor explains the rise of ‘precious snowflakes’ – cites narcissism,
'Liberal snowflake' Hollywood stars come under fire for 'pathetic' video which
shows them singing 'I Will Survive' about Trump
Re 21:8
Professors Pledge To "Use Regular Class Time" To Protest Trump
Toby Keith defends decision to sing at Trump’s inauguration
Elementary School Teacher Bans Trump
University offers Inauguration 'safe space'
‘Build Bridges Not Walls’ Protests Sweep Europe
Jane Fonda: …I Won’t Call Trump ‘By His Name’ – ‘I Call Him the
Predator-In-Chief’ James 4:1, 2
Trump Is Driving the Worst People Crazy
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
University stops formation of conservative group due to campus leftists feeling
Boycott Culture Forces CEOs to Walk Tightrope in Trump Era
You're not to touch women
God gives you one woman to be
I'm technically part of the Millennial generation (though I'm at the oldest
end of it). And let me say... it is ridiculous.
If I had a teenage daughter and some punk was pulling at her bra, I'd do a
lot more than "label him a sex pest." I'd label his face with my fist.
Does that make me a snowflake?
This makes you normal (unless you're in the
family). Ex 20:14
Woman on Street ~ Home Alone 2
patrick jane
Serpy, are you a snowflake?
And you thought that it couldn't get worse than
Pr 22:6
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
[Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).
than 40 Democratic lawmakers now skipping Trump’s inauguration
Thousands Of Marijuana Joints To Be Handed Out During Demonstration
...[S]omething like pulling a girls bra strap ought to be a
crime tantamount to armed robbery.
Use the part of your brain that doesn't see every act as a
crime. It's damn near a crime to be a male because of the
nonsense you all perpetuate.
What kind of a male are you?
Prov. 16:32
...[W]omen hold the sole patent on what is and what isn't when
it comes to anything sexual.
who don't belong to you? Gen. 2:18–24, Ex 20:14
When a woman straight rolls up on a man and touches them in any
way- that is what you all are calling men predators for doing.
It's normal, natural human behavior that should be called crass
at most...
I don't know what kind of skanky women you keep
company with.
You don't sound like a male
willing to control yourself.
Heb. 13:4
Snapping a bra is not rape. You're trying to criminalize normal human
nature... Gen.
2:18–24 All other women
not yours.
...[D]rop the OT, SD.
When did God nail
do not
not commit adultery to the cross?
Mt 5:18,
Heb 13:4
Ever thought that it goes both ways [?]...
You thought it didn't go both ways?
1 Tim. 2:9
Dreams & Visions: Natan
California School Bans Tag, Says Game ‘Too Rough’
College Removes Scales from Gym to Avoid to Triggering Overweight
UofA Hires “Social Justice Advocates” To Police Fellow Students For
“Bias Incidents”
University creates 'hate-bias' task force
Liberals Now Want to
Abolish ‘Father’s Day’- Here’s What They Want it Changed To
Poll: 58% Afraid to Share Political Views
University Offers 'Cry Closet' For Stressed-Out Snowflakes
Penn State Outing Club Banned as Too Risky
Millennial has meltdown when boss corrects her spelling of ‘hamster’
2020 Election Is A “Significant Source Of Stress” For 56% Of U.S. Adults, New
Survey Finds
Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How The US Became Obsessed With Physical & Emotional
Colorado State Snowflakes Melt Down Over ‘Free Speech’ Events, Offered Trauma