Obama makes clear support for ground zero mosque
"WASHINGTON — After skirting the controversy for weeks, President Barack
Obama is weighing in forcefully on the mosque near ground zero, saying a nation
built on religious freedom
must allow it (emphasis added)." Pr 22:6. Obama uses the
opportunity of his new Iftar Ramadan dinner tradition at the White House to come
out in favor of a mosque at ground zero.
"As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to
practice their religion as everyone else in this country," Obama told an
intently listening crowd gathered at the White House Friday evening to observe
the Islamic holy month of Ramadan."
Full text
"...[T]he U.S. State Department is sponsoring Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf for a taxpayer-funded trip to the Muslim world..." Full text
"Pope John Paul II exhibited during a similar clash involving another hallowed site on whose grounds innocents were also murdered: Auschwitz. In the 1980s, Carmelite nuns moved into an abandoned building on the edge of the former Nazi death camp to pray for the souls taken there..." Full text
"Americans accused of working for the enemy. Fourteen people indicted for allegedly supporting al-Shabaab, an Islamic militant group with suspected ties to al Qaeda. All of the suspects are either U.S. citizens or they've lived in the States. The Justice Department says it's part of a growing and disturbing trend: terrorists organizations recruiting Americans..." Full text
"The developers behind the Islamic center planned for a site near Ground Zero won't rule out accepting financing from the Mideast -- including from Saudi Arabia and Iran...'I can't comment on that.'" Full text If the aim of building the mosque/Islamic center were truly to promote religious tolerance, they would welcome people not of their faith there.
"We must remember that a practice associated with conquering Islamic armies was the construction of a mosque at the location where their triumphant battle was won. Thus, this modern Islamic organization is seeking to build a mosque at the site of 9/11 attack—an attack which was carried out by 19 Muslim hijackers who considered their mission holy war...[A] Muslim house of prayer that would be cemented in the ashes of catastrophe at the foot of New York's lost Twin Towers would be a symbolic victory flag for Muslims who seek the destruction of America." Full text
"The director of a Dubai-based, Arab television network writes that .... the man said it is a monument to terror..." Full text
"Ms. Pelosi called the Ground Zero mosque an "urban development decision" for New Yorkers to work through." Full text
New York construction workers say they "won't build it." Story
Should mosques be built in our country?
Yahoo Q & A
Government" Paternal functions
of, Gen. 41:25–57. Civil service school provided by, Dan. 1:3–20. Maintains
a system of public instruction, 2 Chr. 17:7–9. Executive departments in.
Swanson, James ; Nave, Orville: New
Nave's. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems, 1994.
...Islam is not just a religion, it is a movement of war (Jihad). The U.S. must outlaw Sharia like Nazism, or terrorism. We make it illegal to advance the cause of Sharia. We must not allow Wahhabists to build mosques--close the spigot. We are being invaded.
Sharia has been established in Great Britain and the U.S. is next. Dearborn, Michigan has a system of Sharia instead of the U.S. system. The Quran is a Constitution itself. When Keith Ellison swore to honor it, he swore against the U.S. Constitution. Our system is based on Judeo-Christian (not Islamo) ethics.
Muslims condemn terror in English only. Anything Islamist is the enemy. It's really a war on Christianity. It is an attempt to destroy Christianity globally. It is an occupation. We must defend the Constitution of America. By peace he will deceive many (Dan 8:25). Islamic enemies have a façade of peace. They express "peace" violently.
Muslims left their lands to experience our freedom (Jn 8:36). Now, they'd like to pervert our nation to be like their own. Not allowing Muslims to build a mosque at Ground Zero does not restrain their freedom of religion.
conservative leaders say we should build Hooters, strip clubs or
McDonald's in the Middle East to even the playing field. Is
that really the answer?
We are to live in the world and not of it (Ro 12:2, Jn 15:19).
Others say, let them build their mosques here in the U.S. If they come from all over the world, we can share the gospel with them. Where in the Bible does it tell us to allow the enemy to set up camp in our midst? Deut. 26:16–19. Our founding is based on God and his word in scripture. Government is given by God to restrain evil not--to promote it or give it free reign.
Buildings down, mosque up?--perhaps
Obama will get his
fundamental "transformation"
all. Obama is
not a Christian
kind of Christian attempts deny the reality of our
Judeo-Christian founding? "We do not consider ourselves a
Christian nation (Obama)." Michelle Obama plans to
change history if need be.
Obama did not even have the decency to call the site of Islamic
terrorism where 3000 of our citizens were murdered "ground
zero". He called it rather
"lower Manhattan". New York city is far from
hallowed ground but a new mosque in the heart of Sodom will not
help the problem.
"The only hope for America is to change public opinion. The only way to change public opinion is with the word of God." ~ Adrian Rogers