Pope Bows Before Muslim Queen

[Pope Bows Before Muslim Queen Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries ] "Pope Francis bowed before Queen Rania of Jordan, who was visiting with her husband, King Abdullah II, breaking the protocol that requires visitors to bow to him. Up until the 19th century visitors would kiss the pope's shoes, and the tradition is still that all visitors, women included, bow to him, but Francis behaves as he did before he became pope and is not interested in protocol. Francis apparently did not bow toward her husband, the king. A few months ago, he caused a ripple through the Catholic faithful by washing the feet of a woman - a Serbian Muslim inmate at a prison in Rome - a day before Good Friday. Read more."


One World Government/Religion


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...[T]his magnanimous gesture."


Mt 16:1-3



Discernment: Spiritual Survival for a Church in Crisis by John MacArthur


Response to comment [from a Christian]:




yeshuaslavejeff View Post
(i.e. if you only knew what they do to women and girls, your opinions would drastically , totally, and immediately change !!!! )

Bybee:  "My opinions have nothing to do with this magnanimous gesture."

"...[A] whitewashed tomb. nothing magnanimous about it - total deception."


"Ouch." ~ E.T. Ac 23:3, NIV


Will vs. Shall: Example (12) "A swimmer in distress cries, 'I shall drown; no one will save me!' " But a suicide says, "I will drown; no one shall save me!" And I say, "You two (pedantic) know-it-alls deserve to drown." I mean, what about "Help!" Will vs Shall, Strunk & White.

Also see:

Which fork to use first Hos 3:1


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Bybee uses the word 'whilst' (uncommon in our culture) after I do] "Perhaps it is best to toss diplomacy, courtesy and magnanimity to the dogs? Let's just tear into each other over every petty difference whilst completely ignoring the very big issues?  Let the Pettifoggers Rule!  After all, all you all have done such a wonderful job so far!"

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Ps 15:3, Ro 1:30


The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers


"...[I]t is obvious that you are..."



"...one of a kind, excelling in annoyance and irritation...."



"...not to mention deviousness..."



"...and out and out misrepresentation!"



"...So of course you cannot object to a little taste of your own medicine?"


Intensional Ga 5:9, Eph 4:14


"I have a nice dose of "Eye of newt and exudation of toad and bat hair lice" in a solution of liquefied Troll ear wax! I mixed it up just for you oh split-tongued one!"


"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test." Lev. 19:15-16, Rom. 1:29-30, 1 Ti 5:13


Godly Girl


"You are as original as a blank page!"


"Be yourself. The world worships the original." ~ Ingrid Bergman Ps 15:3, Ro 1:29-30


Pope Bows Before Muslim Queen