Government acknowledges PRISM spying
program, disputes details
NSA's Verizon Spying Order: Fourth Amendment
And Big Data On A Collision Course
James Clapper Clarifies Remarks Over NSA
Am 8:5, Jn 8:36,
Re 13:17
Response to comment [from other]: "...[T]his all began under Bush."
For terrorists
not all American citizens.
The Obama administration calls those who are
have a "Christian identity" or who consider
themselves "Constitution defenders" or
"Liberty Lovers" as terrorists (Re
Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide
Army job: Internment / Resettlement
Specialist (31E)
Right-wing extremists, war vets are
A job listing with the Defense Intelligence Agency also mentions PRISM, HOT-R, COLISEUM and others
"This all began under Bush..."
It's been expanded
since the Bush administration.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "So
impeach Bush. Oh wait, that's right.
Bush isn't president anymore."
They didn't get the memo.
NSA, FBI secretly mining data from Internet
Justice Dept Fights Release of Court Opinion
Finding Unconstitutional Surveillance
Officials: NSA mistakenly intercepted
emails, phone calls of innocent Americans
NSA Snoopers Suck Data 'From 50 Companies'
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "In all fairness, I suspect that the guys who set up that system, probably realized that democrats would use it, too..."
[This abuse of the
Patriot Act must end: President Obama
falsely claims Congress authorized all NSA
surveillance: In fact, our law was designed
to protect liberties by Jim Sensenbrenner]
"We've gotten used to what "Big Government"
looks like – Washington's unchecked deficit
spending, the Obama administration's
policing of the press and the IRS's
targeting of conservative groups. But the
problem is bigger than we thought. "Big
Brother" is watching. And he is monitoring
the phone calls and digital communications
of every American, as well as of any
foreigners who make or receive calls to or
from the United States.
Last week, the Guardian reported that the
Obama administration is collecting records
of every call made to, from or within the
US, as well as records of many digital
communications. President Obama has tried to
deflect criticism by claiming "every member
of Congress has been briefed on this
program." While some members of Congress
were briefed – particularly those on the
intelligence committees – most, including
myself, were not.
The administration claims authority to sift
through details of our private lives because
the Patriot Act says that it can. I
disagree. I authored the Patriot Act, and
this is an abuse of that law..." Full text:
This abuse of the Patriot Act must end:
President Obama falsely claims Congress
authorized all NSA surveillance
[Obama in 2007: No More Spying on Citizens
Not Suspected of a Crime by John Sexton]
"...This Administration also puts forward a
false choice between the liberties we
cherish and the security we demand. I will
provide our intelligence and law enforcement
agencies with the tools they need to track
and take out the terrorists without
undermining our Constitution and our
That means no more illegal wire-tapping of
American citizens. No more national security
letters to spy on citizens who are not
suspected of a crime. No more tracking
citizens who do nothing more than protest a
misguided war. No more ignoring the law when
it is inconvenient. That is not who we are.
And it is not what is necessary to defeat
the terrorists. The FISA court works. The
separation of powers works. Our Constitution
works. We will again set an example for the
world that the law is not subject to the
whims of stubborn rulers, and that justice
is not arbitrary.
This Administration acts like violating
civil liberties is the way to enhance our
security. It is not..."
~ Barack Obama
Full text:
Obama in 2007: No More Spying on Citizens
Not Suspected of a Crime
Report: Obama's Snooping Excludes Mosques,
Missed Boston Bombers
Philadelphia Couple Joins Class-Action
Lawsuit Against NSA’s Verizon Spying
CBS News confirms multiple breaches of Sharyl Attkisson's computer
Hacking occurred during time when Attkisson
was reporting on Benghazi attack
NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants
NSA's New Spy Facility is 7 Times Bigger Than Pentagon
Declassified documents show NSA snooping had ‘compliance’ problems
NSA's 'XKeyscore' sweeps up emails, social
media, browsing history
NSA Chief Challenges Hackers To Build Better
Surveillance Program
NSA Searches Content to and from USA Texts
NSA head: Agency working to reduce leaks by
replacing analysts with machines
NSA broke privacy rules 'thousands of times'
Ex NSA head insults Bloggers As Privacy Violations Mount
NSA surveillance reach broader than publicly acknowledged
Obama: No Allegations NSA Is Trying to
'Listen in On People's Email'
'Inadvertently, Accidentally' Pulled Emails
of Americans
NSA Paid Google/Facebook Millions To Spy on
Employees Eavesdropped on Love Interests,
Significant Others
NSA having flashbacks to Watergate era
Sen. Corker: Congress Doesn't Know Extent of
NSA Foils Internet Encryption
Collaborate With Tech Co's, Internet
Providers to 'Covertly Influence' Product
Crack banking and medical records
Obama administration had restrictions on NSA
reversed in 2011
Can Spy on Smart Phone Data
NSA Admits
Violated Privacy Protections
Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets
Spiegel: NSA Spies on International Payments
Google Schmidt: Gov't Spying 'Nature of
Update: NSA analysts spied on love interests
NSA Gathers Data on Social Connections of
Update: Analysts spied on love interests
NSA testing U.S. cellphone tracking
Released 'misleading' numbers on terror
plots foiled by snooping
Court: NSA can continue sweeping phone data
NSA collects millions of e-mail address
books globally
The NSA isn’t the only government agency
gathering your personal data: The TSA has
extended their reach to look into your stuff
Security Check Now Starts Long Before You
NYT: No Morsel Too Minuscule for
All-Consuming NSA
Swisscom builds 'Swiss Cloud'
Paper: CIA Pays AT&T for International Call
Inventor of world wide web criticizes NSA
over privacy breaches
Update: Navy 'Research Blimp' Returning to
Baltimore Skies
Chuck Schumer Calls for GPS Tracking of
Autistic Children
American's Personal Data Shared with CIA,
Pentagon Drones To Scan Eyes From Distance
CIA spying financial records
NSA Armed Employees With Thanksgiving Talking Points
NSA Tracks 5 Billion Cellphone Locations a Day
NSA spying on virtual worlds, online games
Judge: NSA Spying Violates 4th Amendment
Stunning revelation from man who sued NSA
Agency sent out emails that he never wrote?
White House Tries to Prevent Judge From Ruling on Surveillance
Obama Can't Name Single Terror Attack Stopped by NSA Snooping
Am 8:5, Jn 8:36, Re 13:17
NSA intercepts computer deliveries
How NSA Remotely Bugs iPhones
Hacks WiFi networks from miles away
NSA Building Code-Cracking Computer
Feds move to block discovery in NSA lawsuits
Group in Congress asks White House to declassify 'black budget'
Fournier: Obama Says, 'Trust Me'
NSA Devises Radio Pathway to Pry Open Computers
NSA Collects 200 Million Text Messages Per Day
'Untargeted' Global Sweep
Calm down
NSA Spies Are 'Our Neighbors and Friends'
White House: Obama didn't know extent of surveillance
Panel: Program Hasn't Prevented Any Terrorist Attacks
Podesta to Lead NSA Review
Soros Crony
Official admits 'minor' abuses of NSA database
Feinstein: Get used to database
Snowden claims NSA uses data it collects for economic purposes
NSA Watching Phone Users With Google Maps
Snowden Docs Reveal Spies Snooped on Youtube and Facebook
Feds Look at Ways to Prevent Spying -- on Spying
Feds: NSA 'Probably' Spies on Members of Congress
Won't Say if Obama Phone Data Collected
NSA's Secret Role in Assassination Program
Spy Chief: We Should’ve Told You We Track Your Calls
NSA To Expand Phone Database
NSA Using Facebook to Hack Into Your Computer
NSA Converting Spoken Words into Searchable Text
Congress sends NSA phone-records bill to president
NSA secretly expands warrantless surveillance of Americans' Internet traffic
NSA Spies on Israel–and Obama’s Opponents
H.R. McMaster’s Former Firm Funded by Sharia-Ruled Bahrain — Up to 25% of Total
NSA Quietly Deletes Years of Illegally Collected Wiretap Data
NSA engineer gets five years in prison for stealing ‘massive trove’ of classified information
China stole NSA hacking tools and used them against US: report
Tech giant Amazon gets $10 billion taxpayer-funded contract to help NSA spy on American citizens
NSA broke its own rules to spy on Americans, new IG report finds
NSA Looking to Hire Thousands Of Fired Leftist Big Tech Workers For Intelligence Activities
NSA Promotes Anti-White Racism Among Employees, Leak Reveals
Gabbard: 100 Intel Officers Fired for ‘Brazen’ Sexual Conduct