FEMA camps

15-minute prison cities

Gas chambers Eccl 1:9–10

[June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami] "Starting on June 7, FEMA will be conducting a large scale drill that has been named "Cascadia Rising" that will simulate the effects of a magnitude-9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and an accompanying west coast tsunami dozens of feet tall.

According to the official flier for the event, more than "50 counties, plus major cities, tribal nations, state and federal agencies, private sector businesses, and non-governmental organizations across three states—Washington, Oregon and Idaho—will be participating..." Full text: June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami  Am 8:5, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re 13:17


Retired FBI Agent Told Patriot Groups That Obama’s Feds Have Set Up 30,000 Guillotines


New Madrid Exercise Drills  

Also see:

Department of Energy

Martial Law

Obama [Gog]

Psyop Civil War in America  

Police State

Lone Wolf


One World Government/Religion

Surveillance State

Big Climate



New World Order

Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories



patrick jane View Post Those FEMA camps are for when they declare Martial Law. They are future prison camps for US citizens.


Internet Kill Switch

Military Drills

When they say, “Peace and security,” then sudden destruction comes on them (1 Th 5:2–3, emphasis mine).


HAARP: Weather Control

'Homeland' warns DC to plan for 'evacuation crisis'

Simulated 'large-scale terrorist attack' Fenway Park 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re 13:17

Jose Fly View Post So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent?

They may not be needed. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them (1 Th 5:2–3, emphasis mine).  

Funny how that never came up when the doomsday people were assuring us the FEMA camp thing was imminent.  

It didn't come up? The doomsdayers as you call them have been aware of these camps for some time. They are there for your pleasure. Whether they are needed or not--that is another thing.

Do you have a house of Rothschild underground ark city pass?

[Do you have a house of Rothschild underground ark city pass? ]   Absolutely!


Responders Hone Parachuting, Other Skills at Doomsday Drill  

California in power grid emergency: “All customers should expect 14 days without power”

  annabenedetti View Post It's good to be prepared for emergencies....It's not so good to fear-monger.

Back to sleep now. 1 Thess 5:3

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

More Bureaucrats With Guns Than Marines

...Govt Agencies Grow Stockpiles

Fema Warns of Civil Unrest on 395% Food Price Increase


End Times Food Control  

 Grosnick Marowbe View Post The "Fema camps" is yet, another "You-Tube" driven conspiracy theory. Like the Guillotines and other scare tactics.

Believing Fox News is believing in conspiracy theories.

"...Sorority girls!" ~ Michael Savage


Conspiracy Theories

Grosnick Marowbe View Post You-Tube is a breeding ground for fantasy and Science Fiction...

YouTube is the problem. Lk 22:36


Police conducting target practice on images of children and pregnant women

 chair View Post [Wiki link] When Prophecy Fails

Exercises going on now have nothing to do with catastrophic events (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). Trained sleeper elements will run into harm's way (us, lone wolf1) as elites run for their Underground Ark Cities. Sleepers will learn that they weren't invited to survive with the rats.

May I suggest a cozy little place in Arkansas? Maybe ocean front property soon.

1 The church should be raptured before 'sudden destruction'


Planet X

theophilus View Post ...The folks I know who are afraid of FEMA camps are the Amish community in Jamesport, MO. They truly believe they're all going to be loaded into box-cars and hauled to a giant incinerator somewhere.

Trust in Christ--not guns, gold or groceries (Geraci).

Bye whore, bye whoremonger Ex 20:14

Kingpin closing credits - Blues Traveler

Futuristic UFO Home lets you live off-grid on the ocean 1 Cor. 4:11

  ok doser View Post Bammy's gonna send all of us to camp?

from FEMA region 8
Pokemon Go players go mad as rare Pokemon appears in US park  

ICE OTTP Operations Fort Benning, Georgia: Tactical training program ready for hiring surge 

FEMA Is Preparing For A Solar Storm That Would Take Out The Grid

View Post   Seems prudent...

Nine Most Terrifying Words ~ Ronald Reagan

dale1257 View Post
In other words, "We are so screwed?"
Who's we? :granite: We're outta here. :rapture:

Having a contingency plan for something like the Carrington in 1859 is a bad thing?

No, I would not go where they say to go for your block of cheese.

View Post
Really?  Where ya heading? 
We will be leaving in the rapture. :rapture: If you're still here, I would not recommend going where they say to go--or believing we've gone where Tom Hanks says we've gone (2 Thess 2:9-11).

dale1257 View Post
Just so I am clear...you are right here, right now predicting when the rapture is going to happen?


Rapture Ready

Those of us who are watching receive a special crown (2 Ti 4:8). :king:

simplicio View Post
A special treat for paying attention?

You can ask the Lord when/if you get there (Eph 4:14).

simplicio View Post
I'm surprised they have time for that, the chain of concentration camps being prepared must keep them busy, along with all those tunnels connecting Wal-Marts.

Haven't you ever set bear traps? :juggle:

Jeeper View Post   [Rapture ready] So if the storm happens, and you and all you rapture wackos are still here, you will profess you were following an obvious false religion and fake god? Or will you make up some pathetic lame excuse and continue on? Or will you scurry into the dark shadows like a cockroach?

:yawn: We watch. smiley binoculars gif photo 11aeg03jpg_zps8f9e6d03.gif You don't. Mk 13:37

"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager

    But we will know you were wrong and a fraud....You are trying to hedge your bets in this...

:yawn: My bet on what? :peach: Eph 4:14

  ...[Y]ou could just be a troll....

:yawn: You could fulfill prophecy (2 Pe 3:4, Lk 12:45-46).

Jeeper View Post   DUH snake...[I]f the solar flare thing happens...

:yawn: Jeepers Creep, you'll believe lyin' NASA or you'll believe God (Ge 8:22). :juggle:

  Jeeper View Post

The bible ain't god,...forked tongue snake.

:yawn: Jeepers Creep, the word is inspired by God (2 Pet. 1:21). Why do you hate him? Jn 14:6 :idunno:

Pandemic Agents Spread by ISIS Drones Will Result In UN Controlled Medical Martial Law (FEMA Camps) 

FEMA Is Beta Testing FEMA Camp Incarcerations In Hawaii 

Reply to fedup patriot​

...You are insulting the intelligence of true patriots here go fly away.

Proceed to the left with your block of cheese (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).    

Reply to @ProfDigory​   

Hoping FEMA camps are for the sex traffickers & cannibals.

You hope.  I’m packin’(Lk 22:36). :BillyBob:

Walmarts Closed For “Plumbing”? 

Hawaii-FEMA Barges Are the Newest Form of FEMA Camps

FEMA Barges Arrive in Hawaii 10 Mile off Coast   James Munder  

Reply to CosmicMonkey33​

[James Munder vid] 

I wouldn’t get on their FEMA ship with a block of cheese.  

FEMA’s Billing Code for Death by Guillotine is ICD9-E978

Why Did FEMA Import 2500 Gallons of Hydrogen Cyanide?

FEMA Camp In Alaska- Holds 2 Million

FEMA Delivered Millions of Bottles to Puerto Rico, It’s Been Rotting on a Runway For a Year

How An EMP Attack Could Turn Into An Extinction Level Event

When the Lights Go Down In the City

Where Are Missing Homeless People Being Taken? 

As Ebola Emerges, the Use of Medical FEMA Camps Will Be Accepted:  Do You Know Your Odds of Surviving In a FEMA Camp?

Normalcy Bias Will Keep One From Seeing the Modern Day FEMA Camps (CMU’s) Operating In Full View (Part 3) 

Clinton, Omar, the Squad and Democrats Are Ushering In a United Nations Occupation of the United States

US Begins To Implement WHO “Contact Tracing” To Forcibly Remove People From Their Homes? 

Lacking Resolve, Most Americans Have Already Accepted Their FEMA Camp Fate

A “Final Solution” Strategy Is Being Implemented by FEMA and the Governor of Washington

CDC opens up FEMA camps to hold children who might have been exposed to Covid-19

The Camps | TyGreen  

Covid Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

CDC is Preparing Quarantine Camps

I Don’t Know About You, But There Is Something Very Creepy About All These Covid-19 Vaccine ‘MegaSites’ That Could Easily Become Detention Centers

U.S. Covid Camps: Training begins for the “isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local rural population” 

Covid internment camps announced in America; Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out covid medical kidnappings 

CDC announces covid internment camps for every US city; will separate families by force, claims to meet minimum “humanitarian” standards

Shocking executive order signed by Tennessee’s GOP governor authorizes quarantines, involuntary internment for Covid enforced by National Guard

Concentration Camps For The UnVaccinated

As Homeland Security Issues Terror Threat Over People Who Refuse Covid Vaccine, US Army Advertising For ‘Internment/Resettlement Specialists’

Australian Government Builds “Mandatory Quarantine Facilities”, Officials Say Vaccine Is “Golden Ticket to Freedom”

FEMA documents describe large-scale rural isolation and quarantine operations; how to recruit obedient Americans to help round up dissenters 

A “Special Place” Is Being Prepared for Whites, Christians and Trump Supporters

Why Is The National Guard Hiring Internment/Resettlement Specialists?

Australia: Queensland Premier Celebrates New Covid-19 ‘Quarantine’ Camp

Vid:  "Wellcamp: The Best Way To Keep You Safe” – Australian Health Officials Produce Creepy Dystopian Propaganda For New ‘Mandatory Quarantine Camps’

Australian covid camp police threaten to “gas” covid prisoner instead of releasing him after 14 days

Planned Concentration Camps Are Spreading Like Wildfire Through Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States

Washington State government stealth edits job posting to remove “strike team” from covid quarantine camp ad

Nurse Whistleblower:  FEMA in Our Hospital, Collapse Imminent

State lawmakers asked to approve concentration camps for the sick

National Engagement Seminar for Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation

They are taking the vaccine wars kinetic:  Covid concentration camps activated in America, unvaxxed will be kidnapped at gunpoint by left-wing “health officers” with arrest power 

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating Covid concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected 

Washington State to Consider Forceful Covid Quarantines

Nearly half of all Democrats favor rounding up unvaccinated people and forcing them into concentration camps

The New York Department of Health is currently pushing to change New York state laws to establish quarantine camps

World Economic Forum wants everyone who resists Great Reset to be forced into China-style “reeducation camps”

Secret NY Quarantine Camps Obliterated: Hero Lawyer Exposes, Destroys U.S. Concentration Camp 

Governments are about to introduce Climate Change Lockdowns disguised as “15 Minute Cities” under the UN Agenda 2030 directive & WEF Great Reset plan

The Great Reset: Smart Cities are coming and will enable the roll-out of a Social Credit System 

...Just May Make You A Prisoner Of The New Climate Change Zones They’re Creating 

...Another Globalist Scheme to Control, Punish, Surveil and Imprison You

British Protest 15-Minute Cities Where They Will Become Prisoners of the State

Oxford Council’s Green Agenda Bans You From Driving Outside Your District

Japan Building Futuristic ‘Smart City’ Filled with Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, 24hr Surveillance

Scotland’s plan to implement 20-minute neighbourhoods nationwide

Swiss MP At Davos: Change Living Environments To Force The Public To Follow Climate Goals

Walkable Cities Are Really Open-Air Prison Dystopias Now

...Councils are attempting to remove our freedoms, take control of our lives and herd us into spaces they completely control

Americans Will Be “Prisoners Of The State” Living In “Open Air Jails”

NY Governor Demands Court Authorization to Detain Citizens in ‘Quarantine Camps’

The Dunegan Tapes reveal the workings of the minds of the psychopaths planning a “New System” 

15 Minute Cities are being introduced under the UN Agenda 2030 Directive & WEF Great Reset plan

2024: Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Launching NEOM As The First Of Many 15-Minute Surveillance Cities In Partnership With Communist China  

WEF has a new enemy – car parking spaces

How Smart Cities will lock up humanity inside open air concentration camps

UK government is to invest £3.2 billion and has created a new statutory consulting body to nudge and corral people into 15-minute cities

Canadians being forced by planned arson into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau 

Russia’s Smart City inmates will be “safe and comfortable” technocrats promise  

Power Companies Could Remotely Switch Off EV Chargers To Reduce Grid Stress

The Next Generation Is Vulnerable

What Happens After Americans Are Herded Into 15 Minute Cities

Maui Fires:  FEMA Holds Employee Trainings on ‘White Supremacy’ As More Than 1,000 Hawaiians Remain Missing

US FEMA cell phone, TV alert test scheduled for October

...Disable Phones

Walmart in Atlanta is adding a police station to its store 

Joel Sussmann speaks about 15-minute cities at Town Meeting in Ontario, Canada

“15-Minute” Prison Cities And The End Of Private Property

Agenda 2030-style 15-minute City Being Constructed in Indiana

Investigative journalist Ben Swann posted footage from the Chinese Communist Party’s Xiong’an City project, one of the world’s largest construction sites

Courts Pave Way For New York Quarantine Camps: Plaintiffs’ Attorney

15-minute cities are being built in Russia 

America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona

UK: Oxford County Council forges ahead with 15-minute prison plans by installing “bus gates”

How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags 

Australia: “Managed retreat” is a scam to take people’s homes and replace them with smart cities

National and state provisions for medical martial law to be enacted are in place

Top House committee launches probe into "President" Biden administration's ‘priorities’ on FEMA hurricane relief, migrant spending

Agenda 2030’s 15-minute cages being built in the Netherlands

Saudi Arabia’s smart city ‘The Line’: Big on Agenda 2030 and big on human rights violations and workers’ deaths

China hopes to roll out its smart city model to BRICS nations

FEMA official directed hurricane relief workers to avoid homes with Trump signs as agency conducts cleanup

FEMA Camps