HSS (Department of Health and Human Services)

NIH (National Institutes of Health)

CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service)

NCHS (U.S. National Center for Health Statistics)

ASPR (Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response)

AMA (American Medical Association)


[HHS: Immigrants with HIV, STDs welcome by Paul Bedard] "The administration has decided to let immigrants with three sexually transmitted diseases known for causing sores or lesions on genitalia to enter the United States, an expansion of a previous decision to let in those with HIV.

The Department of Health and Human Services this month opened the borders to those with the STDs, deeming the communicable diseases not a big threat to the United States.

A report from the Center for Immigration Studies said that HHS does not believe that the costs to taxpayers to handle the immigrants with STDs will be significant.

Now, said the Center, the list of inadmissible communicable diseases only includes syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and leprosy..." Full text: HHS: Immigrants with HIV, STDs welcome Am 8:5, Jn 8:36, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Also see:


Martial Law 




I Want to Believe


Surveillance State

Egalitarian Society

War on Christians

Borders, Language, Culture


China Rising

Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories


U.S. health agency revokes Obama-era Planned Parenthood protection

HHS Rescinds Obama-Era Rule Banning States From Excluding Planned Parenthood From Medicaid Program

Pediatric Nurse Files Complaint With HHS After Leaving Job Over Requirement to Provide Abortion Referrals

EWTN Wins Years-Long Legal Battle Against HHS Contraceptive Mandate

Baby body parts in ‘humanized mice’ experiments

Harvesting Children: Department Of Health And Human Services Extends Contract To Create ‘Humanized Mice’ From Aborted Late Term Baby Parts 

Judicial Watch Obtains Records Detailing NIH Purchases of Aborted Fetal Parts for ‘Humanized Mice’ Testing

Update:  US data on Coronavirus deaths exaggerating the number of deaths?: US Hospitals Paid More for labeling cause of death as Coronavirus, Doctors falsely labeling deaths

54 Scientists Given NIH Grants Fired for Failure to Disclose Foreign Ties

Under evil Biden regime, the NIH abandons ethics board, resumes trafficking of aborted baby body parts using taxpayers’ money 

Dr. Richard Pan to become the “Joseph Mengele” of HHS as Biden Regime tips their hats to Pan’s Nazi-style medical dictatorship of California

Fauci and the NIH caught funding China’s covid bioweapons research

Judicial Watch: New Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’

NIH established a “public health emergency” loophole, enabling Chinese scientists to exploit moratorium on gain-of-function coronavirus research

HHS document reveals US government involved in funding research to “create, transfer or use” pandemic pathogens 

Kathleen Sebelius wants you to be separated from your children if you refuse to get “vaccinated” for covid

America’s Frontline Doctors sue HHS to revoke emergency use authorization for covid vaccines 

Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the next bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says people have no right to spread “misinformation”

NIH chief quitting amid charges he was untruthful

6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins.

NIH Admits Funding Gain-Of-Function Covid Experiments; Gives EcoHealth Five Days To Report Data

EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims ‘Massive Cover-Up’

NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab

US agency enlisted foreign governments for pandemic ‘preparedness activities’ before Covid

NIH Officials Allowed EcoHealth Alliance To Self-Police Risky Gain-Of-Function Experiments In Wuhan

Fauci, NIH Head Planned ‘Devastating Takedown’ of Non-Compliant Physicians

“I Do Not Want To Have A Vaccination”: NHS Doctor Tells UK Health Secretary On Camera

Anthony Fauci Caught on a Hot Mic Using The Name of the Lord as a Curse Word Aimed at Rand Paul and Others 

Fauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K for Researchers To Study Transgender Monkeys 

Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate “Unprecedented In Modern History”

WHO Chief Scientist Rocks The ‘Jab The Kids’ Narrative To The Core In Just Over 90 Seconds

The NIH is funding a new animal experiment center in Texas to develop vaccines for EBOLA… when will the next “lab leak” go down? 

Lawrence Sellin Identifies Chinese Science Mole at the Highest Level of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

US Department of health officially ends recording Covid deaths daily after toll surpasses 900,000

Francis Collins-led NIH not only backed research on aborted fetuses but sex-change testing on young kids 

Hospitals No Longer Required to Report Covid Deaths, HHS Says

Members of the Covid-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel of the NIH apparently don't seem to place any value on human life

The NIH now knows that the Covid vaccines can cause death 1 year from the vaccination date

Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH 

Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance Of Conflict Of Interest In Secret Royalty Payments To Fauci, Scientists

NIH Scientists Pocketed $350 Million in Royalties:  Agency Won’t Say How Much Went to Fauci 

From The NIH Website: “Covid is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history”

NHS reveals in FOI that ambulance call-outs for heart illness have doubled since Covid-19 vaccination began among all age-groups

Here We Go: NIH Begins Testing Phase I Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine

"President" Biden’s HHS Secretary Is Illegally Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Abortion Tourism

Researchers Use GMO Mosquitoes To Vaccinate Humans In NIH-Funded Malaria Study 

NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of Covid Pandemic

England: NHS Doctor confirms health & social care staff were instructed to let patients die or “euthanize” them to falsely increase the Covid death count while hospitals were empty

Here’s How the U.S. Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated 

How I hope to survive the NHS’s latest attempt to kill me

HHS Official Rachel Levine Says Changing Kids’ Genders Will Soon be Normalized

NHS Dr reveals Staff were ordered to “Euthanise” Patients to Fraudulently Increase Covid Death Count Because Hospitals were Empty. Nurses were having TikTok Dance-Offs

NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of ‘Covid’ Pandemic 

Health Secretary Levine blocked release of federal report confirming fluoride in US tap water lowers children’s IQ

National Health Organization Pushes Critical Race Theory into Medical Field

HIPAA: a permissive data sharing system

"President Biden" admin’s war on people of faith evident with new attacks on religious health care groups

Universal flu vaccine based on mRNA tech to be tested by NIH

UK: Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps in 2020, using Midazolam to kill the Elderly and Vulnerable

First Covid Vaccine Injury Lawsuit in U.S. Targets U.S. Government, Social Media Giants 

The Feds Want To Control Your Friends

NHS Rules Claim To Protect Children; Christian Legal Group: ‘Don’t Believe The Hype… The Devil Is In The Details’

HHS director threatens to cut Medicare payments to hospitals if they don’t allow genital mutilation of children 

Health Department released thousands of illegal immigrant kids with latent tuberculosis infections

Lawsuit: Cigna Healthcare Misused AI to Deny Legitimate Insurance Claims

US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency 

Hawaii health department instructs child therapists to hide Sodomite identity from parents

Fauci Defended NIH Culture Of Secrecy: The $325M Third-Party Royalty Complex

American Medical Association Suggests Taxpayers Fund $300K Uterus Transplants For Men

New Policy Forces Federal Workers to Salute to the Sodomite Flag

Number of kids put on puberty blockers doubles despite NHS promising to stop

Colorado: $12m taxpayer-funded NIH biolab research facility will import bats from Asia & infect them with deadly diseases – in project with China-linked scientists

NIH Bankrolled Chinese Scientist Who Mapped SARS-CoV-2 Two Weeks Before China Told World About Covid 

How ‘Trusted’ Christian Pastors Coerced Congregations To Take Deadly Covid Vaccines Resulting In Untold Deaths 

NIH Awards $200,000 Grant for Transgender Voice Training

Cellphone Radiation Research Was Halted After Worrisome Findings, Expert Questions Why

US health authorities quietly removed Americans’ right to informed consent that was codified in the Nuremberg Code

Fauci Capo Testifies to Congress: ‘I Don’t Even Know What Our Ethics Office Does’

US gov’t scientists received $710 million from Big Pharma during Covid, watchdog finds

HHS Sued Over Rule Requiring Health Care Providers To Perform ‘Gender Transition’ Procedures

"President" Biden’s trans HHS assistant sec Dr Rachel Levine pressured WPATH to eliminate age guidelines for child "sex changes" 

Biden’s HHS Forces Foster Parents To Facilitate Sex Changes For Minors, Barring Christian Adoption

Whistleblowers Warn Biden Regime Is Trafficking Children to Fake ‘Sponsors’; 85,000 Missing.

Exclusive: HHS Funds AI Tool to ‘Inoculate’ Social Media Users Against HPV Vax ‘Misinformation’ 

US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children

NHS Whistleblower: Staff Was Essentially Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate Covid Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty

Biden’s HHS Sent Kids to Strip Clubs, Where They Were Pimped Out

HHS withheld information on the Covid-19 vax?. Sen. Ron Johnson wants to find out why,

‘Make America Healthy Again’ caucus launched by Sen Marshall after RFK Jr meeting

Court Stops HHS Attempt To Advance Abortion and Medical Mutilation

Canada: Aattempted murder with injection of faeces into bloodstream

Jay Bhattacharya Will Bring Much-Needed Transparency To NIH

WHO Top Scientist Was ‘Primary Collaborator’ of Peter Daszak — the Researcher Under HHS Scrutiny for Coronavirus Experiments in Wuhan

Trump fires 17 inspectors general in Friday night ‘massacre’

Department Of Health And Human Services Updates Definitions Of Female, Male

RFK Jr. orders sweeping review of vaccines and antidepressants