Post-Christian America

America will not repent.  Destruction is coming.  Deut 28, Pr 26:2

Ge 6:3 Deut 6:16, Is 55:6, Ps 119:105, Heb 1:8, 3:15, 12:17, Mt 24:13, 1 Thess 4:17, Jn 16:16, Re 21:5


Harbinger: 'Tree of Hope' Dies World Trade Center  

Thousands in Egypt Shout "Yeshua" for 10 Consecutive Minutes


Sign of the Times

Morals in Modern Day Society


New World Order

Role Reversal: Chrislam America & Christian Russia

Disposable Culture

War on Christians


Bradley D View Post
I see the sudden destruction as worldwide event. Few will be saved.

The church may see some cities taken out before the rapture (US approved false flags [e.g. Chicago, New York]).

jgarden View Post
...[N]o Christian should be under the illusion that it is the role of any secular state to foster or promote Christianity.

Ps 33:12

Hold Onto Your Butts

‘AmericaWasNeverGreat’: Leftists Trash USA on Independence Day Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

The Horn View Post
Yes, America should repent, but not for the things Evangelical Christians say...

One word--survival

6days View Post
God has blessed the USA...As America continues to turns its back on God, will That blessing continue?

Jer 6:16


Get ready bride (Mk 13:29, Mt 25:3). The Lord is returning to Israel (Jer 30:7).

End Of The Line ~ Traveling Wilburys 


"Prediction? Pain." ~ Mr. T, Rocky

Nick M View Post
[Lordship, greasy grace, claiming God's promises without repentance] What was that about reconciliation and not imPutin g trespasses?

Keep reading. How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! Emphasis mine, Ps 32:2 NASB

Phil 2:12

Nick M View Post
You are a demon possessed pervert [who] preaches a false gospel. Who cares what you say.

You're projecting again (2 Pe 2:1).



Anne Graham Lotz Spearheads Plan for Worldwide Revival

US monuments are getting covered in slime, and no one knows how to stop it Deut 28:22

Jn 12:40, Ro 11:7, Mt 9:27, Ro 11:25

freelight View Post

[Worships light bulbs]

Cup's almost full (Dan 8:23).

chrysostom View Post

Here comes earth, wind and fire. Ro 11:22

Americans giving up on God Ps 33:12

Americans & Evangelicals Misunderstand Basic Christian Doctrines – Fail Theology 101

Declining birth rates linked to secularization, diminished faith 

US Congress opens with ‘Blasphemous’ Prayer to Hindu Idol Brahma

U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time

Fewer than 50% of Americans have formal church membership for first time in 80 years: Gallup

Gallup, veteran of polls, documents worst-ever figure for churches

America Lost Its Religion: Church Membership Plunges Below 50% For First Time

Pro-Life Student Group Exposes Christian Universities with Ties to Planned Parenthood 

‘True to its doctrine’: Conservatives plan for a new church after United Methodism splits over homosexuality debate

91 Percent of Christians Influenced By Moral Therapeutic Deism Don’t Believe People Are Sinful 

Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny And Societal Failure

Only 6% of Americans have a ‘biblical worldview,’ research from George Barna finds 

43% of millennials ‘don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe’ God exists: study

Five dangerous ways America is on a collision course with itself 

Can a generation of boys be saved from becoming ‘unproductive narcissists?’

Hope From The Global Church As American Christianity Declines

God’s wrath being unleashed to take down a nation of sin  

Harvard Elects ‘Progressive’ Atheist as Head ‘Chaplain’

62 percent of Self-Identified Christians Do Not Believe the Holy Spirit Is Real: Survey

Thousands of High School Students across America Bow Heads to Pray in Unison

Crisis in church leadership: How celebrity pastors can avoid failing the fame test

Majority of Christians shrug off ‘Way, Truth, and Life’

Americans Are The Most “Miserable” In Decades

U.S. city abandons political correctness, goes non-stop for God 24 hours a day

Most Catholics, mainline Protestants say faith in God not required to enter Heaven

Most Americans, Many Christians Don’t Believe Jesus Existed before Being Born 

Dr. Stella Immanuel: Learn to trust God in these evil times

Chicago Lutheran Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Prayer Hour’ For Children

Americans identifying as Christian at all-time low, secularism at all-time high

New Year’s resolutions about a relationship with God are popular among young Americans

The Popular Belief That Empties Churches 

Attack On The First Amendment: Washington State House Speaker Announces No More Praying ‘In The Name Of Jesus’

Legislative chaplains say they can’t say Jesus during opening prayers

Report: 26 Million Americans Stopped Reading the Bible Regularly During Covid 19

Florida Atheist Calls for the Bible to Be Removed from Florida Schools 

‘Shocking’ New Poll: Only 37 Percent of U.S. Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview

Trusted Church Leader Defies Johnson Amendment, Urges Pastors To Biblically Instruct On Political Issues

Pastors Abandon Biblical Worldview

No Matter What The Midterms Bring, Without Revival We Have Lost

New Poll Shows Americans Who Believe In God Has Dropped To Lowest Level Since 1944

Gallup: Belief in the Inerrancy of Scripture Rapidly Declining

Grace Church In New York City Hosts A Drag Queen Show For High School Students Who Greeted Him With Thunderous Applause As He Pranced Down The Aisle

Study Reveals Big Percentage of US Christians Are Not ‘Spiritually Mature’ 

United Methodist church in Florida  features drag queen in kids’ sermon

DeSantis to require teaching Hebrew Bible in Florida’s public schools

92% of Bible users say Scripture has ‘transformed’ their life: survey

Fewer Americans Take Their Traditional Moral Values from Biblical Principles: New Survey Says

Sodomite-Friendly Votes Signal Progressive Shift for Methodists 

58 Louisiana churches leave United Methodist Church amid schism over homosexuality

Liberal churches have Fall Festivals 

Church of Norway bishops to ordain unmarried, cohabiting priests 

‘Great Reset’ Warning We Ignored: KGB Defector’s Haunting Prophecy from 1984 

Most Americans believe in karma, over 25% believe in reincarnation, astrology: survey

Prestonwood Baptist Is Indistinguishable From the World

Church-sponsored Sodomite pride event promotes ‘kid’s activities,’ ‘drag shows’  

Number of Americans Listing ‘None’ as Their Religious Affiliation Unexpectedly Changes

The America We Grew Up Is Gone 

Jesus Christ Has Officially Been Declared The King Of Poland 

Is America facing a “Jonah” moment, or a “Nahum” moment? Busy 4 the Lord  

In the US, Covid decreased prayer attendance but increased levels of faith

Christian school that embraced Sodomites is forced to close its doors 

Biblical worldview ‘much closer to extinction’ after Covid-19 lockdowns

Ten Signs That Your Church Has Already Incorporated The New Age Into Their Worship Services Pt 1, Pt 2 

14 US presidents who were members of one of the most mysterious and powerful secret societies in history

US Military Recruitment Flatlines as American ‘Propensity to Serve’ Fades

Pew statistics show Americans view Jews, Protestants, Catholics more favorably than Muslims, Mormons

Andy Stanley Goes All In And Makes North Point Community A Sodomite-Affirming Church

Belief In Traditional American Values Plummeting: WSJ Poll

Jesus’ resurrection: Two-thirds of Americans say biblical accounts are accurate; higest in Midwest, South

The bizarre transition in the West

From Beaches to Prisons, Hundreds of Salvations, Baptisms Reported in US

Survey Finds Less Than Half of Professing ‘Born-Again Christians’ Believe Jesus Was Sinless

A new study reveals an unexpected resurgence of faith among young people in a post-Covid era

America’s New “Woke” Religion

Poll: Results Show More Than Half of So-Called Christians are Deceiving Themselves

Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology: When Postmodernism Merges With Christianity Busy 4 the Lord

Does America Have A Biblical Type? | David Reagan Prophecy Watchers

Jesus Movement Celebrates ‘Biggest Water Baptism’ in U.S. History

The Days Of Lot Before Our Eyes

Texas Baptists expel two more churches for welcoming Sodomites so-called Christians 

Romans One Is Being Manifested In Nearly Every Community

Church Attendance: Another Alarming Societal Trend That Was Accelerated By The Lockdowns

The Church of England has proposed a plan to rent out underused parish churches instead of selling them, allowing them to “lie fallow” with the potential for future reopening

American Churches Are Eerily Silent When The Country Needs Them Most

Tim Scott: America needs ‘biblically sound leadership’ to combat a ‘culture of grievance’

America’s Religious Landscape in the midst of a Continuing Exodus, Devotion of True Believers Remains High

The Percentage Of Americans That Believe In God Has Fallen To An All-Time Low

Poll Finds Fewer and Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Survey Reveals Continuing Marxist Infiltration of Mainline Protestant Denominations 

Thousands of Arkansas Teens Gather at High School Football Stadium to Worship Jesus

Pastor in NYC Times Square, ‘Salvation Spreading’

73% Of US Christians Say The Bible Doesn’t Influence Their Views On Israel

Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is A Sign That Society Is On The Verge Of Breaking Down

Religious ‘Nones’ are now the largest single group in the U.S.

“There’s No Voting Ourselves Out Of This” – Restoration Through Catastrophe

Fewer Americans See Pastors as Ethical

Our Evil Society

Examples That Show Just How Far The U.S. Has Fallen

America ‘On The Precipice Of Christian Invisibility’

Seattle is the least-religious large metro area in the US 

"The Church": Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders 

Gallup Poll: Regular Religious Attendance Declines in US

Most believe in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, poll finds

The Spirit Of Antichrist In America— Eliminating God From Our Calendar

Leftist Churches are the Norm

Episcopal Church unveils new Pride shield in celebration of Sodomites

Anti-Christian America

Thousands join ‘Let Us Worship’ rally during Sacramento Sodomite Pride

Tennessee governor signs bill calling for 30 days of prayer and fasting in July

A Christian Creator God in All 50 US State Constitutions

The Rejection Of Biblical Truth In The Church Should Be Met With A Trumpet, Not A Whisper

The Values That Made Western Society Great Came from The Bible

More U.S. Women Are Getting Permanently Sterilized Because They Never Want To Have Children

The American Church, the voice of LION of the tribe of Judah, has developed laryngitis

Red State Schools Reluctant to Follow Mandate Requiring Bibles Be Taught in Classrooms

Our Nation is in Trouble

Biblical Illiteracy Is At Astonishingly High Levels In The Church, New Study Reveals

Reply to AMTV

“…You can feel the gods.”

What does your money god feel like?  :smokie: Mt 6:24 Pride goeth before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall (Pr 16:18).  

The Rate Of Depression Among Americans Has Reached A New High 

Abondoning Church: ‘Inclusive Sunday Collectives’ Gain In Popularity Amoung Secularists

The war on families and the war on children

Christian coalition launches over 200 training hubs to advance Great Commission, mobilize pastors 

"The apostate church in the last days must become so corrupted that it actually opposes what Christ taught while at the same time insisting that it is faithful to Him..." Dave Hunt  Full text (click to view)

Gateway Church in Texas: Allegations the church’s founder, Robert Morris, sexually abused a minor female for years beginning when she was 12 during the 1980s

Appeals Court Allows Louisiana To Post Ten Commandments

UK: School Removes All Christmas References From Panto to Make Children Feel “Safe”

Reply to AMTV

“You need to flee into the mountains…Do it with your money.”

2 Ti 3:13  

Bible sales soar as world events continue to shake

Some Of Hollywood’s Biggest Names Are Turning Away From Depravity, Towards Jesus

Rising Illiteracy: The Church’s ‘Biblical IQ’ Has Never Been Lower 

Reply to AMTV

“…or libertarian like myself...”

Libertarian = immoral conservative (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

"Minister" Claims Calling Jesus The Savior Is A Stumbling Block To Church Attendance

Post-Christian America