Pope Calls for Unity Among All Christians
[Pope Calls
for Unity Among All Christians
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"Speaking to the crowds that filled
Saint Peter's Square, Pope Francis
repeated his consistent theme of
warning against divisiveness among
Christians. He said that these
divisions "in addition to injuring
the Church, hurt Christ himself,
who, before he died, strongly called
upon the Father for the unity of all
his disciples. There are many people
here, sharing our faith in Christ,
belonging to other faith confessions
or traditions...do we believe that
it's possible to walk towards
reconciliation and full communion?"
The pope stressed that we are called
to pray for the unity of Christians
and accentuate that which unites us:
"Jesus and the richness of his
Read more.
[Mike Gendron] It is not the "love"
of Jesus that unites Christians,
rather it is the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. Those who repent and believe
the true Gospel of Christ are
baptized by the Holy Spirit into one
body (1 Cor. 12:13). Biblical unity
is not a work of man but a work of
the Holy Spirit and, once united by
the Spirit, Christians are called to
maintain that unity (Eph. 4:3). The
pope's gospel is a false and fatal
gospel that unites all those who are
on the broad road to destruction
(Mat. 7:13). Their only hope is to
repent and discover the narrow road
that leads to eternal life. May God
give us all a greater compassion for
those who are perishing." Pro-Gospel.org
One World Government/Religion
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The pope said, ''Foloww Meeeeee!''
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: Seven key-points that made John Paul II 'The Great Pope'
Perhaps if he
took the funny hat off,
people would treat him more
2 Cor. 11:13-15
No Idolatry & False Teaching
"...[S]erpentdove spreads bigotry and calumny."
"I think you're a little more serpent and a little less dove."
From your
video--what's up with this woman?
Why do you think she has that goofy
expression on her face
when she sees the pope?
2 Cor. 11:13-15 If the pope were to
walk by you, would you also get that
expression on your face?