[June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a
9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami] "Starting on June 7, FEMA
will be conducting a large scale drill that has been named "Cascadia Rising"
that will simulate the effects of a magnitude-9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia
Subduction Zone and an accompanying west coast tsunami dozens of feet tall.
According to the official flier for the event, more
than "50 counties, plus major cities, tribal nations, state and federal
agencies, private sector businesses, and non-governmental organizations across
three states—Washington, Oregon and Idaho—will be participating..." Full text:
June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone
Earthquake and Tsunami Am 8:5, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re
Jose Fly
So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what
then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent?
They may not be needed. For when they shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden
destruction cometh upon them (1 Th 5:2–3, emphasis mine).
Funny how that never came up when the doomsday people were assuring us the FEMA
camp thing was imminent.
It didn't come up?
The doomsdayers as you call them have been aware of these camps for some time.
They are there for your pleasure. Whether they are needed or not--that is
another thing.
Exercises going on now have nothing to do with
catastrophic events (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). Trained sleeper
elements will run into harm's way (us, lone wolf1) as
elites run for their Underground Ark Cities. Sleepers will learn that they
weren't invited to survive with the rats.
May I suggest a cozy little place in Arkansas?
Maybe ocean front property soon.
1 The church should be
raptured before 'sudden destruction'
...The folks I know who are afraid of FEMA camps are the Amish community
in Jamesport, MO. They truly believe they're all going to be loaded into
box-cars and hauled to a giant incinerator somewhere.
Trust in Christ--not guns, gold or groceries (Geraci).
View Post
In other words, "We are so screwed?"
Who's we?
We're outta here.
Having a contingency plan for something like the
Carrington in 1859 is a bad thing?
No, I would not go where they say to go for your block of cheese.
View Post
Really? Where ya heading?
We will be leaving in the rapture.
If you're still here, I would not recommend going where they say to
go--or believing we've gone where Tom Hanks says we've gone (2 Thess
dale1257 View Post
Just so I am clear...you are right
here, right now predicting when the
rapture is going to happen?
Those of us who are watching
receive a special crown (2 Ti 4:8).
simplicioView Post
A special treat for paying
You can ask the Lord when/if you get there (Eph
simplicio View Post
I'm surprised they have time for
that, the chain of concentration
camps being prepared must keep them
busy, along with all those tunnels
connecting Wal-Marts.
Haven't you ever set bear traps?
View Post
[Rapture ready] So
if the storm
happens, and you and
all you rapture
wackos are still
here, you will
profess you were
following an obvious
false religion and
fake god? Or will
you make up some
pathetic lame excuse
and continue on? Or
will you scurry into
the dark shadows
like a cockroach?
We watch.
You don't. Mk 13:37
"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager
But we will know you were wrong and a fraud....You are
trying to hedge your bets in this...
My bet on what?
Eph 4:14
...[Y]ou could just
be a troll....
You could fulfill prophecy (2 Pe 3:4, Lk 12:45-46).
Jeeper View Post
DUH snake...[I]f the solar flare thing happens...
Jeepers Creep, you'll believe lyin' NASA or you'll believe God (Ge