Response to comment: [History of anti-trinitarianism]
History of anti-trinitarianism after the reformation
Unity School of Christianity:
"The Unity School of Christianity is considered a classic pantheistic New Age cult..." Full text: What are the beliefs of the Unity School of Christianity?
Transcendental Meditation (TM):
"Maharishi believes that Jesus Christ was not the second Person of the biblical Trinity, uniquely God-incarnate, and the atoning Savior; instead, Jesus was a “God-realized” Hindu who promoted the same philosophy and practice (TM) that Maharishi does.40 In sum, Maharishi reinterprets biblical doctrines through Hindu eyes..." Full text: Transcendental Meditation in the New Millenium (Part One) Is TM a Religion?
Word Faith Movement:
"Crouch, for example, pays for and promotes people like Roy Blizzard and Joseph Good, both of whom openly deny the Trinity. Crouch also gave his staunch support to the United Pentecostal Church (UPC), a cult which claims that the Trinity is a pagan doctrine (see Praise the Lord, TBN, 5 September 1991).
Unification Church:
"Unification theology denies the Trinitarian understanding of the Godhead (see Titus 2:13)." Full text: What is the Unification Movement?
Also see:
Christianity, Cults & Religions
History of