Obama Says He Wants Wind Turbines 'Manufactured Here in China'
[Obama Says He Wants Wind Turbines 'Manufactured
Here in China'] "...The President goofed up when talking about the
desire for wind turbines being manufactured in America, saying he
wanted them manufactured "here in China..."" Full text:
Oops! Obama Says He Wants Wind Turbines 'Manufactured Here in China'
Wind Turbines Kill 70 Golden Eagles Each Year at California's Altamont
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "OMG! You mean Obama misspoke at a campaign event..."
I sort of wanted to talk about turbines and dead
If I wanted to discuss gaffes, I probably would have started with Biden
this week.
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy Seal Killed in Benghazi: "Did you son
always have balls the size of cue balls?"
Response to comment [from other]: "Turbines are a bad thing?"
Any energy that works for libs is a bad thing.
Kill the babies.
Save the spiders.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Government rules make no sense by Richard
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Your thread title highlights the President's gaffe. Your OP says he "goofed up.""
That is the title of the article.
It made a nice segue in to the--eagles running into turbines--issue
which I had planned to bring up.
Jn 3:8
So if you wanted to talk about turbines and eagles, you could have titled this "Turbines and Dead Eagles."
A few housekeeping items:
I put current news first and then add additional information for the
reader's consideration.
The YouTube video was in the recent article. I placed another copy of it
in the OP so that you could not miss it.
You Peta-types (Eccl
Jn 10:10) don't
want to talk about the poor eagles?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What B. Hussein said is known as a Freudian slip: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Freudian%20slip
He meant what he said (Re
"China is here, Mr. Burton."
~ Uncle Chu (Chao Li Chi), Big Trouble in Little China
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Obviously, the segue backfired."
A few housekeeping items:
I put the story out there. What portion of it you'd like to discuss, is
up to you (Jn
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Birds, including eagles, are killed by the millions by power lines every year..."
"That's a shame." ~ Jerry Seinfeld
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I don't know...gaffes aren't going to change someone's vote, so there's really no effect. It's good to take them with a grain of salt, and laugh when they're funny. Because they usually are."
It's hilarious that your family owes China $10,700.
Response to comment [from other]: "What's your impression of this? What do you think?"
I think wind turbines are ugly. I
love CO2.
[Ugly turbines killing eagles] "Oh. If that was your point, why did you post about that lame China thing?"
Libs (Eccl
Jn 10:10) want to
save a spider
but could care less about eagles.
A few housekeeping items:
In general I discuss what TOLers would like to discuss (Jn
"...I must've missed it, so tell me again, why did you post about that lame China thing?"
Because I love you.
Mishka says "I love you mom"! - Husky Dog Talking
"Okay, creepy, but thanks. But why is it you posted about the lame China thing?"
Uoy evol I tub
"...You don't know what you think?"
Ad hominem
Where's AB?
Isn't he supposed to be showing up right about now?
Obama Says He Wants Wind Turbines 'Manufactured Here in China'