Minnesota School Changes Free Speech Policy
[Minnesota School
Changes Free Speech Policy by Cortland
Bobczynski] "A Minnesota school changed its
literature distribution policy after a
lawsuit was filed by a legal firm
representing a sixth-grade student who was
prohibited from dispersing pro-life fliers
on campus.
Nova Classical Academy (NCA), in St. Paul,
had restricted “A.Z.” from handing out
pro-life literature to her friends during
lunch. After spoken concerns from her
parents, the school responded by claiming
that the content of the literature was
inconsistent with the school’s educational
mission and that such “political activism”
is limited to high school students.
This simply isn’t true.
“The First Amendment protects freedom of
speech for all students, regardless of their
religious or political beliefs,” said
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Legal
Counsel Matt Sharp. “The law on that point
is extremely clear: free speech cannot be
censored simply because it expresses a
certain viewpoint that administrators don’t
After ADF filed its lawsuit against NCA, the
school enacted a new school policy allowing
students to distribute religious literature.
“Schools must allow students to peacefully
express their views on current events of the
day,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy
Tedesco. “This outcome ensures that free
speech truly is free for any student at NCA
that wishes to exercise his or her
constitutionally protected freedoms.”
Minnesota School Changes Free Speech Policy
Mk 16:15,
Pr 31:8, GWT
Also see:
A Day of Dialogue
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Good news for a change."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I see that Nova Classical Academy is a charter school. http://www.novaclassical.org/ Should parents pull their children from charter schools as well?"
It took a lawsuit to
get them to behave normally.
What do you think?
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"Here's what I think: I admire people who don't run from evil but instead get in the face of those promoting it and tell them that they can't get away with it. And you?"
I admire people who keep their kids the hell out of godless public schools. Pr 22:6
"Then maybe you shouldn't be posting positive information about what's happening at a godless public charter school?"
Why not?
"So what you're saying is: If good people get together to fight evil, positive things can become of it?"
"...I don't see why you have a problem with public schools."
you do (Ps
Public Schools
[Godless public schools] "...And here I thought sd only homeschooled her chillens so that she could quote Bible passages to them every 30 seconds..."
Do you send your kids
(if you have them) to godless public
22:6 way he
should go. There is only one right way,
God’s way, the way of life. That way is
specified in great detail in Proverbs. Since
it is axiomatic that early training secures
lifelong habits, parents must insist upon
this way, teaching God’s Word and enforcing
it with loving discipline consistently
throughout the child’s upbringing. See note
on 13:24. Cf.
Deut. 4:9;
Josh. 24:15;
Eph. 6:4."
The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J.
MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Pr
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
[Do you send your kids (if you have them) to
godless public schools?] "The difference
between so many Christian parents that send
their children to public schools, (the same
public schools where you showed that prayer
can still be done, etc.) and you is that
those Christian parents are confident in the
way they bring their children up.
Those Christian parents send their children
out into the secular world confident that
their children are ready to deal with it,
and ready to share God's Word with the rest
of society.
If you want to homeschool your children,
fine, it's your right. But don't go telling
other parents what's best for their
children, because you don't know."
Do you send your kids
(if you have them) to godless public
Train up a
child in the way he should go: and when he
is old, he will not depart from it [Prov.
"We are to train up a child concerning the
way he should go. What he is saying is that
God has a way He wants him to go, and
parents are to find out that way. They are
not to bring up a child in the way they
think he should go, but in the way God wants
him to go." McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 20:
Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Proverbs)
(electronic ed.) (191). Nashville: Thomas
[Do you send your kids (if you have them) to godless public schools?
"While we had thought about keeping our children home 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week and not allowing them to watch tv, read a newspaper or listen to the radio,
(surely you don't allow your children to view or listen to those ungodly
things?) we thought it would be a better idea to prepare them to go out into
society and spread God's Word. In other words we "Train up a child in the ways
he should go".
Do you send your kids to godless public schools?
...and don't call me Shirley.
22:6 Here is, 1. A great duty enjoined,
particularly to those that are the parents and instructors of children, in order
to the propagating of wisdom, that it may not die with them: Train up children
in that age of vanity, to keep them from the sins and snares of it, in that
learning age, to prepare them for what they are designed for. Catechise them;
initiate them; keep them under discipline. Train them as soldiers, who are
taught to handle their arms, keep rank, and observe the word of command. Train
them up, not in the way they would go (the bias of their corrupt hearts would
draw them aside), but in the way they should go, the way in which, if you love
them, you would have them go. Train up a child according as he is capable (as
some take it), with a gentle hand, as nurses feed children, little and often,
Deu. 6:7. 2. A good reason for it, taken from the great advantage of this care
and pains with children: When they grow up, when they grow old, it is to be
hoped, they will not depart from it. Good impressions made upon them then will
abide upon them all their days. Ordinarily the vessel retains the savour with
which it was first seasoned. Many indeed have departed from the good way in
which they were trained up; Solomon himself did so. But early training may be a
means of their recovering themselves, as it is supposed Solomon did. At least
the parents will have the comfort of having done their duty and used the means."
Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: Complete and
unabridged in one volume (Pr
22:6). Peabody: Hendrickson.
[Do you send your kids to godless public schools?
"Many of the teachers where our children went to school are members of our
church (call them shepherds watching over the flock)."
Parochial school? Godless public school?
22:6 If you love them, train them. If children
are diligently trained, they will remember and benefit from that training. If
left to themselves (see 29:15), their inexperience can lead them into foolish
mistakes with lifelong consequences (22:15). They should be trained and
disciplined while there is still hope (see 19:18) of saving them (see 23:13–14;
Ps. 9). The well-disciplined child will be a delight to his or her parents (see
29:17). (See exposition on 3:11–12;
Deut. 6:6–7;
Eph. 6:4;
Heb. 12:7.)" Willmington,
H. L. (1997). Willmington’s Bible handbook (339). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House
[Parochial school? Godless public school?
"I saw your passage earlier (excellent debate skills you have my love). At what
age would you suggest that you cut those apron strings sd? 18, 27, the 12th of
I suggest you get your kids the hell out of godless public schools. Pr 22:6
[Parochial or Homeschooling vs. Godless Public Schools
suggest you get your kids the hell out of godless public schools.
Pr 22:6] "With all due respect to the way you're raising your chillens sd: I
suggest you get your kids out of the house or else they'll end up being basket
Proof please
Mk 16:15
"...that won't know how to deal with the predominately secular humanist population out in society."
Non sequitur
2 Ti 1:7
Home-schooling Does Not Hamper Socialization
[Parochial/homeschooling vs. godless public schools
"The proof is in your answers: Where do you[r] children (when they are allowed
to leave the house) go to "socialize" with secular children?"
What proof is in my answers?
[Dr. Laura Schlessinger and child rearing] "No "studies" please by a website psychologist, just in your own words."
You should do all you can to get your kids the hell out
of godless public schools.
Co 5:9 my epistle. A previous letter that Paul
had written the church at Corinth instructed them to disassociate with the
immoral (cf. v. 11;
2 Thess. 3:6–15).
1 Co 5:10 people of this
world. Evidently, the church had misinterpreted the advice in that letter and
had stopped having contact with the unsaved in the world, while continuing to
tolerate the sin of those in the church, which was even more dangerous to the
fellowship. See
John 17:15,18.
God intends us to be in the world as witnesses (cf.
Matt. 5:13–16;
Acts 1:8;
Phil. 2:15)." The
MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J. MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (1
Co 5:9–10). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
[Provide proof
for your claims
proof is in your lack of answers sweetheart.
What proof
is that?
I was hoping that you could show me places that your children go to share the
gospel of Christ with other children.
"On that note:
I'd like to thank my good friend serpentdove (who I've had fun messing with
today) for starting this thread, as it's shown that a 12 year old girl did have
a positive effect on society. Of course that 12 year old girl didn't go it
alone, she had the support of her parents and a wonderful pro Christian legal
defense organization.
There is absolutely no reason that Christians cannot take back what was once
rightly ours:
The American education system."
Until then, get your kids out of the
godless public and/or charter schools.
Pr 22:6,
1 Jn 3:3
"I would, but it's summer vacation. Speaking of which: Does mommy play on the computer all day while her chillens are busy studying during the summer months?"
No. You keep catching me in-between workout
That would make for a good thread. Did you ever have to go to summer school?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Free speech]
Pr 8:36
What do you think of this statement?:
“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all inhabitants thereof.”
Words on Liberty Bell