RCC: Adoration of A False Christ Increases
[Adoration of A False Christ Increases Proclaiming the
Gospel Ministries] "The Congress on Eucharistic Adoration met in Rome
for the purpose of encouraging people to spend more time adoring the Eucharistic
Christ. Pope Benedict XVI expressed the importance of worshipping the Eucharist
when he encouraged everyone to: "Fix our gaze on the holy Host: and thus on God.
This is the beauty of true Christianity: The Creator and Lord of all things was
made a grain of wheat in order to be sown on our earth. He was made bread to be
broken, shared, eaten; he was made our food to give us his own divine life." He
also declared, "The transformation of the world is in the fragile, white,
consecrated host - the real presence of Jesus. The only true medicine of
immortality and the certainty of being loved by God is the Eucharist."
The worship of the Eucharist has become a non-negotiable requirement for
ecumenical unity. In 1965, the second Vatican Council stated, "All Christians
will be gathered in a common celebration in the Eucharist, into the unity of the
one and only Church. This unity subsists in the Catholic Church as something she
can never lose." In 2008, Pope Benedict affirmed that requirement when he said,
"The road of ecumenism ultimately points towards a common celebration of the
Eucharist which would only strengthen our resolve to love and serve one another
in imitation of our Lord."
The church must be warned that worshipping the Eucharist is perhaps the worst
kind of idolatry. The Lord Jesus Christ said, "If anyone says to you,'Behold,
here is the Christ, do not believe him, for false Christs and false prophets
will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible,
even the elect'" (Matthew
24:23-24). According to Catholic priest John
O'Brien in his book, The Faith of Millions, the priest "reaches up into the
heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon our altar to be
offered up again as the Victim for the sins of man. The priest speaks and lo!
Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows his head in humble obedience to the
priest's command." The priest is said to perform great signs and wonders by
changing the Eucharist into "the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord
Jesus Christ such that the whole Christ is truly, really and substantially
contained" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1374). "As the RCC
pursues being the head of an ecumenical church, that this kind of idolatry, with
its accompanying symbols - in this case the monstrance/Eucharist, will play a
prominent role. This abstract "thing" called the Eucharist, in which "the
faithful" around the world, will be able to apply whatever definition of "god"
that they believe in. They have found a neutral symbol to worship. Demonically
ingenious!" Jose Oller, PTG Board Member
Truly the Eucharist is a false Christ because the Bible gives precise details
about the return of Christ so that no one will be deceived. We are told when,
where, how and why Jesus will return. He does not return daily as a "victim for
the sins of man" but "a second time, without reference to sin" (Heb.
9:28). He will return immediately after the
tribulation with power and great glory and everyone will see Him (Matthew
24:27-30). The Lord will return in a physical
body to the Mount of Olives, the same way He ascended to heaven (Acts
Evangelicals, who continue to sign unity accords with the Catholic religion, are
in essence, giving their stamp of approval for the false Christ of Catholicism.
They are also helping the Vatican reverse the Reformation by embracing
Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity. The end result is mass
confusion. Christians don't know whether to evangelize Catholics or to unite
with them to evangelize the world together. Clearly the truth must be told and
people must be warned of the eternal consequences awaiting those who embrace and
worship a false Christ. The following video clip exposes the deception."
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries July 2011 Newsletter
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Fix our gaze on the holy Host: and thus on God.] "Amen!"
You are not to worship the true God by an image (Ex
Ps 106:19,20).
Idolatry is hateful to God (De 16:22;
Jer 44:4).
No Sacrifice
Trust God (Ps
2 Co 1:9)
not idols (Isa
Hab 2:18).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Adoration of A False Christ] "...or not..."
Idolatry is forbidden (Ex
De 5:7)--not to mention foolish
(De 4:28;
Ps 115:5,7,
Ps 115:4-8;
Isa 44:19;
Jer 10:3).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I worship the True God as He commanded us. "Do this in remembrance of me.""
Your boasting was predicted (Ps
26:26 Take, eat; this is My body. Jesus thus
transformed the last Passover into the first observance of the Lord’s Supper. He
is the central antitype in both ceremonies, being represented symbolically by
both the paschal lamb of the Passover and the elements in the communion service.
His statement, “this is My body” could not possibly have been taken in any
literal sense by the disciples present that evening...
Lk 22:19 This is My body.
I.e., it represented His body (cf. the words of 8:11, “The seed is the word of
God”—and also v. 20). Such metaphorical language was a typical Hebraism. No
eucharistic miracle of transubstantiation was implied, nor could the disciples
have missed the symbolic intent of His statement, for His actual body—yet
unbroken—was before their very eyes. See note on
Matt. 26:26. do this.
Thus He established the observance as an ordinance for worship (see notes on
1 Cor. 11:23–26).
remembrance of Me. Passover had looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ; He
transformed the seder into an altogether different ceremony, which looks back in
remembrance at His atoning death."
MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Lk 22:19
"...[T]he Catholic doctrine of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist does not in any way involve "idolatry.""
There's no there there (1 Ki 8:27,
Ro 1:21, Isa 41:24; 1 Co 8:4).
"Moving on..."
Jer 8:5, Isa 48:1
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "This is my body. Seems pretty straightforward to me."
Wasn't he standing right before them
when he said this?
Ps 52:3
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: Fools, why worry about keeping one of the commandments when you break the rest. Clean up your own house before you point out the dirt in others.
"Cleaning house" started with
Catholics themselves
--many who led the Protestant Reformation (Ps 119:42, Mt 16:18).
Reformation Time Line
As a reminder Keypurr is number 1 on
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List ) The 'Jesus is not God'
people (Non-trinitarians).
[There's no there there (1 Ki 8:27, Ro 1:21, Isa 41:24; 1 Co 8:4).] "Is this supposed to make sense? Try again."
You removed the scripture from my
quote. It is what you
How 'bout this one: All that glitters is not gold (Gal.
2 Co 2:17,
Ga 5:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "The eucharist is baking pagan cakes to the queen of heaven....a action which was condemned in Israel by the prophet Jeremiah..."
"Je 44:17–19 queen of heaven....This is a title Roman
Catholicism erroneously attributes to Mary, the mother of Jesus, in a blending
of Christianity with paganism. The Jews’ twisted thinking credits the idol with
the prosperity of pre-captivity Judah, further mocking the goodness of God...
Je 7:18 the queen of heaven. Cf. 44:17–19,25. The Jews were worshiping Ishtar,
an Assyrian and Babylonian goddess also called Ashtoreth and Astarte, the wife
of Baal or Molech. Because these deities symbolized generative power, their
worship involved prostitution."
MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S. Je 7:18
Sort of like Catholic
high school.
["Cleaning house" started with Catholics themselves :olinger: --many who led the Protestant Reformation (Ps 119:42, Mt 16:18).:Poly: ] "Sure---men who couldn't even agree among themselves concerning what constitutes the most basic of Christian doctrines, and whose sectarianism..."
They trusted the word of God (Ps
119:42) .
You should, too (Ps
Zep 3:2).
[You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).] "That's okay. No one cares about your personal opinions concerning the supposed meaning of the Bible anyway..."
You vill
agree vith us (Isa 1:18).
Eph 4:14, Matt. 15:9
"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..."
Full text:
How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson
1:18 wrath of God. This is not an impulsive
outburst of anger aimed capriciously at people whom God does not like. It is the
settled, determined response of a righteous God against sin (cf.
Pss. 2:5,
Is. 51:17;
Jer. 25:15,
John 3:36;
Rom. 9:22;
Eph. 5:6;
Col. 3:5,
6). is revealed. More
accurately, “is constantly revealed.” The word essentially means “to uncover,
make visible, or make known.” God reveals His wrath in two ways: 1) indirectly,
through the natural consequences of violating His universal moral law, and 2)
directly through His personal intervention (the OT record—from the sentence
passed on Adam and Eve to the worldwide flood, from the fire and brimstone that
leveled Sodom to the Babylonian captivity—clearly displays this kind of
intervention). The most graphic revelation of God’s holy wrath and hatred
against sin was when He poured out divine judgment on His Son on the cross. God
has various kinds of wrath: 1) eternal wrath, which is hell; 2) eschatological
wrath, which is the final Day of the Lord; 3) cataclysmic wrath like the flood
and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; 4) consequential wrath, which is the
principle of sowing and reaping; and 5) the wrath of abandonment, which is
removing restraint and letting people go to their sins (for examples of this
wrath, see notes on
Ps. 81:11,
Prov. 1:23–31;
Hos. 4:17). Here, it is
that fifth form, God’s abandoning the wicked continually through history to
pursue their sin and its consequences (vv. 24–32). ungodliness. This indicates a
lack of reverence for, devotion to, and worship of the true God—a defective
relationship with Him (cf.
Jude 14,
[u]nrighteousness. This refers to the result of ungodliness: a lack of
conformity in thought, word, and deed to the character and law of God (see note
on 1:17). suppress the truth. Although the evidence from conscience (1:19;
2:14), creation (1:20), and God’s Word is irrefutable, men choose to resist and
oppose God’s truth by holding fast to their sin (cf.
Ps. 14:1;
John 3:19,
MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Ro 1:18
[They trusted the word of God (Ps
119:42) .
You should, too (Ps
Zep 3:2).
"...[A]s do all heretics and schismatics."
"...[S]erpent's erroneous interpretations..."
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means." ~
Inigo Montoya
[Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson ] "...[B]ut not what serpent says it means."
Who me?
Yes you!
Couldn't be.
Then who?
Ps 31:18;
Mt 27:39-44
"Post #28"
Dusty bender
Model Falls Anchors Laugh
"...[N]o actual answer from serpent..."
You've already demonstrated that you aren't interested
in God's word (Eph
Ps 17:4). You vil
believe us.
You call those who believe his word heretics:
Sd: They [the Reformers] trusted the word of God (Ps
119:42). You should, too (Ps
Zep 3:2).]
Cruciform: "...[A]s do all heretics..."
You've shown that you have no integrity:
SD: “You removed the scripture from my quote.”
Cruciform: “That's okay. No one cares about your personal opinions…”
You've shown you are an antichrist:
SD: [Christ is the head of his church….The statement is true or it is false.]
Cruciform: "It's false..."
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6)
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Pray tell, what is there to discuss?
"Yet again, serpent posts his bald-faced and demonstrated lie..."
Proof please.
These are your words.
"The proof is given right there in Post #35."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
Your words.
Let the reader decide.