Vatican Official Left Abusive Priest in his Position
Another example of this "church" in it's final stages
of apostasy (Rev. 3:14–22):
April 28, 2010 on AP. "The cardinal who oversees priest abuse cases at the
Vatican didn't restrict a California priest after learning in 1995 that he had
molested a 13-year-old boy a decade earlier." Vid:
Vatican Official Left Abusive Priest As Pastor
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[O]f course, this is a complete non sequitur, unless one wishes to make precisely the same charge against Protestantism"
Of course Protestant churches are filled with
make-believers. That does not negate the fact that the Protestant
Reformation was necessary to reveal the false teachings of the Roman Catholic
"[Y]our suggestion was that, since the Catholic Church contains sinners, it therefore must not be Christ's historic Church."
I suggested--protect children. I got the link
from an atheist website. They get it. Why don't you?
The Roman Catholic Church is not Christ's historic church. Christ's church on earth is an organic body of believers worldwide who place their trust in him (not a church). The Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church. That means it preaches a different gospel than historical, biblical Christianity. Roman Catholicism (like all religion) is work-based. Christianity is faith based. Religion is man's attempt to reach God. Christianity is trust in his work. No matter how hard you work, no matter what hoops they have you jump through, you cannot find salvation in work-based faiths (Jn 14:6). This argument will not go away anytime soon. It has been going on since Cain and Abel. Unfortunately, Roman Catholics believe a lie which will not lead to salvation (Jude 11).
"[T]hen, is Protestantism in its last stages of apostasy
as well...?"
In good Catholic tradition, you have zero interest in the truth. You set out to
destroy others who share it. The Protestant Reformation revealed the wicked lies
coming out of your apostate church and Christians died for it.
Time Line
The gospel of Jesus Christ has been shared with you.
vs. Faith
"Unfortunately, your comments reflect a basic lack of
understanding with respect to Catholic teaching..."
Ad Ignorantium (and stock answer).
Bad roots. Bad fruits (Mt 7:16).
"Will these links help us find the truth about the
Catholic Church?"
These links won't help you find a thing. Many here have shared the gospel with
you. You aren't interested. There has always been one way to come to the
Lord--by faith. The gospel is one of grace. It is not of works (Eph 2:8). There
are not two gospels. There has always been one way--there will always be one way
to come to the Lord (Jn 14:6).
For anyone else interested in coming out of your cult-like apostate church,
these links may help.
When people come to truth, you'll know because they'll high tail it out of your
Dawn of the Living Dead "church".
Keep listening to your empty and irrelevant homilies. If you think you'll find
life there, you've got another thing coming. For everyone else--find yourself a
good Bible church.
"The Roman Catholic Church is the original Bible Church™."
better check that pride.
Now if your claim is true, I wonder why they killed Christians who worked to get
the word of God out?
"...[L]et's review how this bloodthirsty organization treated a man who simply
wanted to get the Bible into the hands of the common people. In the late 1300s
John Wycilffe translated the scriptures from the Latin Vulgate. Some 40 odd
years after his death, the Catholic religion dug up his bones and burned them
calling him an arch-heretic. In the 1500's William Tyndale sought to translate
the Bible into the language of the common people, English. He could not gain
approval from the Catholic religion so he worked as an outlaw on the run in
Europe, translating the Bible. He was eventually captured, condemned and
executed in 1536. It is because of people like these men, Tyndale and Wycliffe,
that we have the scriptures today. If the Catholic religion had its way, we'd
still be in ignorance about the Bible and enslaved to the pope..." Full text:
Warning: The Roman Catholic Church is not Christian
"I'm glad the rest of you like our Bible."
Which includes the apocrypha?
to deceive and support your false teachings, right?
The word of God is for all men to discover (no matter how difficult
apostate churches try make it). We peons find a way by the grace of God.
"[i]t's a shame you can't understand much of it..."
Ad Ignorantium (and stock answer).
Too bad we're all so stupid.
Forget scripture--it all depends on Church membership, right?
Let's just trust you
the way home.
[Bible church] "[D]id you find one?"
We study the Bible book by book, verse by verse. I would recommend it (don't skip Galatians--which you have never heard preached in a Roman Catholic Church).
You can see my location.
How long before you and your similarly wicked brethren issue fatwas for
Response to comment [from a Roman Catholic]: "LOL... Ah yes, John Wycliffe, the great Bible martyr... who wasn't martyred, died of natural causes while attending Mass, upheld purgatory and predestination, and included the deutero-canonicals in his translation..."
When true believers are despised,
I always say LOL.
"...43 years after his death, officials dug up his body, burned his remains, and threw the ashes into the river Swift. Still, they couldn't get rid of him. Wycliffe's teachings, though suppressed, continued to spread...
...At a subsequent hearing before the
archbishop at Lambeth Palace, Wycliffe replied, "I am ready to defend my
convictions even unto death…. I have followed the Sacred Scriptures and the holy
doctors." He went on to say that the pope and the church were second in
authority to Scripture.
This didn't sit well with Rome, but because of Wycliffe's popularity in England
and a subsequent split in the papacy (the Great Schism of 1378, when rival popes
were elected), Wycliffe was put under "house arrest" and left to pastor his
Lutterworth parish.
He deepened his study of Scripture and
wrote more about his conflicts with official church teaching. He wrote against
the doctrine of transubstantiation: "The bread while becoming by virtue of
Christ's words the body of Christ does not cease to be bread."
He challenged indulgences: "It is plain to me that our prelates in granting
indulgences do commonly blaspheme the wisdom of God."
He repudiated the confessional: "Private confession … was not ordered by Christ
and was not used by the apostles."
He reiterated the biblical teaching on faith: "Trust wholly in Christ; rely
captionogether on his sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other
way than by his righteousness."
Believing that every Christian should have access to Scripture (only Latin
translations were available at the time), he began translating the Bible into
English, with the help of his good friend John Purvey.
The church bitterly opposed it: "By this translation, the Scriptures have become
vulgar, and they are more available to lay, and even to women who can read, than
they were to learned scholars, who have a high intelligence. So the pearl of the
gospel is scattered and trodden underfoot by swine." Full text:
John Wycliffe Medieval "protestant"
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [No interest in truth] "Merely an ad hominem claim made on the basis of a presumed personal knowledge..."
No. that is a truth claim based on
my prior experience with you. It is either true or it is false. Let the reader
Do I understand the teachings of the Roman Catholic
Yes, I do.
Ad Ignorantium (and stock answer)--You generally argue (as most Catholics)
no one understand you.
We understand you. We understand your false teaching (Gal.
1:6–8). You are modern-day Pharisees (Matt.
"...a presumed personal knowledge that you could not possibly possess."
You don't need knowledge. You need a savior.
"Simply more anti-Catholic..."
The other Catholic (and Saul Alinksy)
favorite. This fallacious argument is called
appeal to pity or sympathy. Mick Jagger may have sympathy for devils.
I do not.
"You're merely parroting what your chosen Protestant sectarian tradition has fed you..."
Hasty generalization.
Address the doctrine. People really can understand--and disagree with you.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Why are you attributing chrysostom's statements to me?"
"Which statement are you referring to?"
Cruci's and Christu's generally have not interest in Christ.
"Try to be rational."
Why do you pious types do this?
"Both of the statements attributed to me in your Post #28. I posted neither of them."
Sorry. I still don't know what
you're talking about. You both seem similar to me if that helps.
I've met two types of Catholics--the drunken, fornicating revilers (1 Cor 5:11)
and the pious.
You seem to be the latter (they are more dangerous by the way). Of course you're both drunkards unprepared for the Lord's return (Isa. 63:6).
[Bad roots. Bad fruits (Mt 7:16).] "Bad premises, bad conclusions."
Then Jesus didn't have a clue what he was talking about. He warned us of your type (Matt. 15:9)--but what did he know?
Let's go with this premise--pay no attention to that
man behind the curtain (unless your boys are interested in taking a peek).
"[Y]ou have me making two statements that I never made."
I see what you are going on about now. Sorry,
that was a post error. I was not even speaking with you. You
recognize your own words, don't you?
I was replying to chrysostom regarding where I attend church. The link is corrected now. I would not want his/her dim-whitted posts attributed to me, either.
[Mt 7:16] "No, rather you don't. Your bad premises, your bad conclusions."
My premise is that your church is in its final stages
of apostasy (Rev. 3:14–22). Your fruits make that evident [Mt 7:16] (and of
course your adherence to bad doctrine
431 Proclamation that infant baptism regenerates the soul.
500 The Mass instituted as re-sacrifice of Jesus for the remission of sin
593 Declaration that sin need to be purged, established by Pope Gregory I
600 Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels.
786 Worship of cross, images, and relics authorized.
995 Canonization of dead people as saints initiated by Pope John XV.
1000 Attendance at Mass made mandatory under the penalty of mortal sin.
1079 Celibacy of priesthood, decreed by Pope Gregory VII.
1090 Rosary, repetitious praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit.
1184 The Inquisitions, instituted by the Council of Verona.
1190 The sale of Indulgences established to reduce time in Purgatory.
1215 Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III.
1215 Confession of sin to priests, instituted by Pope Innocent III.
1229 Bible placed on Index of Forbidden Books in Toulouse.
1438 Purgatory elevated from doctrine to dogma by Council of Florence.
1545 Tradition claimed equal in authority with the Bible by the Council of
1546 Apocryphal Books declared canon by Council of Trent.
1854 Immaculate Conception of Mary, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.
1870 Infallibility of the Pope, proclaimed by Vatican Council.
1922 Virgin Mary proclaimed co-redeemer with Jesus by Pope Benedict XV.
1950 Assumption of Virgin Mary into heaven, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII.
Catholic Traditions: "You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you
have handed down" (Mark 7:13)
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Do you really imagine that insults, mockery, and ridicule equate to any type of actual rational argument or reasoned apologetic?
What is reasoned about you being faced with the truth
of scripture by actual Christians here time and time again, yet you resist it?
2 Ti 3:8.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Try again."
That's nice.
I list 22 teachings of your religion and you do not acknowledge one being
unbiblical. When people aren't interested in truth, there's nothing I can
do (Jer 5:31).
A friend of mine once concocted a playful “Protestant Inventions List” in
response to his receiving the umpteenth e-mail of The List. It runs, in part:
AD 90 Sunday worship taught by Didache
AD 180 God first declared as a “Trinity” of three persons by Theophilus
AD 381 Prayer to the Holy Spirit authorized by Council of Constantinople
AD 397 Book of Revelation (till now dubious) proclaimed to be “Scripture”
AD 400 Augustine invents “original sin”
AD 418 Salvation apart from Jesus declared heretical by Pope Zosimus
AD 431 Ephesus declares Mary’s human son to be God himself
AD 525 Calendar for Easter Sunday instituted
AD 950 Invention of Bible in English
AD 1215 Declaration that God created the world “out of nothing”
AD 1455 Scheme for printing the Bible invented by Gutenberg
AD 1760 Singing of “Amazing Grace” instituted by John Newton
AD 1776 Protestant Founders of America downgrade Blessed Trinity to “Nature’s
AD 1825 Altar calls instituted by Charles Finney
AD 1863 U.S. government enforces Thanksgiving to God as official state holiday
AD 1864 Mammon worship first authorized by United States government. “In God We
Trust” stamped on U.S. money
AD 1900 Light bulbs used in worship services
AD 1929 Wednesday night Bible study invented
AD 1951 Preachers begin to dress in polyester suits
AD 1959 Televangelism instituted by Pat Robertson
AD 1965 “Four Spiritual Laws” promulgated by Bill Bright
AD 1969 Unbiblical phrase “Accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal
Lord and Savior” popularized
AD 1970 Overhead projectors used in worship service
AD 1978 Abortion declared to be a grave sin by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists
AD 1991 “Promise Keepers” founded on pattern of neo-pagan “men’s groups”
AD 1998 Sale and commercialization of WWJD bracelets
AD 2001 “Faith-based” government founded by George W. Bush
Yet neither you, nor your friend repented of all your
Mt. 15:9, Mt 6:33, Ps 138:2, 1 Thess 5:21.
Vatican Official
Left Abusive Priest in his Position