The Leopard

Dan 7

ok doser View Post [I'm Proud Of My Anglo-Saxon Heritage]

I'm proud of my Welch & Austrian heritage. Not so proud of my Dutch heritage.  


Obama [Gog]

One World Government/Religion


Political Terrorism   



Angel4Truth View Post I'm happy with how God made me.

Me, too (Ps 17:15).

patrick jane View Post Whites took back the country!
 ok doser View Post ...[A]nd what are they gonna do with it now?  Give it back to the Indians?

Can't do that. We're going to need fuel for the coming war. The pagans will have to deal with it. They'll be rich; so, they'll get over it.

Nick M View Post ...German...

...Here comes the Fourth Reich.


Dear Germany: Have you learned anything? By Dennis Prager 

Wars & Rumors of Wars

Merkel tells Turkey to stop Nazi references; Turkey repeats comparison

Turkish daily depicts Merkel as 'Frau Hitler' on front page

Donald Trump claims Germany owes the US and NATO ‘vast sums of money’ for defense of Europe against Russia

Naked people slaughter a sheep at Auschwitz death camp

Canadian Parliament Officially Condemns Criticism of Islam
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Anti-Semitism expressed by a quarter of the German population Mt 24:9,

Israel blames Germany for EU support of UNESCO anti-Israel resolution  

Berlin orders barracks inspection after Nazi symbols found

Pro-Nazi Soldiers in German Army Raise Alarm  

Angela Merkel declares 'Islam is not the source of terrorism' but the Christians who make Muslims feel angry because of 'Islamophobia' Jn 15:20–23

Merkel warns USA, Britain no longer reliable partners 

Berlin mayor allows Hezbollah to march in ‘Zionists out of Israel’ rally 

Uncovered: Germany on its Way to Fulfill Role as Israel’s Biblical Arch-Enemy Amalek

Israel supporters are the enemy within Germany, Social Democrat says

EU army comes forth: Calls for pan-European military training across EU nations

Berlin Mayor: Anti-Israel BDS Movement Like Nazis

Germany to work to maintain global unity if US de-certifies Iran deal

German army 'plans break up of EU' in war game

EU Army: Brussels signs off military plan & hails historic day without UK

UK out, Germany down, France on top? Macron may bid for EU leadership crown

Merkel is the administrator of the West’s downfall

Dead Sea Scrolls do not belong to Israel, Germany says   

German Government ‘Anti-Extremism’ Initiative Funds a Pro-Iranian Regime Group

Germans Fear Huge Loss of Jobs from U.S. Tax Cuts 

One Third of Germans Want ‘United States of Europe’ 

Germany starts enforcing hate speech law

AfD politician 'censored' under new German 'hate speech' law

Thank God we’re leaving.  Macron and Merkel plot massive EU power-grab in latest revelation 

U.S. professor sued for calling a German cop a Nazi claims ‘extraordinary corruption’  

East Germany’s Stasi is back   

US steel tariffs: Germany’s Merkel calls for EU exemption

Q Analysis: Merkel, Australia (and a little bit on Kenya) Tracy Beanz

Germany’s Merkel plans to visit Trump as trade deadline looms: Bild

Caroline Glick: Germany Abets a New World War

German neo-Nazis mass for festival on Hitler's birthday 

...New Anti-Semitism Problem

German CEO: Israel should no longer rely on Germany for its existence

Germany: Getting into trade conflict with U.S. would be careless

Germany’s Merkel: No to Jerusalem Embassy, No to ‘Settlements,’ Yes to Iran Nuclear Deal

Germany Agrees with ‘Palestinians’ – Jerusalem is not Israel’s Capital

Time to ‘take fate into its own hands’: Europe can’t rely on US protection anymore, says Merkel

U.S. military looking at deploying anti-missile system in Germany – sources

Guess which country is the largest donor to NGO’s hostile to Israel that seek the destruction of the Jewish State?

Merkel Urges Europe to Step Up in Trump’s New World Order 

Israel and Germany green light billion dollar killer drone deal 

Germany’s Economic Minister Calls On Europe To Defy Trump’s Iran Sanctions

Germany Calls For Global Payment System Independent Of The US

Third Time's a Charm:  After Starting Both World Wars I and II, Germany Now Calls For The Creation Of A Massive European Army

Angela Merkel to The UK: ‘Surrender Your Sovereignty To The EU’

Germany to ‘Re-Educate’ Children from Conservative ‘Right Wing’ Families

Angela Merkel: Germany to take on greater global responsibility

German leader meets with Hezbollah, supports terrorism against Israel

Germany gives $426,037 to Muslim group calling for Israel’s destruction

Jewish group alarmed after German police let neo-Nazis march

American tourist attacked in Berlin after saying he was Jewish 

German citizens are arming themselves with firearms

German mainstream parties vote for neo-Nazi as community leader

Neo-Nazi protestors in Germany call for Palestinian help against Israel

German synagogue attack eyewitnesses: ‘There was a blast, we locked ourselves up’

Starting where Nazis burned books, 10,000 march in Berlin against anti-Semitism

Study Finds Antisemitic Beliefs Rising Among German ‘Elites’ 

Dresden: The German city that declared a ‘Nazi emergency’

Angela Merkel Argues Freedom of Speech ‘Has Its Limits’ and Government Should Regulate It

Germany permits Iran’s regime to build European network – report

Germany To Begin Construction On Chrislam ‘House Of One’ For One World Religion Worship Services That Will Also Include Atheists  

Germany Institutes Totalitarian Rule 

German EU member warns of new Holocaust coming

The United Nations Unveils ‘The Guardian of International Peace And Security’ Statue That Looks Just Like Something From Revelation 

UN headquarters: Statue of lion with wings as described in Daniel’s dream erected

‘End Times beast’ no longer on display at UN

Germany’s Covid vaccine mandate could be delayed due to “bureaucratic hurdles” 

Germany Roiled By “Political Earthquake”: Navy Chief Resigns After Saying “Putin Deserves Respect”, Warning China Is “Not A Nice Country”

554 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Ordered by German Government for 83 Million People: Seven Doses Per Person!

Amid The Russian Firestorm In Ukraine, The Story You Are Not Seeing Is The Re-Emergence Of Germany As A Military Powerhouse And That’s Very Not Good

Germany To Buy Dozens Of US Stealth Jets

German lawmakers push for mandatory vaccination, blame unvaxxed for ongoing Covid restrictions  

Germany’s Highest Court Admits Covid Vaccines Are Harmful, Even ‘Fatal’ – Yet Upholds Mandate

‘Germany’s Legal System Prohibits Criticism of Islam’, Violators Face Jail Time 

Secret Nazi history behind Germany’s wealthiest dynasties

Rhine River drops to record lows, restricting shipping and exacerbating the European energy crisis

Germany Rising:  an expanded EU

Two Communications Lines (GSM-R) Cut in Germany 

Germany’s Foreign Office Ordered Removal of 482-Year-Old Cross in Münster Before Godless G7 Meetings

The Most Disgusting Country In All Of Europe

‘Germany is Now Communist’ Declares Co-Founder of Viktor Orbán’s Party

Cdl. Müller: German Synodal Way is ‘worse than schism’ and has abandoned ‘essence of Christianity’

Muslims Call for ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to Jews’ in Germany

Cries of ‘Death to the Jews’ Heard at Pro-Palestinian Demonstration in Berlin

German Government and Media Incites Violence Against Conservatives

Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav, Now Put on”Wanted“ list by German Prosecutors for Speaking the Truth

German City Renaming Anne Frank Daycare Center To Be More ‘Inclusive’ After Migrant Complaints 

Berlin Jews Facing ‘Extremely Tense’ Situation, City’s Top Antisemitism Official Warns

“Germany Is In Really Big Trouble”: Perfect Storm Of Terrible Trends Paints “Bleak” Picture As “Distress Is Spreading To Other Sectors”

Leftists: Commies and Nazis

German Interior Minister Wants to Criminalize Conservative Opposition: ‘Take Away Their Income, Weapons, Smash Their Networks’

Germany says it will arrest Netanyahu as Israeli envoy appeals to Berlin to defy ICC

Nazi salute and racial chants seen at German event: ‘Foreigners out’

Vaccines and packaged medicines: EU countries make up at least 36% of global trade, with Germany being by far the largest exporter of these products from the bloc

On trial at 95: Ursula Haverbeck charged for Holocaust denial in Germany

Germany could soon be screening 18-year-olds to boost military recruits

Anti-Semitism reportedly rose 80% in Germany in 2023 

Germany bans neo-Nazi song rendition chanted by Euro soccer fans

Germany Strips Conservatives of Gun Rights

Germany’s Ruthless War on Conservatives: Destroying the AfD, Silencing Their Media, Stripping Gun Rights, and Banning the Letter ‘C’

Germany will deny citizenship to those who call for Israel’s destruction with statements like ‘From the river to the sea’

Rules of the New Normal Germany: Don’t criticise the government and don’t compare it to Nazi Germany, even if it is strikingly similar

Berlin police warns: ‘City is dangerous for Jews’

German government collapses, sets date for elections

Saxony-Anhalt Begins Disarming AfD Members

The Leopard