Keystone XL pipeline decision
[Keystone pipeline sparks labor civil war by Darren Goode]
"Unions are representing construction workers who would benefit from building
the pipeline...Some of President Barack Obama’s biggest labor supporters are
fuming over his Keystone XL pipeline verdict, but they may be angrier at their
labor brethren than at the president himself.
Unions representing construction workers that would directly benefit from
building the pipeline feel stabbed in the back by unions that joined
environmental groups to congratulate Obama for killing the project..." Full
Keystone pipeline sparks labor civil war
Does Obama
want energy independence for America?
Response to comment [from other]: "America is never likely to be energy independent. The energy market is global."
Why do you think Obama and Leftists like him do not want a strong, independent America?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Serpentdove, are you surprised?"
No, of course not (Eccl 10:2).
"BamBam supported Brazilian offshore drilling (which is state owned, btw) with American money. That man WANTS us to remain dependent on Arab oil. Once he gets his next four years, just watch him kill the oilfield... it makes me sick."
Even big labor is against him
on this. If this were about politics, Obama would look for the most votes. If he
cared about jobs or an energy-independent America, he would have approved the
Keystone pipeline.
Dirt worshipers always go after promising energy sources. Why? Is this about
dirt worshipping or is it something more?
What is the War of Gog and Magog
One World Government/Religion
Response to comment [from other]: "America is never likely to be energy independent."