Our Focus in Evangelizing Catholics
[Our Focus in
Evangelizing Catholics
by Jason Hauser Proclaiming the
Gospel Ministries]: "Recently we
received an email from a faithful
evangelist that has been dialoguing
with a few students at a university
Catholic center. After going through
the Gospel, it became clear to him
that these young Catholics had a
very different interpretation of
Scripture. He sent us an email
requesting more information on the
history of Catholic hermeneutics.
His hope was that, if he could get
to the root of the problem of where
Rome strayed, he could clearly point
it out to them. While the history of
how Rome came to adopt different
positions is an interesting study, I
believe it is a distraction from our
primary focus.
It is helpful to remember that this
is a spiritual battle (Eph.
Catholics need their eyes and hearts
opened which can only come by the
power of God and His Word (Acts
Rom. 10:17;
2 Cor. 3:14,
They will want to argue
interpretation, history and
theology, but what they really need
is a mirror held up to them to
expose their sin and point them to
the cross. Jesus alone did what they
never could do (Gal.
Catholics will want to get out of
Scripture and talk about everything
else because Scripture is not their
strength. They believe they have
history and authority on their side.
No logical argument or historical
event will change a Catholic's mind.
It is not a matter of one who is
"almost a Christian but with a wrong
allegiance," but rather one who is
spiritually dead, lost in sin and
nullifying grace by his
self-righteous works (Rom.
Eph. 2:1-3).
We must respectfully
show them these truths
Pet. 3:15).
I saw this principle so clearly
during a conversation I overheard at
a local health and wellness event.
An overweight man began asking a top
cardiologist about the finer details
of how plaque functions in the
arteries and about new procedures to
remove it. The doctor quickly
recognized that such details were
irrelevant in light of the greater
problem at hand. After starting to
respond to the question, the doctor
turned from the diagram to this man
and told him very bluntly and
compassionately that what he should
be focusing on instead is what he is
eating. He quickly exposed his
unhealthy diet and pleaded with him
to make major changes. Likewise, the
Catholics we evangelize are standing
on the brink of eternity. If we talk
about history, interpretational
matters, and other secondary
differences, we are distracted from
sharing the power of the Gospel.
Read entire article."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "There should be no schism in the body. Quit trying to cause one."
We are saved
by grace alone (Eph 2:8-9), through
faith alone (Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:10), in
Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16;
Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics deny this
(Jude 1:11).
Roman Catholicism
As a reminder Jamie is 18 on
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List )
in the 'Jesus is not God' people
(Non-trinitarians) category.