Town Heretic
Know Thyself
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction (2 Pe 2:1).
Deceiver, gossip: gossips about others in his Small Observations
then closes the thread to avoid a response.
“Sorry gang, have to lock this down while I report the spammer.” ~ Town
Heretic, Small Observations
Trolls and reports members to get them banned.
"I wonder who does the most reporting?
"In point of fact: it's me..." ~ Town Heretic link
Great and...
serpentdove banned; reason: unnecessarily disruptive
"Observations Great and...
[PM: "Provoking Town"
serpentdove banned; reason: PM box infraction
[disagree with moderator, Town Heretic alleges
that I used profanity.]
"Just a System...
M and justifies his behavior.
[No use of ellipses when quoting others]
“...I know I left off scripture. I know and have explained to you and anyone reading this why that is.” Town Heretic link
“…[A]nd [you] attempted to cobble an unrelated bit of scripture onto it to justify your want to sink teeth.” ~ Town Heretic link
"I did remove the scripture from your attempt to link it with garbage." ~ Town Heretic link
[Changes member's text outright]
“…I did that intentionally….[T]here was nothing in that aimed at fooling anyone, only lampooning you. And you appear to be the only one who didn’t understand that.” ~ Town Heretic link
Control freak:
“Make it an infraction worthy offense to post more than twice in a row outside of a thread you create." ~ Town Heretic link
“Have you ever considered removing the non subscribers ability to delete posts?” ~ Town Heretic link
[His page his words
Actually, they were yours.
Argumentation style:
people (Eph 4:14).