Dirty Old Men
[Dirty Old Man Dave: 'Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a
lady'] 'Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a
lady': David Letterman stuns his audience into silence with sexist joke by
Hannah Parry] "For Mailonline David Letterman stunned his Late Show audience
into silence with a joke which has been branded as 'disrespectful to women'.
The veteran host was attempting to warm up the studio
audience ahead of his show on Monday when he made the off-colour gag.
Letterman had just opened up questions to the floor,
and fielded the first query of the night from a college employee, reported the
New York Post.
They asked what advice the scandal-hit comic would
give to this year's graduates..." Full text:
Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady':
David Letterman stuns his audience into silence with sexist joke
Ac 13:10, Is 47:10
America Will Not Repent
"Jas 3:15 from above...Self-centered wisdom that is
consumed with personal ambition is not from God. earthly, sensual, demonic. A
description of man’s wisdom as: 1) limited to earth; 2) characterized by
humanness, frailty, an unsanctified heart, and an unredeemed spirit; and 3)
generated by Satan’s forces (cf. 1 Cor. 2:14; 2 Cor. 11:14, 15)." MacArthur, J.,
Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1931).
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
"Satan has no happy old men...I don't think there's anything uglier than an ungodly old man. His eyes are like burned out sockets of lust. His mouth is an open sewer. His mind is like a city dump and all he is looking forward to is getting sicker and sicker until he dies and then being stuck in a hole in the ground." ~ Adrian Rogers
Recommend reading:
The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney
Recommended sites:
Dylan Farrow details her sexual assault allegations against Woody Allen
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Let us take this man out, drug him, and then
rape him.
He's the victim.
Bill Cosby Faces
Immediate Backlash with Planned Speaking Tour
for Men at Risk of Sexual Assault Allegations
Carnal/fleshly men do not have eyes to see or
ears to hear (2 Co 4:4). We are to judge rightly
(Pr 31:9).
seeking 'sugarbaby' banned from Florida beach
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[Rush Limbaugh and conspiracy theories]
his addiction to porn
a conspiracy theory?
Mt 5:28
lightwave replied
No, just gossip.
Unfortunately dirty old man, Rush,
himself told his listeners that he is
porn-addicted (Ga 5:19-21). TMI
Fired FNC Anchor Eric Bolling's Son Commits Suicide
[Title and content of article edited from original]
Mathison View Post
I don't know that I can draw any particular political principle from it?
Love your wife (Prov. 5:18, 19, Mal. 2:14, 15) as Jesus loves the church (Eph. 5:25-33). Your children are watching (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
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Sinners should turn to
God for forgiveness of sins now while God still
Time's running out (Re
Reply to Mark Corbett
My Testimony
Regarding Watching TV
As a young married couple we owned a small TV
set. This was a quarter century ago. Although
the content on TV was nowhere near as graphic
and explicit as it is now, as a young man I
still found that the pervasive sexy images which
filled television had a bad effect on my thought
life. So I asked my wonderful wife if it would
be ok with her if we threw our TV away. She
graciously agreed to this. I was young and
enthusiastic. I didn’t want our TV to cause
anyone else to stumble. So I opened up the back,
cut a key wire, and then threw our TV in the
garbage can. We have not owned a television
since that day.
Honestly, throwing away our TV was one of the
better decisions I have made in life. It was
around that same time that the Lord called us to
go overseas to share the gospel among unreached
people groups. We never regretted not having a
TV. Joy never “missed” not having TV. We did
carefully choose and watch children’s videos
with her on our computer. Not having TV was good
for her and good for us.
TV eventually crept back into my life. It was
probably about fifteen years after we threw away
our TV set. We began to rent TV shows on
something called VCDs (an old version of DVDs
which were popular for a time in Indonesia). We
never watched anything R rated. But we started
to watch more often, and to be honest, the
content was not spiritually healthy. Then we
moved back to the US in 2010 and discovered that
our internet now had enough bandwidth to watch
TV shows on our computers. We chose what we
watched and stayed away from MA content. I was
probably watching 10 to 12 hours of TV content a
week. I knew in my heart that watching TV was
not helping me spiritually.
Several times I tried to “cut back”. But it
didn’t stick. About 6 weeks ago, I decided to
“go cold turkey”. I’m glad I did! Since then I
have felt more spiritual energy, and have seen
the Lord open some doors for new ministry
opportunities. I pray that I will not backslide!
I am not committed to never watching any TV or
movies in any setting. If I’m visiting with
someone, I feel free to watch some TV with them
if they have it on. Also, I still occasionally
rent movies on DVD to watch with Hope. But
honestly, I am thankful that God led me to stop
watching TV again.
You missed out on a sexual
imagery problem and adultery (2 Sa 12:10).
She’s got herself a keeper (Pr
Actress accuses Kirk Cameron of treating her
with respect
Ohio Dem Judge: I
Bedded 50 'Very Attractive' Females
Rep. Joe Barton Apologizes for Texting Genital Pics to Women
Copperfield Accused of Drugging, Assaulting
17-Year-Old Model
NBC News faces skepticism in remedying in-house sex harassment
Reply to
[roypotterqa vid]
Hunter Biden: adulterer, impregnated stripper "...Making as much as $50,000 a month which he blew on hookers and crack and dildos up his butt...Fathered a child with the Arkansas woman while he was dating his dead brother’s widow." James Munder
...[W]hat the f--k is the attraction of shoving stuff up your ass hole?