Happy Lemonade Day!
Build a Stand. Spark a Dream...Obama
hates the entrepreneur (even little ones who are "mistakes") so celebrate before
he taxes your stand and sucks the life out of your dreams
"What it is: Lemonade Day is a nation-wide event that teaches kids the skills they need to be successful in the future. Youth learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, provide customer service, and give back to the community. Lemonade day is the perfect opportunity for a community to show kids they care and train the next generation of entrepreneurs through a free, fun, engaging, experiential activity..." Full text: LemonadeDay.org
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I love lemonade but your posts are sour."
You're not an entrepreneur are
Couldn't be I guess with those writing skills.
Oh well--no matter--we serve
to tax and spend, liberal, idolaters too.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"Here in Shelbyville we drink turnip juice. And we like it!"
"Know thyself (Socrates)."
And I wanted to talk lemonade.
You said:
[Re: pro-abortion (requiring nurses to provide the "morning after pill" against their will)]
PB: "Religious freedom doesn't cover the
"freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered
to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."
PB: "[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you
agreed to do when you were hired."
PB: "When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which
the job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape
victims. Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law
trumps the religious affiliation of the hospital providing services."
[Will not answer: Should we amend the Constitution for the personhood of unborn children? If an employer attempted to say that nurses must distribute chemical weapons for the purposes of killing children, should that be ruled unconstitutional?] Link
I'm the baby killer?
You're funny.
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)
Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
Yep? That's all you have to say?
No, reevaluating your position?
Revising your comments? Adding a little context?
Little spin?
"There you are, Baby killer. You are exactly as pro-abortion as I am."
Except for the fact that I argued--any nurse who would not harm infants is most qualified for his/her position. You did not defend nurses. Rather, you said: "[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do when you were hired." Link
That's outrageous. The pro-abort (like you) should be fired. The nurse upholding his/her oath should retain his or her job.
Anyone interested may re-read the
This thread is about lemonade. But again, let's make every
discussion about you.
"If you think that this position makes me a baby-killer that it makes you one, too."
A course in logic may help you.
Prov 23:7.
"[Y]ou are a lying hypocrite."
Proof please.
"Until you apologize I will talk about nothing with you, Baby-killer."
That's fine. If you change your
position, let us know.
"I can't change a position I never held in the first place, baby-killer."
Ok. You never meant what you
Then thankfully, you agreed not to reveal anymore of your wicked heart (Jer 17:9). Remember? "I'm not going to give you any more freebies." Link And we were all so grateful for that?