Feelin' the Love America?
"Speaking at a town hall meeting in Mumbai, he
said, “I do think that one of the challenges that we are going face in
the US, at a time when we are still recovering from the financial crisis
is, how do we respond to some of the challenges of globalisation? The
fact of the matter is that for most of my lifetime and I’ll turn 50 next
year – the US was such an enormously dominant economic power, we were
such a large market, our industry, our technology, our manufacturing was
so significant that we always met the rest of the world economically on
our terms. And now because of the incredible rise of India and China and
Brazil and other countries, the US remains the largest economy and the
largest market, but there is real competition. This will keep America on
its toes. America is going to have to compete. There is going to be a
tug-of-war within the US between those who see
globalization as a threat and those who accept we live in a open
integrated world, which has challenges and opportunities.”
Full text
Do Americans want globalization? Would it matter to
the president?
Do you believe in American exceptionalism?
Response to comment [from other]: "...[C]ompeting on an uneven playing field is something both he and the rest of us should and must start doing something about."
Being that we are China's biggest customer, I'm
sure we could do something about the playing field.
Do you believe Obama wants America to succeed? "Keep America on
its toes."
What do you think of Obama speaking for "us" when he says:
“India not only opened our minds, she expanded our moral imagination..."
Did you get your moral imagination (new morality is old sin) from India?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why must the playing field be even?"
I sort of like being on the winning team.
Maybe he values
equality while we value liberty.
Response to comment [from other]: I think Obama wants America to be successful though is idea of success may not the same as yours, mine, etc...."
Yours? Mine? How small-minded.
Didn't you know
is not your president. He's president of the world.
But, you may be right. Call me
silly but my idea of America being successful includes Americans
having jobs--don't worry America--you have not lost your job; it's now in India.
"Look India just created 50,000 jobs (
Do you like the
"transformation" of America? All equal--equally poor.
By the way, would you marry a person who says: "I love you. I just want to
change everything about you." I know you're feelin' the love.
Re 13:17.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "He is trying to cause the collapse of the economy."
Eliminating deductions? Devaluing the currency business
has been holding on to? You don't see his brilliance in these ideas?
Vhen vil you learn?
Response to comment [from other]: ...[D]id Wal-Mart find a better deal on labels that said "Made in China, but sold to the USA?'
America has become hostile to business--large corporations
and small business alike. If you are willing to work for the government or for a
union, you are on safe ground in an
Obamanation. The rest are simply trying to survive.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You do realize that the countries that aren't "hostile" to business are those that allow these international corporations to pay so little to their workers..."
Walmart is in the business of earning a profit.
Why don't you encourage your country to become more hospitable to business?
"...The Chinese can either compete or not, make a reasonable profit or find another market."
The Chinese manipulate their currency. We are doing the
same. If small business is destroyed in the process--great
long as we are
all equal--equally poor.
"You never want a serious crisis to go to ..." ~ Rahm Emanuel
"...[W]e should encourage those corporations willing to make less than the maximum profit in an attempt to provide a decent living for their patrons who constitute most of that market."
By "encourage" do you mean more
"A smaller piece of a great pie is better than no part of the pie at all."
Government eats the pie. They steal (Ex 20:15) not only the golden eggs but the goose as well. Why should businesses stay in this country?
"Any number of approaches...real penalties for those who ship our jobs overseas..."
Why not encourage your government to encourage business to
They could stop stealing (Ex 20:15).
"...suggesting the problem is a union structure that hasn't had real power in a generation."
You believe unions have no power? Wonder what
they do with all those union dues.
Feelin' the love Indonesia? Why did the
president address the crowd with a greeting intended for
Muslims only? "Indonesia is at least 15 percent non-Muslim. How are these
non-Muslims to feel about the President of the United States greeting them in a
way intended for Muslims? How should they interpret it? They were, after all, in
the audience, too..."
Full text
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[W]e have to protect and regrow our industry..."
What do you think will happen to agricultural businesses
which run on thin margins (e.g. cattle farms) in our
Rev. 13:11–17.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I'm arguing for carrots and sticks to establish a relation between worker and employer..."
Arthur Bunny Brain will like that.
"...an actual engagement?"
Let government be government (Deut. 1:13–15; Josh. 9:11) and let business be business (James 4:13, Prov. 22:29, Rom. 12:8, 11, 2 Cor. 8:20–22, Matt. 6:33, 34, Matt. 6:19–21, Mal. 3:8–12, Luke 12:22–30, Luke 12:15–21).
[Ex 20:15] "You could start making a case that they are [stealing] ...I'm kidding, you really can't.
It is not the place of government to
stand between business transactions. We are a free people (Jn
8:36)--rights come from God not the government.
Any tax over ten percent is highway robbery (Deut
"...[E]xplain to me about some of these regulations in the "Obamanation""
[From the Inside Flap: Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals
Plan to Ruin Your Life by Terry Jeffrey] "Liberals control congress and the
White House. Next on the agenda: your life.
If the Obama administration has one overriding objective—tying together health
care “reform,” non-stop meddling in the economy, and hard-Left Supreme Court
appointments—it is that big government should make decisions for you. When it
comes to how you live your life, Washington bureaucrats know best.
Or so they tell us.
...Jeffrey reveals how liberals are trying to transform America from the limited
government of the Founding Fathers into the unlimited government of liberal
control freaks.
Jeffrey dissects the relentless liberal attack on every freedom the Founders
fought to secure for us, from where and how you live, to your right to criticize
your representatives, to what you believe and teach your own children.
In Control Freaks Jeffrey exposes:
How the Obama administration wants to limit your freedom of speech—especially
your right to political speech
How Obamacare sets the stage for a fed eral takeover of the economy
Why Obama is putting the power of life and death into the hands of federally
funded scientists
How liberal judges are deciding that the government has a right to indoctrinate
your children
Why Obama believes traditional American self-reliance is passéand you need to be
shepherded by bureaucrats
How Obama and his liberal friends in Congress, running annual deficits that
exceed a trillion dollars, think they can plan your retirement better than you
...Control Freaks sounds the alarm that Barack Obama and the liberal
establishment are stealing our liberties—and shows why we need to wake up and do
something about it while they can still be stopped..."
Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life. Editorial Reviews.
People who don't work for the government or aren't in a union are all "simply trying to survive?"
This is a planned destruction of America.
Fall in, or fall over.
Jn 10:10.
Explain away.
"I'm not interested in you being stimulated."
~ George W. Bush
"I'm arguing for carrots and sticks to establish a relation between worker and employer..."
Arthur Bunny Brain will like that.
"...anything like an actual engagement?"
Let government be government (Deut. 1:13–15; Josh. 9:11) and let business be business (James 4:13, Prov. 22:29, Rom. 12:8, 11, 2 Cor. 8:20–22, Matt. 6:33, 34, Matt. 6:19–21, Mal. 3:8–12, Luke 12:22–30, Luke 12:15–21).
"Good bumper stickers. How does that work out legislatively? Any regulation, or can business pump lead paint adorned children's toys into the economy?"
You're for America holding China responsible for their
defective items now? Do you believe the unions are primarily concerned with
child labor laws now?
Response to comment [from other]: "Serpentdove, can you answer my post? [Post #34].
"...[L]argest tax hike in history..." Market to Take 'One Hell of a Hit' in Mid-December if Bush Tax Cuts Expire http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2481079#post2481079
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Labor unions are about protecting the worker."
Labor unions are about power and control.
"So you're saying they haven't, historically, sought safer working conditions..."
As Janet Jackson is fond of saying: What have you
done for me lately.
Ex 20:15.
[Largest tax hike in history] "Thanks, but can you answer my post?"
"I think he's talking to you."
~ Homer Simpson
"In the real world, they're [unions] about getting fair wages from large aggressive greedy corporations."
Do you think union members like their due going to
candidate that they would not vote for? What do you think of right to work
Study: Americans fleeing high-tax, union-dominated states http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/low-tax-states-will-gain-seats-high-tax-states-will-lose-them-108681159.html
"Do you think union members like higher wages and better working conditions?"
At the expense of the corporations going out of business
altogether because of unreasonable requests? Probably not.
I'm guessing employees would like to keep their jobs and earn what they are
worth (Col
Do you want to earn more than your worth? Are you Rico Suave?
"When you can come up with an original thought based on an actual fact, let us know."
Unions do not ask for more than an employee is worth? Col
"Corporations don't try to give them less?"
Did they agree to the terms of the job or were they
captured, chained, and dragged to work?
[Beating employees] "They used to do that..."
Do they do that still? Does the employee agree to the terms of employment when he/she accepts the job?
"You hate hard working people."
"You have a drinking problem."
~ Homer Simpson
God is pro-work (2 Thess. 3:7–14).
"...[Y]ou can't chain employees to their workstations anymore."
When did that last occur in our country?
"...[Y]ou ought to see the "terms" of employment we have to follow these days!"
Are you free to decline the job?
Response to comment [from other]: "God is anti-rich people."
Your covetousness is sin (Col. 3:5, 1 Tim. 6:9–11, Hab. 2:9, Ps. 39:6).
Response to comment [from other]: "...[H]ey serpentdove... Eighth time I'm asking now..."
Refer to reply (but I would recommend that you start a
year-end thread about
Obama's tentacles reaching into all areas of our lives (e.g.
centralizing banking (small banks out of business);
cap and trade (assembly lines);
consumer choices (destroying credit card companies);
nationalization student loans;
small farms and ranches (food supply), etc. Is there anything he and his
"...solving this problem is going to take all of us (Michelle Obama)--" who
no one voted for
are not interested
in controlling?
Also see:
Ten Ways Barack Obama Is Destroying America