Socialized Medicine
Dr. Jill Vecchio--PPACA Pt 1 Coverage "Practicing physician gives a Non-partisan, thorough explanation of PPACA (aka Obamacare) and what it means to all Americans. 7 segments: 1) Who will be covered; 2) and 3) What are the costs 4) State Exchanges and Employers 5) Doctors and Patients; 6) Constitutional issues 7) Ideas for Real Healthcare Reform" Vid:
Dr. Jill Vecchio--PPACA Pt 1 Coverage
Search and Seizure
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Calling Jill Vecchio "non-partisan" is an outright lie."
Proof please.
That is a quote from the text.
"I did not say you were the one doing the lying."
Great. Discuss the topic.
She's either lying or she's not.
"The topic is thus: how can someone who lies about being nonpartisan..."
The topic is Obamacare.
"When government controls your healthcare, it controls you."
~ Jill Vecchio
"Your source is dishonest..."
Are you biased?
"Evidently not...You seem to be."
You have no biases but I do?
"Which one of us is willing to use a liar to back our posts?"
Do you have biases?
Boehner, McConnell refuse to appoint members to 'death panel' to
Pr 8:36
Obamacare: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS
David Rivkin and Elizabeth Foley: An ObamaCare Board Answerable to No
One. The 'death panel' is a new beast, with god-like powers. Congress
should repeal it or test its constitutionality
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "When someone labels their presentation "non-partisan", you can bet that it's going to be rabidly partisan."
"The facts
of life are conservative." ~ Margaret Thatcher
[Thatcher quote] "Only a fool thinks that reality is in complete conformity to her beliefs."
By that she meant that conservatives act on facts. Liberals act on
"If your intent is to do good, you are a conservative. If your intent is
to feel good about doing good, you are a liberal." ~ Dennis Prager
[Thatcher/facts are conservative] "Conservatives always tell each other that..."
As a reminder, it is helpful to link to the member to whom
you are addressing.
States seek to nullify Obama efforts
Congress to get Obamacare exemption
Group demanding transplants for illegal aliens
Report: President personally negotiated Obamacare exemption for
Congressional staffers
Obamacare Seeks Translators for Over 100 Languages
Reid: Obamacare just Step Toward Single-Payer
Obamacare Cost Caps Delayed Until 2015
Admin Has Missed Half of Legally Imposed Deadlines
Obamacare’s big question: What’s it going to cost me?
Despite temporary reprieve, business owners increasingly anxious as
health-care law looms
Hold off Obamacare
10 ObamaCare fumbles
80 House Members: Shutdown Better Than Obamacare
President delays deadline for finalizing Obamacare health plans--again
IRS issues final rules on Obamacare's 'individual mandate'
Report: Artists, photographers, writers to lose coverage under Obamacare
Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions
Obamacare Employee Accidentally Sends Out 2,400 Social Security Numbers
WH Refuses Union Pleas for Obamacare Waivers
Congress gets sneaky exemption from law
Punishes senator who tries to stop it
'There are death panels in there'
Obamacare will question your sex life
Tea Party: Conservatives Push New Spending Resolution to Defund ObamaCare
Obama: Americans Wrong About Obamacare
The GOP’s new plan to repeal, replace Obamacare
Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California
Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For Family of Four
Hannity to Ted Cruz: Obamacare Defunding a 'Tipping Point for the Country'
IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund
"The devil has substituted all kinds of sources of
authority. For example, there is relativism. There was once a
philosopher named Hegel. Hegel had this idea that everything is in flux.
You have over here an idea; we'll call that a postulate or a thesis.
Over here, he says is an antithesis. So, over here is the truth that
says one thing. Over here is another thing--a postulate. Neither one of
them may really be true but people believe this antithesis. And so
there's a war between this thesis and this antithesis. These fight and
these battle
and after a while there comes something called a synthesis--the two
ideas come together. For example, let's say that the thesis is
Let's say that the antithesis is communism.
And let's say these get in a battle long enough and you come together
with a synthesis which is what?--socialism.
What happens is this: once you have a thesis and an antithesis, then
they come together in a synthesis--that's what Hegel said. Now, that
synthesis becomes the new thesis.
And then somebody else gets another antithesis. And the new thesis and
antithesis go to war and then you come up with a new synthesis.
Do you see what is happening? Everything is moving. There is no solid,
fixed standard (Adrian Rogers, paraphrased notes)."
Report: Obamacare will subsidize up to 111,500 abortions per year
Pr 8:36
New delay in small-business enrollment
Am 8:5
Obama finally admits: Yes, we did raise taxes Ex 20:15
10 states where Obamacare wipes out existing plans
Jn 10:10
Feds approve taxpayer subsidies for abortion coverage
Obamacare Begins
Ex 20:15,
Jn 8:36
Why Is Obama Willing To Negotiate With Iran, But Not Republicans?
Obama On The GOP: 'I Shouldn't Have To Offer Anything'
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...I truly hate Obama."
He won't call terrorists
but he will send his aides out to call conservatives terrorists.
Harry Reid's Office Leaks Boehner Office Emails
Perk: Obamacare phones offered to health insurance buyers
Ex 20:15, Am 8:5
Digital records raises concerns
Obamacare national hotline:
Warning language 1-800-F**KYO to reach Obamacare’s national hotline
Sebelius: Obamacare sign-up glitches a ‘great problem to have’
Huge taxpayer subsidy needed as Congress, staff buy 'gold' Obamacare
Exchange Sends List Of 2,400 Social Security Numbers To Broker
‘We’re Winning’: Ted Cruz on the Latest in Washington Amid the
‘Government Shutdown’
Jimmy Kimmel Asks Pedestrians If They Prefer Obamacare Or The Affordable
Care Act
Quinn: "Originally, if you didn't have land, you didn't vote, and there
was a good reason for it"
Dead can sign up in Kentucky
Am 8:5
'Warning: No Explicit or Implicit Expectation of Privacy'
Re 13:17
Obamacare Website Goes Offline for Repairs Again
Ben Carson: Obamacare Hurts Just as Healthcare 'Golden Age' Emerges
Jn 10:10
Socialized medicine: Obamacare website cost more than Facebook, Twitter,
Linkedin, Instagram
'How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that
doesn't work?'
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[
Socialized medicine] "The website cost over 6 million dollars and
doesn't even work! If there was ever any proof that government is
incompetent, that is it."
Destroying the best healthcare system in the world.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [
Obamacare: More than a Glitch]
And you had hoped it would be as good as the DMV.
Ex 20:2, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Pro-Life ObamaCare Buyers Could Unknowingly Fund Abortion
Another ObamaCare ‘Glitch’: $30B blown on non-operational medical record
The Obamacare Rollout Train Wreck
"Portal Potty--The porthole of death"
~ Laura Ingraham
House panel questions firms paid $$ for troubled ObamaCare website
Response to comment [from other]: "...The Teapublicans are the KKK in sheep's clothing."
Ad hominem
No Bid Contract: Michelle O's Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare site Am 8:5
Response to comment [from other]: "What happens if the government runs out of money and sets up death panels?"
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Applications 'won't be used for immigration enforcement purposes'
Axelrod Admits: 'You Can Keep Your Insurance' Promise Not True
Juan Williams: 'Not the Apocalypse' When People Lose Health Insurance
FLA woman's rate jumps from $54 a month to $591
'I just want to know why I can't keep what I have'
"Liberty is not a value of the Left."
~ Dennis Prager
WH Admits: Some will lose current health plans
NBC News: Obama knew millions would lose health plans
Ex 20:16,
Jn 8:44
Forgive. I need to interrupt this thread
to be chatty (1 Pe 5:3).
WoundedEgo, did you know that the average persons' left hand does 56% of
the typing?
Weird Facts.
1.5 million cancellations so far
Congress to exempt staff from Obamacare
Britain's NHS pulls plug on £11bn healthcare computer system
Paralyzed firefighter kicked off insurance
CNN: White House Pressuring Insurance Companies To Not Criticize
UK top court: OK for hospital to stop treatment
"The computer deal will get fixed up. Don't worry about that." ~ Bill Clinton
website hasn't crashed--and Barack Obama
'Whatever' Human Services Kathleen Sebelius got testy
with legislators
Sebelius: “Don’t do this to me”
Blame others for cancelled health plans
Obama: 'bad apples insurers'
"This was always about destroying the American
private healthcare system. There is not a tear shed in the White
House--not even a crocodile tear over those who lost their health
insurance." ~ Dennis Prager
Obama: 'Just shop around'--on a site that doesn't work
White House told insurance execs to keep quiet
'Data Mining' Budget 'To Ensure Programs Redistribute Tens of Billions'
Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children
Slate Magazine: Canada has death panels and that's a good thing
Obama: It's hard but it's worth it. It is the right thing to do
Isa 5:20
Propaganda: White House Asks for Photos of Happy Obamacare Enrollees
Sex workers jazzed about Obamacare
Dems now calling for doctors to take Medicare, Medicaid patients
Obama denies health care comments
Video recordings show him saying them -- at least 29 times
'Unions May Get Health Law Tax Relief'
Sebelius admits felons can become navigators
250,000 Colorado plans cancelled
Delaware Spends $4 Million to Enroll 4 People
Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in Obamacare
52 million Americans have lost or will lose health insurance
Blame game as insurers dump doctors
Obama Knows Best: Obama 2010. Americans Won't Lose Insurance, They'll
Change To 'Better Deal'
It's all about you: Obama: 'I got burned already with a website...'
Tell Congress: 'Live by Your Laws!'
Persuasion cannot save him now, Campaigning will not work this time
The Truth about Navigators: Corruption at the heart of the president’s
signature program
California: 1 Million Lose Insurance
Conflict of interest: WebMD pockets millions from feds to promote
Promoting sexual sin
President thwarts Congress again
Insurers: 'Fix' could raise costs
Another woman with cancer dumped from insurance
Hillary Clinton 2007: 'If you have a plan you like, you keep it'
Home sellers discover hidden new Obamacare tax
Thousands of Doctors Dropped from Health Plans
House passes bill to keep your insurance
Obama vows to veto
Dem Rep: Amnesty key to making law work
Report: White House working with insurers to bypass
Biden: 'God willing' health site will be fixed
Ex 20:15
Former FTC Commissioner: Obamacare Website Violates Federal Regulations
Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here.
Woman Hailed As Success Story Now Can't Afford
Plans in DC Cover Abortion, Not Hearing Aids
Perks Ease Way In Health Plans For Lawmakers
Analysis: 50 to 100 million insurance cancellations coming
Blaming Republicans
Obama: 'Invested in Failure' of Healthcare Law
Sebelius asked to explain $2B in Obamacare loans
Will this court case shatter Obamacare?
80 million could lose employer coverage under Obamacare
Boy with cancer loses coverage
Obamacare sign-up for small businesses delayed a year
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[W]hy is it named after him?"
Obamacare Then, Affordable Care Act Now
Obamacare. Affordable Care Act.
IRS Auditing Cancer Patient Who Lost Coverage, Spoke Out
Am 8:5,
Re 13:17
Also see:
IRS Admits Targeting Conservative Groups; Apologizes
High court ends Liberty
University lawsuit over Obamacare
Hookers At Nevada's 'Bunny
Ranch' Call Obamacare 'A Blessing'
Some Reid staffers exempt
from Obamacare
Obama: 'We're Not Repealing
Obamacare as Long as I'm President'
'Don't Worry About the Price Tag' Song Wins Obamacare Video Contest
Response to comment [from other]: "What is a "serpentdove"? I mean, scripturally?"
Mt 10:16
Obamacare Open to Wi-Fi Attack
Report: Health law could force thousands of volunteer fire departments
to close
More Hidden Taxes Funding Obamacare
Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare 'Escape Clause' Going to Create Permanent American Part-Time Workforce
Vid: 'Pajama Boy' on Obamacare Jn 10:10, Eccl 10:2
WH lifts mandate for people whose insurance was canceled by Obamacare
Go uninsured or apply for 'catastrophic' coverage
'First crack in individual mandate'
14th change to healthcare law without Congressional approval
WH Extends Obamacare Deadline
New ObamaCare fees coming in 2014
Ex 20:15
Court: Obama Admin “Doesn’t Have the Right” to Impose HHS Mandate on
Christian Colleges
Justice Blocks Contraception Mandate on Insurance in Suit by Nuns
Hospital workers go unpaid
Data Goldmine: Walgreens, Walmart Offer Free Prescriptions to Obamacare
Study: Medicare-eligible patients MORE likely to visit ER instead of
less expensive options
'Direct contradiction' of WH claims
Obamacare: Doctor's Office Spends 2 Hours On Hold With Insurer For
Surgery Authorization, Before Giving Up
Frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment
HHS Uses Cold Weather to Push Obamacare
'Corrects' Another Rule in Law, Waives Comment Period and 30-Day Delay
Senator to sue over healthcare subsidy for Congress
Discovering Life Saving Drugs Is Very Hard and Very Expensive
Dem Sen asked state to cook books on Obamacare numbers
Hidden Practice: Hospitals Pay Patient Insurance Premiums
Report: Obamacare Bailout Planned for Insurance Companies
Exclusive -- 'I heard it doesn’t work': College Students React to
A-List Stars Resume Propaganda Push to Save Obamacare
WH delays another Obamacare deadline
Bizarre Richard Simmons Obamacare Commercial Performance
Hundreds in Ohio Lose Doctors
Swedes buy insurance to skip long health queues
ObamaCare death debt? States can seize assets to recoup Medicaid costs
Hollywood Brainstorms 'Portraying ObamaCare in TV & Film'
Unaffordable Care Act: Sticker shock 2014 Obamacare taxes
Michelle O wants $10 donations 'to help protect Obamacare'
Report: Boston Tops List for Doctor Wait Times with 72 Days
Sick Kids Denied Specialty Treatment Due to Obamacare
Cost of Generic Drugs Soar
Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor's offices
California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away
AOL CEO: 'Obamacare Is Additional $7.1 Million Expense For Us'
CBO Director: 'Creates a Disincentive for People to Work'
WH Spin: Obamacare Will Save People 'Trapped in a Job'
Employer Mandate Delayed Again
Obama Rewrites Obamacare
Boehner: Exempts Corporations, Not Families
Directly Violates Text of Affordable Care Act
Krauthammer: 'This is stuff you do in banana republic'
Doctors 'Astonished' To Find Themselves Listed On Obamacare Exchange
'Avalanche' of Regulations Still to Come
Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'
The Crazy
Nastyass Honey Badger Warning
Future: British 6-year-old denied surgery because of government 'budget
Belgium Passes Bill Allowing Terminally Ill Children to Choose
Obamacare Recruiting Illegal Aliens in California
Obama: Signing Up for Obamacare 'Just Part of Growing Up'
Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts
Michelle Obama: 'Young People Are Knuckleheads;' Need Obamacare
Harry Reid: We need to extend the ObamaCare deadline because…some people
don’t know how to use the internet
Study: Uninsured Patients Get Better Care Than Insured
Obamacare Tax Must be Paid
Public Rebellion Brewing
Sebelius Blames GOP Governors for Obamacare Failures
Convicted Terrorist Worked as Navigator in Illinois
DC plans include gender reassignment surgeries
Obamacare Enrollees 'Finding it Impossible to Cancel Their Plans'
Restaurants in Florida Charging Obamacare Surtax
Another Delay: New delay would avoid more cancellations Friday before
Election Day
Feds to force Doctors to use 155,000 codes to record injuries,
diagnoses, and procedures
Opt Out: Bill to Make Fine $0 for Violating Individual Mandate Passes by
90 Votes
Michelle O To Obamacare Counselors: 'You Are Doing God's Work'
Ex 20:15
Michelle Obama: 'We Nag You Because We Love You'
Rhode Island Instructs Moms to Use Fornication App to 'Nag' Kids into
Obamacare Enrollment
New Obamacare Mandate Exemption Quietly Added
Why the White House Kept the Opt-Out Exemption to the Individual Mandate
Yet another problem: Obamacare & Medicaid "churning"
Report: $17Million a Month Spent on Obamacare Ads
"...It's called the affordable care act...It's called the affordable
care act...It's called the affordable care act...and the affordable care
~ Nancy Pelosi
Laura Ingraham program 21 Mar 14)."
~ Raymond, Rainman
Biden: Obama Should Be Nominated for Sainthood for Dealing with
Obamacare Questions
Green Card Holders Not Qualified for Medicare but Eligible for Obamacare
Obamacare Navigator: 'No One Really Has to Pay a Penalty'
Sebelius: Obamacare Extension 'Is Not An Extension'
Health law penalizes 'wrong' insurance 18 times more than no insurance
First Class-Action Suit Filed
'I don't get why people are working so hard to stop Americans getting
health cover'
~ Barack Obama Ex 20:15
Administration makes it difficult to cancel Obamacare plans
Where is the $2,500 in health insurance savings President Obama and Democrats promised me?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You're Jewish? i never would a thought..."
Supreme Court upholds nationwide health care law subsidies Ex 20:15
Health Insurers Seek Steep Increases in Rates
If you like your life you can keep your life:
Admin revives plan once criticized as 'death panels'
Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change
22:5, Mt 19:4
Probe: Bogus Enrollees Keep Getting Obamacare
Poll: Only 15 percent say they have benefited from ObamaCare
White House to lay out 'next chapter' for Obamacare
Obamacare premiums rising faster than wages
CBO Misses Obamacare Projection -- by 24 Million People
Elite Hospitals Cultivating Elite Patients
Obamacare Enrollees Sicker, Causing Premiums to Soar Again
America's million-doctor shortage is right around the corner
Obamacare Bleeding Out: Insurers warn losses unsustainable
Nation's largest health insurer to exit majority of Obamacare exchanges
Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes Planned in '17
Obamacare Funding 'Unconstitutional'
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
ICD 9: International Medical and "Legal" Execution Coding Brought Under Obamacare
Obamacare premiums set to spike again in 2017
US Healthcare records offered for sale online
Insurance Giants Cancel ObamaCare Expansion Plans as Premiums Skyrocket
Obamacare On "Verge Of Collapse" As Premiums Set To Soar Again In 2017
Obamacare Website No Longer Addresses 'You Can Keep Your Doctor'
Mess: Obama maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars
5 Devastating Obamacare Facts Every American Should Know
More Than 1 Million Will Lose Healthcare Insurance in 2017 as Companies Flee Obamacare
Medicare Unveils Far-Reaching Overhaul of Doctors' Pay
Hillary Wants Obamacare to 'Unravel'
Philly: Only 2 Insurers Left, Premiums To Rise 53%
It should be repealed and replaced. There are
Christian healthcare options for individuals who don't live according to the flesh?
Have you voted yet? I sent my off off already for Tom Hoefling (pro-lifer,
Mike Pence: ‘First Order of Business Is to Repeal and Replace Obamacare’
U.S. House clears way for vote to start Obamacare legislation
Obamacare on the Ropes as House Follows Senate in Voting to Repeal
Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan
Trump: ObamaCare Replacement Is Ready to Go
Trump: Obamacare Repeal May Take Until 2018
Vid: Ted Cruz Forces Bernie Sanders To Admit Obama Lied About Health Care
IRS Won't Reject Tax Returns That Don't Answer Health Insurance Question
Coulter: House passed six Obamacare repeals when Obama was president! Now nothing.
House Republicans Unveil Bullet Points for Obamacare Repeal
releases bills to repeal and replace Obamacare
Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Have a Right to Know What’s in Healthcare Bill Before It Passes’
Aagcobb View Post
PMB View Post
CBO: Full Repeal of Obamacare Insures More Americans than Ryan’s Obamacare-lite Plan
Trump Is Done Negotiating; If House Bill Fails, Obamacare Remains Ex 20:15
Child-killer Trump Hits Pro-Life Freedom Caucus for Not Supporting
Socialized Medicine Pr 8:36, Ex 20:15, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Donald Trump: Personhood Never
Rep. Files One-Sentence Bill To Repeal Obamacare Ex 20:15
Aagcobb View PostEx 20:15
Loki View Post [Ex 20:15] Silly.marke
View PostBoehner Bashes GOP – Will Never Repeal & Replace Obamacare, “It’s Been Around Too Long”
Sens. McCain, Murkowski and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill
McConnell: After Failure of Obamacare Repeal: ‘It’s Time to Move On’
Sen. Rand Paul Says President Trump Planning Executive Action on Socialized
Over Obamacare Repeal 'Fraud'
Trump Asks Why Congress, Insurance Companies Are exempt from Obamacare
Sued Over Obamacare Repeal 'Fraud'
Freedom Tax: 6.5 million pay fine to avoid Obamacare
CVS accused of jacking up prices for insured
Chief Obamacare Architect Sacked After Fraudulent Billing Investigation
Obamacare costs for 27-year-old nearly double
Barack Obama Peddles His Junkcare – Gets Slammed on Twitter
Report: Trump Plans Exec Order to Unravel Individual Mandate
Senate Bill Seeks to Strip Obamacare Mandate
Obamacare Premium Spikes In 2018 Now Greater Than Two Thirds Of A Family’s Wages In Some Areas
Obamacare Set To Drive New Wave Of Hospital Bankruptcies
Obamacare premiums as high as $40,000 for family
Obamacare mandate ‘irony’: Its ‘tax’ repealed in tax reform
Report: Medicaid And Obamacare May Be Incentivizing Opioid Trafficking And Abuse
Trump's New Healthcare Move: 'We Will Not Allow People of Faith to Be Targeted, Bullied or Silenced'
20 States Sue Feds to Repeal Obamacare ‘Once and for All’
States scramble to avert Obamacare sticker shock
U.S. Healthcare Isn’t Broken–It’s Fixed
Reply to Jen Kilmury
Can an American explain to me why Obamacare is bad for your country?
Ex 20:15
Prediction: Courts will end Obamacare for good
Trump administration halts billions in insurance payments under Obamacare
Hospitals shut at 30-a-year pace in U.S., with no end in sight
Officials: 75,000 Obamacare Consumers Affected by Data Breach
Obamacare: Texas court rules key health law is unconstitutional
[Obamacare dead]
It was always unconstitutional. Socialism does not work. Ask Venezuela. Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Half Of Doctors Considering Leaving Medicine — Because Of Health Insurance Headaches
Feds opening door to ‘privacy’ in medical ‘privacy’ law?
U.S. appeals court to take up constitutionality of Obamacare
More Americans Delaying Medical Treatment Due to Cost
Covid-19: Greasing the road to government-run health care
Executives of health care company ran $1.9 billion fraud scheme, feds say
UK: Lazy GPs have found yet another way to harm their patients
Canada: Since 2018, Over 75,000 Canadians Died Waiting For Health Care
UK: Globalists kill children and the elderly
UK: Families whose relatives were killed by the UK state using midazolam has final hearing before inquest