Creepy Clowns
[Reports of creepy clowns luring kids expand into
second state by Crimesider Staff CBS AP Winston Salem, NC] "Claims of have
expanded into a second state. In reports eerily similar to recent clown
sightings that have garnered the national spotlight near Greenville, South
Carolina, two children have reported seeing a clown trying to lure kids into the
woods with treats about 175 miles to the northeast in Winston-Salem, North
Just like investigators in their neighboring state to
the south, police in Winston-Salem have stepped up patrols, but haven’t been
able to substantiate any of the reports..."
Reports of creepy clowns luring kids expand into second state
Jn 7:7, Am 8:7, Lk 17:2, Mt 24:12
"Satanists (genuine ones) are peculiar people. They
aren’t ignorant peasants or semiliterate natives. Rather, their ranks are filled
with doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and basically highly responsible citizens...
They are not a careless group who are apt to make mistakes. But they are
secretive and bonded together by a common need and desire to mete out havoc on
society. It was Aleister Crowley who said: 'I want blasphemy, murder, rape,
revolution, anything bad.'" ~ David Berkowitz
Satanic Sacrifice: Albuquerque. Is. 29:15
Man arrested after slicing off woman’s finger, drinking her blood during
memorial for Juggalo
Shape-Shifting Queen
She'll drink your blood
and he'll
do the pat-downs at airports.
More Clowns
...Chased Into Woods With Machete
...An Epidemic Jn 7:7, Am 8:7, Lk 17:2, Mt 24:12
Evil Clowns Scared off With Guns Lk 22:36
People Control
Attacker in clown mask stabs man in Sweden
Police: 'Clown' flees on scooter after slashing man to death with bladed gloves
Police: One-Armed, Machete-Wielding Clown Cuffed
Police Warn of 'Creepy Clown' Sightings As 'It' Hits Theaters
Clowns Lurking in Theaters; Viewers Freaking Out
Creepy Clown Attacks Little Girl in Israel
No laughing matter: When exactly did clowns become scary?
Reply to barncat
Those verses have nothing to do with clowns. If you want to discuss a verse the least you can do is post it.
A few housekeeping items:
The thread starts here. Creepy Clowns had previously discussed child sacrifice in America. Those updates have now been moved to my Pizzagate/Pedogate thread. This thread will now only include creepy clown intimidation.
Creepy Clown Emerges From Woods, Attacks Boy With Baseball Bat