False converts Isa 1:12–17, Pr 16:25, 30:12, Lk 6:46
"If you confess with your mouth
Jesus as Lord,
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be
saved." Ro 10:9, emphasis mine
The Christian isn’t sinless. He sins less.
"The apostle John began his first epistle with a series
of statements that establish key points of the doctrine of sin (hamartiology) as
fundamental articles of faith. "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and
yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth" (1:6). That
condemns wanton antinomianism (the idea that Christians are under no law
whatsoever) and makes some degree of doctrinal and moral enlightenment essential
to true Christianity. A second statement rules out the humanistic notion that
people are basically good: "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving
ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (v. 8). And a third suggests that no true
Christian would deny his or her own sinfulness: "If we say that we have not
sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us" (v. 10)..." Full text:
How can we determine what doctrines are essential and what are they? Grace
To You Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14
The Pardon of Prayer, Part 2 by John MacArthur
No Global Mission Without God’s Mighty Spirit by John Piper
Jud 12 McGee
Questions & Answers #3119: Why do we still have the “old nature” since it was crucified with Christ?, Walking in the Spirit J. Vernon McGee
Lordship 'Salvation'"-perverting the gospel of Christ
[Removed from discussion]
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Mk 9:41,
Dan 10:13,
Ps 105:15,
Ro 14:4,
Mk 6:11,
Is 45:24,
Re 12:10,
Jud 1:9
Has the Law has been done away with?
How Many on TOL are Grace Gospel Believers?
Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'
The Myth of Unmerited Favor and Grace
Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation
Who is responsible for "dying to self"?
And you are complete in him (Jesus Christ) Colossians 2:10
What gospel was Paul saved under?
Religion: Man's Spiritual Preoccupation with Himself, Who is a Sinner
Good News: Non-Christians, too, are in the Body of Christ!
Does Romans 7:1-3 affirm different rules for women and men regarding adultery?
The Church of the Chocolate Covered Turd
A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ
Possible for saved to be wrong?
Ohio State University Reports Active Shooter on Campus
Paul's gospel was a mystery!
is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, Dan 10:13, Ps
105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Mt 13:7, Jud 1:9
Why every preacher of every false gospel is accursed
Denver church welcomes Sodomites
The Gospel That Saves, Redeems, Justifies, Reconciles, Sanctifies and Glorifies
Dear wolves/wolf-ette's, children of the devil, Cain, Jr.'s,: What sins?
The finished work of the cross?
Law keeping and the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Right. That's was why Paul was bummed about the demonic flesh still sticking to his bones (Ro 7:24).
Jud 4
The True Grace of Christian Camaraderie by John
We don't follow ministries. We follow Jesus (Jas 2:26).
Reply to
We come so hard against the works…
If you are opposed to good
works or Christ’s Lordship in your life, then you
are an antinomian (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14).
"You are not saved by your works. You work because you're saved." ~ Adrian Rogers
[Forgiveness no matter what you do] You should have unconditional love for your children.
is Coming Soon
Me Before I Forgive Again
“Run from the Pharisee[s] that
say…rapture is reward...No, it’s not.
There’s no scripture to say that.
deserve nothing (Eph 2:9). The best of our
works are filthy rags to God (Is 64:6);
Nevertheless, he saves us anyway because we have a
simple faith in him (Ac 16:31).
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth (Re 3:10).
Reply to
Lisa Kidwell
God wants you to be holy and
completely free from sexual immorality (1 Thess
Reply to
Chad Gardiner
My holiness is
based on Jesus, and what He has done, not on my own
Paul didn’t walk according to
the flesh. Do you?
Ro 8:4
Not usually.
A Christian does
not walk habitually in sin (1 Jn 3:9).
Funny, how,
when pointing to Christ as my righteousness, which
is what Scripture teaches, people here seem offended
or something, like I am condoning
licentiousness....what's up with that?
You’re either saved or
you’re not (1 Jn 3:14). This isn’t rocket
For, even if I
do good, I do not get credit for it…
You will be
rewarded for any works that mattered (1 Co 3:12-13).
…[F]or it was
Christ Who changed my heart…
If you responded to him (e.g. believing [Eph. 1:13], submitting to [2 Cor. 9:13], being established by [Rom. 16:25]), then he changed your heart (Eze 36:26).
Serpent Dove, let me know when
you've concluded whether I'm a reprobate or not.
I'd have to know your fruits
(Mt 7:20).
So, you'd have
to take a little time, get to know me first?
Of course. You
either walk the walk (Ga 5:22-26)
or not (Ga 5:19-21).
Reply to
Emilie Vieira
Sin is the transgression of the law. If the law was given to the nation of Israel in the OT, then how can a non-Israelite commit sin if no law was given to them?
God's law is perpetual and
ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail
do not murder
or do not commit
adultery to the
cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14
The law if for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9). If you are not in Christ you remain under wrath (Jn 3:36).
law is for the lawless (1
Ti 1:9).Mal
4:4-6, Mt 24:14
Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by
Bob Enyart
posted by SoCalExile View
...[Y]ou're not interested in actual discussion, or
actually reading my responses…
Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).
…[A]nd are simply trying to troll.
Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).
[When you came to Christ, did you remain your own
god?] As opposed to making men my god that I follow
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
Do you
remain your own god never repenting of sin? Jud 4
[“Belief is a type of work.” ~ J. Vernon McGee] I
guess he didn't read Ephesians 2:8-9…
Paul likens the church to a temple. He reviews the
what, why, and how concerning this spiritual temple
of salvation.
I. WHAT WE ONCE WERE (2:1–3, 11–12)
A. Dead in sin (2:1)
B. Influenced by Satan (2:2)
C. Controlled by lust (2:3a)
D. Under God’s wrath (2:3b)
E. Pagans without God (2:11)
F. Separated from Christ (2:12a)
G. Without hope in this present world (2:12b)
II. WHAT GOD DID (2:4–6)
A. He loved us (2:4).
B. He liberated us (2:5).
C. He lifted us (2:6).
III. WHY GOD DID IT (2:7): He did it so that he
might display us as trophies of his grace.
IV. HOW GOD DID IT (2:8–9, 13)
A. Through his special favor (2:8a)
B. Through faith (2:8b–9)
C. Through blood (2:13)
V. WHAT WE ARE NOW (2:10, 14–22)
A. We are the products of grace (2:10).
1. The task (2:10a): We have been created in Christ
to do good works!
2. The time (2:10b): This was planned before the
foundation of the world.
B. We are the partners of Israel (2:14–18).
1. The reconciler (2:14): Christ has destroyed the
barrier separating Jews from Gentiles.
2. The results (2:15–18): He has joined into one
body, a new person, both Jews and Gentiles.
C. We are the people of God (2:19).
D. We are the pillars of the temple (2:20–22).
1. The foundation (2:20a): It is the apostles and
2. The cornerstone (2:20b–22): It is Jesus Christ
himself.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline
Bible (Eph 2). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House
…[W]e are saved by grace through belief (faith)…
Saved people naturally
produce good works. Their works become: honorable,
sanctified and useful (2 Tim. 2:21). The works of
the unregenerate are wicked (Col. 1:21).
…[T]hat isn't of ourselves.
The good works of a
Christian are of God (Ro 8:14).
…[O]nly by God's grace are we saved, which we didn't
work for…
"Paul spoke about the root
of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the fruit of
faith (Jm 2:17-18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
[Does your gospel exclude sanctification?] …[S]anctification
(being set apart) is through the blood of Christ...
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
Let's take traffic laws, no one ever follows all of
See how that excuse works
out for you at the Great White Throne. Throw in ‘I’m
only human’ too.
...[Y]ou really should read the contexts of the
verses you are citing…
Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).
[Did you change your mind about your depravity and
chart a new course?] Funny. Because it's the
religious people that reject grace that tell me I'm
a heretic and going to hell.
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
Once the Law is removed, you simply don't care for
some things.
We’re supposed to believe
that you are saved and have no desire to sin? Based
on what? Your good looks?
Mt 7:20
The Christian isn't sinless.
He sins
less (1 Jn 3:9).
But that shouldn't be the basis of your salvation,
or your salvation is in yourself…
Every man has the chance to
trust and obey—or not (Heb. 11:24–27, Acts
Context again what does 1 John 3:9 say?
John writes about salvation.
OUR SALVATION (3:1–5, 8, 24b)
A. The role of the Father (3:1–3)
1. He bestows his love upon us (3:1a).
2. He calls us his own children (3:1b–2a).
3. He will someday make us like Jesus (3:2b–3).
B. The role of the Son (3:4–5, 8)
1. He died for our sins (3:4–5).
2. He destroyed the works of the Devil (3:8).
C. The role of the Spirit (3:24b): He now indwells
OUR SALVATION (3:6–7, 9–24a)
A. The confirmation (3:6–7, 9–10)
1. Question (3:6a, 7, 9): How can we know we are
truly saved?
2. Answer (3:6b, 8, 10): The one who lives in
continuous sin is not of God.
B. The compassion (3:11–18)
1. The exhortation to love (3:11–15): Unlike Cain,
who killed his brother, we are to love our spiritual
brothers and sisters.
2. The extent of our love (3:16–18): If need be, we
should be willing to lay down our life for others.
C. The confidence (3:19–24a): This obedience will
give us great assurance as we approach God.”
Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (1 Jn
3). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
So do you still sin according to the Law? Be honest.
Of course we still sin.
When we do,
God is faithful and just to forgive us (1 Jn 1:9).
called a relationship. His blood keeps cleansing us
of sin (1 John 1:7).
[Do you believe if one: signs a card, walks down and
isle, has a few liver shivers—that he’s saved? Heb
10:26] You're trying to ridicule…
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
…I never said you look to your own experience for
If one has no spiritual
growth, why would he have assurance of salvation (2
Pet. 1:5–11).
[Are you offended by fruit inspectors? Mt 7:20]
Again, Jesus is talking about what teachers teach.
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
Are you
offended when Christians judge your behavior?
Pr 31:9
[Does that verse [Romans 11:29] give men a license
to sin? Jud 4] That verse doesn't mean what you
think it means.
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
If one’s
life has not changed, why should he have assurance
of salvation? 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 John 3:14–22
These are people that say that "grace is a license
to sin" and by doing so, deny Christ's finished and
sufficient work on the Cross.
Christians believe that men
are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9).
All a dead person can do is dead works. ~ Adrian Rogers Ps 115:1
You've missed my point about the use of the word
"repentance" in Romans 11:29…
Proof please (Eph 4:14).
…[T]he gifts and calling of God is
irrevocable/without repentance, meaning that God
won't change His mind on it…
Guess you’ll need Heb 10:26
to go away.
For if we sin willfully
after we have received the knowledge of the truth,
there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a
certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery
indignation which will devour the adversaries.
Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without
mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of
how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he
be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God
underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by
which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted
the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said,
“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” It is a
fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living
God (Heb 10:26–31).
…[T]he false view in Galatians was that adherence to
the Old Covenant Laws…
God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When
did God nail
do not murder or
do not commit
adultery to the cross?
Mal 4:4-6, Mt
…[Y]ou'd know that if you read my posts.
Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).
...[W]e are credited Christ's righteousness as a
free gift by faith.
For what? Eph 2:10 You are
free to live habitually in sin? Jn 8:34 or to obey?
Jn 8:36
…God no longer sees our sins.
He sees what you’re doing
(Am 9:8, 1 Pe 3:12).
…[S]ince all men lie…
Proof please (Eph 4:14).
Our lives as
Christians are not dominated by lies (1 Jn 3:9)—your
father--not ours (John 8:44).
...He has made us perfect in the eyes of God.
If you have indeed been made declared positionally righteous by his blood (1 Cor. 1:30). You reject sanctification and subsequent good works; so, I’m guessing that that is not the case.
was born on a Tuesday—but not last Tuesday.
It is not about what you do, it is about what He has
For what purpose? 2 Cor.
actually saying that teaching grace gives people a
license to sin...
I’m saying that you have
turned grace into lasciviousness (Jud 4)
and will therefore burn
eternally (Rom. 2:8, 9).
don't need a license, you do it anyway.
Proof please (Eph 4:14).
A Christian
does not live habitually in sin (1 Jn 3:9). Have you
ever met a Christian?
1 Jn 3:14
What does it mean to have your sins covered?
Men are: justified,
sanctified and one day glorified. Since you reject
the reality Christian growth, I’m guessing that you
are not clothed in righteousness (Ps 132:9).
[We agree that the bad fish will not enter heaven
which would make heaven hell?] God forbid those
sinners have forgiveness.
It’s a yes or no question
(Eph 4:14).
“G. The sorting of fish (13:47–50)
1. The information in this parable (13:47–48): Upon
catching a net filled with fish, the fishermen sort
out the good from the bad.
2. The interpretation of this parable (13:49–50): At
the end of the world, the angels will likewise
separate the righteous from the wicked.”
Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Mt
13:46–50). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
When we place our faith (trust) in Christ and His
work, we are given a new birth by the Spirit (born
We’ll know if that’s true
by your works (Mt 7:20).
throwing accusations…
We expose (Eph 5:11) false teachers (2 Pe 2:1).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
SoCalExile View
[Ad hominem (Eph 4:14)] You don't care when you
throw them.
Pr 26:5
I'm just calling it as I see it.
That’s the problem (Deut. 28:28, 29).
…You aren't actually addressing my specific point,
you're largely just taking one statement of mine,
throwing out a strawman argument, and citing a
reference to a verse that doesn't actually have
anything to do with your point nor does it actually
refute mine, but is just adding conjecture because
they are so grossly out of context - as if the
amount of references is what matters and not what
they actually say.
Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14).
[Have you remained your own god?] Again, you
obviously didn't read my response…
It’s a yes or no question (Eph 4:14).
[Good works are of God (Ro 8:14)] If saved people
automatically did good works, then why did the
Apostles waste expensive ink and parchment telling
saved Christians to do good works?
Your good works--or lack thereof--prove who you are
(Mt 7:20). Fruits match roots.
[“Paul spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8).
James spoke about the fruit of faith (Jm 2:17-18)."
~ Adrian Rogers] And Aaron Rodgers would be wrong.
Rogers was a
fine servant of the Lord (Eph 4:14).
So you've tacitly admitted that you sin…
Of course I sin.
If I claimed
to have no sin, then I’d be a deceiver and a liar
like yourself (1 Jn 1:8).
…[Y]ou've cited this verse out of context…
Let the reader decide (Eph
[If one has no spiritual growth, why would he have
assurance of salvation (2 Pet. 1:5–11).] Simple -
because God said so.
Christians mature in the faith. You’re stillborn and
think you’re going to heaven?
Good luck with
that. 1 Cor. 3:1–3
[Christians believe that men are saved by grace
through faith (Eph 2:8-9).] But you're telling me
they must have works…
Christian will have good works. If your works are
wicked, it’s because you’re not a Christian. This is
what we call in the Greek—a no brainer (Mt 7:20).
And you're still telling me that grace =
I’m telling you that you’re
that guy that Jude is speaking about. Should anyone
believe you, they’ll become that guy that Jude is
speaking about, die and go to hell (Jud 4).
…by doing so [you] are
denying that Christ's payment on the cross for all
sin isn't sufficient…
Christ’s death on the cross
is all-sufficient.
When one has appropriated
this free gift of life (Eph 2:8-9), he produces good
works (Eph 2:10)—he grows in the faith (1 Pet.
“You do not need a faith
plus works. You need a faith that works." ~ Jim
[Heb 10:26–31] So you're arguing against the Bible
Take it up with the writer to the Hebrews.
[You are free to live habitually in sin?] Read
It’s a yes or no question (Eph 4:14).
[He sees what you’re doing (Am 9:8, 1 Pe 3:12).]
Bema Seat
indeed you are going to the Bema Seat. If you’re
going the Great White Throne—different plan.
is a one-time event…
Justification is a one-time event. Sanctification is
ongoing. No sanctification?
That’s because you are a false convert (Ex.
works are not an accurate means of fruit inspection…
I’ll believe you or I’ll believe Jesus (Mt 7:20). I’m going with Jesus. When you tell me that you have peace, I won’t believe that one either (Is 48:22), FYI.
[Saved for what
purpose? 2 Cor. 9:10] Context. context. context…
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.
[I’m saying that
you have turned grace into lasciviousness (Jud 4)…]
And I'm saying that you are…
Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14).
Do you read the verses you are citing?
Ad hominem (Eph
You should put down the commentary and actually read
God's word.
Ad hominem (Eph
SoCalExile View
[You're referencing something regarding the
requirement by God for Israel to follow the Law per
their agreement to do so - which they never did…]
Did you?
Ro 5:8
Good bumper-sticker slogan…
You’re projecting again
(Eph 4:14).
…[I]f saved people automatically did good works…
Christians do good work.
What Christianity Has Done for the World: Positive
Impact of Christianity
[1 Jn 3:9] …[I]t does say that those who are God's
are sinless.
The Christian isn't sinless.
He sins
less (1 Jn 3:9). In other words his live
is not dominated by sin. He will not live habitually
in sin.
[Corinthians] …[T]hey were carnal in thinking…
And not all saved which is
why Paul time and time again throw in his caveats
‘if indeed’. Since you sin habitually, you’ll want
to examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith (2
Co 13:5). The rest of us already know the answer to
that question (2 Pe 2:1).
I am endorsing the grace...
You are endorsing greasy
grace (2 Pe 2:1).
….[T]he Law wasn't a path to life…
Nor your friend. It was
intended to show you who you are. You were supposed
to do something about that. If you remain cozy in a
habitual life of sin, you’re in for a rude awakening
(Mt 7:23).
Many Christians are forever locked in a never-ending
attempt to be worthy of salvation…
We’ve been justified. Why
would we worry about being justified again?
J. Vernon
McGee said that the only type of life God gives is
eternal life to his own (Jn 17:2).
were Adam and Eve able to walk around Eden naked and
yet without sin…
They could have been
potheads. They had one command—don’t eat the apple
(Ge 2:17).
The rules you talk about only increase sin (Romans
We have two commands: love
God, love our neighbor (Mt 22:37-39). You remain
under the law (Jn 3:36, 1 Ti 1:9).
…[B]y telling me that grace leads to sin…
Grace leads to life (1 Pet.
3:7). Avail
yourself of it (Jud 4).
Churchianity says that if you violate the rules…
His commands are not
burdensome (1 Jn 5:2-4).
can't say that faith must work if the Bible says
that faith doesn't have to work.
Faith does work. It’s a
valuable commodity (Heb 11:1).
"sin" for me in your own words.
That which is opposed to
…[W]hat happened to that Hebrew that didn't rest on
the Sabbath?
Recommended reading:
The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by
Bob Enyart
…[T]he letter to the Romans is actually to
Jewish believers in Rome…
Strawman Eph
“Not all of the bible is
written to you; but, all of the bible is written for
you.” ~ J. Vernon McGee
Men are saved by grace though
faith (Eph 2:8-9). Doesn’t mean you get to
abuse his grace (Ps 19:13, Jud 4)
and think you’ll be
welcomed into heaven one day (Re 21:27).
If you think
that’s a good plan—live that way (Josh 24:15).
See how it
works out for ya (Re 21:8).
…[M]y point still stands.
it. I’m
happy to introduce you to my Lord (Lk 19:27).
…[W]hat works a saved man
can do that an unsaved man can't do?
1 Co 1:18
Paul admits to practicing
And he hated it (Ro 7:15).
Your problem is—
you don’t hate it.
Paul is actually
addressing an accusation by people that he is not a
true Apostle…
Strawman Eph
Paul’s conversion was genuine
(Acts 9:1–20). Yours was not. I know
that because truth does not live in you (Rom.
8:9–11). You are what they call in hockey—
all say, no
This isn't at all about
finding your assurance…
Don’t worry about my finding
my assurance.
False teachers
are so concerned with assuring false converts that
they’re going to heaven. I’m guessing you’ll
be beaten with more stripes than the ones you
deceive (Lk 12:47). We were told you’d be here
right about now (2 Tim. 4:3, 4)—and you are.
…[B]y definition, grace
excludes works…
Ad infinitum Eph
If a law could make
someone righteous…
Strawman Eph
…[Y]ou're telling me that
I must see evidence…
I must see evidence (Mt
…[N]ow you must define
God (Ex. 34:6, Mk 10:18).
SoCalExile View
…[Y]ou can't mix works with grace…
You haven’t (Mt 7:20).
You believe workers of evil are going to heaven (Jud
4). I do not.
“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
…[T]hose who call grace, which again exudes works…
You have no good works (Mt 7:20).
What’s your
point? You have no good works, oppose good works,
holiness, obedience, etc.--approach the Great White
Throne with this argument and see how it works out
for ya (2 Thess. 1:6–10).
…Salvation is only by grace…
Strawman Eph 4:14
God saves as a free gift that no one can boast
Strawman Eph 4:14
That's what "faith" is: assurance…
You have assurance that evil men will go to heaven.
I do not (Matt. 13:36–43).
“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
…[Y]ou think you must earn or prove grace by your
Take it up with James (Jas 2:18).
You don't decide who is saved.
Strawman Eph 4:14...
Popular Megachurch Pastor Says 10 Commandments No Longer Apply To Christians. He’s Wrong.
Reply to Henderson
[All sins are the same]
False (2 Pe 2:1).
“Jesus answered, "…He who delivered me to you has greater sin."” Jn 19:11.
And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few (Lk 12:47–48).
Antinomianism is a false teaching (2 Pe 2:1).
Grace is not
a license to sin (Jud 4).
Reply to Ramesh
Grace says, look at the Lord Jesus Christ
...and repent (Acts 2:37, 38).
Acts 2:37, 38
Reply to J Niebs
God is truth.
I think we are shown throughout the Bible
where we fall short. We all do.
Not the issue.
issue is: does the pastor hear preach:
repentance, holiness, sanctification after
justification, knowing a tree by his fruit, etc.
I see
a whole lot of click bait of ‘rapture, rapture’ in
each title;
but, I don’t hear the preacher encouraging men to
turn from sin and toward Christ. Instead, he
gives a lot of assurance to people who are going to
Will he
be there on the day that they give an account to
Believe him or believe the
Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed
undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will
judge (Heb 13:4).
not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a
man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to
his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he
who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap
everlasting life (Ga 6:7–8).
Do you not know that the
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor
thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,
nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1
Co 6:9–10).
…This flesh--it'll always be
you reject sanctification? Christians are
being sanctified—made into Christ’s likeness daily
(2 Co 3:18). They should begin to look
something like the Father.
That was the
whole point of Jesus dying on a cross for your sin
(Mt 1:21)—so that you could be victorious (Ro 8:14).
Not for you now to make light of your sin and to
continue on in it (Jud 4).
Jesus did
not come because he had nothing better to do.
Trample on
his blood—continue on as if his sacrifice means
little—see how that works out for ya (Heb 10:29).
…Yes. I'm
still sinning.
You’ve passed from death to life (1 Jn 3:14)—or, you
haven’t. If you’re still justifying your sin,
you haven’t (1 Jn 3:9). This isn’t rocket
science (Mt 7:16).
…He is the Father to the
That’s right. He picks up after the messes
that evil men
leave behind
(Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
We as his
children made in his image—set aside for his work do
the same. We don’t hold your hand on the way
to hell.
give out the word. What men do with it is
their business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee
It's about our having faith in
David that.
repented. Heb 11:6
Reply to Lisa Farris
[Henderson question and
Christ's lordship] Salvation is by grace alone
through faith alone in Christ alone.
one is discussing salvation.
We are
discussing sanctification. Men are:
justified, sanctified and one day glorified.
Henderson here seems to assume that anyone is
saved—even if they live like an animal.
I’m guessing he’s a Calvinist (2 Pe 2:1), too—a man
chosen has no choice but to be saved.
Reply to Jennifer Britt
If you are truly saved you
won't want to sin…
Then the question should not
be a difficult one for Henderson to answer.
He discusses God is love.
He does not discuss God is wrath.
“If you take part of the truth,
and try to make that part of the truth, all of the
truth, then that part of the truth becomes an
untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers
Reply to Isaiah
We do reject lordship…
speak for Henderson’s channel? You can have a
come in savior and a stay out Lord? Jud 4
Reply to Jennifer Britt
…[Y]ou are not ready for the
Proof please
(Eph 4:14).
you reject: sanctification, holiness,
Lordship? Is your gospel a license to sin?
2 Pe 2:1, Jud 4
Think if the first thing you
learned of God is that He was a God of wrath…
God have wrath stored up for those who do not
repent? Rom.
…[W]ould you want to know that
judge of the whole earth will do right (Ge 18:25).
That includes sending most people to hell (Mt 7:14).
You hide this fact. I do not.
“I prefer clarity to
agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
… His wrath is established in
His love for His whole creation.
If he’s not just, then he’s not good.
Reply to Jennifer Britt
Serpent Dove maybe I did not
come across clear when I said would you want to know
that God, I meant in the beginning of getting to
know God, that would be a turn off…
is bad news (you’re a sinner in need of a Savior)
and there is good news (Jesus saves). We
aren’t here to turn people on.
That is called easy believeism (Henderson teaches [2
Pe 2:1]).
God is love and God is wrath.
…His wrath comes from His love…
who fail to repent remain under God’s wrath.
You preach and teach cheap grace (2 Pe 2:1).
I do not.
“I prefer clarity to
agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
…[M]y point was for new
believers that is a bit much…
did you plan to tell them the truth?
You hold
their hand to hell. I do not.
“I prefer clarity to
agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
…[Y]ou have to mature before
you can understand that…
child can understand that he is a sinner in need of
a Savior. You don’t have to have a PhD in sin
to come to Christ.
your brothels, you rarely get to the truth (2 Pe
2:1). Have you noticed that
no one goes
to them anymore?
Most people will not be drawn
to a God of wrath but a God of love…
people won’t be drawn at all. Most people are
going to hell (Mt 7:14).
…[T]hen when they are saved…
Except that that rarely happens (Mt 7:14).
Henderson believes that any ol’ heathen is saved and
he provides them assurances that they are indeed
saved because they: signed a card, walked down
an aisle, got baptized, etc.
isn’t rocket science. If you still live like
an animal, you’re not saved (1 Jn 3:9). Mental
ascension won’t save you (Jas 2:19). Jesus
Hederson doesn’t even understand the significance of
James 2:19. Demons understand the Bible better
than he does. They aren’t going to hell
because they don’t get it. They are going to
hell because they are not given the opportunity to
repent as men are. Bummer deal for them.
Great for us—except that so-called pastor Henderson
doesn’t preach repentance. Jesus preached it
(Mt 4:17). He should too--or he should go out
and get an honest job.
…[T]hey will learn at whatever
pace they are ready…
will not (Mt 7:14). Will you die with blood on
your hands?
E. The role (3:16–21):
Ezekiel assumes the role of a spiritual watchman by
delivering a twofold warning:
1. To the godless
(3:16–19): Cease your wicked ways, or die!
2. To the godly
(3:20–21): Continue your good ways, or die!
Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Eze
3:12–21). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
...[W]e have to reach out to
all, in love.
Love tells the truth.
…[B]abes in Christ start out on
the milk…
If they start out at all.
To start out they need to know the truth. God
is love and God is wrath.
Paul describes God’s dealings
with three kinds of people. Each is charged with
high treason against God.
AND GOD (2:1–11)
A. The plea rendered
(2:1a): The moral person says, “I should be
acquitted on grounds that I am not as bad as some
pagans are.”
B. The plea refuted
1. The reason for this
(2:1b–4): God says, “You do the same basic things,
only in a more refined way!”
2. The results of this
a. To be the object of
God’s terrible wrath (2:5–8)
b. To experience
sorrow and suffering (2:9–11)
AND GOD (2:12–16)
A. The plea rendered
(2:12–13): The pagan person says, “I should be
acquitted on the grounds of ignorance!”
B. The plea refuted (2:14–16): God says, “You have the twin witnesses of conscience and nature (see also 1:19–20). Therefore, you will be judged by these and not by the written law.”
PERSON AND GOD (2:17–29)
A. The plea rendered
(2:17–20): The religious man says, “I should be
acquitted on the grounds that I know the law of God
and teach courses in religion!”
B. The plea refuted
(2:21–29): God says, “You don’t practice what you
1. The marks of
religious Jews (2:21–24): Because of their
hypocrisy, they dishonor God’s holy name among the
2. The marks of
redeemed Jews (2:25–29): Their hearts are right with
God. Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible
(Ro 2). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Is repentance a work? Acts
2:37, 38
Reply to Matt
Conviction of sin leads to repentance (Acts 2:37, 38). Henderson is an antinomian (2 Pe 2:1).
Reply to Kinding My Way
It depends on if it's godly
sorrow or worldly sorrow. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11
talks about this.
Worldly sorrow leads to crocodile tears
with no real change in one’s life.
Godly sorry leads to
brain surgery. We know men by their fruits (Mt
7:20). Do you live like a wicked pig?
You’re a
fraud (Jud 4).
“…After we're saved Holy Spirit
convicts the believer of righteousness. We begin to
grow in the knowledge of who we are in Christ.”
are sanctified (Heb. 9:14). Hederson talks
about justification. He talks about
glorification. He will not talk about
sanctification (2 Co 7:1,1 Jn 3:3).
God is holy (Ps. 16:10, Is.
11:4, 5).
Reply to Rhonda Pride
Repentance is a choice.
or die. Your choice (Josh 24:15).
give out the word of God. What men do with it
is their business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee
Choosing to be obedient to God's word. Jesus teaching.
you are obedient, it’s a good indication that you
are his (1 Jn 3:9).
The work that has been done by
Jesus is His perfect sacrifice for our sins.
we pass from death to life (1 Jn 3:14), we are
declared positionally righteous (2 Cor. 5:20, 21).
Do you love your brother in the Lord? 1 Jn 3:14.
If you do, you are likely his.
you do not, you’re a fraud (1 Jn 4:20).
Reply to Kinding My Way
The work for our salvation was
completed at the cross of Christ.
you to be saved, you will have to appropriate that
gift. We do not forgive men prior to their
repentance (Lk 17:3) and God does not forgive men
prior to their repentance (Lk 13:5). Learn who
God is.
So-called pastor Henderson will talk about love, love, love. He will not talk about God’s wrath or God’s holiness. You are created being responsible to him (Ro 1).
We are now complete in Him.
We is
repented. Have you?
I will know
who you are by your life (Mt 7:20).
If you walk
in him, you’re his (Ro 8:14).
If you do
not, you belong to Satan (Jn 8:44).
…[A]fter we are saved the Holy
Spirit convicts the believer of righteousness.
are a sinner or your are a saint. The Bible is
very black and white book.
You cannot be kinda sorta pregnant and you
cannot be kinda sorta a Christian. You’ve
passed from death or you have not (1 Jn 3:14).
Do you love your Christian brethren?
1 Jn 3:14.
Reply to Love Rules
…[W]e don't live in the Age of
Law anymore.
The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9). If you are a Christian (means Christlike), then you keep his commandments. If you are not keeping his commandments, then you are not a Christian--you are a liar and the truth is not in you (1 Jn 2:4).
Reply to
Too bad you’re an antinomian (2 Pe 2:1).
"Too bad."
~ Seth
Brundle, The Fly
Farag is not (Eph 4:14). He is a fine servant of the Lord.
Reply to Scott Evans
Serpent Dove Romans 3:23
doesn't say anything about sinning less…
Romans 3:21–22 discusses God’s righteousness applied
to you though faith. If you’re the real deal,
then you will purify yourself (1 Jn 3:3). You
will clean yourself up (2 Co 7:1).
Henderson likes to give assurance to men who live
like pigs
that they are
going to heaven. He’s wrong (2 Pe 2:1).
No filthy
thing will enter heaven (Re 21:27).
Lord is not coming for a whore.
Lord is coming for a pure bride (Eph 5:27).
Henderson to discuss: God’s holiness,
sanctification or Christ’s lordship in the life of a
believer. You’ll hear crickets;
but you will not hear the truth.
…[N]or does it say the sinner
your religion has not changed your life, you'd
better change your religion." ~ Adrian Rogers
You might think you sin less…
Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His
seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he
has been born of God (1 Jn 3:9).
…[H]is Word says you do.
that I have already attained, or am already
perfected; but I press on (Php 3:12).
discipline my body and bring it into subjection,
lest, when I have preached to others, I myself
should become disqualified (1 Co 9:27).
…[A]ll have sinned, and
continually fall short of the Glory of God.
Be ye therefore perfect, even
as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Mt
Reply to JR Christlove
Serpent Dove I have an advocate
with the Father, Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
Do you live to please your
do you stab him in the back daily?
Lk 6:46, Ro 8:14
you blow off God, He'll blow you off, too." ~ Doug
Giles Jer 6:30, Mt 10:33
Jn 12:48, He 6:8, 12:17
You’re a bit strange to your
brothers. Work on love.
Eph 4:14
Love tells the truth (Ga
Reply to Henderson
51 years later here I am.
about sanctification?
Jud 4
“If you’re not living a sanctified, set apart life you can’t teach others to live a sanctified, set apart life.” ~ Adrian Rogers Titus 2:12, He 10:14, 1 Pe 1:15
Reply to
Reply to Henderson
Christ died for all men (Jn 3:16). You must appropriate that gift to live (Acts 2:38).
Reply to
Henderson ever been right about the rapture date?
Has Scarbrough? Has serial adulterer Sandy
S4C? They provide click bait titles and hope
porn for the day; but, they do not teach the truth
(Jud 4).
superstition (Ac 17:22). More study (2 Ti
you look more like Jesus each day? 2 Co 3:18.
When do you remove a speck out of your eye?
Immediately? When you feel like it? Acts 2:37,
38. Never? Lk 6:46, Jud 4
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the
spirits, whether they are of God (1 Jn 4:1).
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Ro 8:14).
Henderson is lying to you (2 Pe 2:1).
Henceforth we should not
serve sin (Ro 6:6).
Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you (Ro 6:11–14).
You’ll do it your way or
you’ll do it God’s way.
he no longer should live the rest of his time in the
flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
For the time past of our life may suffice us to
have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we
walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine,
revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with
them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of
you: Who shall give account to him that is ready to
judge the quick and the dead. For for this cause
was the gospel preached also to them that are dead,
that they might be judged according to men in the
flesh, but live according to God in the spirit (1 Pe
Reply to GigiB MC
Serpent Dove I would just
suggest you keep studying!...Sadly this would be an
easy solution with some time spent in prayer and
Ad hominem (Eph
No one is saying you just keep
sinning. That’s insanity.
taught repentance (Mt 4:17). Henderson does
not (2 Pe 2:1). Jesus did not come to die for
man’s sins because he had nothing better to do:
He will save His people from their sins (Mt 1:21,
I encourage you to do this so
that you are not judged by your works.
Strawman (Eph 4:14).
are: justified, sanctified and will one day be
glorified. Henderson will discuss two of the
three facts (2 Pe 2:1).
If you insist on making God
Judge you based on your works…
Strawman (Eph 4:14).
do not need a faith plus works. You need a
faith that works." ~ Jim Andrews
…[H]e will and you will never
be able to do enough to pay off your debt.
Strawman (Eph 4:14).
"He paid a debt he did not
owe because I had a debt I could not pay." ~ Adrian
Rogers 1 Pet. 1:18, 19
Do you crucify him daily for
his efforts?
Lk 23:21
Reply to Scott Evans
Is your screen name a cover? Do
you exist?
I’ve been debating online and writing for Christian
sites since 2008.
Do you feel more like you do
now then before you came?
you mean to so-called pastor Tim’s channel? I
was there briefly to warn you (Eze 33:1–5, 7, 9, 2 Pe 2:1). I’ve
since unsubscribed. Didn’t he just say that
one in Christ now go out and murder?
believe he is a Christian. I believe he is a
wolf in sheep’s clothing (Mt 7:15).
prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
Think about that while you wait
in line at the DMV with all the other aliens who
rejected 1st Corinthians 1:30 in favor of showing
themselves, in all their wretchedness, and their
so-called works.
Strawman (Eph 4:14).
ADDRESSED BY PAUL (1:10–31): Paul discusses two of
the numerous problems confronting the Corinthian
A. They are elevating
human leaders (1:10–17).
1. The individuals
(1:10–12): Some are fans of Paul; some, of Apollos;
and others, of Simon Peter.
2. The issue
(1:14–16): Apparently the argument consists mainly
of who baptized them.
3. The insanity (1:13,
17): Paul rebukes them, hitting his own “fan club”
the hardest.
a. “Was I, Paul,
crucified for you?” (1:13a).
b. “Were any of you
baptized in the name of Paul?” (1:13b).
c. “Christ didn’t send
me to baptize, but to preach the Good News” (1:17).
B. They are exalting
human wisdom (1:18–31): Paul contrasts and compares
the egocentric wisdom of people with the eternal
wisdom of God.
1. The response to
God’s wisdom (1:18, 22–23)
a. In regard to
unbelieving Jews and Gentiles (1:18, 22–23)
(1) To the Jews who
demand supernatural signs, it becomes a stumbling
block (1:18a, 22a, 23a).
(2) To the Gentiles
who depend upon vain philosophy, it becomes
foolishness (1:18b, 22b, 23b).
b. In regard to believing
Jews and Gentiles (1:18c, 24–25): It represents both
the power and wisdom of God.
2. The results of
God’s wisdom (1:19–21)
a. It is used to
destroy worldly wisdom (1:19–20).
b. It is used to
deliver repenting sinners (1:21).
3. The reason for
God’s wisdom (1:26–31): Why did God choose the Cross
to save people?
a. Paul’s overview
(1:27–31): God delights in using foolish, weak,
lowly, and despised things to nullify the wise,
strong, exalted, and respected things.
b. Paul’s observation
(1:26): He tactfully reminds the arrogant
Corinthians of their own lack of worldly influence
and academic wisdom! Willmington, H. L. (1999). The
Outline Bible (1 Co 1:8–26). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale
House Publishers.
Can't say you weren't warned.
Show yourself now, coward, because real transparency
is coming. You go further than reject, you openly
chide and mock those who simply trust in Christ.
you believe Henderson--that grace is a license to
sin (Jud 4)—that
something is wrong with God’s law (Rom. 2:14, 15,
to hear: “I never knew you: depart from me, ye
that work iniquity.” 1 Jn 2:4, Mt 7:23.
If you continue to break
God’s law, I know a fine police officer who will
come to take you away.
Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart
Have fun explaining because
light is going to bring everything into sharp focus.
There'll be no 'hiding' behind a screen name then.
about the easiest person to track down on the web if
needed. Try harder (Eph 4:14).
Reckon yourselves dead to sin
(Ro 6:1
Reply to
Henderson is an antinomian (2 Pe 2:1).
The Verse that Most Christians Hate
Mikayla Kooper
Reply to
Goose 777
[Hyper grace]
Tim Henderson (2 Pe 2:1) has claimed this very thing using double jeopardy as an example. He said that if he were found not guilty of murder, he could then go out again and murder the same man and not be found guilty again. Ro 6:1-2
Reply to Kiley Gordon Gank
[Tim Henderson] His church is
15 min from my house. I never
knew of him till I saw him on U-tube.I am so
thankful he's close because he is a breath of fresh
For those with itching ears. Ok on a dog—not on a human. 2 Ti 4:3
Part 1: 200 Verses Exposing 3 False Gospels, The Lie of Once Saved Always Saved Exposed Mikayla Kooper
Reply to
Tim Henderson and Barry Scarbrough reject Lordship also (2 Pe 2:1).
Reply to Grace Giver
Read John 6:40-47 and Romans 4
rather than the writings and opinions of men.
If you’d to be elect, be
elect. Grace
isn’t license to sin (Jud 4).
I never said grace was a
license to sin.
don’t have to. If you are not interested in
giving up your sin—in
making Jesus Lord of your life (Jud 4), then you
have not passed from death to life (1 Jn 3:14).
is a gift. What will you do with it?
The saved will face
consequences in the flesh for sin…
Examine yourself. See if you’re in the faith
(2 Co 13:5).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Passing from death unto life is through simple faith
in the finished work.
The demons believe and they
shudder (Jas 2:19). Mental ascension to the
facts of the gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t going to
get you saved. Placing your trust in Christ
Pastor Tim from Avalon church
Seems there was a man who was thrilling audiences with his performances on a tightrope stretched across a deep canyon. People were coming from miles around to see this man. His presentation was a series of questions? “Do you believe I can walk across this rope?” “Yes,” the crowd would cheer; and so he would. “Do you believe I can traverse this rope in a blindfold?” Again, the crowd would yell a loud, “Yes!” And so he would. “Do you believe I can push a wheelbarrow across the canyon blindfolded?” “Yes, yes!” the crowd declared; and so he did. Finally, at the climax of his act he asked, “Do you believe I can cross the rope blindfolded, pushing a wheelbarrow with a person in it?” The assembled crowd responded in almost one voice, “Oh, yes, we think you can do it!” With blindfold in place and wheelbarrow in hand, the man quietly said, “Then someone get in.
you put your life in Jesus’ hands, you live in
theory not practice.
Faith as simple as a child.
don’t sound like a child to me.
You sound
like someone unwilling to turn from sin
toward Christ (Lk 9:62, Ac 2:37, 38).
…[T]hrowing away the damnable heresy of adding to it in some way…
repentance a work?
Salvation is a gift for what Jesus did for you…
died for all men (2 Pe 3:8-10). Doesn’t mean
they’re all getting saved.
Appropriate the gift. He offers you his
righteousness (2 Cor. 5:20, 21). The rest of
us will know that your conversion was authentic (Ac
9:1–20, 15:3) by your fruits (Mt 7:20).
Reply to
[Rebuke of Scarbrough]
Scarbrough claims that one should be “careful” about
sanctification (growing in holiness). You’ll
believe him or you’ll believe the Lord Jesus who
said, “Sanctify them through thy truth” (Jn 17:17).
apostle Paul said that we are called to holiness (1
Thess. 4:7) and possessed by it (1 Cor. 3:16, 17).
I don’t know what he’s been doing. If he still
lives a life of sin, then the devil is his Father
(Jn 8:44).
He spends most of his time providing assurance to false converts (2 Pe 2:1).
Reply to
Goose 777
Tim Henderson quote:
“Faith plus nothing equals salvation and
eternal security…”
plus nothing equals justification (Eph 2:8-9).
Justification is not mixed with works (Acts 15:1–29;
Gal. 2:16). If one’s conversation was genuine
(Acts 9:1–20), he repents (Acts 26:20). He is
a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17)--transformed (1 Thess.
1:9, 10).
[Revelation] “He [God] told
believers to repent.”
Right. Many believer that they are Christians;
but, they are not.
did not assume that only Christians were in his
audience. He said, “You are controlled
by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living
in you…” Ro 8:9.
People like Henderson (2 Pe 2:1) provide comfort to false converts.
Understand: Legalism, liberalism and license.
The Strange Mystery of the Sneaky Housewife Adrian Rogers
Enyart, the antinomian
Pe 2:1)--playing fast
and loose with
the words of Paul.
you think works end when you’re saved, you’re just
wrong my friend; and, there’s something wrong if you
don’t work—that’s all James is talking about. He’s
talking about the works of faith not works of
law—works of faith. “ ~ J. Vernon McGee
When Paul Changed His Bookkeeping System J. Vernon McGee
Reply to 7djengo7
"He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge." ~ Adrian Rogers
“You and I are living in a universe where there is a God, a loving God, a God whose heart goes out in love and yearning over you. But I want to say this to you: if you turn your back on Him He will judge you even though He still loves you. He is the righteous God of this universe.” ― J. Vernon McGee, Jeremiah and Lamentations
Are good works
pointless? Jn
15:6, Eph 2:10, Jas 2:26
"License is rejection of
God's code of conduct." ~
James MacDonald Jud 4
"Obeying Jesus is not
negotiable if you want to call yourself a true
Christian." Lk 6:46 ~ Michael Youssef
“If you think works end when you’re saved, you’re just wrong my friend; and, there’s something wrong if you don’t work—that’s all James is talking about. He’s talking about the works of faith not works of law—works of faith. “ Jas 2:18 ~ J. Vernon McGee
Here's Psalm
101:5: Whoso privily slandereth his
neighbour, him will I cut off...
You believe Enyart tells the truth. I believe he’s
an antinomian who leads people to hell (2
Pe 2:1).
“I prefer clarity to
agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
“Repent and be converted. That’s your business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee Jn 6:29, Ac 8:22, 9:35, 15:3
is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk
9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan
10:13, Ps
105:15, Ro
14:4, Mk
6:11, Is
45:24, 54:17, Re
12:10, 12, Jud
] "Truth
is hate to those who hate the truth."
Bob Enyart Mk
9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan
10:13, Ps
105:15, Ro
14:4, Mk
6:11, Is
45:24, 54:17, Re
12:10, 12, Jud
We speak, not to please man, but to please God (1 Thess 2:4).