Oklahoma Safe From Sharia Law


"State Question 755 [passed]...requires state courts to rely only on federal and state laws when deciding cases, and forbids courts to consider international law or Sharia law...

...I would describe this as a pre-emptive strike," he said. "We don't want to let it get a toe-hold."
Full text

Stop civilizational jihad in all states 2012:

[Stealth or Civilizational Jihad] "...[J]ihad need not be violent. There is also a non-violent form of jihad in which they try to undermine Western societies from within. The Muslim Brotherhood calls this a "civilizational jihad," and author Robert Spencer deems it a "stealth jihad."

Because it is not violent, the civilizational jihad often gets a pass, especially from Western liberals. However, it's goal is the same as the terrorists practicing the violent form of jihad; reestablishment of a world-wide caliphate and subjugation of the world to shariah law.

Since we are most attuned to violent jihad, and because the non-violent type so often is excused, it is this form that is the most dangerous..."
Full text

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Safe for now:  "At 9 million, the Muslim population in the United States is still relatively small - about the size of the Hispanic population 25 years ago - but it is growing 6 times faster than the national rate." http://billionbibles.org/sharia-canada-america.html

I should have added the "...for now". Will we go the way of Europe?

" Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys ahead of Jack and Harry..."
Full text

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu...Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Yes, the Muslims breed much faster than the Christians.  What should be done about this?"


Be fruitful and multiply (Ge 9:7).


"But the Christians can't breed quickly enough; the Muslims have a major head start, and the swarthy, hot-blooded Muslim men are looking at Christian women with hungry eyes....What should be done?"


Who let you out of your cage? :dog:  "Swarth, hot-blooded," dirty yaks are unattractive (Ge 16:12).  :CRASH: Muslim men must take their women by force. 


In marriage submission is always voluntary (Eph 5:21, Ge 24:57,58; 1Sa 18:20; 25:41, Jer 30:19).


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "...[S]top trying to have Christianity used as a base for legislation. We can't have a secular nation only when it's convenient to you..."


We were founded as a Judeo-Christian nation--a secular government with a religious people (Jer 7:6).


Response to comment [from a Satanist]:  "It's Oklahoma, people. "Never In Danger of Sharia" might be a better thread title."


"These aren't the droids you're looking for." ~ Obi-Wan

Didn't you promise to ignore me?




One World Religion http://vananne.com/culttoasters/#One_World_Religion:

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "I love kids but that many would drive me insane."


That's the deal. Gen. 5:29; Gen. 30:1; Psa. 127:3–5; Prov. 17:6; Isa. 54:1; Jer. 20:15




"Members of the Muslim community called the question an attack on Islam and some of them said they are prepared to file a lawsuit challenging the measure..." Full text

They leave their God-forsaken countries to come to the U.S. to make it a God-forsaken country.

Do not follow other gods that lead you to your own destruction (
Jer 7:6).


"Would you be happier if America forced all of it's citizens to be Christians..."


I'll be happy to keep my head on.  We have religious freedom in this country.  Our Judeo-Christian provided such an environment (Jn 8:36)




Loving Qu'ran Quotes http://vananne.com/culttoasters/Qu'ran.htm


"...and limited immigration to America..."


If people do not assimilate, yes.  Jews and Christian live peacefully with their neighbors.  You cannot say the same of Muslims. 


"For many Islamists and radical Muslims, abrogation is real and what the West calls terror is, indeed, just."




Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam http://vananne.com/culttoasters/Peace%20or%20Jihad.htm


"America is a land of expressed freedom. That means freedom for anyone, whether that means they're homosexuals, or transsexual, or Hindu, or Muslim, or anything."


You'll die politically correct--you'll have no head --but you'll die politically correct.

"Here lies ElBel'. He was politically correct." "What was ElBel like grammy?" He welcomed false gods that lead to his own destruction, honey (
Jer 7:6).


"I think you're missing the part where there will never be more Muslims in America than non-Muslims (at least in the foreseeable future)..."


The disease of Islam has overtaken Europe.  You'd like us to be next?


"...[T]here's no possible way that their religious doctrine will stand as law in this country considering the fact that laws are decided on democratically."


Have you spoken with a Leftist lately?  Leftism and Americanism are mutually exclusive.   


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "...[Y]ou best pick a place to live or get used to living here."


No, no, no. We stay. You go (Eccl 10:2). They love your type in Venezuela.


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "I'm actually more interested in the "international law" part of the bill than the Sharia part."


They mix truth with error (Gal 5:9).  Will you accept the stoning of adulterous women? 


Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I like it here. If you don't, don't let the door hit you."


If you like it here, why do you wish to change America?  How can big government improve our country? 



Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats http://michellemalkin.com/


Response to comment [from other]:  "...[N]ow that Oklahoma's safe from Sharia law (whew! The voters have spoken!)"


Too bad they didn't speak up in Canada and Britain.


"The spread of Sharia law to the entire world is part of jihad. In Canada and Britain, jihad is advancing. 

A June 2010 report entitled "Sharia Law in Britain: A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights" begins with Secretary General of the Islamic Sharia Council Suhaib Hasan saying, "If Sharia law is implemented, then you can turn this country [Great Britain] into a haven of peace because once a thief's hand is cut off nobody is going to steal." Furthermore, "once[,] just only once, if an adulterer is stoned[,] nobody is going to commit this crime at all," and finally, "[w]e want to offer it to the British society. If they accept it, it is for their good and if they don't accept it they'll need more and more prisons." Full text http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/08/sharia_law_in_canada_and_brita.html


[Abstract:  Radical Islam in Europe] "Europe now faces three related but different challenges: how to respond, in a time when “native” European populations are shrinking, to the growing presence of Muslim minorities; how to avoid having its relationships with its Muslim communities controlled by Islamists who seek to replace Western civilization with Islamic government based on sharia law; and what to do generally about this Islamist threat. Thus far, the European responses to these challenges have been shaped by four factors: accumulated civilizational exhaustion; the inability to grasp the challenge posed to European national identities by the allure of the global Caliphate; weakness arising from degraded security capabilities, including the impact of the continued drive to “build Europe” by adopting the Treaty of Lisbon; and the preference for appeasement of Islamist demands." [Copyright &y& Elsevier] Lebl, Leslie S. "Radical Islam in Europe." Orbis 54.1 (2010): 46. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010.


"...[W]e can focus on Christian law stoning adulterers!"


Think the biblically illiterate will recognize the difference? Ga 5:9, 2 Thess 2:11.


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I meant to ask how there's any threat of Sharia law being implemented in American society, because I see none....Sharia isn't threatening America, and the chance of it being implemented here is absurd, because there's not even a call for it."


[Coming to America: Sharia in Britain and its 17,000 ‘Honor’ Attacks on Women A Year 2010 by Paul Coopertags] "Britain, Honor Killing, honor violence, Islam, Muslims, Sharia Law. British Muslims Not Happy With Just Sharia Courts The Left’s new spin on Sharia is that it really isn’t all that bad, and we’ll never have it here anyway. So there is nothing to fear in Ground Zero mosques and pro-Sharia Imams being funded by our government to promote Islam here and abroad. The so-called liberal argument is that Sharia is a red herring of conservative haters and to warn of Sharia makes someone an Isalamaphobe. Guess the Left doesn’t pay attention to Britain. Long before the British invasion of the Beatles, America has long been following Britain’s lead on cultural issues. Often what happens across the pond eventually makes its way to our shores. That should be eye opening when you consider Britain has been allowing Sharia courts in urban locations all over the island the last few years. ..." Full text: Coming to America: Sharia in Britain and its 17,000 ‘Honor’ Attacks on Women A Year 2010 by Paul Coopertags

Also see:

Should Minnie Mouse be Sharia Compliant?

Sharia Law in New Jersey


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Survey: 81% of Detroit Muslims want Sharia in Muslim Countries..." http://www.jihadwatch.org/2004/04/su...countries.html

Yep. Dearborn, Michigan is a problem, too:

"Under Sharia law, it is forbidden to proselytize to Muslims, and no Muslim can leave the faith. Dearborn, Michigan, is home to a substantial Muslim population, and there is strong evidence that local authorities now enforce Sharia in preference to the Constitution of the United States. Thus this Associated Press story about the arrest of four Christian missionaries that took place on Friday:

Police in the heavily Arab Detroit suburb of Dearborn say they arrested four Christian missionaries for disorderly conduct at an Arab cultural festival.

Police Chief Ron Haddad says his department made the arrests Friday. The four are free on bond.

Here is video of the arrest. The "disorderly conduct" consisted of handing out copies of the Gospel of John outside the festival. Note the police demand that one of the group stop filming the arrest..."
Full text/Vid


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "You can never be too careful!"


"Be Prepared." ~ Motto of the Boy Scouts of America


"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" ~ serpent


While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease (Ge 8:22).  Ps 27:1.


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [I'll be happy to keep my head on.] "There's only one reliable way to do that: cut off the other guy's head first!"


The diaperhead?

"...And don't bore me with all that namby-pamby stuff about sharing the Gospel; anybody can say he repents and accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour, but he could easily be lying, and given taqqiya, a Muslim who does those things most likely is lying in order to get you to drop your guard, taking advantage of the fact that, as a Christian, you are required to take his confession at face value and welcome him as a brother, and while you're embracing the new "convert" he slips a shiv between your ribs..."


Christians are hospitable (Rom. 12:13)--sometimes it gets them killed.  Trust God but tie up your camel.  (2 Kin. 20:12–19).


"Makes a pretty strong case for not being hospitable, yes?"


That's a risk Christians take (Acts 3:12–26).


Response to comment [from other]:  "I say we deport [serpentdove] with all the other traitors!"


Don't be like that.


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  [How can big government improve our country?] "...You tell us."


Are you a statist or an individualist?




Immoral conservative (Enyart).


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "I can't identify with the atheist Ayn Rand..."


...And I had such high hopes for you--all the right enemies...


"Modern dentistry can do wonders with your two teeth by the way...."


Don't hate me because I'm yellow.


"Ayn Rand fan are you? We can talk about her (rotting body) if you like."


You don't see good things in her future?  John 5:29,  2 Cor. 5:10–14.


We do not need more information.  We need a Savior (2 Tim. 1:10).


By the way, you upset Graniteheart.  You know he's been wearing policeman jammies his entire life.



[Radical State:  How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West by Abigail R. Esman]  "Setting out to paint a portrait of "a thriving democratic nation and the forces that threaten to bring about its demise," Abigail R. Esman's recent book, Radical State: How Jihad is Winning Over Democracy in the West published by Praeger Books is a gripping account of the threat posed to the global community by radical Islam. As I sat there reading it, the vivid threat that we face became ever more obvious—as was the need for Americans to strengthen their resolve and battle the enemy we face.

Focusing her narrative on the Netherlands, Esman describes—with the vivid details of somebody who has experienced the threats of militant Islam first hand—how Holland lost its freedom to the terrors of jihad. She then chillingly shows how the rest of Europe and the United States are moving towards a similar fate. Drawing from interviews, news, and personal experiences, Esman tells a dramatic and frightening story of what happens when Western countries cede their ideals to Islamists.

Esman, a journalist who has written for both national and international publication, describes the war on terrorism as a "war for freedom." She begins by tracing the historical development of Islamism in Holland from the country's first Muslim immigrants to the vicious 2004 murder of film maker Theodore Van Gogh. Describing the Netherlands as one of the most stable and tolerant nations in Europe, Esman concludes that the spread of Islamism and the threat it poses to democratic values is largely a self-inflicted wound..." Full text:  Radical State:  How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West http://www.steveemerson.com/8071/radical-state-jihad-west-esman


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Scorn and ridicule are all that a coward deserves!"


I've just put you down as a character reference with Ktoyou .  This is not going to look good on my resume.


"You have character?  This is news to me..."


Apparently not.


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "What's with atheists and their morbid fascination in cannibalizing babies anyway?"


Aren't they charming? 2 Ti 3:13.


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "By now, the whole "eating babies" stigma is a pretty over-used cliche to mock the Christian perception of what an Atheist is like. That's why I'm more of a fan of kicking puppies and pushing elders out of wheelchairs."


Still ElBel', the God-hater types like yourself (Gerald'Bug, etc.) have to answer --Where do you get your values?  Behaviorism taught me to risk my life for another?  


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  ""...CAIR-OK Executive Director Muneer Awad called the measure unnecessary and offensive..."


People get offended when you saw their head off?


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Only a fool turns down home-cooked meals..."

When you show up for Thanksgiving dinner they just say "pass the potatoes" don't they? (Gen. 6:5–7, Rev. 22:11).


Update: "WASHINGTON — A federal judge has granted a temporary block to a new law approved last week in Oklahoma that bars state courts from considering international or Islamic law, after opponents challenged it on constitutional grounds..." Full text

What would life be like under the objective legal doctrine of Sharia (perverted religious law)? You would have no right to a jury trial (one man who speaks to a left-over pagan, moon god decides your fate); If you disagree, your rights are cut in half; You are called an infidel, etc.


FBI Captured Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan "...[D]estroying the Western civilization from within..."
Full text

"Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House."
Full text


Sharia: The Threat to America

Islamic Strategy

If Islam Ruled America

One World Religion


Response to comment [from a Satanist]:  "In the heartland"


Didn't you say:  "It's Oklahoma, people. "Never In Danger of Sharia" might be a better thread title," Satanist?  Any thoughts on the people's will being subverted?


"Yeah, and I meant every word. Also it seems like you can't read, considering that "Atheist" is visible directly to your left."


"You meant every word" must mean that you mean every word --sort of like you being on the right (Eccl 10:2). Calling yourself now just a run-of-the-mill atheist is supposed to impress us how?

Are you ready to defend Sharia law? We know how you love all things that oppose God (Jn 10:10).


Response to comment [from other]:  "SD doesn't look left."


Bunny, Granite is one of those loving Satanists, formerly Jewish, formerly a believer... Pr 4:27.


"Most of us are just not so loopy as to think we'd be actually living under it..."


Do not pay attention to that man behind the curtain (Re 13:17).


"Why would you suppose anyone thinks a label under an avatar would impress anyone?"


Bunzo'.  Identifying himself as a "Satanist" didn't work out so well for Graniteheart.  He needs to regain some street cred'. 


"I think it's more than obvious that nobody here is defending Sharia law."


Do not pay attention to that man behind the curtain (Re 13:17).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Fortunately, future generations will have a word on that matter serpent dove..."


We need to teach our children (Mt 19:13,14, Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4, De 4:9; 11:19; Isa 38:19).


Response to comment [from other]:  "You'd have to be one major paranoid nut to think America would be ruled now or in the future by Sharia law."


"These are not the droid you are looking for." ~ Obi-Wan Jn 10:10


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...[C]ourts have cited to and been influenced by foreign laws..."


Ya think? Muslims claim their Constitutional rights are being violated by the certification of this election.  What do you think of judges removing the people's right to govern themselves?  Deut. 17:18–20; 2 Sam. 5:3; 2 Chr. 23:2, 3; Jer. 34:8–11; Dan. 6:12–15.


"...[T]he 13th Amendment outlawed slavery and indentured servitude."

How useful are laws when the Constitution is declared "living and breathing" ( liberal talk for dead).


[How useful are laws when the Constitution is declared "living and breathing" ( liberal talk for dead).] "Pretty useful, if you look across the history of the Republic."


"At the close of the Constitutional Convention, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Freedom Daily. America is an idea. Our founders knew it would not work with a godless people. Laws are given by God (Ro 2:15). It is for man to discover them (Ac 17:11). Islam is a perversion of Christianity (1 Tim. 6:3–5, 1 Tim. 1:6, 7, Eph. 4:14, 2 Pet. 2:12–19). If we welcome it, we will be destroyed from the inside as they're working toward. 


No system of government works without God (Col 2:3).  Do not follow other gods that lead you to your own destruction (Jer 7:6).


By the way, didn't Obama just call them a tolerant people? They'll be opening churches in Saudi Arabia now? Jn 10:10.


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Hospitality to strangers] "Doesn't it just pain your heart to know that somebody is taking advantage of the kindness and generosity of others without the slightest inclination to offer something in return?"

No.  It's worth the risk (2 Cor 5:11).


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  Laws are given by God (Ro 2:15). It is for man to discover them (Ac 17:11). Islam is a perversion of Christianity (1 Tim. 6:3–5, 1 Tim. 1:6, 7, Eph. 4:14, 2 Pet. 2:12–19).]  Why Islam, specifically? Why not Judaism or the Hindu faith, or any other?"


This thread is about the threat of Sharia law.  Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, etc. need to receive Christ as well (Ac 16:31).


[Do not follow other gods that lead you to your own destruction (Jer 7:6).] "Sound counsel. How are you meaning to apply it?"


America should repent (Jer. 18:7–10, Prov. 14:34).



It's not too useful liberating a nation when Sharia law remains in place in their constitution (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan). :dizzy:


[Islam to Be Basis for Iraq Constitution by Lee Keath] "CAIRO, Egypt (July 30, 2005) - The framers of Iraq's constitution appear likely to enshrine Islam as the main basis of law in the country - a stronger role than the United States had hoped for and one some Iraqis fear will mean a more fundamentalist regime.

Arab constitutions vary widely over the role of Islamic law, ranging from Lebanon, where the word "Islam" never appears, to Saudi Arabia, which says the Quran itself is its constitution.
Culture weighs far more heavily than the constitution and law, particularly when it comes to women. In Gulf nations - where the constitutions spell out a slightly lesser role for Islamic law, or Sharia, than in Egypt - women are more segregated and wear more conservative veils covering the entire face.

Kuwait, for example, bans alcohol and only gave women the right to vote this year, in contrast to Egypt, where beer, wine and liquor are sold openly and women have been voting since the early 20th century.

Yet most Gulf nations' constitutions state that Sharia is "a main source" of legislation, while Egypt takes the more definitive phrasing of "the source" - a fine distinction taking on major importance in Iraq.

Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat amended the constitution during the 1970s, changing the language from "a source" to "the source" to beef up his Islamic credentials rather than to start implementing Sharia.

But in Iraq, some fear the Shiite Muslim leaders who want similar wording in Iraq's constitution hope to lay the groundwork for a more fundamentalist rule, at least in Shiite-dominated areas.

Already, Shiite leaders in some southern cities have tried imposing Islamic-based rules, pressuring women to wear headscarves and forcing liquor stores and music shops to close.

A draft of the constitution published last week in the government Al-Sabah newspaper put Islam as "the main basis" of law. But the constitutional committee - made up of Shiites, Kurds and some Sunnis - is still haggling over the language.

Fouad Massoum, the Kurdish deputy head of the committee, said it will discuss the role of Islam in meetings Sunday.

"We, in the Kurdish coalition, want Islam to be one of the sources of legislation," he said.

Iraq's most prominent Shiite Muslim cleric, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, has said he wants to preserve a strong role for Islam in the document, but also shuns the direct rule by clerics seen in his country of birth, mainly Shiite Iran.

Mouafak al-Rubaie, a national security adviser and a Shiite, met al-Sistani on Saturday and said the main concern of the Shiite religious leadership is to "preserve the Islamic identity of Iraq and its people, which means preserving a united Iraq and people as a state."

When U.S. administrators ran Iraq, they insisted on language setting Islam as "a source" of legislation when an interim constitution was approved in March 2004. But the same Shiites who backed "the main source" last year now dominate, and American officials have less influence over a sovereign Iraqi government.

Six Arab nations do not mention Sharia at all in their constitutions: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon and Jordan.

Lebanon, where the Christian population is large and the president is a Christian, is the sole Arab state not to set Islam as the national religion - in fact, the constitution does not use the words "Islam" or "Christianity" at all, a reflection of its 1975-1990 civil war between sectarian militias.

Tunisia has taken one of the most liberal tracks in the Arab world, abolishing polygamy in 1956 and banning the headscarf in schools and other public establishments. Authorities regularly urge women to avoid the hijab, though more women have been donning scarves in past years.

The one area where Islamic law is nearly universal is in personal status law - rules concerning marriage, divorce and inheritance. Sharia allows men to divorce their wives by proclamation and grants daughters half the inheritance that sons receive.

In Syria and Libya, the constitutions are more concerned with laying out their nationalist ideologies - Libya's socialism and Syria's pan-Arabism - than with Islam.

At the opposite extreme lie Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran's constitution lays out its Islamic Republic headed by a supreme leader, supposed to be the country's most knowledgeable Muslim cleric.

Saudi Arabia, home of Islam's most sacred shrines, states in the first article of its Basic Law that the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad's traditions are the nation's constitution, later saying, "Saudi society will be based on the principle of adherence to God's command." http://www.islamreview.com/news/2005_newsd.htm


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "...[I] suggest you (& everyone) spend time with Jesus.. in the Real Presence @ the Catholic Church. He is there 24/ 7..."


“Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down from above emphasis added)." Ro 10:6, NKJV.

"People fall into serious error and sin when they exalt their own authority over God’s authority or when they suppress the truth of God’s Word to promote their own self-serving agendas. The Roman Catholic religion has done this by establishing its traditions and teachings to be equal in authority with Scripture (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] par. 82). In doing so, it has usurped the supreme authority of our sovereign God who alone has the right to rule and determine the eternal destinies of men. This fatal error has opened the flood gates to numerous other deadly heresies including: the preaching of another gospel, the worship of a counterfeit Jesus, the buying and selling of God's grace through indulgences, the creation of a fictitious place called purgatory, the establishment of other mediators and praying to and for the dead. These errors are fatal because anyone who is embracing them when they take their last breath will experience eternal death...

...Catholics must be warned of the consequences for not knowing and believing the true Jesus. This was made clear by Jesus when He said: "unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins" (
John 8:24). Whenever religion rejects God's authority, it creates "another Jesus" which always leads to "another gospel." Why? Because whenever the sufficiency of Christ is denied, another gospel must be concocted to instruct people what they must do to be saved." Full text: Three Common Errors of False Teachers


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "The Bible you worship..."


You have magnified Your word above all Your name (Ps 138:2).  We worship the Lord (Jn 1:1).  Roman Catholics teach idolatry (Isa 2:17-18).


[Washington, Jan. 10, 2012 PRNewswire-USNewswire] "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today welcomed a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit upholding a lower court's decision to block implementation of an Oklahoma state constitutional amendment that would prohibit courts from applying –- or even considering -– "Sharia law" and "international law..." CAIR: Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Blocking Okla. Sharia Ban


Do not follow other gods that lead you to your own destruction (Jer 7:6, GWT)


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "A good ruling that reaffirms our commitment to religious liberty and protects a vulnerable minority against paranoid discrimination enshrined in a state constitution."


God's law is: holy, just, and good (Ro 7:12). If you want perversion, you'll get it (Jer 7:6 GW, Jn 10:10, Ge 16:12, Re 13:17).


One World Government/Religion


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "We'll skip Sharia, as well as the Christian equivalent, thanks..."

They fool you (Ga 5:9).


Oklahoma Safe From Sharia Law