Liberals, who gets to decide what marriage is?


Response to comment [from other]: "The adult who is wishing to marry another consenting adult.

Ooo, sorry --that is incorrect. We were looking for God. Marriage was divinely instituted by God (Ge 2:24). It is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman (Mal 2:4). Thanks for playing.

"Marriage..." ~ Priest, The Princess Bride


Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Yes, rather like the Christians who go out of their way not to volunteer in soup kitchens, or who don't do any charitable work, and who drive their gas guzzlers to a well-maintained church to listen to their overpaid pastor tell them how to be more like Jesus..."


We worship the creator of the heavens and the earth not dirt (Jer 10:11). We were created to subdue the earth not worship it (Ge 1:28).

Do you drive a Prius?


What has Christianity Done for The World


"It took a Samaritan to help the victim of a theft; it was the holy men of the parable who stepped aside and didn't lift a finger."


Lk 10:33-37 J. Vernon McGee

"If the shoe fits..."


Wear it (Ps 115:4-8; Isa 44:19; Jer 10:3).


"We're uptight prudes in comparison to much of Europe."


Graniteheart wants to be Euro-trash. Have you been to Europe, Satanist? Ezk. 22:19–20


Liberals, who gets to decide what marriage is?