The Antichrist
"It's the false prophet--a duet--a political leader and a religious leader working in tandum." ~ Chuck Missler link 1 John 2:18, 22
Trump says Jared Kushner will bring peace to Middle East
1 Kings 10:1v4, Dan 9:27
"...[T]he smiling, Sphinx-like presence that
propelled Mr. Trump to victory..." Full text:
Who is Jared Kushner? Profile of Ivanka Trump's
husband and senior adviser to the President
Re 13:15
think we can safely rule out
The antichrist will replace three uprooted kingdoms (e.g. DC, City of London, Vatican). He will have three crowns of authority (Da 7:8). Babylon is a government system (Re 18) and a religious system (Re 17).
Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories
Also see:
Is the Antichrist Revealed Before the Rapture?
too cool for school (1
Co 1:27).
to Kushner: If You Can't Produce Middle East Peace, Nobody Can
Dan 9:27
Trudeau “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society”
1 Jn 2:18
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Unless Trudeau is Jewish, he cannot be the antichrist...
Some things that point to him--but
I think not.
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They have said the same thing about Antiochus Epiphanes, Napoleon, Hitler and
even former president Obama...
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We've also heard that Donald Trump came as a time traveller from the year 2036
to warn of an ISIS nuclear war.
1 Cor. 2:14
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Why are you people working hard to find someone
to qualify as the antichrist...
We look for Jesus not the
antichrist (Lk 21:36). We can give you our best guess about this world
leader; but, we'll be outta here
and all y'all can deal with him.
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There won't be a world leader to qualify as the
The clarification
(2:3b, 3c): Paul reassures them this is not the
case, for two events must occur prior to that terrible time.
a. A worldwide religious apostasy (2:3b)
b. The appearance of a satanic superman
The day of the Lord and the Antichrist
(2:3a–4, 8–9)
His titles
(2:3a, 8a, 9a)
a. “The man of lawlessness” (2:3a, 8a)
b. “This evil man” (2:9a)
His travesty
(2:4): He will sit in the Temple of God and claim that he is God.
His trickery
(2:9b): He will deceive the world by his miracles, signs, and wonders.
His trampling
(2:8b): He will be utterly crushed and consumed by Jesus at the Second
C. The day of the Lord and the restrainer (2:5–7): The Holy Spirit will hold the Antichrist back until the appointed time.[1]
[1] Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (2 Th 2:1–7). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
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Satanic superman? Religious apostasy? This "evil
man"? LOL.
You won't be LOLing
(your word)
when he sets up shop.
"2 Thess 2:3, 4 the falling away. The Day of the
Lord cannot occur until a deliberate abandonment of a formerly professed
position, allegiance, or commitment occurs, (the term was used to refer to
military, political, or religious rebellion). Some have suggested, on
questionable linguistic evidence, that this refers to “departure” in the
sense of the Rapture. Context, however, points to a religious defection,
which is further described in v. 4. The language indicates a specific event,
not general apostasy which exists now and always will. Rather, Paul has in
mind the apostasy. This is an event which is clearly and specifically
identifiable and unique, the consummate act of rebellion, an event of final
magnitude. The key to identifying the event is to identify the main person,
which Paul does, calling him the “man of sin.” Some texts have “man of
lawlessness,” but there is no real difference in meaning since sin equals
lawlessness (1 John 3:4). This is the one who is called “the prince who is
to come” (Dan. 9:26) and “the little horn” (Dan. 7:8), whom John calls “the
beast” (Rev. 13:2–10, 18) and most know as the Antichrist..." MacArthur, J.,
Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1854).
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur
Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1854). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
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Justin is a skier, surfer, wake boarder, general
athlete and all around man. His father was on the cover of a magazine scuba
diving to 100 feet, I imagine Justin does too. Justin is a millionaire has a
beautiful wife and nice kids. He is a super man and turns the ladies
heads everywhere he goes...
What kind
Heb 13:4
I watched one do it when Justin visited the USA
not too long ago.
You and I have different
ideas about what it means to be a lady (Pr 31).
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It will not happen the way your private
interpretation states...
2 Pe 1:20. We compare
scripture with scripture.
TribulationSigns View Post
No you, yourself, have not...
It's not about me (Eph 4:14). It's
about God's word (Ac 20:20). Scripture interprets scripture (2 Pe
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