Satan Inc. (TOL Heretics List):
The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians):
1) Keypurr
2) Pierac
3) csuguy
4) adopted son 77
5) Paul McNabb (Mormon)
6) Seydlitz77 (Mormon)
7) Martin.Harris (Mormon)
8) Elected4ever
9) Squeaky
10) Aner
11) Lazy Afternoon
12) truebeliever7
13) jerzy
14) krystyna
15) Krsto
16) Oatmeal
17) meshak
18) jamie
19) Beloved 57 (Jehovah's
20) Tom Dillon
21) Swedenborgian
22) Silent Hunter
23) Elohiym
24) Katie
25) Oatmeal
26) Graceandpeace
27) Cleekster
28) Godrulz (modalist)
29) Omega
30) Untellectual
31) Elia
32) GenuineChristian
33) One In Christ
34) Gill White
35) RevTestament
36) Wordsponge
37) Pure X
38) Caino (Jehovah's
39) God's Truth (modalist)
41) TrakeM
42) Kdall
46) disturbo
46) Word
47) Letsargue (modalist)
48) genuineoriginal,
49) HisServant
50) iamaberean
51) kenjacobsen,
52) KingdomRose
53) NWL
55) SabathMoon
56) GraceBunny
57) SaulToPaul (modalist)
58) john w (modalist)
59) Nick M (modalist)
60) musterion
61) Danoh
62) Tambora
63) THall
64) Cogthw
65) SimpleMan77
66) marhig
67) cgaviria
68) kiwimacahau
69) S-word
70) Rondonmonson
71) glorydaz
72) Patrick Jane
73) Evil.Eye.<(I)>
74) steko
76) nothead (CARM)
SeventhDay (modalist CARM)
78) Conqueror (CARM)
Religious Zealots (saved by works crowd):
1) Rightglory
2) Spitfire
3) Evoken
4) chrysostom
5) rbdeli
6) RC_Eagle
7) The Reverent One
8) annabenedetti
9) The Barbarian
10) patricius79
11) Yahushuan
12) IXOYE - makes salvation and born again two separate
13) graceandpeace - makes salvation and born again two
separate events
14) Cruciform
15) Truthsetsfree
16) genuineoriginal
17) ShiftingOrthodoxy
18) Squeaky
19) Brother Vinny
20) Idolater
21) Nihilo
22) RepublicanChick
23) Dan Emanuel
The 'Paul is a godless liar' crowd (Ebionites):
1) Glenda
2) jeremysdemo
3) Princely
1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist)
(spiritualist/universalist) worships light, visits Jehovah's Witness denying
deity of Jesus area as well, Urantia Papers, says Hindu, Gnosticism...all over
the place)
2) PlastikBuddah aka Gamara
aka Taikoo aka ThermalCry aka Samstarrett], etc. (make-believer)
3) Kmoney/Count Iblis
4) Alate_One (make-believer)
5) Christian Liberty
6) Jason0047
7) Cross Reference
8) Mickiel (Unitarian
9) Nameless.In.Grace/WrathAndRdmpt.NIG
(Unitarian Universalism/Universalism)
10) Gurucam (pantheism/panentheism)
If I missed a group or just a specific person, please let me know. I like to
keep everything nice and orderly. And of course, if you are on this list and you
repent of your heresy, just post and let us all know you have seen the light!"
Thanks, it helps us newcomers sort the wheat from the
chaff (Mt 3:12).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Add serpentdove, believes
there are 3 gods."
1 x 1 x 1 = 1
add Swedenborgian (non-trinitarian)
add: Lazy Afternoon (non-trinitarian)
"Attention, someone please contact serpentdove's family. It appears he
has not been taking his medication!"
I hope you're right, Pierac. We are applying the
litmus test over at the
Intelligent Design thread.
Come on over.
Here are three things that are true: Everything
God says is true (first person of the trinity). Everything Jesus says is
true (second person of the trinity). Everything the Holy Spirit says is
true (third person of the trinity). Why don't you start listening to all
three? One God (Deut 6:4). Three persons (Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9;
1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You, on a thread about
Intellegents? You can't understand scripture as it is written."
Are you still stuck on Jn 1:1? Jesus is the
second person of the godhead. Believing good doctrine will lead you to a
good place (Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe
1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5). Bad doctrine? Bad place (1 Tim.
Add PlastikBuddha (non-trinitarian) who states: "Is
"1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol
of France is Paris" the same kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed
systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the
Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM
SD: [Do you believe in the doctrine of the trinity]
PB: "Yes...Show me where I said anything to that effect or retract your
SD: I must have
misunderstood: "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ
is the Son of God"..."
Updated 7 Nov 09:
I retract my retraction.
PlastikBuddha does not have a Christian worldview but
claims to be a Christian. He/she believes that there are "personal
interpretations" of the word of God (not biblical). He does not see the
need to defend his/her faith to other believers (1 Pe 3:8, Lk 12:47, 48) [See:
Waskily Behemoths Thread 7 Nov 09 8:46 a.m.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [1 Ti 6:3-5]. "Keep in
mind that the Greeks don't use commas. But Trinitarians do."
You are going to pin your eternal future on a comma?
Even if I concede to your argument for the purposes of discussion, it does not
change the meaning of the text.
Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ
[Titus 2:13].
"“Looking for that blessed
hope”—this is the next happening in the program of God: Christ is coming to
take His church out of this world.
“The glorious appearing of the
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” This reveals that Paul taught the
deity of Christ; he speaks of the great God who is our Savior, and who is
He? He is Jesus Christ. And what did He do?—
Who gave himself for us, that he
might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar
people, zealous of good works [Titus 2:14].
He gave Himself for us that He
might redeem us. He paid a price for us that He might redeem us “from all
“And purify unto himself a peculiar
people, zealous of good works.” “A peculiar people” would be better
translated “a people for His possession.” It is true that God wants you to
live for Him and wants you to do good works, but He will have to redeem you
first, my friend.
These things speak, and exhort,
and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee [Titus 2:15].
Paul says to Titus, “You are a
young man. Don’t let them despise you because of the life you live.” Titus
should be able to teach all these things with authority.
This has been a wonderful epistle.
Every young preacher ought to study carefully the Book of Titus."
McGee, J. V.
(1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru
the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (5:491-492). Nashville:
Thomas NelsonResponse to comment [from a
"Christian"]: "Were you in a "Special Education " class when
you went to school?"
Did you see your name remains on this list?
"I have asked him to put in in capital letters so everyone can
see it...I want all to know that Jesus is my Lord but his father is
my God. I have the same God that Jesus has. Do you?"
You do not have the Father because you do
not have the Son (1 Jn 2:23). You have the spirit of
antichrist denying the deity of Jesus (1 Jn 4:3). You have no
right to claim that you are a child of God because you have not
received the Son (Jn 1:12). You are not born of God (Jn 1:13)
because you reject the word of God. When you stop rejecting
the word of God [Jesus is Lord (Jn 1:1)], then the spirit of God
will have something else to say to you. It would take a
repentant heart (Mt 6:33).
Response to comment [from other]: "[T]hat "list" is about
as useful as a grandma's grocery list."
The word has been loosed to you (Mt 18:18).
"There is no need to deify Jesus beyond his own claims..."
He claimed to be God (John
8:57, 58).
"Worshipping the man Jesus as God is idolatry."
Pot calling kettle black.
"The qualifications for entering the Kingdom are as simple as being a little
Not a wicked, reprobate child (Pr
7:7)--a simple childlike faith.
"...awakening to the light within."
Yet you do not walk in the light of his truth (Ps 26:3).
Ahem, I never registered any other way.
My apologies, Silent Hunter. You have every right to
laugh at me. My eyes have gone squirrely. Please forgive me.
You are just a regular 'ol atheist.
Seriously, why are you such an angry Christian? Might I recommend Prozac...
We don't need drugs or alcohol, SH. We are filled
with the spirit (Eph 5:18).
"Perhaps if you got over your "a man is god" delusion..."
"Man is god"? Don't confuse Mormons with Christians.
Mormons believe they will be a god. Christians know they will never be a
god. We are God's creation. He will always be God and we will always
be his creation.
But God as creator? Yes. God created us and we
are responsible to him. That is no delusion. Men know this.
There is internal evidence (Ro 2:15) external evidence (Ps 19:1) and we have the
scriptures so men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Add: Jerzy (non-trinitarian) who states: "The
common teaching in the Christianity of today has it that the life eternal is
subject to believe in the triune God, the Trinity....Alas, this is found nowhere
in the scriptures neither is the word "Trinity" found....What is found instead
is the word spoken by the Lord Jesus that the Father is the only true God and
that the life eternal is subject to this belief." [18 Oct 01:46 PM]
[From a Christian (godrulz)]: "Word' has a
semantical range of meaning depending on context. OT uses are not the Johannine
use of Greek 'logos'. Jesus is explicitly called God in this verse. He is
also face to face with the Father. Jn. 1:1 refutes Arianism and Sabellianism...Do
you know any biblical, koine Greek?...Logos does mean word in many places in
Scripture. You fail to appreciate the inspired Johannine use in relation to
Jesus. Like the JWs, you twist this verse to your own destruction.
We'll see if you, Jerzy, etc. stick around...
Add ShiftingOrthodoxy (works crowd) who states: "Can I voluntarily add
myself to the list? Put me under the works crowd (I don't differentiate between
works and faith) and I have a (very) soft universalistic belief (akin to Karl
Barth) in that I'm not going to say that God cannot save everyone if He so
desires...Btw, Jesus was a heretic too." [October 18th, 2009, 07:05 PM
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think Karl Barth sounds like a
vary reasonable person..."
That may be. He pulled the perversion of James 2:20
bit over at the Muslims in the Military thread [November 7th, 2009, 11:35 AM].
If I am wrong, he will clarify.
"I think you should be aware that your posts do not support the notion that you
are like this man in that aspect."
He submitted his name voluntarily and now I'm the bad guy.
That's nice. :dizzy: Maybe he will clarify--How are men saved?
By works or by grace? It's not a difficult question.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Case dismissed"
Your case is dismissed: "Get behind Me, Satan! For
it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall
serve.’” (Lk 4:8).
.Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Believe your scriptures
Choleric, not your teachings of men!"
Hopefully your name will come off this list one day--but
not today.
Jesus is the Lord and God (Lk 4:8). When you come to
believe this, his spirit will testify with your sprit that this is true (1 Jn
Jesus came by water and blood, not water only (water came
out of his side). In heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost
agree. On earth: water, blood and the spirit agree. You should
Some believe in Jesus because he is a historical fact.
Some believe in Jesus because the Bible says he is God. Some need more.
It is the Holy Spirit that that convicts and convinces a person that Jesus is
the Lord. Anything that men can talk you into, other smarter men can talk
you out of. If men receive the witness of the Holy Spirit (1 Jn 5:9), then
the witness of God is greater than the witness of men. The Holy Spirit
testifies in the heart of the individual.
We trust men all the time. We trust our pilot to get
us from one destination to another. We trust our cook to prepare the food
so that we do not get sick. We trust map-makers as we plan a road trip.
That is the witness of men. The witness of God is greater.
Do you want to know who Jesus is, really? Ask the
Holy Spirit. If you want to believe, God says he will help you understand
to know that Jesus is the Lord and God. It is not that men cannot believe,
some refuse. When you stop refusing and believe, the witness will be
inside of you (1 Jn 5:10).
You can tell a Christian all day long that apple pie is
not good. But if he has just had apple pie, he has the witness inside him.
He will not believe your testimony because he has tasted apple pie and it is
good. The Bible says taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8).
You can bring sophisticated arguments but we have the
witness inside of us. A Christian with a witness in his heart is never at
the mercy of a man with an argument in his mouth. Taste and see that the
Lord is good (Ps 34:8).
We have history, scripture, and a spiritual witness.
We also have personal reasons for believing in the Lord (Jn 6:68). Peter
said, "Lord to whom shall we go?" We know the Lord personally and he is
real to us. The best people know him and the best people love him
(Adrian Rogers, Why I Believe in Jesus).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You ought to put Beloved57 down
as the enigmatic 'God is a hater".
Makes sense. He claims:
* "Michael The Arch Angel is Jesus Christ...."
(Jehovah's Witness claim)
* "He [Jesus] was brought forth"
* "Jesus was sent by the Father, He was an Messenger
which is the same as a Angel. Angel and Messenger are the same word."
Should we put you down as Jehovah's Witness
(claiming Jesus is the archangel Michael) or run of the mill God-hater? We
are working it out over at Satan Inc. (ToL Heretic List).
We never got an answer to the hell question.
Jehovah's Witnesses teach that there is no hell. Please clarify. link
Response to comment [from other]: "Seems like this place is just chuck
full of those who are making sure to be beating His servants when He returns.
Good job Choleric, you follow "you father, the father of lies" really well."
Beating servants of Satan is a good thing.
Add Elohiym who states: "Jesus
is the chief messenger (archangel). Michael is just one the 100+ different
titles given to Christ Jesus throughout scripture." [Michael the Arch
Angel is Jesus Christ January 18th, 2009, 11:48 AM
I believe it should look like this:
In my
opinion. Choleric gets the final say. I'm not messing with that
Jujutsu chicken!

Response to comment [from PlastikBuddah]: "Serpent :duh: has nominated himself for the role of TOL's
Grand Inquisitor. Charming, isn't he?"
If you were
brought into a court of law PlastikBuddah, do you believe there would be enough
evidence to convict you of being a Christian? What would that be exactly?
You do nothing
but undermine scripture. You have a passion, fighting for man's opinion
over God's word. You continually attempt to associate a literal reading of
Genesis with stupidity.
inquisitor? You are a grand interrogator toward anyone who believes the
Bible from the very first verse of the book of Genesis. A Christian
responds to the truth of scripture but you do not. You continually reject
the light of God's word which increases darkness.
Response to comment from other:
[Beating servants of Satan] " returning evil for evil is a good
Telling the
truth is good not evil. We are to identify the bad guys.
As we said before, so say I now
again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have
received, let him be accursed [Gal. 1:9].
"In strong language Paul says, “If
any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him
be accursed,” which literally means let him be damned. Friend, I cannot make
that statement any stronger."
McGee, J. V.
(1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru
the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (5:154). Nashville: Thomas
Nelson."Planning another "crusade"?"
I'm not a Catholic. But they may have
something brewing (Rev. 3:14–22). The saints of the Lord are
murdered when they go on killing sprees by the way.
Reformation Time Line
One World
Response to comment [from PB]: [Re: Elohiym] "
"Add Elohiym who states: "Jesus is the
chief messenger (archangel). Michael is just one the 100+ different
titles given to Christ Jesus throughout scripture." [Michael the
Arch Angel is Jesus Christ January 18th, 2009, 11:48 AM
PB you claim to be a Christian.
Do you have a problem with this statement from Elohiym? ""Jesus
is the chief messenger (archangel). Michael is just one the 100+
different titles given to Christ Jesus throughout scripture."
[Michael the Arch Angel is Jesus Christ January 18th, 2009, 11:48 AM
...Crickets chirping, right?
Always on the wrong side (Eccl 10:2).
Response to comment [from Freelight]: "I don't worship
light silly,...we've been thru this. God is Light, - Jesus taught
this according to John. Hear of a "metaphor"? Light refers to
Consciousness, Intelligence, Glory, Knowledge, Pure Energy."
Hi Freelight. I'm glad you do not
worship light. That would be silly. What do you think
about Jn 1:1-3? God is a person. Lights, forces and
energy are not. God walked and talked with Adam. When
Jesus came in the flesh, he took on a new nature--God and man.
Jesus is 100% God/100% man.
Since he died and rose again, he will
forever be God and man. The Bible describes God as light.
It is a good description. We won't need the sun in heaven, for
example because his glory will fill up the sky. God is holy.
Man is not. Men must receive Christ as their savior.
God is: living, personal, relational,
good, and loving.
What is Christian Gnosticism?
What are the Gnostic gospels?
Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics
"[T]here are many paths to the all-supreme since there is no
space empty of Him."
No. There is one path, Jesus (Jn
"I'm a free spirit and you have a ways to go before getting a
handle on what I'm about."
You are a prisoner (Ro 6:16). Get a
new master.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[T]he obvious
evidence for an old earth goes away."
Evidence points to a young earth. The
real issue is one of worldviews.
War of the Worldviews
"Literalism is associated with stupidity because it so often
makes its followers blind to the deeper, traditional symbolic
meanings of scriptures."
When do you start believing the Bible?
When Rome tells you to? The gospel is the Bible (66 books)
from cover to cover (including Galatians). Ac 20:27.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Do
you find being rude actually helps you win arguments? I doubt it."
Do you know what I find beyond rude?
Keeping the Bible from the common man as the Roman Catholic Church
has done throughout history.
"There are other types of dating that go back as far... Also
there is Uranium series dating which can date in the rangbe
500,000-50,000 years..."
Radiometric Dating: Back to Basics: Wrong Assumptions Wrong Dates
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "If I am a
heretic for believing Michael is one of those names for Christ, then
whoever believes that Immanuel, Son of David, or Son of Man are
names and titles for Christ is also a heretic by your insane
measure...And again...I am not a Jehovah's Witness!"
I believe Choleric started this thread for the purposes of
identifying who is who. Just state what you believe.
Jesus is the second person of the Godhead and the creator
of the world (John 1:3, 10; 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16, 17;
Heb. 1:2, 10; Rev. 3:14).
Michael is an angel. Of all of the names for Jesus
in the Bible, Michael is not one of them.
What do you believe about the trinity?
"...[T]ry to deny the doctrine of the
Trinity and you'll loose your salvation, try to understand
it and you'll loose your mind."
~ Stanley Grenz
"The doctrine of the Trinity is
truth for the heart. The fact that it cannot be
satisfactorily explained instead of being against it, is
actually in its favor; such a truth had to be revealed, no
one could have imagined it."
~ A.W. Tozer
Modern Example: Mormonism - Jesus was a created being and the Spirit-brother of
Lucifer, who became a god. Mormonism teaches that there are many gods and we too
can become gods.
Modalism (also Sabellianism, Modalistic
Modern Example: United Pentecostal Church - "Jesus only", there is only one God
who manifests himself in three modes. God is essentially playing different roles
and the assumption is that in the Old Testament he revealed himself as the
Father, in the New Testament God reveals himself as Jesus, and in the church-age
as Holy Spirit.
Arianism (Dynamic Monarchianism):
Modern Example: Jehovah's Witnesses - Denying the deity of Jesus and the Holy
Spirit. Jesus was a created being adopted by God, and the Holy Spirit is simply
the power of God or a force..." Full text:
Response to comment [from PB]: "What
evidence are you bringing to the table that I am not a Christian?"
You like to ask the same question over and over.
The answer to this question is: Your worldview. It is not biblical.
Add truebeliever7 (non-trinitarian) who states:
"Trinity believers, Repent and be saved [15 Nov 09 at 10:53 AM
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You have
no argument, just baseless accusations that stem from your appalling ignorance
of scripture. It's an utter waste of time attempting to reason with you because
you are completely unreasonable."
You state: "Michael is one of those
names for Christ..." This is not biblical. Jesus is God. Michael is
an angel. Big difference.
Response to comment [from Jerzy]: [Trinity]
The doctrine of the trinity is biblical (John 1:3, 10; 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16, 17;
Heb. 1:2, 10; Rev. 3:14).
Response to comment [from Elohiym]: "Using
Serpent :duh: logic.... Son of Man =/= Son of God. Therefore, Christ was not
called the Son of Man."
Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.
In the New
Testament [Son of man] is used forty-three times as a distinctive title of the
Saviour. In the Old Testament it is used only in Ps. 80:17 and Dan. 7:13 with
this application. It denotes the true humanity of our Lord. He had a true body
(Heb. 2:14; Luke 24:39) and a rational soul. He was perfect man."
Easton, M. (1996, c1897).
Easton's Bible dictionary. Oak
Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
"...In the New
Testament this phrase [Son of God] frequently denotes the
relation into which we are brought to God by adoption (Rom.
8:14, 19; 2 Cor. 6:18; Gal. 4:5, 6; Phil. 2:15; 1 John 3:1, 2).
It occurs thirty-seven times in the New Testament as the
distinctive title of our Saviour. He does not bear this title in
consequence of his miraculous birth, nor of his incarnation, his
resurrection, and exaltation to the Father’s right hand. This is
a title of nature and not of office. The sonship of Christ
denotes his equality with the Father. To call Christ the Son of
God is to assert his true and proper divinity. The second Person
of the Trinity, because of his eternal relation to the first
Person, is the Son of God. He is the Son of God as to his divine
nature, while as to his human nature he is the Son of David
(Rom. 1:3, 4. Comp. Gal. 4:4; John 1:1–14; 5:18–25; 10:30–38,
which prove that Christ was the Son of God before his
incarnation, and that his claim to this title is a claim of
equality with God)."
When used
with reference to creatures, whether men or angels, this word is
always in the plural. In the singular it is always used of the
second Person of the Trinity, with the single exception of Luke
3:38, where it is used of Adam.
Easton, M. (1996, c1897).
Easton's Bible dictionary. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos
Research Systems, Inc.
Response to comment [from Choleric]:
"I would rather not fill the list with fly by's
who only stick around for a couple hundred posts or a
few months. I am thinking 3 months and 500 posts as a
minimum before they warrant being on the list."
That is a good idea. Your
thread is so helpful--thank you!
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "Oh man - he doesn't agree with
you and he is not a Christian?...What is it with people
around here?"
It's called
mocking. This person and others at TOL are chaff.
They think that because they are among the wheat that
they will do well come harvest time. They won't.
They will see that they are nothing (Ps 1, 1 Jn 2:5, 1
Cor 13:6, Job 23:12). Those who sit with the
mockers will be brought low. Delight in
"That which a man spits against heaven, shall fall
back on his own face." ~ Thomas Adams
Are You Mocked?
Response to comment [from a
"Christian"]: "Serpentdove, when you hang from a
cross after being tortured for living a sinless life,
then you can discern these peoples hearts and minds.
Until then, making the judgments that you make does not
constitute witness to Christ."
Hi, work-based SO. As a reminder, there is one
gospel of grace (Eph 2:8). It is true that only
God knows the heart of men--and Christians discern (Pr
Response to comment [from
PB]: "...[I]t shouldn't be such a chore for you to
provide a specific example."
You've asked this before. Stop asking the same
question over and over. Let's not make every
thread about you.
A brief review.
It is
my opinion. People may take it or leave it.
You admit that you enjoy
mocking those who believe the Bible. And of course
anyone can see evidence of this fact by your various
postings (e.g. Intelligent Design
link, Ardi link,
link, Martha
You said, ""Is
"1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for
lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same
kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed systems"?
Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as
"Christ is the Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM
It's an odd
statement. Maybe you could clarify.
Response to comment [from Jerzy]: [Calling mocker]
Jerzy, I did not
call you a mocker. I called PlastikBuddah a
Add Katie (non-Trinitarian) who
states: "Rather, I am the one here confessing the
Son of God, Israel, before [you] all. Exodus 4:22 ...
then, urge you all to kiss the Son! Psalm 2:12 KJV.
And what do you say happens to me for not confessing
your Greek idea of the Son of God? Does it go well
for me when I confess that I clearly can see Jesus, the
Jewish Rabbi that is, was one of the Son of God?"
[November 18th, 2009, 08:38 PM
Too bad PlastikBuddah
(make-believer) promotes child-killing.
Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics 'Probably shouldn't
work in the emergency room'
PlastikBuddah is a pro-abort,
pro-homosexual, naturalist. No truth in him/her (Jn
8:44). Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:18).
False teachers are eventually seen for what
they are:
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you
in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them
by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A
good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every
tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Therefore by their fruits you will know them (Mt 7:15-20)."
Response to comment [from other]: "Why should anyone
care what you think of their faith? People like you and Serpentdove are simply
pompous arrogant blowhards who can't seem to talk about anything without giving
pious empty sermons on top of soapboxes."
Don't you want to know if you are speaking
with a deceiver? Update (1 Jn 4:3). There are plenty of
make-believers around TOL claiming to be Christian. You appropriate
identify yourself as "other". Fair enough. But when you are being
lied to, don't you like knowing?

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You are a liar."
Don't let essential Christian doctrine get in the way of
your Satanic rantings. You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, naturalist.
You reject the authority, the
inerrancy, and the sufficiency of scripture. Anyone who would like
evidence of your heart trouble (Heb 3:10) can read: Intelligent Design
link, Ardi link,
link, Martha
There is no truth in you (Jn 8:44). Bad roots, bad
fruits (Mt 7:18). That is why you are the way you are. You do not have a biblical worldview (1 Jn
You don't convince others that you are a
Christian. I hope you don't convince yourself. You lie to us
knowingly or unknowingly. I believe it's that former. But what do I
know? At any rate. The good news is you are still breathing so there
is hope.
Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16).
Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). As a reminder, people go to
heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ.
Alate_One seems to be a fraud too.
But I have less of his own words to judge. I'm sure he'll reveal more of
his own wicked heart as time goes on (Pr 31:9).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"Those are the exact same lies. At least come up with some new ones, liar."
Gettin' it all established in our Satan
thread. What? 
"A biblical worldview being whatever you say it is,
Truth is truth independent of me.
"You are a Pharisee and nothing else..."
The Pharisees rejected biblical truth. They were
offended by the truth of scripture--as you are
(Mt 15:12;
21:45; Lu 16:14). Leftists like to project their error onto others--it is
you who has heart trouble (Heb 3:10). You are
pro-abort, pro-homosexual, naturalist.
"...concerned only with conformity to the outer trappings
of Christianity."
Concerned with essential doctrine like:
the authority, the inerrancy, and the sufficiency of scripture. You are in
rebellion toward God and his word.
"...things like [young earth creation] rabid anti-gay
Symptoms. People don't go to heaven or hell based on
believing young earth creation (although it's true the earth is young and God
created it). People don't go to heaven or hell based on what they believe
about homosexuality (although it is a wicked and depraved sin). People go
to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ.
"I have no idea where you got the idea that I was
In the Martha thread, you said one's job
is more important than one's religious freedom. According to you, an
employee must provide chemical weapons to a rape victim to abort any child that
may have been conceived in the mother's womb.
You said:
"Religious freedom doesn't cover the
"freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered
to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."
"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to
do when you were hired."
"When they signed up for the job they
agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing
emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of
employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of
the hospital providing services."
Liberals claim to stand for religious
freedom but only to the extent that such freedom agrees with what they believe.
Human rights trump man's law. Human rights are given by God.
"[T]here is still time for you to lose your fascination
with outward orthodoxy..."
I've told you to do one thing--repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
"...and try to understand what it really means to have a
relationship with the Living God and His Son instead of with a book."
You may talk the talk but you don't walk
the walk (Ps 138:2). You may believe in Jesus. Even the demons
believe in Jesus and they are going to hell (James 2:19). You cannot say
you have a spirit-filled life when what you profess is the spirit of antichrist
(1 Jn 4:3).
Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:18).
God has magnified his word (Ps 138:2).
You can trust it.
"You're a bonehead. What?
Oh, quiet. I have your best interest
in mind (2 Cor 6:2).
"You are far more concerned with ostracizing anyone who
doesn't fit your idea of orthodoxy."
What orthodoxy?
Why did [the Pharisees]...reject [truth]?
Are you suggesting that I observe the
Mosaic ritual? (Ac 26:5). What in the world would
ever give you that impression?

"That's a big no to all three of those [pro-abort,
pro-homosexual, naturalist]."
That's good news. You retract your
positions in these threads?
"I believe that scripture is authoritative, inerrant, and
sufficient. I just happen to believe it is not a textbook. You are mired in
ignorance, lies, and stupidity."
Something doesn't jive (1 Pe 3:8). You contradict God's word.
[According to you, an employee must provide chemical
weapons to a rape victim to abort any child that may have been conceived in the
mother's womb.] "Only if that is what they agreed to do when they took the
job in the first place."
No job can command a person to murder (Ex
20:13). God's laws trump man's laws. Laws come from God not man--not
emergency room staff.
"The fact that these people took these jobs in the first
place trumps everything else. Nobody is making anyone take these jobs."
"A long habit of not thinking a thing
wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right." Thomas Paine.
God's word is the final word.
"How would you know if I have repented or not?...All you
know is my ''talk'."
Two people know if you are saved or
not--you and God. The rest of us are just fruit inspectors (Mt 7:20).
"I don't just believe, I have laid all of my sins at His
feet and taken on his righteousness."
You do not have Christ's righteousness (Mt
6:33). God's spirit indwelled will not contradict his word (Isa 8:20).
You promote all that God opposes (Mt 12:30). Repentance is humbling
yourself before God. It is his way not your own way (Ro 6:4).
"You don't even know Him except as words on a page."
But whoever keeps His word, truly the
love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him (1 Jn
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [What
orthodoxy?] "A literal reading
of Genesis springs instantly to mind."
Believing in a literal six-day creation
week (although it's true) does not make one a Christian. People go to
heaven or hell based on their relationship with Jesus.
Sidebar: "The major reason why
people doubt that the days of creation are 24-hour literal days usually has
nothing to do with what the Bible says, but comes from outside influences...If
we allow our children to doubt the days of creation, when the language speaks so
plainly, they are likely to then doubt Christ's Virgin Birth, and that He really
rose from the dead..." Full text:
The Necessity for Believing in Six Literal Days
People say "I believe" and then do
nothing. Faith reveals itself in action. If there has been no major
change in your beliefs and life, it is unlikely you are a Christian. We
are called to repent. Worshipping God leads to work for him.
A Christian produced good fruit. Not
bad fruit (Mt 7:20). This is how we know the believer from the
[Pharisees] "[Y]ou are obsessed with
the outside of the glass, just like they were."
Yes, I know--you keep trying to make this
stick. It's a baseless charge
I've said repent. Worship leads to action.
[Pharisees (Mt 23:26)]
Maybe you've never met a modern-day
Take a peek in your neighborhood Roman Catholic Church (Mk 7:8). They are
all about rules and regulations. There is no reason to get out a "work"
for the Lord. When we worship in spirit and in truth, then we obey, then
we work and the work matters.
The only "work" we can do is believe.
What to "Do"
Woe unto you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup
and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess [Matt.
"This fifth woe
pictures the Pharisees with their emphasis on the externals. This is a
picture of the average church today that is so busy making the outside of
the cup and platter clean. They go through all the ceremonies. They want to
have the best equipment. They talk so nice and piously on the outside, but
inside they do not deal with sin. In most cases, they do not even like the
word sin. But all
of the external ceremonies cannot clean up their inner corruption. The
Pharisees substituted ritual for reality, formality for faith, and liturgy
for God."
Thou blind
Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the
outside of them may be clean also [Matt. 23:26].
"Don’t misunderstand
Him. He is not saying that the outside should not be clean. But you give a
wrong impression when the inside is dirty and the outside is not. The place
to start is on the inside."
Woe unto you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s
bones, and of all uncleanness [Matt. 23:27].
"To me this is the
most frightening figure of speech which our Lord used. As I said previously,
the cup and platter (saucer), clean on the outside and dirty on the inside,
picture the average church in our day. But I am afraid that this simile of
the tomb pictures the average church-goer—beautiful on the outside, but on
the inside they are dead in trespasses and sins. They have a form of
godliness, but they deny the power of it to make them new creations in
Christ. My friend, until that happens to you, your church membership is null
and void; it is nothing but hypocrisy. When I read that over half the
population of the United States are church members, I wonder why in public
places I see ninety-nine percent of the crowd drinking cocktails, using
profanity, and telling dirty stories. We have a whole lot of marble tombs
walking around, spiritual zombies, dead in trespasses and sins."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981).
Thru the Bible commentary. Based
on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (4:121-122).
Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
[You contradict God's word (1 Pe 3:8).] "You're
joking, right? The Grand Inquisitor thinks I'm not tenderhearted?"
I was referring to agreement, but now that
you mention it...We are commanded to agree (1 Pe 3:8). We don't. If
you'd like to be right, agree with me (McGeeism).
"[A] person who believes that emergency contraception is
murder shouldn't take the job in the first place."
A person who understands truth is not
qualified to work in an emergency room? There is not your truth, my
truth--there is one truth--found in Christ (Jn 14:6) and in his word (Ps 138:2).
Everything else is false. God's word is true (Ps 33:4). It is for
men to discover (Ex 20:13).
A person who believes that chemical
weapons should not be used against unborn children is doing his or her job (Ac
5:29). If anyone is disqualified from medicine, it is the one who will not
keep his or her Hippocratic oath, "first, do no harm." (Deut 24:16).
Understand humanism: "The
ideal of secular humanism is mankind itself as a part of uncreated, eternal
nature; its goal is man’s self-remediation without reference to or help from
God. Secular humanism grew out of the 18th century enlightenment and 19th
century freethinking. Some Christians might be surprised to learn that they
actually share some commitments with secular humanists..." Full text:
is secular humanism?
Recommended Reading:
Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong by John MacArthur
"Not all people agree on what God's word is."
It is for men to find out. There are
essentials and there are non-essentials.
"Some things were are dogmatic about.
Some things we are bulldogmatic about (Adrienne Rogers)."
[You do not have Christ's righteousness (Mt 6:33).]
"You do think highly of yourself, don't you?"
It's not about thinking highly of one's
self (Ro 12:3). It's about thinking with the mind of Christ. My mind
is irrelevant. Christ's mind is all-important (1 Cor 2:16). Truth is
truth independent of me. Focus.

Ad hominem.
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16).
Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Science
has undermined a literal interpretation of Genesis. Not me."
PB and others love to use the excuse--because people
interpret the Bible in a variety of ways, you cannot be sure what any one
passage means. This is false.
Every Bible verse means exactly what the author intended it to mean. It is for
us to discover what that is. The real questions should be--which
hermeneutic do you use?
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for
every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17, NKJV).
No portion of scripture is included accidentally.
In fact, Jesus said added: "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all
is fulfilled (Mt 5:18)."
The scriptures are full and sufficient (Lu 16:29,31),
an unerring guide (Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19), written for our instruction (Ro 15:4),
intended for the use of all men (Ro 16:26), nothing should be taken from, or
added to them (De 4:2; 12:32). One portion of scripture is to be compared
with another (1Co 2:13).
Ignorance of the scriptures is man's source of error
(Mt 22:29; Ac 13:27). Christ enables us to understand (Luke 24:45).
The Holy Spirit enable us to understand (Joh 16:13; 1Co 2:10-14). No
prophecy of, is of any private interpretation (2Pe 1:20). Everything
should be tried by the scriptures (Isa 8:20; Ac 17:11). They should be the
standard of teaching (1Pe 4:11.29. Mere hearers of scriptures deceive themselves
(Jas 1:22).
Torrey, R. (1995, c1897). The new topical text book : A scriptural text book for
the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos
research Systems, Inc.
Inspired Scripture
of Hermeneutics
Response to comment [from a Christian]:

Yep. And see if some of the
"Christians" around here don't remind you of Lot--or worse his likely unsaved,
wife. PB and others claim to be Christians but love leaven (Ga 5:9).
"Lot in the Gates of Sodom
...The scene now
shifts to Sodom itself, the chief and representative city of the five cities
of the plain. It was to Sodom that Lot and his family gradually migrated,
drawn like moths to a flame. He first “pitched his tent toward Sodom”
(Genesis 13:12), then “dwelt in Sodom” (Genesis 14:12), and finally “sat in
the gate of Sodom” (Genesis 19:1). The “gate” of the city was the place
where the business and commercial activities centered, and also where the
judicial councils took place. Evidently Lot himself was now some kind of
magistrate of the place, for this seems to be the meaning of the term
“sitting in the gate.” It is possible, however, that it refers simply to the
apparent fact that he liked to sit at the city gate, where he could
participate easily in the trade and conversation that thrived there.
In any case, Lot
presents to us a rather disheartening picture. Here is a man who had
participated in one of the highest callings ever given by God to men, one
who had been at hand to experience with Abraham marvelous revelations and
deliverances from God, and yet who now was right at home in the midst of the
life of one of the most wicked cities that ever disgraced the earth.
He was well aware of
its wickedness, even before he went there. The New Testament tells us, in
fact, that “that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing,
vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds” (2 Peter
2:8). There is no indication, however, that he tried to witness to them in
any way, in order to turn them back to God and away from their sins. It is
more likely that he tended to congratulate himself that he could do so well,
commercially and politically, as a godly man living among an ungodly crowd.
What a perfect picture
Lot exhibits of a modern-day carnal Christian! He thinks he has the best of
both worlds—the eternal benefit of knowing the Lord as Savior, but also all
the temporal benefits that result from worldly influence and possessions,
together with acceptance by and fellowship with men of the world. Their
gross wickedness may vex his soul a bit, and he may not wish to enter into
quite all of
their activities, but in general he gets along with them just fine, and is
quite pleased with himself that he does. A day of reckoning will come,
Genesis 19:1–3
As Lot was sitting in
the gate, the two angels (the Hebrew expression includes the definite
article) that had left Abraham neared the city at dusk. Lot immediately
greeted them and invited them to his home. Possibly this invitation was
simply the common hospitable gesture of the East (although none of the
others at the gate issued such an invitation). Possibly, as a chief
magistrate, this was his duty (although the later behavior of the townsmen
indicated far less respect for him than would normally be given an
official). Probably we should give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume
that, since he was aware of the treatment generally received by strangers in
this vile city, he would try to shield them from such abuse by taking them
quickly into his own home. Although they, through the customary polite
gesture, declined at first, saying they would spend the night in the street
(obviously a perilous choice in that place), Lot urged them, and they
finally yielded to his insistence.
When the men entered
his home, Lot prepared them a feast. It is significant, however, that the
only ingredient of this feast which is specifically mentioned is “unleavened
bread.” The fact that Lot baked it, rather than his wife, may suggest that
his wife did not at all welcome these strangers in her house. In any case,
this is the first mention of leaven
in the Bible, and is in accord with all of its later usages. In Scripture,
leaven is generally symbolic of evil doctrine or practice corrupting God’s
people. The next time it is mentioned is in connection with the institution
of the Passover feast, when God’s people were told to observe the feast
without leaven, and in fact to put away all leaven out of their houses
(Exodus 12:15). It is noteworthy that, when it is first mentioned, its
absence is symbolically associated with the spiritual fellowship between a
remnant of believers and their God, in the midst of an utterly corrupt
society. Leaven, of course, being involved with the fermentation process, is
a perfect symbol of decay and corruption, and it is important that spiritual
fellowship not be contaminated with it."
Morris, H. M. (1976).
The Genesis record : A scientific and
devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes
indexes. (345). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"When scripture makes comments about the world around us, then our
interpretation of that should match the evidence we see around us.
If it does not, then our interpretation of scripture is inaccurate."
They cannot hide behind the excuse "your
interpretation". Every passage of the Bible means exactly what the author
intended it to mean. Their scripture-twisting to fit into the world system
won't fly.
Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
"He who is unjust, let him be unjust
still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him
be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still (Re 22:11)."
Just don't tell me that you are just when you are unjust, clean when you are
filthy, rightoeus when you are wicked, and holy when you are unholy and ungodly.
I respect the Satanist around here more.
Who do you think the Christian (true blue
that is) would identify with in this story? The Sodomite? God?
When you love God, you side with him. You agree with his opinion.
When you do not--you are wrong not God. PB and others continually side
with the wicked. One must ask: Which side are they really on?
I prefer the devils with their masks off
than the devils with their masks on (Enyart).
Genesis 19:4–11
"The scene depicted in
these verses is almost unbelievable in its revelation of the depravity of
the Sodomites. The intent of an occasional degenerate to commit homosexual
rape is disgusting enough, even though sodomy is increasingly being accepted
and promoted in our present day; but here we have a case in which all “the
men of the city … both old and young, all the people, from every quarter”
surrounded Lot’s house with the intention to commit this crime against his
guests. If they had carried out their desires, especially in view of the
resistance which they would no doubt have encountered, the orgy would
certainly have culminated in murder as well, at least if those whom they
sought to abuse had been ordinary men.
The fact that the old
men as well as the young were driven by these lusts, and that, rather than
practicing them in secret, they shouted their desires aloud in the streets,
adds still another dimension to the enormity of the thing. No wonder God had
told Abraham that “the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is
very grievous” (18:20). In these modern days, after two thousand years of
Christian teaching to which the Sodomites never had access, what must God
think of the current revival of homosexuality, manifest in “gay liberation”
movements and political organizations, and even “gay” religious societies,
not only among liberals, but even among some evangelicals?
A burning commentary
on this is given by the apostle Paul in Romans 1:26, 27: “For this cause God
gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the
natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward
another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in
themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” This descent into
degeneracy, both ancient and modern, is caused first of all by a rejection
of God as Creator and Sovereign, equating ultimate reality and
responsibility with the natural world (Romans 1:21–25). In whatever specific
form this class of philosophy may appear in a given generation, it is
fundamentally nothing but evolutionary naturalism and humanism. No matter
how impressive may be its scientific and philosophic trappings, underneath
it is rebellion against the Creator, and it always leads sooner or later to
gross moral depravity.
Returning to the
events at Sodom, we are amazed to see Lot in desperation making an almost
unbelievable attempt to save his guests, offering the mob his two virgin
daughters to abuse however they would, if they would only leave the men
alone. Lot acknowledged that the men had accepted his hospitality for
protection against this very thing, but his proposal only infuriated the mob
even more.
It is hard for us to
understand, even with all allowance for the exaggerated customs of
hospitality which presumably were practiced at the time, how Lot could offer
to sacrifice his daughters in this way. He was no doubt in a confused state
of mind in the emergency situation thrust on him, but he did not lack
personal courage, as his willingness to shield the men with his own body
attested. The very fact that he had two virgin daughters, in such a place,
is itself testimony to the fact that he still had some influence, both over
his own family and over the men of the city.
There is a possibility
that Lot had come to recognize, or at least to suspect, the real identity of
his visitors. This is intimated perhaps by his preparation of the unleavened
bread. If he did suspect, perhaps this might explain why he felt he must go
to any lengths to protect them, even the sacrifice of his own children.
Whatever the reason
for this strange proposal, it did not deter the Sodomites in the least. It
only angered them, and made Lot himself the object of their passion. Lot had
for some time thought he was at home among the people of the city, even
“sitting in the gate.” Now, however, he quickly learned that they had never
really accepted him. He had no influence over them whatever under these
present conditions, and they resented even the very fact that he had judged
their intended action to be morally wrong. This is almost inevitably the
ultimate outcome of a compromising relation between carnal Christians and
the world.
As it finally became
apparent that no possible stratagem would solve the problem for Lot, the
angels themselves intervened. The situation had become so hopeless that even
Lot must have realized there was no remedy except divine judgment. Evidently
the door could not be opened from outside (archaeology has revealed that the
doors to the houses of this period did have strong hinges and were
exceptionally heavy and sturdy); so the men opened the door to pull Lot
inside, and then shut it again.
They then struck the
men outside with blindness—a particular class of blindness mentioned
elsewhere in the Bible only in 2 Kings 6:18, when God smote the vast Syrian
army with blindness in order to save Elisha. Evidently, this blindness did
not leave its victims sightless, but rather was a blindness of confusion, so
that they could see but could not identify where they were. Somehow they
were unable to find the door to break it in."
Morris, H. M. (1976).
The Genesis record : A scientific and
devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes
indexes. (347). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"Still babbling, Pharisee?"
The Pharisees hated the truth.
Like you. I see you recognized yourself in the former
statement: "[I]t is fundamentally nothing
but evolutionary naturalism and humanism. No matter how impressive
may be its scientific and philosophic trappings, underneath it is
rebellion against the Creator, and it always leads sooner or later
to gross moral depravity."
Still pitching your tent
toward Sodom?
13:12, 13
"At that
time, the land of Canaan was sparsely inhabited, with most of
the settlements concentrated along the seacoast, along the
northern plain of Esdraelon, and here along the Jordanian plain.
Abram had the more rugged hill and desert country almost to
himself, in what is now termed the Negev (usually translated
simply as “the south,” in the King James Version).
Lot didn’t
move into Sodom immediately, probably having some reservations
about living in a city where it was known that the inhabitants
were “wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly”; so he
only “pitched his tent toward Sodom.” He dwelled “in the cities
of the plain”—not actually within the cities, since he still
lived in his tent, but in their orbit, as it were, near enough
to enjoy their advantages but not yet actually a part of their
life. Christians today often follow the same path, hoping to
have both the spiritual blessings of a separated walk with God
and the carnal advantages of fellowship with the world. Sooner
or later, however, one has to decide which it will be. He cannot
have it both ways. Neither God nor the world will allow it. Lot
first “pitched his tent toward Sodom,” but soon he “dwelt in
Sodom” (Genesis 14:12), and finally “sat in the gate of Sodom”
(Genesis 19:1) as one of its business leaders. Thus began the
tragedy which would ultimately destroy him and his family."
Morris, H. M. (1976).
The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional
commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes
indexes. (304). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
"...that's just the kind of oversimplified
nonsense we've come to expect from you."
New morality is just old
sin. You are a: pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.
You stand for everything God stands against. You are a mocker
(Jude 18). Hopefully people see that you are a fraud.
"A non-literal reading of Genesis doesn't mean
you can't be sure what any passage means..."
Pray tell, what reason does
the Bible give for not believing in a literal six-day creation?
You conveniently never answer that one; nor do you ever answer
exactly when you start believing the Bible.
Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16).
Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"What reason does it give for not using your own reason and the
evidence around you to understand scripture as it relates to the
material world..."
Evidence in the natural world
points to young earth creation.
"...and instead relying on what websites like
AiG to tell you what to think..."
There are plenty of reputable
young earth creationists who write papers for Answers in Genesis.
You attempted to argue that scientists who differ with your
naturalistic evolutionary theories are not qualified at all to be
scientists at all. I think we've poked enough holes into that
So, who is your God?
Science or the creator of the heavens and the earth?
study science as God not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers
things that are physically testable."
There is overwhelming evidence
for young earth creation for those willing to take and honest look.
"Grow a brainstem, dullard."
Ad hominem
"For someone who keeps saying, whenever
pressed on the matter, that a literal interpretation of Genesis and
a six-day creation aren't salvation issues you sure are stuck on
them, aren't you?"
When you speak with disdain of those who interpret the Bible
"literally", what do you mean? Does that mean is it a fairy
tale? No, the Bible is not a fairy tale.
We do not go to heaven or hell
based on our belief in young earth creation (though it is true).
We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus.
You do not have a biblical
worldview (e.g. pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16).
Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"Believe me I've tried. Serpentduh has no facts, just links..."
What facts are incorrect at the Answers in Genesis sites that
I linked to? Is it the links or is it the possibility that Ken Ham
and the many scientists at Answers in Genesis and other creation
websites might be right?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Links to some of
the most embarrassingly badly designed sites in the world, at that."Embarrassing
like your slutty, bloody avatar? Kinda weird.
You fit right in, in the brothel. Your religion is all about
outward appearance, isn't it (Mt 23:27)?
Forget the content.

Just the facts, slutty ma'am,
just the
Response to comment [from other]: "That's
right Spitfire. Your avatar is evil! EVIL I tells ya! Repent!"
Thank you. I think she likes arguing
on that level.
But while we're on the subject. Some people think they're sexy,
when--they're just not.

This moronic picture is an example of that. Nice choice.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "It is a question
about the nature of truth..."
Truth is found in the pages of scripture.
Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard
through the word of Christ (Ro 10:17). We believe God and have
faith or we do not.
[What facts are incorrect at the Answers in
Genesis sites that I linked to?] "I've already explained that.
Repeatedly. Strangely enough you seem to respond to that kind
of challenge by tossing out accusations heresy."
I think your case was weak and Answers in
Genesis makes a far stronger case. Fair enough. Let the
reader decide. But the point remains, you do not have a
biblical worldview. You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual,
humanist. Christians believe Jesus was who he said he was and
that the Bible is true.
You oppose God's word in favor of your own
opinion on a number of given topics. Faith comes from hearing
the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ (Ro
10:17). We believe God and his message or we reject it.
You are free to reject Christ and his authoritative word, but you
are not free to choose the consequences of that choice.
You cannot make the Bible say what it does
not say.
"[Y]ou don't have the scientific understanding to put their
claims into perspective..."
Ad hominem.
Belief and unbelief are choices. I
choose to believe God. Do I have to be a scientist to
recognize the truth? Can a man have an opinion about killing
babies if he's never had a baby? Can a woman have an opinion
about war if she's never gone to war? Of course I understand
the claims of evolution. They are absurd.
"...and the curiosity or intellectual honesty to acquire that understanding and
examine their claims on your own."
Who has not been indoctrinated into a naturalistic
worldview in our culture? Finally, one makes a decision. I reject
their claims based on an informed opinion. What we believe as Christians
is backed up by sound arguments, logic, and the truth (Jn 14:6).
You believe God and his word, or you do not (Ro 10:17).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Spiritual Truth is found in
scripture. Other kinds of truth..."
There are not other "kinds" of truth. There is one, absolute truth (Jn
14:6). Four things are true: The Father, The Son, The Holy
Spirit--and all that they said and did (Geraci). The opposite of truth is
not error it is sin (Rogers).
"...[L]ike how to make great chocolate chip cookies or how the weather happens
are found in the material [world]."
The Bible trumps science. It's not the other way around. What we
observe in the natural world agrees with the Bible. It is not that you
can't believe (Mk 9:24). You won't believe.
"I spent a lot of time trying to come
to grips with my doubts when suddenly I realized I had better come to grips with
what I believe (Eph 5:9)."
~ Tom Skinner
"You need to be able to separate those things if you to stop looking like such a
Laugh yourself all the way to hell if you'd like (Jude 18). :idunno:
Belief is a choice (Mk 9:24). "A Christian with a witness in his heart is
never at the mercy of a man with an argument in his mouth."
(Adrienne Rogers). You'd better get yourself some truth on the inside
(Jn 14:6).
Response to comment [from other]: "So what's up with your avatar? Don't be crude!"
Spitfire likes to make trivial arguments--anything but
address the truth claims of scripture and the false teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church. What are you gonna do.
At least I can make fun of a liberal.
Are you still number two on the list by the way? Better get that worked out.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You are
the one hiding, when you deny that your interpretation is exactly that. It
cannot be anything else than your interpretation."
If you are right then no one can understand anything so we
should pack up and go home. However, that is not the case. We can
understand what the reader intended.
Christ taught out of the scriptures (Lu
24:27). They are: full and sufficient for us (Lu 16:29,31), an
unerring guide (Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19), profitable for doctrine and practice (2Ti
3:16,17), written for our instruction (Ro 15:4), and intended for the use of all
men (Ro 16:26).
Torrey, R.
(1995, c1897). The new topical text book : A scriptural text book
for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers.
Oak Harbor, WA: Logos research Systems, Inc.
Inspired Scripture
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
[Do you believe in absolute truth] "Not one absolute Truth
that can be understood and communicated in such a way that it
reveals everything about the material universe."
Absolutely? Jn 14:6
"Those are very important Truths- and as far as spiritual Truth
goes I can't think of any more important- but again you are
confusing the spiritual and the material."
Do you think you know everything there is
to know about everything?
"The material world is a testaments to the Will of God and
subject to our scrutiny and reason."
Do you trust only what you can perceive
with your senses or do you believe there are things that you cannot
perceive and know? Do you trust your senses over God's word?
"It is our
responsibility to study them with the best
tools at our disposal. Science."
Does science trump the Bible or does the
Bible trump science?
"I can't believe things that are demonstratably not true."
How can you say you have faith? (Heb
11:1, Jn 20:29).
"You have no idea what is inside me."
We have a glimpse into your wicked heart.
Bad roots bad fruits (Mt 7:16). We are fruit inspectors.
You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual,
humanist. You are lying to yourself or you are lying to us.
Who told you that you are a Christian?
They did you a great disservice (Heb 6:4-6).
"Your vision is as shallow as your mind, Pharisee."
The Pharisees were offended by Christ's
doctrine like you (Mt 15:12; 21:45; Lu 16:14).
"Maybe if you stopped worrying about whitewash you would be able
to look past the superficial and have an actual dialogue instead of
these repetitious, cut-and-paste "sermons"."
Check to be sure that you are not dead
inside (2 Cor 13:5, Mt 23:27).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[M]aterial
truth...[Y]ou don't even know what you are talking
complete ignorance...[B]est tools at our disposal [is]...[s]cience...You
keep throwing up the same garbage...[P]ro-gay (what does that even
mean?), pro-abortion (I am most certainly not)..."
You support the use of chemical weapons
against unborn children.
You said:
"Religious freedom doesn't cover the
"freedom" not to do your job [nurses giving the morning after
pill/RU486]...If the law requires that this service be offered
to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."
"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to
do when you were hired."
"When they signed up for the job they
agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing
emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of
employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of
the hospital providing services."
"...and a humanist (my view is much more complex than that)."
It's not complex--new morality is old sin.
When you believe, you obey. This is a
key concept in the Bible. One who has truly been born again
has a change of heart and mind. His is not a gainsayer (Ro
10:21). That is what you are [ἀντιλέγω
You are not obedient to the word of God. Being the pro-abort,
pro-homosexual, humanist that you are, you debate. You don't
obey. Rather, you: speak against, talk back, and
contradict the word of God (Lk 2:34; 20:27; 21:15; Jn 19:12; Ac
4:14; Ro 10:21; Tit 1:9; 2:9). Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary
of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Greek (New Testament)
(electronic ed.) (GGK515). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Saying that you do not have a biblical
worldview is obvious. But you also mock others that do (Gen.
39:14, 17). We are all stupid to take the Bible literally
Jesus did. Isn't that what you are really saying? Jesus
must be stupid too?
You only reveal your unbelief (2 Chr. 36:16).
Jesus believed in a six-day creation
(Ex 20:11; 31:17). He affirmed the scriptures.
Jesus believed in a literal Adam and Eve--so much so that they
defined marriage (Mt 19:4-6).
Scripture says that the objects of mocking
by the wicked will be Christ (Luke 23:11, 36) and believers (Heb.
11:36). So, laugh yourself to hell if you like? We know
truth is on our side. You do the devil's work when you seek to
undermine that truth.
Response to comment [from other]: "Why
are you lying about PB's position on abortion?"
Excellent. I hope I'm
wrong. Maybe PB can further clarify his/her comments. It
sure sounded like he/she promoted the use of chemical weapons on
children. The discussion was about Catholic hospitals being
forced to compel their nurses to distribute the morning after
pill/RU486 for rape victims.
I would be happy to be proven
wrong. I hope he/she would not agree with such a wicked
"PB is speaking on job duties and
No man
can compel another to use chemical weapons on children. Laws
come from God not man (Ac 5:29).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"If these people knowingly took a job that requires them to perform
functions that conflict with their faith they need to make
arrangements with their employer beforehand. Knowing what is
expected of you and being able to comply is pretty standard."
There you go. PB maintains
the position that we obey man not God (Ac 5:29)--opposite of what
the Bible tells us. Yet again. PB attempts to undermine
the word of God.

A Christian is yielded to God's
word and will not his own opinion. With "Christians" like
this, who needs demons?

"I don't consider myself "pro-choice"."
Not for the baby's choice to
live, that's for sure (Prov 8:36).
PB you are a wicked
child-killer (Pr 23:7). Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:16).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"[P]eople who won't dispense emergency contraception shouldn't take
disqualify people who won't own a black or kill a Jew, too.
Let's put PB in charge of all moral decisions. Do we get
brownshirts, too?

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"I am far too strong a believer in equality to sanction anything
that would lead to that kind of blatant disenfranchisement."
Equality is a European value.
Liberty is an American value. Liberals cherish the former.
Conservatives cherish the latter.
Everyone can get a job in an
emergency room so long as they agree with liberals and are willing
to use chemical weapons on children? What about that
"religious freedom" you claim to love so much? People are free
to exercise their religious freedom--until they disagree with you
and other child-killing liberals, right?
Response to comment [from other]: "Clearly
this has to do with doing one's job duties..."
You conveniently forgot about
that use-of-chemical-weapons-against-children portion of this

"Why would anyone take a job where one of their
duties *might be* something they are morally opposed to doing?"
Roman Catholics should be
disqualified from all jobs because they will not murder babies.

Rusha, you identify yourself as
"other". We don't expect you to have values. PB
identifies him/herself as "Christian" and promotes child-killing.
Even you, "other", cannot see a problem with that? If one
claims to be a Christian, do you think it is unreasonable to expect
him/her to act as such? PB loves the world and all of the
things in it ( 1 Jn 2:15). Has he/she ever come down on the
right side of an issue?
Why don't we proceed from that direction. It will make our job
easier. What will PB stand for?
Maybe he/she will answer the
following: I think throwing puppies off bridges is ok?
Prov 12:10.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
[Let's disqualify people who won't own a black or kill a Jew, too.
Let's put PB in charge of all moral decisions. Do we get brownshirts,
"Shame on you. You are out of line with that statement. bybee."
Are you back from tea,
When do we get to see your lovely right side? Your left is so
(Mark 6:17, 18).
Response to
comment [from other] "[C]an't hack any criticism yourself can
you? You really are typical of the self satisfied sanctimonious
preacher...You're all for dishing it out but you can't hack any
criticism yourself can you?"
All I said it leftist are very pretty people. Their defenders
are lovely, too. They sit in pretty dresses (Ps 26:5) enjoying
tea and crumpets (Hos 3:1). It's all very sweet. We
should all learn from their refined manners (Mark 6:17, 18, Prov

"It's blatantly obvious that PB is not supporting
abortion via his argument."
RU486ing people, too?
"[I]f the goalposts of a job change to the extent
where it's suddenly expected for an employee to perform tasks that
contravene their morals, then that is entirely different...."
I suppose it depends on the
playbook you're following (Ac 5:29). We play for the Angels.
You two are on the opposing team.
"[Y]ou'll continue your merry way in insulting Christians and others
You want to
murder babies and not feel insulted? Prov 8:36. You
lefties are never satisfied (Eccl 10:2).
Response to comment [from a "God has mercy on
all men, including pagan Catholics and gives them time to repent."
The wicked neglect that time (Re
2:21) and are condemned for it (Mt 11:20). There is danger in
neglecting God's call to repentance today (Mt 11:20-24; Lu 13:3,5;
Re 2:22), Swift judgment comes (Re 2:5,16). Repentance is
denied to apostates (Heb 6:4-6).
Torrey, R.
(1995, c1897). The new topical text book : A scriptural text book
for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Oak
Harbor, WA: Logos research Systems, Inc.
"Law without penalty is only
advise." ~ Adrienne Rogers
Response to
comment [from other]: "If you accept a job knowing the
job duties are in opposition with your personal beliefs, you are
being dishonest with your employer. Why should any company change
their standards for you?"
So now the one who knows right
from wrong is in the wrong? (Isa 5:20).
"Ms. Coakley chokes on a
question from radio host
Ken Pittman
referring to the conscience clause. Under
the conscience clause, workers in
health-care environments ranging from
doctors to maintenance men can refuse to
offer services, information, or advice to
patients on issues like contraception, blood
transfusions, etc. if the workers are
morally against it. Here is how Ms. Coakley
handled the matter. (audio and transcript
Pittman: Right, if you are a
Catholic, and believe what the Pope
teaches that any form of birth control
is a sin. ah you don’t want to do that.
Coakley: No we have a
separation of church and state Ken, lets
be clear.
Pittman: In the emergency room
you still have your religious freedom.
Coakley: (……uh, eh…um..) The
law says that people are allowed to have
You can have religious freedom but you
probably shouldn’t work in the emergency
room..." Full text:
Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics
'Probably shouldn't work in the
emergency room'
You should run for the Senate.

Back to the subject, true
repentance is evidenced by fruits (Isa 1:16,17;
Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20). If you are evil, be evil (Re
22:11). Just stop claiming that you are something you are not.
"My values are superior to yours because they
reach beyond religious lines...I base my treatment and value of
people on how they treat others."
We know how you treat unborn
children (Prov 23:7). What comes around goes around (Lk
That belief in behaviorism may not work out so well
for you.
"[Y]ou are intentionally misrepresenting PB..."
He/she promotes the use of
chemical weapons on unborn children (Prov 8:36). PB said:
"Religious freedom doesn't cover the
"freedom" not to do your job [nurses giving the morning after
pill/RU486]...If the law requires that this service be offered
to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."
"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to
do when you were hired."
"When they signed up for the job they
agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing
emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of
employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of
the hospital providing services."
"[P]eople who won't dispense
emergency contraception shouldn't take jobs..."
"You have a knack for attacking your fellow
I don't know many Christians
who are: child-killing, pro-homosexual, humanists. But
maybe that's just me.

"...for not hanging onto and agreeing with
everything you say."
Who cares what I say?
Truth is truth independent from me. What does God say?--Don't
murder children (Deut 30:19).
Response to comment [from other]: [Some
leftists are pretty] "I'm a bloke. I'm not a transvestite so I
don't wear dresses. I'm not pretty."
I'm glad you told me that.
I was starting to wonder.
"I'm not a "leftist". I don't sit on a lawn
eating crumpets and drinking tea. I don't want to murder
babies either and neither does PB."
Great. Killing babies is
a bad thing (Deut 30:19). So, change your mind about
supporting the use of chemical weapons on unborn children (Pr 23:7).
You would not want to stand face to face in the presence of Jesus
and the murdered children of this country to answer for your view
(Pr 23:7, 1 Jn 3:15). Clean up your heart. Get right
with God (Pr 31:8).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
Liars don't keep Christ's
commandments (1 John 2:4) like you--a pro-abort, pro-homosexual,
humanist. Liars promote all that is not truth (1
John 2:21, 27) like you--a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.
exchange God's truth for lies (Rom. 1:25).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"No man can compel another to take a job that would them require
them to do so in the first place."
A righteous person is
disqualified to work in an emergency room?
have it backward (as is usual for a leftist [Eccl 10:2]). The
Hippocratic Oath is "first do no harm". This is precisely what
the worker is doing when he refuses to use distribute a chemical
weapon which will be used to murder an unborn child.
"To beat you to the punch with the Nazi
analogy; when should you take your moral stand, when you are first
asked to go on the payroll at Auschwitz or when you are first asked
to press the button on the gas chamber? Your position is ridiculous
and transparently dishonest and partisan. You know and I know that
is nothing but harassment."
Is a person disqualified from
employment because he has a moral conscience? "Under the
conscience clause, workers in health-care environments ranging from
doctors to maintenance men can refuse to offer services,
information, or advice to patients on issues like contraception...if
the workers are morally against it."
You and your daddy want to
make it hard for the righteous to get a job, don't you? (Re 13:17).
Response to comment [from other]: "Aww,
how sweet of you to wonder dollface..."
I thought you said you weren't
You come off as a little limp-wristed?
Is this where your hostility comes from?

"Carry on troll..."
A-No-Brain, you have to have a
point if you'd like me to respond.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
[The Bible trumps science. It's not the other way around.]
"You keep saying that, yet you have no evidence. To say that modern
science agrees with the archaic scientific worldview, that the
theology of the Bible is presented through, is pure fantasy."
You don't get to claim
the "intelligent community" mantel, sorry. We get that.
The best scientists believed the Bible [e.g. Johann Kepler (helped
develop science of physical astronomy / developed the Ephemeris
Tables), Isaac Newton (helped develop science of dynamics and
the discipline of calculus / father of the Law of Gravity / invented
the reflecting telescope), Louis Pasteur (helped develop
science of bacteriology / discovered the Law of Biogenesis /
invented fermentation control / developed vaccinations and
immunizations), Leonardo da Vinci (helped develop science of
hydraulics), among others..." Full text:
Do real scientists believe in Creation?].
Scientists have the same
evidence. It is the interpretation of that evidence that
War of Worldviews
"..Sticking your fingers in your ears and
pretending that there is a perfect correlation between the science
of today and the Bible is nothing but a measure to soothe a weak
You are ignorant. That
is not an insult. It means only that you are uninformed.
"The weakest faith of them all is the faith of
the fanatic, because the fanatic can not deal with reality..."
Reality confirms what the
Bible said all along. There is overwhelming evidence for young
earth creation.
Do you think that you know all
that there is to know?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
A brief review may be in
Liars don't keep Christ's commandments (1 John 2:4) like you--a
pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist. Liars promote all that is not
truth (1 John 2:21, 27) like you--a pro-abort, pro-homosexual,
You exchange God's truth for lies (Rom. 1:25).
A Christian
changes his mind about these things. A
Christian gives up his will (pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality,
humanism, etc.) for God's will. The repentant heart is evidenced by
fruits (Isa 1:16,17; Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9).
Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
Response to comment [from other]: "My
username is already a joke in itself..."
I'm glad you said it...

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"I already told you I'm not responding to your lies..."
Oh bummer.
You're a tough cookie. We'll just have to see how you come
down on all of the other positions then.

Maybe someday you will be kind
enough to answer the question about puppies.
I bet you have some standard of right and wrong. People
usually do.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"Creationism does not even qualify as science since it fails to meet
the requirements of the scientific method."
The man who discovered the
scientific method, Francis Bacon, believed the Bible.

Most fields of science were developed by
men who believed the Bible, such as Isaac Newton (dynamics,
gravitation, calculus), Michael Faraday (electromagnetics,
field theory),
Robert Boyle
Johannes Kepler
(astronomy), and
Louis Pasteur
Francis Bacon, a
Christian, developed
the scientific
"Are you telling me that the difference in
dating the earth is a matter of interpretation?"
How do you get
a petrified cowboy boot?
"All radiometric
dating methods are based on assumptions
about events that happened in the past. If
the assumptions are accepted as true (as is
typically done in the evolutionary dating
processes), results can be biased toward a
desired age. In the reported ages given in
textbooks and other journals, these
evolutionary assumptions have not been
questioned, while results inconsistent with
long ages have been censored. When the
assumptions were evaluated and shown faulty,
the results supported the biblical account
of a global Flood and young earth.
Christians should not be afraid of
radiometric dating methods. Carbon-14 dating
is really the friend of Christians, and it
supports a young earth.
scientists are convinced that the
popular idea attributed to geologist
Charles Lyell from nearly two centuries
ago, “The present is the key to the
past,” is simply not valid for an earth
history of millions or billions of
years. An alternative interpretation of
the carbon-14 data is that the earth
experienced a global flood catastrophe
which laid down most of the rock strata
and fossils.... Whatever the source of
the carbon-14, its presence in nearly
every sample tested worldwide is a
strong challenge to an ancient age.
Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side
of the young-earth view of history..."
Full text:
Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the
"Being told that I am ignorant by someone who
uses answers in genesis as a source of science is quite priceless."
Ad hominem
"Pick the target, freeze it,
personalize it, and polarize it (Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
1971.)." Dismiss people so that you can dismiss their

"Where is this evidence?"
You'll have to pick a topic :
What do comets tell us about the age of the solar system?
Comets and the Age of the Solar System (Technical)
Halley’s comet—beacon of creation
Kuiper Belt objects and the short-period comets ‘dilemma’ (for
More problems for the ‘Oort comet cloud’?
Is there evidence that our solar system is only thousands of years
old, instead of the millions of years claimed by evolutionists? What
about the age of stars?
How old are Saturn’s rings?
Mercury—the tiny planet that causes big problems for evolution
Revelations in the Solar System (Semi-Technical)
Saturn’s Rings Short-Lived and Young (Semi-Technical, available in
Speedy Star Changes — No Need for Long Ages
Exploding stars point to a young universe
Extrasolar planets suggest our solar system is unique and young
Venus — cauldron of fire (Semi-Technical)
Titan vs. Billions of Years (ICR Back to Genesis article)
Enceladus: A Cold, Youthful Moon (ICR Back to Genesis article)
How old is the moon?
The Moon: The light that rules the night [age, origin, design]
(Semi-Technical, available in Spanish)
Is the moon really old?
Moon Dust Evidence no longer valid
Moon Dust and the Age of the Solar System (Technical)
How old is the sun?
The Sun: our special star [age, origin, design] (Semi-Technical)
Solar Neutrinos — the Critical Shortfall Still Elusive
Steady sun: a problem for billions of years
The Young Faint Sun paradox and the age of the solar system
(Semi-Technical, ICR Impact)
The Young Faint Sun paradox and the age of the solar system
(Semi-Technical, TJ)
See also Astronomy
Atmospheric Science
What features of earth’s atmosphere are inconsistent with
billions-of-years belief?
Blowing Old-Earth Belief Away: Helium gives evidence that the earth
is young (available in Spanish)
Answering the Critics. Helium in the Earth’s Atmosphere
Can tree rings reveal how long ago Noah’s Flood took place? What
about the Huon pine trees that the media claims could be as much as
30,000 years old?
Patriarchs of the forest
Living tree ‘8,000 years older than Christ’ (?)
The Oldest Living Things — Trees
The Oldest Tree in the World
Tree ring dating (dendrochronology) (available in Spanish)
Studies in Flood Geology by John Woodmorappe (Semi-Technical,
Is there any geologic evidence that, contrary to evolutionary ideas,
supports a young age for the earth?
The Earth’s Magnetic Field: Evidence that the Earth is Young
The Earth's magnetic field and the age of the Earth
Eroding Ages
Fossil magnetism reveals rapid reversals of the earth's magnetic
Geology and the Young Earth
Granite grain size: not a problem for rapid cooling of plutons
It’s about time
Kodachrome Basin State Park: Where Can We See Young-Earth Evidence?
(ICR BTG 211a)
The Lesson of Surtsey
Lord Kelvin revisited on the young age of the earth (Technical)
Microscopic Diamonds Confound Geologists (Technical)
Not ancient 'reefs' but catastrophic deposits
Rapid Granite Formation (Semi-Technical)
Rapid Rocks — Granites … They didn’t need millions of years of
Sandy Stripes — Do Many Layers Mean Many Years?
Shaking hands on a recent creation
The collapse of ‘geologic time’:
Tiny halos in coalified wood tell a story that demolishes ‘long
What about the dating of fossils by evolutionists, who claim they
are ‘millions of years old’?
The Clock in the Rock
Geological conflict: young radiocarbon date for ancient fossil wood
challenges fossil dating
Geology and the Young Earth
Green River Blues (Semi-Technical)
‘Instant’ Petrified Wood
Rapid Petrification of Wood: An Unexpected Confirmation of
Creationist Research (ICR Impact article)
Tarawera’s Night of Terror (Rapid Fossilization)
Doesn’t it take millions of years for caves to form?
See Q&A: Geology
How long does it take for coal formation? What about the argument
that there is too much coal for a young earth?
See Q&A: Geology
Does the great depth of some glaciers indicate that the earth is
millions of years old?
The Lost Squadron (Rapid ice buildup)
Ice-bound plane flies again!
Human History
Have archaeologists truly found Aboriginal artefacts that are about
176,000 years old? What was the dating method, and is it considered
Age of Aboriginal Art Disputed
How long have Aborigines lived in Australia?
Are human population growth studies an indicator of antiquity or
youth of humanity?
Where are all the people?
Can all people be genetically traced back to one woman ancestor, as
the ‘mitochondrial Eve’ hypothesis claims? How about tracing all
people back to one common male ancestor?
A shrinking date for Eve (Semi-Technical)
Does it take a long time for coral reefs to form?
Coral Reef Growth (Geoscience Research Institute Origins)
How Long Does it Take for a Coral Reef to Grow?
Telling a geological tale
What oceanographic evidence points to a young age for the oceans?
The sea’s missing salt: a dilemma for evolutionists (Technical,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creationism
2:17–33, 1990)
Salty seas: Evidence for a young earth (popular-level article based
on above paper)
Does salt come from evaporated sea water? (ICR Acts and Facts)
Sea Floor Sediment (Technical, book review)
Sea salt loses its savour for evolutionists
What is the most compelling scientific evidence of a young earth?
The earth: how old does it look?
A Young Earth: it's not the issue!
Evidence for a Young World
How old is the earth?
The god of an old earth
Real history: the timeline of the Bible
Young Age Evidence
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"As soon as you stop lying I will be happy to discuss these things
with you."
You'll have to provide an
example of where I have misrepresented your position. I would
be happy to be proven wrong.
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "...[Y]ou made the assertion that your
understanding of PB's beliefs are accurate..."
Example please. I'm going with PB's own words (e.g. pro-abort,
pro-homosexual, humanist). This is not a biblical worldview.
Changing these godless positions
would be an improvement.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"...[C]reationism is not a scientific theory. It employs poor
arguments against evolution..."
Creation is
a fact given from scripture. You do not believe Genesis 1:1
but claim to be a Christian? The theory of evolution is man's
next best guess. It is a theory--and not even a convincing
one. History is best explained by the biblical account:
The Fossil Record
The Fossil Record: Becoming More Random all the Time
Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel: Relevant Lessons for Today
Fall of Man & Why There is Death
Two Histories of Death
Observational science (what we observe in the
human genome; all descend from one man, etc.)
Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True?
The best answers are the ones God gave all
along. The Bible just so happens to be true.
Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?
We have the same data but our interpretations
of that data are different.
War of Worldviews
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "When did I use
those words, liar?"
This thread is filled with that documentation
based on your own words.
If you've changed your positions--great. Say so.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I have said
specifically that I was against abortion, for example."
Are you against the use of chemical weapons on
unborn children (RU486/"the morning after pill")? If a nurse
refuses to dispense this to rape victims, does he/she do wrong?
You previously suggested that the one who will not murder is in the
wrong (Isa 5:20). Has your position changed?
"Yet you
keep tossing out the term "pro-abort"."
Intentionally ending a pregnancy for convenience is murder (Ps. 139,
Ps.51). Children are not to be put to death for the sins of
their fathers (Eze 18:17, Deut 30:19). The innocent shall not
be put to death (Ex 23:7).
"Pro-homosexual" is a
meaningless phrase. I am "pro-human-rights", however."
You spend much time defending homosexuality.
This is opposed to God's word. Homosexuality is forbidden
(Lev. 18:22); it is considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24); it is
to be punished (Lev. 20:13) because it is wicked and unclean (Rom.
1:24, 26, 27). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1995). Nelson's
quick reference topical Bible index. Nelson's Quick reference (293).
Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
"As for
humanis[m], I am a Christian."
legitimized our heart's self-centered desires, giving them
credibility," (MacArthur, Fools Gold: Discerning Truth in an
Age of Error By John MacArthur, Nathan Busenitz, Scott Lang, pg.
"...The Christian humanism of the Renaissance
and Reformation period was a complex intellectual movement,
primarily literary and philological in nature, but with important
historical, philosophical, and religious implications. Humanism was
rooted in the love of classical antiquity and the desire for its
rebirth, both in terms of form (primarily a search for new aesthetic
standards) and of norm (a desire for more enlightened ethical and
religious values). The return to original sources is reflected in a
parallel way in the reformers' emphasis upon the scripture as norm
and New Testament Christianity as the ideal form of church life.
Humanism developed in Italy during the fourteenth century and
persisted through the Reformation well into the age of the
The word humanism came from the phrase studia humanitatis or
humaniora, the liberal arts or humane studies, a concept derived
largely from Cicero. The liberal arts curriculum emphasized grammar,
rhetoric, poetry, history, and moral philosophy. While the course of
studies owed something to the traditional education of the medieval
cathedral schools, it was less concerned with dialectic or logic,
natural science, and Scholastic metaphysics. The term humanist was
originally applied to professional public or private teachers of
classical literature who continued the medieval vocation of the
dictatores, who taught the skills of letter-writing and proper style
in speech and writing. But the word gradually came to assume a more
comprehensive meaning, referring to all devotees of classical
learning. Humanism came to be cultivated not merely by professional
educators but by many men of letters, historians, moral
philosophers, statesmen, and churchmen, including regular as well as
secular clergy. They set the aurea sapientia, or golden wisdom, of
the ancients against the arid dialectic of the Scholastic doctors.
Christian humanism tended toward religious syncretism, moralism, and
ethical Paulinism, and also toward a Christocentrism that emphasized
Christ as an example of good living, rather than a Christology that
focused on Christ's sacrifice on the cross as sin-bearer,
substitute, and savior..." Full text:
lying. Or at least stop lying so transparently."
I don't wish to lie at all. If I have
misrepresented your position, please indicate where. The repentant heart is evidenced
by fruits (Isa 1:16,17; Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
[Pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, humanism/The repentant heart is
evidenced by fruits (Isa 1:16,17; Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20).] "I
have never seen you repent of any of your lies."
You claim to be a Christian but you do not
hold a biblical worldview.
You love to mock those who believe the book of Genesis literally,
but consider the alternative.
70-90% of "Christians" leave the faith after they graduate. Churches
have stopped teaching Genesis as literal history. How will they
defend marriage without Genesis?
And those who reject Genesis often reject the rest of the Bible.
Christians who teach Genesis should be praised not mocked (e.g. Ken
Ham). Jude 18. They work to restore the foundation of the Christian
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "How does Genesis
1:1 conflict with evolution?"
"The word
genesis of course means “origin,”
and the Book of Genesis gives the only true and reliable account
of the origin of all the basic entities of the universe and of
life. These will each be discussed in an appropriate place,
along with the alternative naturalistic philosophies of origins
proposed by various philosophers (sometimes calling themselves
scientists). At this point the foundational importance of the
Book of Genesis is stressed simply by noting the fact that it
does give this information. Note, for example, the following:
(1) Origin
of the universe
The Book of Genesis stands alone in
accounting for the actual creation of the basic space-mass-time
continuum which constitutes our physical universe. Genesis 1:1
is unique in all literature, science, and philosophy. Every
other system of cosmogony, whether in ancient religious myths or
modern scientific models, starts with eternal matter or energy
in some form, from which other entities were supposedly
gradually derived by some process.
Only the Book of Genesis even attempts to
account for the ultimate origin of matter, space, and time; and
it does so uniquely in terms of special creation.
(2) Origin
of order and complexity
Man’s universal observation, both in his
personal experience and in his formal study of physical and
biological systems, is that orderly and complex things tend
naturally to decay into disorder and simplicity. Order and
complexity never arise spontaneously—they are always generated
by a prior cause programmed to produce such order. The Primeval
Programmer and His programmed purposes are found only in
(3) Origin
of the solar system
The earth, as well as the sun and moon, and
even the planets and all the stars of heaven, were likewise
brought into existence by the Creator, as told in Genesis. It is
small wonder that modern scientific cosmogonists have been so
notably unsuccessful in attempting to devise naturalistic
theories of the origin of the universe and the solar system.
(4) Origin
of the atmosphere and hydrosphere
The earth is uniquely equipped with a great
body of liquid water and an extensive blanket of an
oxygen-nitrogen gaseous mixture, both of which are necessary for
life. These have never “developed” on other planets, and are
accounted for only by special creation.
(5) Origin
of life
How living systems could have come into being
from non-living chemicals is, and will undoubtedly continue to
be, a total mystery to materialistic philosophers. The marvels
of the reproductive process, and the almost-infinite complexity
programmed into the genetic systems of plants and animals, are
inexplicable except by special creation, at least if the laws of
thermodynamics and probability mean anything at all. The account
of the creation of “living creatures” in Genesis is the only
rational explanation.
(6) Origin
of man
Man is the most highly organized and complex
entity in the universe, so far as we know, possessing not only
innumerable intricate physico-chemical structures, and the
marvelous capacities of life and reproduction, but also a nature
which contemplates the abstract entities of beauty and love and
worship, and which is capable of philosophizing about its own
meaning. Man’s imaginary evolutionary descent from animal
ancestors is altogether illusory. The true record of his origin
is given only in Genesis.
(7) Origin
of marriage
The remarkably universal and stable
institution of marriage and the home, in a monogamous,
patriarchal social culture, is likewise described in Genesis as
having been ordained by the Creator. Polygamy, infanticide,
matriarchy, promiscuity, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, and
other corruptions all developed later.
(8) Origin
of evil
Cause-and-effect reasoning accounts for the
origin of the concepts of goodness, truth, beauty, love, and
such things as fundamental attributes of the Creator Himself.
The origin of physical and moral evils in the universe is
explained in Genesis as a temporary intrusion into God’s perfect
world, allowed by Him as a concession to the principle of human
freedom and responsibility, and also to manifest Himself as
Redeemer as well as Creator.
(9) Origin
of language
The gulf between the chatterings of animals
and the intelligent, abstract, symbolic communication systems of
man is completely unbridgeable by any evolutionary process. The
Book of Genesis not only accounts for the origin of language in
general, but also for the various national languages in
(10) Origin
of government
The development of organized systems of human
government is described in Genesis, with man responsible not
only for his own actions, but also for the maintenance of
orderly social structures through systems of laws and
(11) Origin
of culture
The Book of Genesis also describes the
beginning of the main entities which we now associate with
civilized cultures—such things as urbanization, metallurgy,
music, agriculture, animal husbandry, writing, education,
navigation, textiles, and ceramics.
(12) Origin
of nations
All scholars today accept the essential unity
of the human race. The problem, then, is how distinct nations
and races could develop if all men originally were of one race
and one language. Only the Book of Genesis gives an adequate
(13) Origin
of religion
There are many different religions among men,
but all share the consciousness that there must be some ultimate
truth and meaning toward which men should strive. Many religions
take the form of an organized system of worship and conduct. The
origin of this unique characteristic of man’s consciousness, as
well as the origin of true worship of the true God, is given in
(14) Origin
of the chosen people
The enigma of the Israelites—the unique
nation that was without a homeland for nineteen hundred years,
which gave to the world the Bible and the knowledge of the true
God, through which came Christianity and which yet rejects
Christianity, a nation which has contributed signally to the
world’s art, music, science, finance, and other products of the
human mind, and which is nevertheless despised by great numbers
of people—is answered only in terms of the unique origin of
Israel as set forth in the Book of Genesis.
The Book of Genesis thus is in reality the
foundation of all true history, as well as of true science and
true philosophy. It is above all else the foundation of God’s
revelation, as given in the Bible. No other book of the Bible is
quoted as copiously or referred to so frequently, in other books
of the Bible, as is Genesis."
Morris, H. M. (1976).
The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional
commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes
indexes. (18). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
"Once again creationists demonstrate that they have no
understanding whatsoever of science."
Creationists are in fact real scientists.
Can creationists be “real” scientists?
In fact, the very best scientists throughout history believed the
Do real scientists believe in Creation?
[Radiometric dating]
The Fallacies of Radioactive Dating of RocksBasalt Lava Flows in
Grand Canyon
Radioactive ‘dating’ failure: Recent New Zealand lava flows yield
‘ages’ of millions of years
Stars and galaxies
Solar neutrinos—the critical shortfall still elusive
"Creationism is not a different interpretation of data, it is
selective use of data which is unscientific."
Then, like PB, you believe that Creation scientists are all
liars. I do not. You'd think that the whole ClimateGate
would have helped you out with that--but maybe not.
[Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True?] "Proof? Are you for
real? Since when does science deal with proof?"
So you didn't read the
fine. It did not make that truth claim.
Most people will not re-evaluate what they
believe (Eze 13:19).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Evolution is
hardly the same as gravity...."
Exactly. Natural laws obey God's
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "People leave the
faith after they graduate because of a literal interpretation of
They reject a biblical worldview for
secular humanism because the foundation is gone. The Bible is
either true or it is false.
God made the world in six literal days (Ex
20:11; 31:17). Scripture gives no reason to believe otherwise.
Humanism does. You'll believe God's word or man's opinion
(e.g. evolution).
Marriage was divinely instituted (Ge
2:24). Jesus affirmed this in the New Testament (Mk 10:6-8).
If you do not believe the foundation of the Bible, why believe the
rest of it?
"[P]eople like you, who insist that a Dark Ages understanding of
science and a rejection of modern biology are necessary to be a
Trust in Christ is necessary for the
Christian. If you'd like to believe 150 year old science that
is your business. It takes more faith to believe in evolution
than it does to believe the Bible. An honest look at the
science makes this clear.
"People can't, and won't, unlearn science."
I thought the scientist never stopped
asking questions.
"The foundation of the Christian church is Christ. Not a
literal interpretation of Genesis."
When do you start believing the one you
claim to follow? Lk 6:46.
"If you want to see the Church decline to nothing..."
Your materialism, naturalism and
multiculturalism works
toward that end.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"...keep making sure that everyone knows they can't be a
"real" Christian unless they believe in YEC."
A person does not go to heaven or hell
based on a belief in young earth creation. A person goes to
heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ
Response to comment [from other]: "Was
the tree of knowledge an actual literal tree as well?"
Talking Snakes and Magical Trees
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Creationism is not
science since it fails to meet the requirement posed by the
principle of falsifiability..."
Naturalistic scientists were there?
What is science?
"How then can creationists be real scientists?"
Based on your criteria, how then can
naturalistic evolutionists be real scientists?

"Climate scientists are more closely tied up with politics.
Evolution is not."
You're precious.

"Creation scientists do not exist..."
They're ghosts.

"...[T]hey do not let the data form the hypothesis, the let the
hypothesis decide what is real data."
They're evil; I tell you!--evil.

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[Y]our
interpretation of false."
Every verse of Genesis has exactly one meaning--what the author intended.
You'll need a better hermeneutic than "cause I said so...".

What reason does scripture give you for spiritualizing the book
of Genesis? Do you spiritualize the resurrection of Jesus
Christ, too?
"I believe God's testimony- which includes nature."
Nature obeys God's laws. Why don't you?

"[You] worry so much about evolution..."
See if it doesn't sound like these ghosts
from the past haunt you...
"In this century, we are being haunted by some philosophical ghosts
came into being in the last century. Christians need a Christian
worldview that is based on truth. There is a difference between
knowledge and truth. For example, knowledge will double and triple
but genuine truth does not.
Young people go to school and study facts. But there is a difference
between facts and truth. Facts are like the recipe. Truth is like
the meal. Digest the truth and it will change your life. God wants
us to have truth. Why did God give us the Bible? Jesus said in Jn 17
"Thy word is truth." Why did God send us the Holy Spirit? He's
called in the Bible the spirit of truth. Why did the Messiah come,
the Lord Jesus? He said "I am the truth". Why do we have churches?
Churches are the pillar and the ground of the truth. Truth is to
your spirit what food is to your body, what light is to your eyes,
and what sound is to your ears. To know truth is to know God. And to
know God is to know truth.
Secular education is not enough. Our young people need a Christian
worldview. When you have a Christian worldview, you'll find out that
all of these facts intersect in truth. And that it's all related.
You don't just niche out your church life and put it over here, and
think that none of the rest of these thing matter.
The marks of a good education is, that it is so interwoven with
truth that all things begin to intersect and cohere together. There
is a famine in the world for truth. Jobs friends encouraged him to
appeal to the human mind--an ancient appeal to humanism (Job 8:8)
Humanism is not new, it's one of the dustiest, mustiest things
How did we get to this state in America? A pastor prayed a prayer to
the Kansas House of Representatives:
Heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness
and seek Your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says, "Woe on those who call evil good,"
but that's exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.
We confess that:
We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word
and called it pluralism;
We have worshipped other gods
and called it multiculturalism;
We have endorsed perversion
and called it an alternative lifestyle;
We have exploited the poor
and called it the lottery;
We have neglected the needy
and called it self-preservation;
We have rewarded laziness
and called it welfare;
We have killed our unborn
and called it choice;
We have shot abortionists
and called it justifiable;
We have neglected to discipline our children
and called it building self- esteem;
We have abused power
and called it political savvy;
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions
and called it ambition;
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography
and called it freedom of expression;
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers
and called it enlightenment.
Search us, O God, and know our hearts today;
try us and see if there be some wicked way in us;
cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the
people of Kansas,
and who have been ordained by You, to govern this great state.
Grant them Your wisdom to rule
and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your will.
I ask it in the name of Your Son, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ.
What is wrong in America? We are in a crisis. No longer do we
believe in absolute truth. If you go back to a period, it began in
1962 to 1982, the courts in 20 years reversed the principle of "One
Nation Under God" that had been the principle of American History.
In 1962, in Engel v. Vitale Justice Hugo Black ruled that voluntary
prayer in schools was unconstitutional. In 1963, in Abington
Township School District v. Schempp Justice Thomas Clark set in
motion the dismantling of Bible reading. Then, in 1980 the posting
of the Ten Commandments was declared unconstitutional. Then came
1982, and the courts prohibited the teaching of creationism--that
men, boys and girls were created by Almighty God. Twenty years it
took them to expel God from the public schools and tell him not to
come back.
What has been the result of that? Children need permission to have
medication, but aided by high school counselors, they may have an
abortion and to kill a baby. We are in serious times. God has been
so systematically excluded a study by the U.S. Department of
Education headed up by Dr. Vitz, a professor of psychology at New
York university was released to the American public. It was a study
centered on text books used by millions of boys and girls in public
schools. After the study, Dr. Vitz said: "Those responsible for
these books appear to have a deep seated fear of any form of active
contemporary Christianity, especially serious, committed
Protestantism. This fear has led the authors to deny and repress the
importance of this kind of religion in American life. This nature of
the bias is clear. Religion, traditional family values, and
conservative political and economic positions have been reliably
excluded from children's textbooks. The exclusion is particularly
disturbing because it is found in a system paid for by taxpayers and
one that claims moreover to be committed to impartial knowledge and
accuracy. Textbooks are so written as to present a systematic denial
of the history, heritage, beliefs, and values of a very large
segment of the American people."
That is not a preacher saying that. That is a report by a professor
of psychology of New York University, funded by the United States
Department of Education. There has been a systematic move to exclude
those things we find dear and what we believe to be the foundation
of this nation. And as a result, we see values clarification being
put into schools. We see values neutral sex education put into
schools. We see dispensing of birth control devices and condoms
being put into schools. We see abortion counseling without parental
notification being put into schools. We see homosexuality being
introduced in textbooks as an acceptable lifestyle.
How did all of this happen? What has happened to America?
Roger Friend is quite a scholar. Remember Job's friends made an
appeal for him to inquire of the philosophers of yesterday? Who are
some of the philosophers of yesterday that have so skewed American
thinking today? What happened in the 1800s, in the 19th century?
Five men shaped and molded what has happened in America today.
The first was Georg Friedrich Hegel. He lived in the 1820s. For 1500
years people had accepted without question the fact of moral
absolutes. That right was right and wrong was wrong universally.
Everywhere people thought that murder was wrong. Everywhere adultery
was thought to be wrong and if it were not thought to be wrong it
was only an aberration. The consensus was that there is a fixed
standard of right and wrong. But Hegel came along and he rejected
moral absolutes. He had what he called a "dialectic theory".
Dialecticism is simply an argument. He had a reasoned argument, a
dialectic theory. And what was his dialectic theory? He said all
history is made up of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Thesis is an
idea, a proposition that people believed to be true and they hold
that idea until somebody comes along with an opposing idea, an
antithesis. So, these two get into a battle--a thesis and an
antithesis. They battle back and forth until each of them gives a
little and somewhere in the middle you come to a synthesis, which is
a thesis and an antithesis coming together. That synthesis becomes
the new thesis. That becomes the new accepted model for truth. Hegel
said therefore there are no moral absolutes. He's not talking about
biological evolution, he's talking about philosophical and social
evolution--that society is always in a flux. It's always moving and
there is no fixed standard of right and wrong. Hegel said that ideas
come under the heading of survival of the strongest. The strongest
idea wins and therefore history is evolutionary and there can be no
After Hegel in the 1820s there came along another man in the 1830s.
This man's name was Ludwig Feuerback. He was another German
philosopher. One of these things begins to build upon another.
Feuerback said if there are no moral absolutes--if Hegel is right
(and he accepted that Hegel was right)--then, there can be no God.
Because if there is a God, then that God would have absolute truth.
So, he said that there can be no God. He said man that creates the
idea of God. Man is not made in the image of God but God is in the
imagination of man. All that moral flux, this no moral
absolutes--causes a deep insecurity in the heart and mind of man.
So, Feuerback said that God is created in the imagination of man.
Man simply invents God. He said, "Christianity has in fact long
vanished. Not only from reason but from the life of mankind. It is
nothing more than a fixed idea."
Are we haunted by that ghost today? Yes, that's called humanism.
Humanism sounds so much like humanitarianism. But there is a vast
difference between humanism and humanitarianism. Humanitarianism
means we love one another, we care for one another, and we love the
human species that God has made--man. But humanism makes man the
center, the circumference, the sum total of everything, it has no
room for God. It is a fine sounding name. But, it is atheism just
simply wearing another coat.
The third person that we are being haunted by today is Karl Marx.
Marx built on the work of Hegel and Feuerback. He said, now if this
is true--if there are no absolutes and therefore, there is no God,
then what is the future and the purpose of mankind? Where are we
going? As a result, Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.
He took Hegel's dialectic argument and he called it dialectical
materialism (another word for communism). What he believed was that
capitalism--the right to own property, and the right to be
productive for yourself--was wrong. That, he said, is the thesis.
The antithesis is the desire for equity and fairness in the hearts
and minds of the working people. He said if you take that thesis and
that antithesis, you will come to a synthesis which will be
socialism and communism. That's Marxism. That's Hegelian philosophy
and the ideas of Feuerback put together because communism is
godless. It's not just another form of economy, it is unspeakably
immoral because it does not recognize the worth, the dignity, of the
individual. The individual is nothing. Marx said that they way to
set all of this about is a revolution. He said it doesn't matter if
there is suffering. He believed that there must be violent change.
He said that we must be like a foreign body within the existing
system that will accelerate its death. So, millions and millions
were put to death under godless communism. 40 to 50 million were
executed. Why? Because there is no God. If there is not God, there
is no fixed standard of right and wrong. Therefore, we as human
beings, all we have is materialism. And what we've got to do is to
somehow bring in a humanist, godless utopia. Revolution was
necessary and here is what Marx said, "The suffering and sacrifice
of violent change constitutes the price that mankind has to pay to
have any essential progress at all. So, he said, we want change. We
want it violently. Marxism and Leninism affects American life today.
Here's the fourth man that has skewed the worldview. His name is
Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin wrote the Origin of the Species in
1859, and the Decent of Man in 1871. He came to the conclusion that
man is the product of evolution. If there is no God, there can be no
fixed standard of right and wrong--and if there is no God, then how
did we get here? How do we explain our existance? Evolution is not a
science. It is a philosophy. It is the next best guess of the mind
that cannot accept divine creation. Darwin went on to write that we,
ourselves, are the product of mere chance. We as human beings cannot
escape the evolutionary web.
Another philosopher a little later on described what Darwin taught
us. "With this single argument, the mystery of the universe is
explained. The deity is annulled. And a new era of infinite
knowledge is ushered in." And from that time on, man has been
endeavoring to make a monkey of himself thanks to Charles Darwin and
those that believed him.
The fifth of these five men that haunt us today is a man named
Sigmund Freud. Freud lived from 1856 to 1939. He was the one who put
the final bow on the whole thing. He put the final touches to the
evolutionary model. Feuerback said that we created the idea of God
because of the insecurities that Hegel brought about that said there
are no absolutes. Freud asked, where do we get the idea of God? What
kind of a God do we conjure up? He said our idea of God comes from
our childhood father and we conceive of God as we would conceive of
our childhood father when we were children. He was the father of
psychoanalysis. He taught that mankind is motivated chiefly by
pleasure--specifically, by sexual pleasure and eroticism. For Freud
almost everything begins and ends with sex. He felt if mankind is
repressed in society by his/her erotic urges, if people are failed
to be allowed to fulfill their sexual desires, they may get a
neurosis. That is the reason we see perversion. The filth, the
debauchery that we see in society today, that roots back to the
extreme permissiveness that came out of Freudian psychology. You see
it in raising children. We are told not to repress children. After
all, you don't want to warp the little thing.
What happened when these five men brought these philosophies? It
took less than a hundred years for them to come to fruition in this
century. In 1924, a man who was a student of: Hegel, Feuerback,
Marx--had a name--Adolf Hitler. He thought he had an idea better
than Marx, Nazism. He wrote Mein Kampf. He wrote: "No more than
natures desires the mating with weaker with stronger individuals..."
there you see the survival of the fittest; we're talking about
Darwin there. "...even less does she desire the blending of a higher
and a lower race." Hitler was the original racist. "...since if she
did, her whole work of higher breeding over perhaps hundreds of
thousands of years might be ruined with one blow. All great cultures
of the past perished only because the originally created race died
from blood poisoning that is intermarrying. The man who creates the
culture must be preserved. Preservation is bound up with the rigid
law of necessity and the right to victory of the best and the
strongest in this world." That's just another way of saying survival
of the fittest. Then, Hitler said, "Those who want to live, let them
fight and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal
struggle do not deserve to live. Even if this is hard, this is how
it is." That lead to the gas ovens.
You say, the gas ovens were terrible. What about the abortion
business today? What about taking the little babies--the weakest of
all creatures and because they are weak, because they cannot defend
themselves, they are liquidated. Do you know what Hitler's argument
for the extermination of Jews was? He reclassified them as
non-persons. Do you know what we are doing to the little babies
today? We are re-classifying them as non-persons. Can you imagine
someone saying, I personally am against the cremation of human
beings but what one does in his own personal gas chamber is his
business. I'm for choice.
This is the idea of survival of the strongest. How can "Dr.
Death"--Dr. Kevorkain do what he does over and over and over again?
Because these people are weak. They're suffering. Many people say,
get them out of the way. They want to die. Help them to die. It's
only a little step for doctors who will put to death little babies
in the womb and be paid for it, will, with a needle and a syringe
help some of us to get out of the way in this crowded world because
it's just what we call the survival of the fittest.
These ideas have been around for a long time. Actually, they were
born in the pit of hell. But there was a resurgence of these kinds
of ideas in the last century and now we've sown the wind and we are
reaping the whirlwind.
Am I discouraged? No, and I'll tell you why. The Bible says that the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God unto the
pulling down of strongholds. God has given us kingdom authority.
Jesus said, behold, I give you authority over all the power of the
enemy. Do you know the one thing that they do not have?--is truth.
Let me tell you, the other thing they don't have? They don't have
the Holy Spirit. So what we need to do is take the word of truth and
the spirit of truth and hold up the Christ of truth and we need to
get out of the boat with both feet. We need to know who we are, what
we believe, and why we believe it. We don't have to be ashamed of
what we believe. There are good answers to these things and the
Bible says we are to be ready to give answer to those who ask us of
these things.
I am convinced that there is not a lot wrong in America that could
not be changed radically and quickly if we had a generation of
preachers across this land who would stand in the pulpits of God
anointed with the Holy Spirit and a heart full of love from a pure
life who would preach and teach. Edited notes based on sermon by
Adrienne Rogers: Ghosts That Haunt Us.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[Y]ou have two
species that appear to be very close to each other on the
evolutionary timeline (you provide all the evidence you want, the
principle holds) - you still have dozens, hundreds, maybe even
millions of incremental steps of evolution between them according to
those evolutionists who believe evolution happens by way of
incremental steps of natural selection weeding out the traits.."
"...Once the lack of major transitions is
acknowledged, one must face the fact that there is no tree of life
because there are no roots, no trunk, no boughs, and no medium-sized
branches. There are only mutually disjointed bushes, and even these
consist exclusively of variation only within the kind, and this is
almost invariably within the family unit of traditional taxonomy.
The scientific creationist needs to only reject organic evolution
before being in hearty agreement with the foregoing cited
statements..." Full text: Does a ‘transitional form’ replace
one gap with two gaps?
Does a ‘Transitional Form’ Replace One Gap with Two Gaps?
"We can believe the word of God (1) because
of the scientific accuracy of the Bible. Some say: "Of course the
Bible is not scientifically accurate because it was was written
thousands of years ago." Before you say that, make sure of two
things--make certain that you know science and make certain that you
know the word of God. The Bible does not always agree with
science--and for that I am infinitely glad. If you've been to
Paris, you may have visited the Louvre. There are 3 1/2 miles of
books on science and almost every one of them is obsolete. Science
is changing. What is scientific fact in one era is not in another
In 1861 there was an anti-God French
academy of science that gave 51 facts that prove the Bible wrong.
Today, more than 100 years later, there is not a reputable scientist
who believes one of those 51 facts. Aren't you glad the Bible did
not agree with that science? Had the Bible agreed with that science
the Bible would have been wrong. Give the scientists enough time,
perhaps they'll catch up with the Bible..." Full text:
How to Be Certain the Bible is the Word of God
SD: Are you pro-homosexual?
[Re: homosexuality]
PB: "I am pro-equality and so is the
constitution of this great nation-- if you don't like it, I'm sure
you can find a border..."
PB: "Not being anti-gay doesn't make someone
[Will not answer the following: Is
homosexuality an abomination? (1
Kin. 14:24). Did God made us
male and female? (Mt
19:4). Is is disgusting to
God to act differently than we were created? (Deut
SD: Are you a humanist?
[Re: young earth creation]
"I won't apologize for loving
truth...Hiding behind a book won't change reality...[P]eople come to
associate Christianity...with anti-science dogma and superstition."
[Did we evolve from monkeys? (Ge 1:26, Jas
3:9)] "[W]e share a common ancestor [with monkeys]."
[So a monkey was not created a monkey and a
man was not created a man? Man became a man over millions of years
through the process of evolution?] "That is what the evidence
[Did God create the world in six literal
days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)] "Nope."
[What hermeneutic do you use to oppose a
six normal day creation? (Ex. 20:11; 31:17).] "The use of mythic
imagery and symbolism, particularly combined with the scientific
evidence, show that Genesis is not meant to a literal, historical
revelation but an allegorical presentation containing spiritual
truth...I use reason and evidence..."
This is not a biblical worldview.

War of Worldviews
What is a Biblical Worldview?
Worldview Comparison
Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty
in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
Response to comment [from other]: "Just
checking to see if any 'revisions' have been made to 'Choleric's
Worship the Creator not the creation.
Excerpt Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis:
"[There] is a big difference between Pantheism and the Christian
idea of God...Pantheists usually believe that God, so to speak,
animates the universe as you animate you body: that the
universe almost is God, so that if it did not exist He would not
exist either, and anything you find in the universe is part of God.
The Christian idea is quite different. They think God invented
and made the universe [Ge 1:1]--like a man making a picture or
composing a tune [Gn 1:26–28]. A painter is not a picture, and
he does not die if his picture is destroyed. You may say,
'He's put a lot of himself into it,' but you only mean that all its
beauty and interest has come out of his head. His skill is not
in the picture in the same way that it is in his head, or even in
his hands. I expect you see how this difference between
Pantheists and Christians hangs together with the other one.
If you do not take the distinction between good and bad very
seriously, then it is easy to say that anything you find in this
world is part of God. But, of course, if you think some things
really bad, and God really good, then you cannot talk like that,
You must believe that God is separate from the world and that some
of the things we see in it are contrary to His will." Ro 1:23.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"I don't see beloved57 on the list. Not sure where to classify him."
I believe he's a Jehovah's Witness based on his

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Grrr! I'm still not
on the list!"
Do you believe that your works can save
you? Jud 11.
Add Squeaky (works will save you crowd):
""Over and over again Jesus said to keep His commandments which is
to do the works He said to do." link
"You haven't addressed anything I have shared with you. Most
Trinitarians are programmed like that (Squeaky)."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
The devils
get frustrated in the
heat of summer I think.
Tension Inherent Between Believers and
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I am saying
Choleric has no moral or spiritual or biblical basis to set himself
up to judge others as heretics."
Add patricius79 to "saved by works"
(changed identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian") and
"[F]aith alone" is not Biblical and is
explicitly anti-Biblical..."
"...[W]e can be made holy by the works of
God in us..."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Do we need faith
plus works or a faith that works (carry over from
Catholic/Protestant thread)] "Guess we'll have to add God then..."
Too bad this is a difficult issue for you (Ro
9:32). We are saved by grace alone through faith alone (Jn 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; Ac
16:31; Ro 10:9-10,13; Eph 2:8-9). The Bible teaches a
gospel of grace not a gospel of works
(Ac 20:24,32).
How is sin paid for--by your "good" works
or by trust in Christ? How is the breast plate of
righteousness put on--by you or or by God? Can you put on your own
righteousness? Isa 54:17, Ro 4:13; 9:30; 10:6, Ro
Jer 23:6, Isa 61:10.
Can you earn righteousness or is it a gift? Ro 5:17.
Response to comment [from other]: "According to Paul's
gospel....The righteous are those who do righteousness..."
Man is not justified by his own
righteousness (Rom. 10:1–5) or works (Rom. 4:1–5). This faith is a
dead faith (Jas 2:14–26).
"Paul spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the
fruit of faith (Jas 2:17-18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
Add Cruciform (if you find it necessary to
Catholics at all
states: [Serpentdove quote: Works are insufficient for salvation]
"Sorry, but your preferred Protestant anti-Catholic doctrinal
tradition has misinformed you..."
Response to comment [from other]:
"Oh. So I guess you think that Nazz is a prophet with his
foretelling of Doom against the UK as well then?"
You sound concerned.

"Btw I don't cook raisin cakes and nor am I a pagan..."
TMI (Song 2:5).
"...[B]but don't let little details like that get in the way of
anything SD. You OTOH are a fruitcake..."

"Not really. Unlike Japan I don't have to worry about massive
earthquakes and the subsequent devastation and flooding. Whatever
'disaster' befalls this country, it ain't gonna be on that scale
unless we're talking nuclear holocaust or asteroid impact etc..."
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat,
winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease (Ge
Sidebar: Did you know that BBC is broadcasting here now? They are
terrible there. Why must they come

Response to comment [from an atheist]: "The British
Broadcasting Company is generally considered the best news gathering
broadcaster in the world..."
Jer 5:31.
"Ahhh the joke[']s on you and one day I may explain why!"
I do like Monty Python and Are you Being
[Monty Python/Are You Being Served?] "Really?
Wow...Now that is a shock..."
Are you a big fan, bunny?
Response to comment [from other]: "Uh yeh SD, "while the earth
remains". The current one may well have an expiry date..."
It does. The Lord created this world
(Joh 1:3,10; Col 1:16). He upholds it (Heb 1:3).
One day he will uncreate it (2 Pe 3:10).
"I didn't even state an asteroid impact was likely anyway..."
An asteroid is the least of your problems (Prov.
Add Krsto (non-trinitarian) who states:
"[N]o, I don't believe God is a trinity."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You can add Lazy Afternoon
to this list. Along with godrulz, graceandpeace, and andyc."
Lazy Afternoon is number 11 on The 'Jesus is
not God' people (non-trinitarians) list. Didn't you get the memo.

Response to comment [from other]: "Funny thing about these 'memos'.
They tend to be so boring and full of hot pompous air that folk just
fall as zzz...........zzz"
There would be far more interesting things to
talk about if you were a Christian. You have yet to enter the
kiddie pool.
"My word SD. That was almost asinine enough to keep me from falling
as zzz..."
You need a new hat.

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Christians] "They
are not true monotheists..."
One what. Three whose.
"...If you don’t believe in the Trinity, then you don’t understand
who God is. You may say the word “God” but you don’t understand His
nature. Second, you couldn’t possibly understand who Christ is--that
He is God in human flesh. The Incarnation of Christ is an essential
component of the biblical gospel, as John 1:1-14 and many other
biblical passages make clear. To deny the Trinity is to deny the
Incarnation. And to deny the Incarnation is to wrongly understand
the true gospel..." Full text:
Can You Be a Christian and Deny the Trinity? John 1:1-14
John MacArthur
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[T]rue monotheists" =
"those who happen to agree with Krsto..."
We don't take a poll to decide what is true (Ex
When we draw near to the true God (not a wafer), he will draw near to us (Jas
4:8). We search the scriptures (not a fallible
men's opinions [Matt.
to find out what is true (Ac
"The Bible itself reveals those doctrines that are essential to the Christian
faith. They are 1) the Deity of Christ, 2) Salvation by Grace, and 3)
Resurrection of Christ, 4) the gospel, and 5) monotheism. These are the
doctrines the Bible says are necessary. Though there are many other important
doctrines, these five are the ones that are declared by Scripture to be
essential. A non-regenerate person (i.e., Mormon or Jehovah's Witness, atheist,
Muslim), will deny one or more of these essential doctrines. Please note that
there are other derivative doctrines of scripture that become necessary also,
the Trinity being one..." Full text:
Essential Doctrines of Christianity
by Matt Slick
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I'd love to be nominated."
We'd nominate you if we paid any attention to you.
You can't ask us to take you more seriously than
you take yourself (Eph.

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Here's what Catholics
actually believe..."
Eph 4:14 Catholics teach
that sacraments are necessary for salvation. Catholic teachings state that the
sacraments of: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Penance, Matrimony and the
Anointing the Sick are needed to go to heaven.
Works vs Faith
"Already answered..."
Salvation is by Christ (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23)
and Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12). It is not of works (Ro
11:6; Eph 2:9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5); it is of grace (Eph 2:5,8; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11).
[Salvation is by Christ (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23)
and Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12). It is not of works (Ro
11:6; Eph 2:9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5); it is of grace (Eph 2:5,8; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11).]
"Salvation is by Christ and Christ alone. It is not of works; it is of grace."
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph
"Your personal misapplications of the Bible are
Ad hominem. Truth is truth independent from me.
God's word is inspired (2
Ti 3:16). Your
Pope's (Gal.
Matt. 15:9) is not.
"... Nobody cares about your personal opinions regarding the
supposed meaning of Scripture---unless you possess some sort of binding
interpretive authority that we should all know about...?"
When I speak from the word of God, I speak
with the authority of any apostle or prophet (Rogers). Lu 16:29,31, Pr 6:23; 2
Pe 1:19, 2 Ti 3:15-17.
Response to comment [from
[Please welcome Cruciform to the list] "I just figured
all Catholics were automatically put on the Religious Zealots list [saved by
I agree with the antichrist (2
Pet 2:1). Isn't the list for those who
not identify with their cult or 'ism? Cruciform should not be on the list
but Patricius79 (who does not identify as Roman
Catholic) should remain on the list (Eph
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[A]ccording to Paul we are justified by
faith working through love..."
"All a dead person can do is dead works."
Adrian Rogers
Eph 2:8-9, Gal 1:6-8, Psa. 49:7, 8; Psa. 127:1, 2; Eccl. 1:14; Isa.
43:26; Isa. 57:12; Isa. 64:6; Ezek. 7:19; Ezek. 33:12–19; Dan. 9:18;
Matt. 5:20; Luke 17:7–10; Luke 18:9–14; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:20–31;
Rom. 4:1–8 vs. 9–22.; Rom. 8:3; Rom. 9:16, 31, 32; Rom. 11:6; 1
Cor. 13:1–3; Gal. 2:16, 19, 21; Gal. 3:10–12, 21 vs. 1–29.; Gal.
4:9–11; Gal. 5:2, 4, 6, 18; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 2:8, 9; Phil.
3:3–9; Col. 2:20–23; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:4, 5; Heb. 4:3–10; Heb.
6:1, 2; Heb. 9:1–14; Jas. 2:10, 11.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Here Dr. Rogers actually agrees with the
authoritative teachings of Christ's historic Church."
Your claim is a false one.
"...[L]et’s examine the Roman Catholic claim that it is the “first church.”
Nowhere in the New Testament will you find the “one true church” doing any of
the following: praying to Mary, praying to the saints, venerating Mary,
submitting to a pope, having a select priesthood, baptizing an infant, observing
the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments, or passing on
apostolic authority to successors of the apostles. All of these are core
elements of the Roman Catholic faith. If most of the core elements of the Roman
Catholic Church were not practiced by the New Testament Church (the first church
and one true church), how then can the Roman Catholic Church be the first
church?" Full text:
What was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true
What was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true
church? Is the church that is the oldest necessarily the most right ...
Recommended Reading:
Is Rome the True Church?: A Consideration of the Roman Catholic Claim
by Norman L. Geisler
You just keep mindlessly posting the same already-refuted and
self-defeating word vomit..."
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). He is willing to save you (2 Pe
3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
“In other words, your comments had nothing whatsoever to do with my response to
your quotation of Rogers...”
In other words who do you trust? Ga 1:6-8.
Works are insufficient for salvation (Psa. 49:7, 8; Psa. 127:1, 2; Eccl. 1:14;
Isa. 43:26; Isa. 57:12; Isa. 64:6; Ezek. 7:19; Ezek. 33:12–19; Dan. 9:18; Matt.
5:20; Luke 17:7–10; Luke 18:9–14; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:20–31; Rom. 4:1–8 vs.
9–22.; Rom. 8:3; Rom. 9:16, 31, 32; Rom. 11:6; 1 Cor. 13:1–3; Gal. 2:16, 19, 21;
Gal. 3:10–12, 21 vs. 1–29.; Gal. 4:9–11; Gal. 5:2, 4, 6, 18; Gal. 6:15; Eph.
2:8, 9; Phil. 3:3–9; Col. 2:20–23; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:4, 5; Heb. 4:3–10; Heb.
6:1, 2; Heb. 9:1–14; Jas. 2:10, 11).
"I trust in Jesus Christ and his atoning work on the cross, as do all faithful
Trust the Jesus of scripture (Matt.
12:17–21). You have no righteousness of your
own (Jude
11). Payday someday (Ezek.

"It's an infallible dogma of the church--that if you believe you are justified
by faith alone then you are condemned--you are anathema...
They don't believe that Jesus finished the work of redemption. When Jesus bowed
his said and said 'It is finished' and gave up his spirit--Catholics believe he
really meant to say it must now continue. Because what they do through the beck
and call of the priest they call Jesus back down from heaven every day 200,000
times a day through the miracle of transubstantiation. They transform the inner
substance of wafers into the physical body and blood, soul and divinity of
Christ; the priest will lift up the wafer for Catholics to worship this as their
true savior. He's laid on the alter to be represented as a sacrificial offering.
It is another offering denying again the scriptures that say Jesus offered
himself once for all time and for all sin..."
Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity
by Mike Gendron
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Amen to all of those Scriptures..."
Amen means we agree. We do not.
Jesus (Matt.
Response to comment [from a
Catholic]: “[A]men. [D]o you agree that we are "not justified by faith
Ad Nauseam or Ad infinitum (Repetition)
Eph 2:8-9 isn’t going
anywhere. We are saved by grace alone (Eph
2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph
2Ti 1:10), in Christ
alone (Isa
Ac 4:12). Roman
Catholics deny this (Jude
Your dead works
not save (Psa.
Psa. 127:1,
Eccl. 1:14;
Isa. 43:26;
Isa. 57:12;
Isa. 64:6;
Ezek. 7:19;
Ezek. 33:12–19;
Dan. 9:18;
Matt. 5:20;
Luke 17:7–10;
Luke 18:9–14;
Acts 13:39;
Rom. 3:20–31;
Rom. 4:1–8 vs. 9–22.;
Rom. 8:3;
Rom. 9:16,
Rom. 11:6;
1 Cor. 13:1–3;
Gal. 2:16,
Gal. 3:10–12,
21 vs. 1–29.;
Gal. 4:9–11;
Gal. 5:2,
Gal. 6:15;
Eph. 2:8,
Phil. 3:3–9;
Col. 2:20–23;
2 Tim. 1:9;
Tit. 3:4,
Heb. 4:3–10;
Heb. 6:1,
Heb. 9:1–14;
Jas. 2:10,
A Scriptural Response to:
Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph Communication
“[T]hat verse doesn't say
faith alone.”
Bible doesn't say "trinity" either.
Have faith in God's work not your own (Ac 11:21; 1 Co 2:5).

Response to comment [from a
Catholic]: [P]atricius said "amen to all of those Scriptures." This means
that he agrees with the biblical texts you cited, not with your preferred
interpretation of those texts. Learn how to read."
Truth is truth independent from me. Learn how to identify a fallacious argument.
You said you passed the logic course.
"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..."
Full text:
How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson
"...[T]he [Roman Catholic] Church does not in any way teach that I "have a
righteousness of my own."
The wicked
despise faith of the saints (Isa

"Catholic teaching: The sacraments are necessary for salvation. Catholic
teachings state that the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion,
Penance, Matrimony and the Anointing the Sick are needed to go to heaven.
Catholic teaching: Doing good deeds throughout your life will save you from
Bible: Salvation is a gift of grace from God. Being good, doing good works, or
fulfilling the sacraments will not save you from eternity in hell. Only by faith
will you be saved. Follow the Bible which is God's Word and not the teachings of
man. Good works come after you are saved as a showing of Christ's love in us..."
Full text:
Works vs Faith
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Protestants certainly need to show where
"faith alone" is plainly stated in Scripture."
You won't find salvation in idols (Isa
Jer 2:28) or earthly
power (Jer
Keep reading.
Ac 15:11,
1 Pe 1:9. Like mama's
pasta sauce--it's in there--abbondanza (Ro
1 Co 1:18).

"Another irrelevant non-answer from serpent..."
Abbondanza! Rom. 9:6
Muppet Show. Swedish Chef - Spaghetti
"Already answered..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
We are saved by grace alone (Eph
2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph
2 Ti 1:10), in Christ
alone (Isa
Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics
deny this (Jude

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [We are saved by grace alone (Eph
2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph
2 Ti 1:10), in Christ alone (Isa
Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics deny this (Jude
1:11).] "So do you."
So says number 15 Satan Inc [the 'Jesus is not God'
people (Non-trinitarians)]
Jn 1:1
Add Oatmeal (denies
the trinity).
Add Elohiym (denies
the trinity).
Mt 3:16,17;
Ro 8:9;
1Co 12:3-6;
2Co 13:14;
Eph 4:4-6;
1Pe 1:2;
Jude 1:20,21;
Re 1:4,5
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Ro 2:6-7]
2:6–10 See notes on 2:1–16. Although Scripture
everywhere teaches that salvation is not on the basis of works (see notes on
Eph. 2:8,
9), it consistently
teaches that God’s judgment is always on the basis of a man’s deeds (Is.
Jer. 17:10;
John 5:28,
1 Cor. 3:8;
2 Cor. 5:10;
Gal. 6:7–9; cf.
Rom. 14:12). Paul
describes the deeds of two distinct groups: the redeemed (vv. 7, 10) and the
unredeemed (vv. 8, 9). The deeds of the redeemed are not the basis of their
salvation but the evidence of it. They are not perfect and are prone to sin, but
there is undeniable evidence of righteousness in their lives (see notes on
James 2:14–20,
26)." MacArthur, John Jr:
The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Ro 2:6
[Gal 5:4,5,6]
Patricius79--not a Jew.

"5:4 justified. See notes on 2:16;
Rom. 3:24. estranged from
Christ … fallen from grace. The Gr. word for “estranged” means “to be
separated,” or “to be severed.” The word for “fallen” means “to lose one’s grasp
on something.” Paul’s clear meaning is that any attempt to be justified by the
law is to reject salvation by grace alone through faith alone. Those once
exposed to the gracious truth of the gospel, who then turn their backs on Christ
6:4–6) and seek to be justified by the law are
separated from Christ and lose all prospects of God’s gracious salvation. Their
desertion of Christ and the gospel only proves that their faith was never
genuine (cf.
Luke 8:13,
1 John 2:19).
5:5 the hope of righteousness by faith. Christians already possess the imputed
righteousness of Christ, but they still await the completed and perfected
righteousness that is yet to come at glorification (Rom.
5:6 neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything. Cf. 6:15. Nothing
done or not done in the flesh, even religious ceremony, makes any difference in
one’s relationship to God. What is external is immaterial and worthless, unless
it reflects genuine internal righteousness (cf.
Rom. 2:25–29). faith
working through love. Saving faith proves its genuine character by works of
love. The one who lives by faith is internally motivated by love for God and
Christ (cf.
Matt. 22:37–40), which
supernaturally issues forth in reverent worship, genuine obedience, and
self-sacrificing love for others." MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study
Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Ga 5:4
Also see:
What is replacement theology / supersessionism? What is replacement theology /
supersessionism? How does Israel fit into God's plan for the church age? Has the
church replaced Israel...
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
Add Graceandpeace who states: "...I do not hold to the
Add Cleekster who states: "[T]his is from a
site completely biased toward your trinitarian error."
Add Omega who states:
"There is no Trinity."
[Retracted see
link] Add Steko who states: "Godrulz is
trinitarian and is correct about Modalism, sometimes called Sabellianism and
Monarchian Modalism. God the Father is invisible, infinite, spirit being,
from Whom Jesus claims to 'have come forth'."
Retracted based on
Steko's statement
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "The Church is the one who speaks for Christ in the world..."
Christ will build his
church in spite of
the Roman Catholic religion.
And you can't do a thing about it (Mt 16:18).
These are people called out for God's (not the Pope's
1711 ἐκκλησία (ekklēsia), ας (as), ἡ (hē): n.fem.; ≡ DBLHebr 7736; Str 1577;
TDNT 3.501—1. LN 11.32 congregation, an individual assembly of Christians
(or OT believers Ac 7:38; Heb 2:12), usually with leaders who conform to a
standard, and have worship practices, with members interacting, more or less
local (Mt 18:17; 1Ti 3:5; 1Co 11:16–22; Jas 5:14; Rev 1:4; 1Pe 5:13 v.r.);
2. LN 11.33 church, the totality of all congregations of Christians at all
times (Mt 16:18); 3. LN 11.78 assembly, gathering of persons for a purpose,
even riotous (Ac 19:32, 39, 40)
n. noun, or nouns
fem. feminine
DBLHebr Swanson, A Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains:
Hebrew (Old Testament)
Str Strong’s Lexicon
TDNT Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
LN Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon
v.r. varia lectio, variant reading in a manuscript
Swanson, James: Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains :
Greek (New Testament). electronic ed. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems,
Inc., 1997, S. GGK1711
[Satan Inc. Thread
deleted/Choleric creates new thread]
It's back!
Eph 5:11
Response to comment [from
other]: "Great. The reintroduction of the ego driven pompous "anyone who
doesn't agree with my theology" is a heretic bunk..."
Jn 14:6
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "After somebody has been shown the truth of the Bible, and they
continue to reject it, then the gloves come off."
Jn 3:19-20
Response to comment [from a
"Christian"]: "You must forgive Choleric...He thinks he has the right to
judge other Christians."
Eph 5:11
Should Christians Judge?
Response to comment [from a Messianic Jew] "[W]hat is Open
theism? [I]t's not that I don't care, I may be like many who just don't
Is the Future Settled or Open? Samuel Lamerson vs. Bob Enyart
You can order
a printed version at
"I should have clarified, I don't care enough for myself to read about it..."
"Too bad."
~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
Ac 17:11
"I care about others who have [though]."
I've read it.
Enyart makes a good case.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [What is open
theism?] "It's the belief that "they" the "open" "just like God" have the
authority to hate in Gods name. In other words they control the "openness
of God"."
Who is controlling God?
Are you free to change your mind? Is God free to change his mind?
Jon 3:4,
"They also have this grudge against anything Calvin."
We disagree with the Greek paganism that Calvin promoted.
"Why would God need to change His mind?"
You can change your mind. Can God change his mind?
"Is God mixed up?"
Did the Ninevites repent? How did God respond?
Jon 3:10. How will God
respond when men genuinely repent today?
Jn 6:37,
Jas 4:6
Add Idolater:
"Transubstantiation....[i]t is not a false teaching."
~ Idolater
Matt. 24:4-5,
2 Thess. 2:7-12
"Peter was the first pope."
~ Idolater
Heb. 13:9
Add Jamie:
"...[I]f he [Jesus] had been God he would never have died. God is immortal and
immortals don't die..."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[A]dd the serpentdove for being
an antichrist."
You're projecting again.

"...[I]f he [Jesus] had been God he would never have died..." ~ Jamie
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Add
Christian Liberty and Jason0047."
What category? Do you have a link to their
heretical position?
"CL's trolling shows it very clearly...Jason said God will save you from being
raped, unless it is his will."
will that one is raped.
Ge 1:31
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Can I be added to the list?
I'd fit nicely in the "Jesus is not God" group."
You already identify as agnostic (lit. without knowledge).
"...I picked rationality over stubbornness. Not sure you'd get it."
Ad hominem
"Cosmological argument:
• Everything that had a beginning has a cause.
• The universe had a beginning.
• Therefore, the universe had a cause.
Design argument:
• Every design has a designer.
• The universe—and life—has a highly complex design.
• Therefore, there is a Great Designer.
Moral argument:
• Moral laws require a lawgiver
• Absolute moral laws exist.
• Therefore, there is an absolute Moral Lawgiver."
Atheism & Agnosticism
Indifference, Denial, Rebellion
Add Untellectual (non-Trinitarian) who states:

I'm reluctanct to make the opposite statement that God is Jesus.
Jn 1:1
Add Elia (non-Trinitarian) who
...Why do you keep on hanging on to a pagan trinity which is nowhere to be
found in the Bible and goes right against what the Torah and JC teach: "Hear
Israel, Y-H-W-H is our God, Y-H-W-H is ONE!"
Deut 6:4 &
Mark 12:29?
Add GenuineChristian (non-Trinitarian) who states:
...By what method do you determine when you can split Jesus' "I" into "We"
where one is the man and the other is the god? I thought "I" consist of the
whole individual?
Add One In Christ (non-Trinitarian) who states:
One In Christ
If Jesus is not God, what are the implications to Christianity? I say
Add Gill White (non-Trinitarian) who states:
Gill White
...[W]hy call God triune (which means 3), when in Isaiah and Revelation, is
speaks of seven.
Add RevTestament (non-Trinitarian) who states:
I thought Heavenly Father being Most High not "co-equal" was fairly
Add Nihilo
(pagan idolater
"I beseech the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word and Mother of
the Church, to support with her powerful intercession the catechetical work of
the entire Church on every level, at this time when she is called to a new
effort of evangelization. May the light of the true faith free humanity from the
ignorance and slavery of sin in order to lead it to the only freedom worthy of
the name (cf. John 8:32): that of life in Jesus Christ under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, here below and in the Kingdom of heaven, in the fullness of the
blessed vision of God face to face (cf. 1st Corinthians 13:12; 2nd Corinthians
Add Caino
(Jehovah's Witness)
Response to comment [from a
"Christian"]: [To another member] "you totally discredit yourself here. You list
Catholics, claiming Catholics are into works (being our salvation), which is
totally bogus. The Catholic Church teaches..."
You don't
identify as a
which is why you are on the list (Jud 11).

"Trinitarians must be rejected..."
Add Cross
"Jesus is never called a holy child..."
Add disturbo
"I'm a futurist and non-Trinitarian..."
Add Mickiel
(Unitarian Universalist)
"Really Christianity is a magician, it creates doctrines with little or no
scriptural support; like the Trinity..."
...John 5:26...Jesus was NOT always alive!
You read into my word too much. Universal means all. Many will
reject Him to His face.
Re 12:10,
Eph 4:14
Thank you. "They will ban you from the synagogues.
In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is
offering service to God."
Claiming our
verses again?
Eph 4:14
"Not all of scripture is written to you but all
scripture is written for you." ~ J. Vernon McGee
16:2 he offers God service. Paul, before he
was saved, personified this attitude as he persecuted the church thinking
that he was doing service for God (Acts
Gal. 1:13–17;
Phil. 3:6;
1 Tim. 1:12–17). After Paul’s conversion, the
persecutor became the persecuted because of the hatred of the world (2
Cor. 11:22–27; cf. Stephen in
Acts 7:54–8:3)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.).
(1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1616). Nashville, TN:
Word Pub.
It's funny how you insulted my Love for Jesus ...
I insult your wicked and false teaching (Eph
Summary] Servant Dove, You told me I wasn't saved.
Eph 4:14
Yes, seeing all of this garbage coming from self-righteous
hypocrites made me throw up I'm my mouth a little bit...
"Hark, fair Juliet speaks."
~ Paul Maclean, A River Runs Through It
Tell us
how Arianism is false.
What is Arianism?
[Tell us how Arianism is
false. See:
What is Arianism?] Jesus
is God in the flesh. That's how.
Was that
baby in the manger 100% God and 100% man?
I'm not going to "argue" with you or anyone else on
this site about man made doctrines...
Add GraceBunny
[Was that baby in the manger 100% God and 100% man?]
I'm not going to "argue" with you or anyone else on
this site about man made doctrines...
Serpent Dove, Good morning. Now let's post
that fruit.
fruits are evil.
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which
are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,
idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,
outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions,
heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the
like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also
told you in time past, that those who practice such
things will not inherit the kingdom of God (Ga
But there shall by no means enter
it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a
lie (Re
Add SaulToPaul (Modalist)
Add john w (Modalist)
patrick jane
[2 Pe 2:1] You're insane serp...
Was there a point in time when the Son was separated
from the Father or the Holy Spirit?
Perhaps briefly at death
or just before death.
No perhaps (Deut
Is. 6:3).
You won't find the greasy gracer
holiness. If you could hear their thoughts,
you'd never hear them crying out Abba father. They
cannot (Mt
They are Holy Spirit blasphemers
patrick jane
Jesus asked why the Father had forsaken Him just
before death.
Forsaking him
separating from him
you believe that the Father
separate from the Son or that the Son
separate from the Holy Spirit, then proof it with
and I will apologize to these antichrists (Jn 1:1-3,
1 Jn 4:3).
Add musterion (Modalist)
Add Danoh (Modalist)
Add Tambora (Modalist)
Right Divider
You are definitely the most insane poster on
Was there a point in time when the Son was
separated from the Father or the Holy Spirit?
Can the Father be separated from the Son? Can
the Son be separated from the Holy Spirit? Is
God's oneness divisible or indivisible?
Nick M
[Was there a point in time when the Son was
separated from the Father or the Holy
Spirit? Can the Father be separated from the
Son? Can the Son be separated from the Holy
Spirit? Is God's oneness divisible or
When the Father poured his wrath out on the
Son from my sin. And sent him to hell.
Not the question.
Yes, God
is divisible.
No, God is
Add Nick M (modalist)
Add THall
Add Cogthw.
There is no "trinity"...
Add kiwimacahau (non-trinitarian)
Add Fragment
Add S-word
And where on your list am I, who
prove from scripture, that Jesus was
not a god who became man, but was a
man who became a god?
Add Rondonmonson
Jesus is not fully God, but he
has the exact same
Add glorydaz (non-trinitarian)
Do you reject the blood
Lev. 17:10–14
...I'm not crazy enough
to answer your cunning
Add Patrick Jane
Jesus is
He is. Rejection of his
lordship was one of the
earliest tares in the
church by the way.
Nothing new under the
sun. Jud 4
away at
Cheap grace
believers (Jud 4).
"I prefer clarity to
agreement." ~ Dennis
Mal 4:4-6,
Mt 24:14
You to
For Your
Jesus is
The demons know that and they're going to
hell (Jas 2:19). Do you
reject his lordship like
the heretics
that you thank? Jud
Add nothead
(CARM) non-Trinitarian
View Post
...Jesus doesn't have to
be God for this Plan to
work quite well...
Add SeventhDay (CARM)
View Post
Three levels of being
with their own minds and
wills is three persons
to me and if each is
called God then we have
three Gods. No matter
how you spin the disk it
falls on Polytheism...
View Post
God sending the Son into
the world is God himself
in the form of a servant
(Phil 2:7)...
God the Father is not
the Son. God the Son is
not the Holy Spirit.
One what three whose.
Num. 6:24-27
View Post
[God the Father is not
the Son. God the Son is
not the Holy Spirit. One
what three whose. Num.
6:24-27] God through
sending the Son?
God does not put on his
Father hat, then his Son
hat, then his Holy
Spirit hat.
what three whose (Judg.
Elohym bless you…
Your god can’t bless
He doesn’t exist (2 Pe
God is manifest to us in
Jesus is God (Jn 1:1-3,
God bless you…
Your god can’t bless
He doesn’t exist (2 Pe
View Post
[God the Father is not
the Son. God the Son is
not the Holy Spirit
(Num. 6:24-27). God does
not put on his Father
hat, then his Son hat,
then his Holy Spirit
hat. One what three
whose (Judg. 13:8-23).]
Jesus is God and there
is no other...
Sorry modalist (2 Pe
2:1). You do not know
the God of scripture
(Phil 3:10).
View Post
[Trinity (Is. 6:3)] A
three-beaned God...
come up again (2 Pe 2:1,
Re 20:11).

[Luke does not belong in
the bible]
Reply to Bluemayskye
[Feeling a bit used] I
stumbled on your site
today (looking into the
origin of another CARM
forum poster’s name, who
apparently made it on
one of your naughty
A few housekeeping

Members go there
(according to category).
I am not the creator of
the thread. I add
to the list.
…and discovered an
abridged version of my
conversation with
serpentdove. While I
appreciate the link to
the original page, the
story contained omitted
much of what I said…
I’m not here to teach
you English 101 (Eph
from discussion]
is hate to those who
hate the truth." ~ Bob
Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40,
Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro
14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24,
54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud

Inc. (TOL Heretics List)