One World Trade Center


"...The name of that building has changed. In an attempt to make it more marketable to companies around the world they won't refer to it as the freedom tower but simply but simply buy its address one world trade..." Re 13:17

Vid Shepard Smith Fox News


One World Religion


They'll be selling prayer rugs at the hot dog stands , too.

"Speaking of 9/11 and the Ground Zero Mosque. A book published in the United States in 2005, written by the (now former) Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, interestingly enough was published in 2007 in Malaysia under a much different title (Indonesian) that smacks of Islamic supremacy: Imam Faisal ‘Abd Al-Rauf’s book What’s Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West was published in Indonesian in 2007 with a different title – Seruan Azan Dari Puing WTC: Dakwah Islam di Jantung Amerika Pasca 9/11 (“The Call of Azan from the Rubble of the World Trade Center: Islamic Da’wa in the Heart of America Post-9/11″).

The azan is the muezzin’s call to prayer. It consists of a number of sentences repeated several times: “Allahu Akbar,” the Shahada (la ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasoul Allah – “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger”) and the phrase “Gather for prayer.” It is noteworthy that, in the period of Muslim conquests in the first centuries of Islam, this call was made from newly conquered sites...[Photo: Title translated from Indonesian “The (Islamic) Call of Azan (Prayer) from the Rubble of the World Trade Center: Islamic Da’wa (Proselytizing) in the Heart of America Post-9/11″ --written by Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf]."
Outrage at the 9/11 Memorial


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...or the World Slave Tower."

All hail Plankton (Re 13:17).


One World Trade Center