In 1996, newspapers reported a find in China of a reptile fossil that supposedly had feathers. Some of the media reports claimed that, if it were confirmed, it would be “irrefutable evidence that today’s birds evolved from dinosaurs.” One scientist stated, “You can’t come to any conclusion other than that they’re feathers.” However, in 1997 the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia sent four leading scientists to investigate this find. They concluded that they were not feathers. The media report stated, concerning one of the scientists, “He said he saw ‘hair-like’ structures—not hairs—that could have supported a frill, or crest, like those on iguanas." Full text: What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I've never suggested worshiping anyone but God..."
Yet, you
accept man's opinion (evolution)
over God's word (creation) as
Nothing in observational science
has ever contradicted the book
of Genesis.
"...[O]bservational science confirms the biblical accounts of creation and Noah’s Flood..." Full text: Where Darwin Got It Right
"...the smallest seed in the world, a hard domed sky with windows in it, a fixed earth . . . . I could go on."
...Demonstrating your biblical illiteracy? I have no doubt you could go on. :chz4brnz: You call yourself a Christian but attempt to mock God and his word? You are a fraud (Ga 6:7).
[...smallest seed]
[Ge 7:10-12]
[Job 26:5-7]
"For land animals and birds, the created kind most often corresponds to the conventional classification rank called “family,” which includes many species. There is evidence that the camel, horse, cat, dog, penguin, and iguana families are each a created kind. Like Nelson, I would put the coyote, wolf, jackal, and dog in the same kind, and I would include the fox. I would put the lion and house cat in another kind, and the llama and camel in yet another kind. Today these species (i.e., llama and camel) look amazingly different, but they seem to have been generated after the Flood from information already present within their parent kind. Lions, coyotes, and dromedary camels were probably not on the Ark but were born to parents within the cat, dog, and camel kinds." Full text: Two of Every Kind
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[A] literal six days as history, there is no evidence."
"Outside Genesis 1, yom is used with a number 359 times, and each time it means an ordinary day. Why would Genesis 1 be the exception?" Full text: Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?
"I am not mocking anything aside from you."
You said: "I could go on." For what purpose but to continue to undermine God's word? Are you claiming that you point people to Jesus? Are you claiming that God's word is trustworthy?
With "friends" like you, who needs enemies? (Jn 15:15)
We are to trust God's word not men influenced by Greek paganism (Ps 138:2).
"Someone needs to tell the AiG writers that humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are all in the same conventional family designation."
Ad hominem.
worldview (sometimes
called “man’s view”)
begins with the
assumption that
physical matter is
the only thing that
exists. According to
this view,
everything that
exists was created
at “the big bang,”
where all the matter
of the universe
appeared in a
violent explosion
out of nothing. (No
one claims to know
what caused this
explosion, but they
do claim that it
happened and that’s
where time and space
began.) Somehow, the
matter that came
from nowhere
arranged itself
(with no outside
influence or
organization) into
the first complex
living cells over
the course of
billions of years
and the random
interaction of
chemicals and
molecules. Then,
over the next
hundreds of millions
of years, these
simple cells are
believed to have
“evolved” by natural
processes into the
forms we see today.
That process of
evolution supposedly
took place through
chance genetic
mutations and a
process called
“natural selection”
in which only the
fittest of organisms
survive long enough
to reproduce. [For a
complete rebuttal of
this concept, see
Evolution Exposed
The late Dr. Carl
Sagan said, “The
secrets of evolution
are time and
death.”1 He believed
that the process of
death and bloodshed,
over millions of
years, had the
result of one kind
of organism changing
into another, with
one kind of animal
changing into
another, and
eventually humans
evolving from
In order to try to
categorize life and
explain how
evolution has
progressed, secular
scientists have
attempted to create
a “phylogenetic
tree” that traces
the history of life.
In reality this is a
“tree of death”
because it is based
on natural selection
(where the weaker
organisms are
killed), passing on
to the next
generation only the
supposed benefits of
genetic mutation.
(In the vast
majority of cases,
however, genetic
mutations weaken,
rather than
strengthen an
organism . . . a
fact that makes this
Those who cling to
the theory of
evolution often
appeal to
“evidence” to prove
their point—but I
find time and time
again that they are
not motivated by the
evidence at all. A
interpretation of
the same evidences
(including an
awareness of the
most foundational
laws of physics)
leads one to
conclude that matter
and life must have
been caused by an
outside influence
that both designed
and created it. That
“outside influence”
implies that there
is a God, and what I
observe is that many
evolutionists object
to the idea of God
on moral or
grounds first, and
then attempt to
disprove “God” with
objection is often
stated as the
question “If God is
all-powerful and
loving, why do we
see children dying,
people suffering,
and bad things
happening to good
people?” Surely such
suffering and evil
means that either He
is not powerful or
good, or that He
doesn’t exist at
all. If there’s a
God of love and you
say He is a merciful
God and the Bible
says God alone is
infinite, why does
He let all this
death and suffering
go on? Is He not
powerful enough to
overcome it? Surely
an all-powerful God
could stop all this
death, destruction,
and decay.”
Many people have
asked these
questions with
sincerity. Many have
not been able to
answer them
sufficiently, and
they have rejected
the “idea of god,”
turning to the
worldview based on
evolutionary theory
as their new
foundation for life.
In response to
painful and
circumstance (often
the untimely or
painful death of a
loved one, or an
unjust personal
abuse suffered) they
begin to interpret
everything in a way
that attempts to
disprove God’s
existence. While our
debates with the
evolutionists tend
to focus on science
and evidence, this
is not always the
true objection they
have against God.
Their arguments are
usually fueled with
passion and pain.
Many lash out in
great agony over a
great loss or
“injustice” in their
personal lives; many
feel neglected or
abandoned by people,
the Church, or God
himself . . . and I
can relate. I have
been there with the
likes of Charles
Darwin and Ted
Turner. I, too, have
had to face the
questions." Only
Time and Death?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I never said a day doesn't mean a day. I'm saying the entire creative week is a figurative representation of creation."
"I never
said..."? "I'm
Well, that must be
the end of it then.
Our resident
scientist has spoken
Was Jesus' death and
figurative, too?
For the rest of us who do not worship "self" but rather the creator God, a six day creation week--means a six day creation week. There is no reason to think otherwise.
You claim to be a Christian, when do you start believing the Bible?
"You don't have to
believe what I'm
saying. It's not
essential to faith
either way."
You impugn the
veracity of God. It
is a characteristic
of someone turning
against God not
toward him (Heb
3:12). First men
dismiss his word,
then they depart
from it.
"[W]e are
So you say. If you
were brought into
court on the charge
of being a
Christian, would
there be enough
evidence to convict
"I think you're
worshiping the
rather than God."
I'm telling the
truth (Jn 5:47). I
think you worship
yourself, which
leaves you with a
fool for a deity
"I believe the
Lie of the day (Ingraham).
"God's word is truth."
Truth that you don't believe (Ps 106:24). Unbelief is no small thing (Joh 12:37). It affects one's: worldview, fellowship, and spiritual rest. It is not wise to stagger the promises of God ( Ro 4:20). Being a scientist is no excuse. There is plenty of young earth creation evidence out there. Unbelief in God's word is not an intellectual issue. It is a heart issue (Heb 3:10).
You reject God's word--plain and simple. You seem to work for the enemy. If we all wore uniforms, I wouldn't be surprised if you played for the "Devils". I don't know why you work to deceive others. I only know that you won't get away with it (Prov 20:17).
"They are all part of the culture war—a war between two worldviews. One view is based on a biblical understanding of history, the other on pure naturalism..." Full text: War of Worldviews
"[I]t must be understood in context and in light of other scripture, in balance with other scripture."
Maybe the one balancing the scales offends you (Jn 5:47).
"...[T]he man Christ Jesus."
Jesus is: 100% God 100% man. The second person of the trinity (Jehovah God) took on an all-new nature at the incarnation (1 John 4:1–6). He is always one step ahead of devil-types.
"You choose out a verse or two we disagree on..."
Ge 1:1 (Note: no scientists were there. They were created and began worshipping themselves later).
"Where is your love SD?"
Love for lies? (Prov 27:5).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Believing something different about Genesis 1 does not equal general unbelief."
Keep telling yourself that as you depart from God (Heb 3:12). What kind of a Christian rejects Christian joy (Heb 3:19; 4:11).
"And yes belief does involve the intellect...[I]f you cannot intellectually accept something, you cannot believe it."
Start believing and God he will help you with your unbelief (Mk 9:24). God clears up errors (Heb 3:10).
My science has not affected my belief of the central tenets of Christianity.
"Men study science as God not the God of science." ~ A. Rogers
[Apostle's Creed] "Note there's nothing about creation in six days in this or any other ancient creed."
Your point? If you are determined to believe lies, you will. "The opposite of truth is not error. It's sin." ~ A. Rogers
"I don't think Proverbs 20:17 has anything to do with me..."
You sell this bread. I'm not buying (Ga 5:9).
"[H]ow am I gaining something by deceit?"
I don't know what you gain. Ego perhaps? (Jn 5:44).
[Diety] "Hey lunkhead . . .that was a scripture quotation...You might want to read your Bible more often. There's no reason for you to go off explaining the trinity to me (which I fully accept) over a verse you apparently haven't read enough to recognize."
Be clear. People pour different meanings into just about every Bible verse. Maybe you've noticed?
"I have a problem with Genesis 1:1 how?"
God created. Not goo--to zoo--to you (A. Rogers).
"You know science looks at the evidence left behind right?"
...Which points to a young earth and creation. Same data. Different interpretation.
"Continue to call me a liar SD, God will repay you for your lies."
You are responsible for the excrement you're shoveling.