High and Off the Plate
Will the antichrist throw like a girl?
Dan 11:37.
"Obama's pitch: High and off the plate..."
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "What does Dan 11:37 have to do with how Obama throws baseballs?"
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Never saw a woman's softball game, um?"
I have. Not too bad. However, women are
the weaker gender. Do you deny male and female differences? 1 Pe
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "What does Dan 11:37 have to do with how Obama throws baseballs?"
Obama is a type of man who paves the way for another
type of man. And he's a little Magoo in my opinion.
You can't see a Satanic system setting itself up around
Mt 11:15.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I really hope this is self mockery and not delusion."
Delusion? No.
Awesome? Yes (Joel 2:31).
on schedule?
You bet (Mk 13:26).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Did you hear him get asked, when he was in the booth, who his favorite White Sox player was? He couldn't answer and bumbled around for a while trying to BS his way through it without naming anyone."
I know.
Let's be fair, they can't fit a teleprompter in there.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Women weaker gender (1 Pe 3:7)] "Apparently not. They live longer than males do, somewhat because they aren't so likely to take stupid risks..."
"...Between the ages of 20 and 24 men are six times as likely to be murdered and five times as likely to die from a non-automobile accident. The hormone testosterone increases bad cholesterol (LDL) and decreases good cholesterol (HDL), while estrogen does the exact opposite. Statistics pertaining to death by firearms, fatal diseases, and suicide are also provided...
The difference between male and female death rates
peaks between ages 20 and 24--during which men are six times as likely to be
murdered and five times as likely to die of a non-automobile accident.
The hormone increases levels of bad cholesterol (known as LDL) and decreases
levels of good cholesterol (HDL), while estrogen does just the opposite.
Whether it's homicide, suicide, or by accident, men are five times more likely
to die by firearms than women.
Fatal conditions like cancer and heart disease are common among men, while women
are more likely to suffer from chronic nonfatal conditions such as arthritis,
osteoporosis, and autoimmune disorders.
The tendency to ignore signs of depression and emotional distress may account
for the fact that, between the ages of 75 and 79, men are nine times more likely
to commit suicide. SOURCES: Evolutionary Psychology, American Heart
Association, Arthritis Foundation, FamilyDoctor.org, American Autoimmune Related
Diseases Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "WHY ARE
ALL THE REALLY OLD PEOPLE WOMEN?." Newsweek 154.13 (2009): 72. MasterFILE Elite.
EBSCO. Web. 6 Apr. 2010.
Also see:
"Religious people tend to live slightly longer lives (M. E. McCullough, W. T. Hoyt, D. B. Larson, H. 0. Koenig, & C. E. Thoresen, 2000). On the basis of the principle of social investment (J. Lodi-Smith & B. W. Roberts, 2007), the authors sought to clarify this phenomenon with a study of religion and longevity that (a) incorporated measures of psychological religious commitment; (b) considered religious change over the life course; and (c) examined 19 measures of personality traits, social ties, health behaviors, and mental and physical health that might help to explain the religion-longevity association. Discrete-time survival growth mixture models revealed that women (but not men) with the lowest degrees of religiousness through adulthood had shorter lives than did women who were more religious. Survival differences were largely attributable to cross-sectional and prospective between-class differences in personality traits, social ties, health behaviors, and mental and physical health... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]". McCullough, Michael E., et al. "Does Devoutness Delay Death? Psychological Investment in Religion and Its Association With Longevity in the Terman Sample." Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 97.5 (2009): 866-882. MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 6 Apr. 2010.
Jn 10:10.
"And most female softball pitchers can throw a ball harder and more accurately then the vast majority of men."
How 'bout a baseball?
"It's like the observation that conservatives tend to be less educated than liberals. Might be true generally, but there are conservatives who are intellectually well above the average liberal. Treat people as individuals; it's more realistic."
Stereotypes are accurate, too.
"[I]t's funny that Obama doesn't know anyone on the White Sox. (come to think of it, I don't, either)..."
Me neither.
I think Obama should have studied up.
"...[S]trong women don't scare me. I married one, and it's been great for the last (will be 40 years this fall)..."
"[W]hat's the traditional gift for 40 years?"
Something very large, very shiny--and very expensive.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Is there some particular reason why it's vital for the POTUS to know anything about the White Sox?"
I can forgive him for that. But I can't forgive
him for throwing like a girl.
"Can you tell I'm not a baseball fan?"
A set of 2010 baseball cards will get you all updated. I bet they are sending them to the White House as we speak.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I'm sure sabermetrics is a challenging and interesting pastime. But it makes me yawn."
Some people still prefer to hear baseball on radio rather than watching it on T.V.
A little baseball fact you may not know--Did you know
that Josh Exley (1947) was an alien?
Response to comment [from other]: "Yeah, Bush was the better pitcher. Too bad about his presidency, really."
Honestly, we have to put these things in perspective.
Response to comment [from a Catholic[: "Yep. [Bush]...[r]uined our economy..."
"Threw away thousands of lives for nothing in Iraq."
False. Future Babylon. Gave Muslims the chance to repent and believe.
By the way, if you hate our soldiers--just say you hate
our soldiers.
It's ok. You don't have to call them "stupid" or "duped". You
don't have to say their lives were thrown away in the service of their
President Bush visited Walter Reed many times without a camera crew. Can you say the same about Obama?
"Alienated our allies..."
False. Who are our allies in your opinion? China? North Korea? Russia?/Syria? Iran? Lebanon? Have you ever heard of a perfect storm? Maybe you should read a weather report.
British Report: U.S.-U.K. 'Special Relationship' Is Over
"...and reduced our influence in the world."
False. America was (and hopefully still is) the last best hope of earth.
Abraham Lincoln's Annual Message to Congress
"But he could throw a ball."
Call it
grace under pressure.
Bush didn't
over think the cap either.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Muslims] "A chance that all 1 billion+ of them have summarily rejected, and for that they must be exterminated."
Not true. There are plenty of Muslims coming to faith in Christ. It's very exciting!
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Muslims] "How many "repented and believed?" As many as the tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians they killed, raped or drove away as the result of our occupation?"
Thank you,
John Kerry?
Many Muslims are coming to Christ in that region.
[Who are our allies in your opinion?] "See above [Great Britain, France, and Germany]."
And now in Britain they speak of our special friendship being over. Thank you, Obama.
Response to comment [from a Catholic] "Saddam protected them, BTW..."
Re-open Ude and Kuse's rape rooms.
You Catholics protect those, don't you? Rev. 3:14–22.
Mt 7:16.