Holder Can't or Won't Identify Enemy
"Holder raised the ire of some members during a Judiciary
Committee hearing about the attempt on Times Square. When asked if radical Islam
inspired the attack, Holder said a "radical version of Islam" could have been
one motivation, but that the final determination has to be made at the
conclusion of the investigation..." Story: Republican: Holder 'doesn't deserve
to be attorney general'
Who are we fighting American soldier? I dunno?
"Gee, the AG won't make a determination until the investigation is finished. What a scandal! Are you really that dumb, Serpent?"
Listen to the audio, Sophocles.
"I don't want to say anything negative about a religion (Holder)."
He would not admit that Islam can lead to violence (Mt
7:16). If you are living under a rock, this is
not a problem. If you are the US Attorney General, it is a big problem.
"Sunday we were treated to Attorney General Holder, White House Counterterrorism Adviser Brennan and Secretary Clinton trotted out to talk tough on terrorism. Turns out the Times Square bomber was dispatched from Taliban training camps in North Waziristan, supposed hideout of Usama Bin Laden. What was he saying -- that there were more homegrown terrorist sleeper cells? That more attacks were planned? That he was a dry run? That we weren't smart, just lucky. Oops! Time for an about face -- before our luck runs out and the next terrorist attacker succeeds..." Full text: It's One About Face After Another From Obama
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: ["I don't want to say anything negative about a religion (Holder)."] "So he's not willing to tar all Muslims with the same brush for the actions of a few."
Who is telling you the truth?
Lie to the Infidel: ‘Taqiyya’: How Islamic Extremists Deceive the West
"[I]t's not too smart of you to quote him [Holder]. He said he didn't care to criticize a religion. Nothing about saying whether or not religion can lead to violence..."
He refused to answer the question. That's the point.
"I hope no one assumes that all Christians are violent because some idiots misconstrue what our religion is about."
You have a religion. I have a savior (Jn 14:6).
"We judge each person..."
"[G]roup guilt..."
You are not willing to say that Islam is a perversion of Christianity and an evil religion. I am (Jn 14:6).
"...[S]omething Hitler and Stalin practiced."
Suppressing the truth does not lead to good things (Ro 1:18-21).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "This is the reason I call you gullible when you trot out the allegedly huge number of Muslim converts to Christianity. Only the worst kind of fool believes such a conversion is genuine!"
I can be fooled like anyone else. But, I also happen to know that a heart of stone can be turned into a heart of flesh (Eze 36:26).
"If I or somebody like me claimed to have converted, would you take such a convert's word at face value?"
No. Look at Allsmiles (2 Chr. 36:16, 2 Chr. 30:10,
Acts 2:13, Gen. 39:14, 17). Do you think he sought the Lord with all his
heart and mind? Deut 4:29. He plays a game to mock Christians.
For every truth there is a counterfeit. Mormons have their burning in the
bosom. Safeway has born again yogurt. Only the Holy Spirit can take
the things of God and make them real to the believer (1Co
2:10,13). He withdraws from incorrigible
sinners Gen. 6:3; Deut. 32:30; Psa. 51:11; Prov. 1:24–28; Jer. 7:29;
Hos. 4:17, 18; Hos. 5:6; Hos. 9:12; Matt. 15:14; Luke 13:7; Rom.
1:24, 26, 28
Swanson, James ; Nave, Orville: New Nave's. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems,
"I'm betting the answer is no; you would be distrustful, most likely for a long time, until the convert had proven that his change is genuine."
People talk the talk but they don't walk the walk.
"If you have a talking faith that is not a walking faith, you have a mocking
faith." ~ Jim Andrews. We know them by their fruits (Mt 7:20). We
are fruit inspectors.
"Trust in the Lord, but keep your powder dry"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What I do see strongly suggests to me that Holder is simply being politically correct to a pretty irrational degree...Honestly, you sound like you're making excuses here for Holder and not a very good excuse at that."
There is no reason to make excuses for him. He
clearly wanted to get out of there.
He knew how he was coming across.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]here's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have just said, "Yes. I think radical Islam was a motivating factor."
Except that it would upset the boss.
"[H]e bends over backwards to make the point that it's "inconsistent with the teachings of Islam"..."
Maybe he's had tutoring?
Lie to the Infidel. ‘Taqiyya’: How Islamic Extremists Deceive the West http://vananne.com/culttoasters/taqiyya%20how%20islamic%20extremists%20deceive%20the%20west.pdf
"[E]ither he can't differentiate between Islam and radical Islam or he thinks we can't."
Or, he suppresses what he knows (Ro 1:18).
"For crying out loud, just say, "Yes, I think so. Yada yada, something or other about radical Islam not being consistent with the teachings of Islam."
Some people believe if we cozy up to Muslims, they'll love
they decide which sea to push us into, we debate these things.
Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam
Don't blame me. I voted for the American.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[T]he more trusting one is, the more easily one can be fooled."
People have different gifts. Some are discerning. Others aren't (1 Cor. 12:4–30). I bet you would have a better grasp of the line from Godfather Pt. II than the rest of us: "He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
For the unbeliever, see:
Godfather, Pt. III
For the believer, see: Have You Ever Been Deceived?
For every truth there is a counterfeit. One of Satan's fav's is that love is pain so avoid it.
"[W]hat "fruits" are you inspecting...to discern whether a convert is genuine?"
Ga 5:22. You'll know a Christian by his joy (Phil 4:7, Neh 8:10).
"And how is this joy manifested? Is the man joyous who keeps himself to himself and declines to fellowship with others? Fellowship seems to be a really big thing among Christians. I've never understood the appeal, myself."
An evidence of faith is love for the brethren (1 John 3:11-24):
"The assurance of believers (v. 14):
'We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.' If you have ever doubted your salvation, you can take comfort in this verse. You can know you have passed from death to life if you have a continuous and habitual love for Christians. The world doesn't love Christians. Dead people don't love: only living people do. Love is the surest test of divine life. Where there is no love, there is spiritual death. Examine your heart. Do you love other Christians? Do you seek the fellowship of Christians? If you do, you have passed from death to life. If you do not, you're still dead..." Full text: Marks of a True Believer: How's Your Love Life? By John MacArthur 1 John 3:11-24.
Holder Can't/Won't
Identify Enemy