Holy Spirit Started the Ecumenical Work?
[Holy Spirit
Started the Ecumenical Work?
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"The Pontifical Council for the
Laity is hosting the
Pastors, Leaders, Clergy Summit 2014
in Virginia. Speakers will include
Roman Catholic and evangelical
leaders including Jack Hayford,
James Robison, Keith Fournier and
Dr. Tom Phillips, VP of the Billy
Graham Evangelistic Association. The
organizer of the summit, Deacon
Wentworth, was asked, "Do you
envision a united Christianity prior
to the Second Coming?" He responded,
"I love what Pope Francis said:
'When God starts something, He
finishes it well.' Church unity was
not started by us. The Holy Spirit
started the ecumenical work. He will
finish it well. He will finish it
completely. He will finish it on
time, in His way, according to His
plan. He is the only one who can. We
simply need to cooperate with him
and be like Mother Mary and continue
to say 'yes' to each open door. When
the Holy Spirit throws open the
door, we need to rush into the room.
Pope Francis knocked down the door,
dismantled the hinges, and threw the
doors out of the way with his video.
We need to run into the room before
those who hate the unity of Jesus'
Church have time to rebuild the door
and lock it again."
Read more."