Dodged Questions
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "This always happens in a hotly
contested thread, especially when dealing with slippery scumbags who pretend
that they are followers of Christ - they get asked a pointed question and then
either totally ignore it or dodge and dance away from it while pretending that
they've answered it. So I'm gonna collect them here! Feel free to join
... I absolutely passionately believe and defend the freedom of choice
guaranteed to all personas under our constitution!"
Can you show me where in the constitution we, as American citizens, are
guaranteed the choice to:
a. murder unborn children
b. engage in adultery
c. engage in homosexual behavior
necessary thread (Eph 5:11).
The motherload of all unanswered questions:
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "What is serpentdove looking for?"
got my answers.
Next time I'll post in here.
Tim. 3:13
I want the truth!
Do I believe I'm nicer than god? Doesn't matter whether I am nicer than your god
or the pink unicorns.
Is that yes you are nicer than that God--that doesn't exist? 1
Pet. 1:3
[Real men don't hit women] Then you'd agree that if one never hits a woman, but
a woman initiates physical violence, then she's no longer a woman...
Do you hit women?
[Businesses not celebrating Sodomites] They absolutely 100% did the wrong thing
according to the bible.
What have you done to defend marriage? Heb
Hey Meshak,
didn't you tell TOL members that you abandoned your military
husband and live off of his benefits?
...It's rather interesting that you wouldn't agree that IF she were consistent,
she would refuse to issue marriage licenses to adulterers or those having sex
out of wedlock.
What have you done to defend marriage? Heb
Wives in the Bible were a blessing from God. Not punishment.
One wife (Gen. 2:1824) for life (Matt. 19:6, Rom. 7:2, 3) is a good thing
(Prov. 5:1519, Matt. 19:5). Two and three--not a good thing. What
are you promoting here? A life like Esau (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Heb 13:4)
or a God fearing life?
26:34, 35
I'm no longer participating in this thread serpentdove...
Is a wife a good thing? Pr 18:22 Are two wives a good thing? Ex
GM asked you with which church are you affiliated? Were
you promoting bigamy or polygamy? Lev. 20:1012
"You answered your own question and with the same verse I gave in the old
Are they right about you or are they wrong? If
Christians do not accept you, you're not the real deal (Ga
"Clarity is our friend." ~
Dennis Prager
[Are two wives a good thing? Ex
"Who wrote the Proverbs
18:22 text
you cited earlier? How many wives did he have? How do you suppose he understood
this verse?"
Are two wives a good thing? Ex
"...[A]pply Exodus
20:14 to
"two wives". You cannot by definition have adultery with your own wife."
You cannot have two wives (Gen.
2:1824). The
one flesh covenant is for one man and one woman (Matt.
19:6) for life (Rom.
7:2, 3).
If you add a guy here and a gal there,
get the creepy crawlies that come along with that (1
Co 6:18).
that God endorses leads to life (Eccl
10:2, Jn
10:10). If one's spouse has committed adultery, the betrayed spouse need not
return to the marital bed with the defiled creature (1
Co 7:15).
Are you a bigamist or polygamist?
20:14 is
about sleeping with another mans wife."
20:14 is about committing adultery whether you are a man or a woman.
Recommend reading:
The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney
Recommended sites:
Divorce and Re
Permanence of Marriage Until Death
Walking by the Spirit Always
[Were you promoting bigamy or polygamy? Lev.
20:1012] "Not per se."
"I would argue that one does not need a license from the state to be married in
the eyes of God."
I would agree (Deut
22:29, ESV). God never endorsed divorce. Moses allowed a writ during the
betrothal period if a man learned that his betrothed was not a virgin (Mt
Who are "they"?...and what are "they" saying?
Those in the original thread who had asked you questions that you fail to
I thought it was Christ alone.
Ga 5:9, Eph 4:14
You're not really suggesting that it's Christ plus popular acceptance.
The members challenging you are believers.
When the body rejects you, that means you are poison (2 Pe 2:1).
[Promoting polygamy] The Bible says it is not good for men to be alone. Gen
Hugh Hefner could say the same thing and hes going to hell (1 Co 6:9-10).
We agree that a wife shows favor from God.
Getting a godly woman is a gift from God (Ge 2:18, Pr 31).
David already had ~6 wives when God gave him more.
God never endorsed polygamy (Gen.
2:24, Ex
They are listed among other blessings that God had given him.
One wife (the only type you can have [Gen.
2:1824]) is a good thing. Having two and
three and four
God doesn't tempt men to sin. James 1:13.
So which is it? Are these wives blessings as presented in scripture
know you want a soundbyte, but I can only appeal to scripture for the answer.
You are appealing to
your own wicked heart (Jer
"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they
themselves practice." ~ Jim Andrews
or sinful temptation from God.
Is God to blame for your sin? Mt
I cannot support the latter, so I am left with the former.
How many women did you club over the head and drag home?
They must have been given from God's hand into David's bosom rightly.
Why did David lose his son? 2
Sa 12:22-23
[Wives] They must have been given from God's hand into David's bosom rightly.
God instituted marriage for one man and one woman (Gen.
2:1824) for life (Rom.
7:2, 3). :dizzy:
He will judge those who break his commandments (Heb 13:4).
... [N]ow its a people taught thing. ...
Aren't you a people?
Cc: @heir
w @glorydaz
What part of scripture
is inconsistent? Eph
How Many on TOL are Grace Gospel Believers?
Kirk Cameron: Wives
Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'
[Have you been born again?
Jn 3:7]
I am not Israel...
Pe 2:1, Re 2:5
It ain't anti Christian bigotry to tell that certified fruit loaf to shut up.
She is flat out bonkers, so no real wonder that you jump to her defense...
30 people were rescued. Would you encourage them to repent?
1 Co
What religion was Timothy McVeigh? What religion was Dylan Roof? What religion
was Adam Lanza?
What do you think?
SD: Is Jesus the son of a star child?
2 Pe 2:1
Cruciform: Post #2
Believe the Lie
do you happen to believe that you are one of the special
2 Co
26:3, no commentary; What does
2 Co
12:9 and
26:3 mean to you and what is your point in quoting it here?
means what it what it says--how so?
does it it apply to this conversation to your understanding?
TH: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he
trusts in you.
"He that commits sin is of the devil"...
Do you sin?
It is no longer I...
I, you, he, she or it. Do you
It is no longer I...
Not the apostle Paul--you. Do you
Romans 7...
Pr 16:18
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze
18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Entire Sanctification
Paul discusses how the law of God applies to and affects three kinds of people.
A. Their relationship to the law (7:13, 5)
1. They are like widows freed from their husbands (7:13).
2. They are like dead men freed from their lusts (7:5) .
B. Their relationship to the Savior (7:4, 6)
1. They have been raised by Christ (7:4a, 6): They are released from the law.
2. They are now to produce fruit through Christ (7:4b): Thus spiritual people
are delivered from the law.
II. NATURAL PEOPLE AND THE LAW (7:713): The law is used in a twofold manner.
A. The illustration usage (7:7, 10): God used the law to reveal the sinfulness
of the flesh.
B. The condemnation usage (7:89, 1113): Sin used the law to rekindle the
sinfulness of the flesh. Thus natural people are doomed by the law.
A. Paul has learned that any attempt to keep the law leads to carnality
1. The confusion (7:1416): Pauls frustration is twofold.
a. He doesnt do the things he wants to do (7:1415a, 16a).
b. He does the things he doesnt want to do (7:15b, 16b).
2. The corruption (7:1720): He realizes the total corruption of his old sinful
3. The conclusion (7:2123): He understands the daily struggle within him.
a. The old nature, always attempting to do wrong (7:21a, 23)
b. The new nature, always attempting to do right (7:21b22)
B. Paul has learned that no attempt to keep the law can lead to spirituality
1. The agony of Pauls problem (7:24) : What a miserable person I am! Who will
free me from this life that is dominated by sin?
2. The answer to Pauls problem (7:25) : Thank God! The answer is in Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Paul outlines seven new assurances accompanying salvation.
A. Our position in regard to the Son of God (8:13): The believer is in Christ.
1. The miracle involved (8:1, 3a): Believers receive no condemnation and are
freed from sin and death.
2. The means involved (8:2, 3b): This was accomplished not through the law of
Moses but by the death of Christ.
B. Our position in regard to the law of God (8:48): We are now able to fulfill
the righteous requirements of the law in and through Christ.
A. Who he is (8:9) : He is the blessed Holy Spirit himself.
B. What he does (8:1014)
1. He once strengthened Christ and raised him from the dead (8:11) .
2. He now lives within us and controls us (8:9) .
3. He now strengthens us and will someday raise us from the dead (8:10, 1214).
III. THE BELIEVER HAS A NEW ADOPTION (8:1517): We are now members of Gods
A. Giving us an intimacy with the Father (8:1516)
B. Giving us an inheritance from the Father (8:17)
IV. THE BELIEVER HAS A NEW HOPE (8:1825): The nature of this hope is the full
and final redemption of all things, including:
A. Christians (8:18, 2325)
1. The present grief (8:18a, 23): Believers groan to be released from pain and
2. The future glory (8:18b, 2425)
a. The comparison (8:18b): Todays grief is nothing when compared with
tomorrows glory.
b. The command (8:2425): Until then, however, we are to wait patiently and
B. Creation (8:1922)
1. Nature, the victim (8:20, 21b22): The natural world of plants and animals
groans in pain because of the fall.
2. Nature, the victor (8:19, 21a): Nature, too, will be liberated from decay and
death to freedom and fruitfulness.
A. The identity of this helper (8:26a): He is the Holy Spirit.
B. The indispensability of this helper (8:26b): His prayers are vital, because
we dont even know what we should pray for.
C. The intensity of this helper (8:26c27)
1. How he prays (8:26c): He prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed
in words.
2. What he prays (8:27) : He pleads for us in harmony with Gods own will.
A. What it involves (8:28a): God causes everything to work together for good.
B. Whom it involves (8:28b): Those who love God and are called according to his
purpose for them.
A. The summary (8:29) : The Father himself has decreed that all believers should
become like his dear Son!
B. The steps (8:30)
1. We were foreknown by the Father (8:30a).
2. We were predestined by the Father (8:30b).
3. We were called by the Father (8:30c).
4. We were justified by the Father (8:30d).
5. We were glorified by the Father (8:30e).
C. The security (8:3139)
1. There exists no possible accusation against believers (8:3134).
a. The Father will not allow this (8:3133).
(1) He once gave us his Son (8:3132a).
(2) He now gives us all things (8:32b33).
b. The Son will not allow this (8:34) .
(1) He died for us (8:34a).
(2) He was resurrected for us (8:34b).
(3) He now prays for us (8:34c).
2. There exists no possible separation from the Savior (8:3539): This includes:
a. Both life and death (8:3538a)
b. Both angels and demons (8:38b)
c. Both present and future (8:38c)
d. Both height and depth (8:39)" Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible
(Ro 78:39). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
[Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the
Holy Spirit? ]
[Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the
Holy Spirit? ]
Translated: An emotional, wining, pining argument...
Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy
Why ask me?...
[Are you jealous of Trump's serial adultery? Ex 20:14] Jealous because 70-year
old Trump can get a hottie and all you can do is toss off in the toilet.
Jealous of what? His serial adultery? Ex 20:14. If you could switch places with
him, would
you? Mt 16:26
Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy
Be more specific.
Can the Father be separated from the Son? Can the Son be separated from the Holy
You are still being vague?
Is God's oneness divisible or indivisible?
[Wrong Adding SaulToPaul to
Satan, Inc. (TOL
Heretics list) . ]
She sure is.
Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy
Is that your brains falling out? Oh wait, couldn't be; that would be impossible
for you.
Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy
the Father be separated from the Son? Can the Son be separated from the Holy
Spirit? Is God's oneness divisible or indivisible?
So I asked musterion if he was going to lock his thread, and he locked it so I'm
putting my response here....[N]ot bowing to the altar that is musterion/(+ a
different screen name before 2014)
What was his old user name?
[musterion sock puppet] I don't know. I asked him if he was Jabin but he didn't
Their horns eventually show (2
Pe 2:1).
[Jn 1:1-3, 1 Jn 4:3] Why not just prove your point with scriptures[?]
Jn 1:1-3, 1 Jn 4:3, Eph 4:14
As a reminder keypurr is number 1 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL
Heretics list)
in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.
One doesn't have to confine their understanding to the traditional Trinitarian
understanding in order to be Christian...
Do you reject the trinity? Is 6:3
If the flesh could stop sinning and was not cursed, then the Lord Jesus Christ
died for nothing.
Are you saying Jesus was not flesh?
Pe 2:1
You should get saved, and delete that embarrassing Granny Moses pic.
Are you speaking about theophilus' home page? 1 Sa 16:7
If only Sanders had won the primary...
Do you want to be Venezuela?
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
You are confusing the Eternal Word with the Bible.
Did Jesus exist before being born?
Jn 1:1-3
The insanity of feminism...And every one of them have claimed sexual assault in
the past...
Has a woman claimed that you sexually assaulted her?
The Father sent Himself as a Son.
Was Jesus praying to himself in the Garden of Gethsemane?
[Since Christ's blood is not for Gentiles, will
please explain what atones]
He's just making it all up now...
Do you reject the blood atonement? Lev.
As a reminder musterion is number 60 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL
Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)
View Post
It's a yes or no question. Should
the writings of Dr. Luke be included in scripture? Deut 4:2, Ps 19:7, Col.
View Post
The answer is obvious to those who have repented of considering the papacy's
additions / tares as the word of God. Rome has made all nations drink of
the wine of the wrath of her fornication (Rev 14:8). The inhabitants of
the earth were made drunk with the wine of the harlot's fornication (Rev 17:2).
No inhabitant of the world will be able to correct me due to their intoxication
with tares as the word of God. However knowledge will increase at the end
of time (Daniel 12:4) due to the confusion / intoxication leaving upon
View Post
Should Luke who doctored an account, as it seemed good to him (Luke 1:3), be
included in the canon? Yes, if you believe in the absurd dogma of
inspiration by association. No, if you believe in the apostolic word of
God, which states that only apostles and prophets are foundational and holy /set
apart to receive revelation (Eph 2:20. 3:5). It is your choice to believe
in the word of God or not. The papacy sowed tares among the wheat.
That means additions to the word of God. The born-again are intoxicated
with those tares as the word of God and need to repent.
View Post
Luke's babble isn't the word of God.
Deut 4:2, Ps 19:7, Col. 1:25--27
View Post
[Are you for or against pedophilia? Ex. 21:16] ...[C]ite scripture all you want,
but at least make an effort to have it be relevant...
Pe 2:1
Are you for or against pedophilia? Ex. 21:16
[Banned for asking this question, removed from conversation]
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Mk 9:41
Dan 10:13,
Ps 105:15,
Ro 14:4,
Mk 6:11,
Is 45:24,
Re 12:10,
Jud 1:9
SD:Is this statement true or false?:
His blood is our means of atonement (Lev. 17:1014).
As a reminder is SaulToPaul number 57 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)
patrick jane
I accept the blood of Christ.
SD: For what? Lev. 17:1014
Do you sin?
Posted by God's Truth
[As a reminder God's Truth is number 39 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)
category. ]
None of your business.
God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt
5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross?
Mal 4:4-6,
Mt 24:14
Theology Thursday: The
Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart
...[Y]ou selected...
[Promotes polygamy (Ex
20:14)] My position is that I cannot covet my wife anymore than I can covet
what belongs to me.
Posted by serpentdove
Do you covet other people's wives? Ex
Recommend reading:
The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney
You won't get a debate out of SD...
Posted by serpentdove
When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal
Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?
For me the following is true...
serpentdove said:
Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?
eldios said:
It's not a yes or no question...
eldios said:
When you put God on a pedestal like you're doing here in this thread, you better know that you will be judged for your actions.
I know. I've got this ant in my garden--always judging me for all my actions.
Sometimes I want to step on him but I don't (Is 40:22, 2 Pe 3:9).
Desk trauma said:
[Did I put the thread in the wrong place?] Yes.
Where should it have gone (where God-haters could also participate)? You know,
the beautiful, tolerant people?
[What penalty should the murderer receive? What penalty should the Sodomite
receive?] Forgiveness from God if they are truly sorry as Jesus paid the
In a court of law what penalty should the murder receive? What penalty should the adulterer receive?
[Are you pro-Sodomite? ]
Are you pro-pagan?
It's a yes or no question. Are you pro-Sodomite ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev.
20:1012] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I
am alive for evermore (Re 1:18).
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[Is that what youd say for murders? adulterers? Eze 13:19] And who is more in need of the gospel than sinners?...
a yes or no question. Do you want murders to live? Do you want adulterers
to live? Do you have a daughter?
View Post...Did you belong on that cross?
Is the punishment for sin a cross?
For the wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23a).
It's a yes or no question.
Did you belong on that cross?