Silly Summer Avatar
[Ktoyou quote: "[Y]our silly fairy tale book" ?...That is not a fitting remark here. Are you looking to spend time on the Woodshed? Come on, give me a break, you should know better?"] "That remark was targeted at the person I was replying to."
Ad hominem. Truth is truth independent from me.
I didn't know you could be thrown in the woodshed for this. Ignorant (being uninformed and biblically illiterate) comments like this are commonplace on the atheist websites. They are not as common at TOL.
"Since when is it cross-dressing to put up your fav artist's pic?"
I don't know what his avatar is. He does not say if it is him. Hopefully, part of him is ashamed (Jer 8:12).
"And even if it was, you better save aside a few more rocks, because I could point you in the direction of some more male dress wearers..."
No thanks (Deut
Mt 19:4).
By throwing rocks do you mean telling the truth (Ac 20:20)? Are you
intolerant of the truth? Jn 1:1, Lev. 18:22, 20:13, 1 Kin. 14:24, Rom.
1:24, 26, 27.
"You are not offering truth, just obnoxious behaviour."
[I can't speak about your avatar. I don't know what we are seeing there. :idunno:] "Then you should have either asked about it or not said anything..."
I asked you twice
about your avatar in other threads. You didn't answer.
I see now it's from a video.
A few housekeeping items:
I don't watch bad music videos.
[They miss you at
"Never been there, what's it like?"
It's like dialogue
with you.
There are some here who will go down that rabbit trail with you.
Try AB.
"...[T]hank you for proving my point. And showing that you are an idiot with no sense of humour."
Stop stalking me.
"...[T]hat's a rather well made video, and a good song."
Forgive me. I gave it 4.32 seconds.
"...The only way the enemy can get to the soul is through the gates. And, of
course, Bunyan has, I think, four or five gates: The eye gate, the ear gate,
etc. It is a great picture that the passions of the flesh are fed through
our senses. You have to keep the gate closed!" Full text:
The Objectives of an Ambassador of Living Hope (1 Pet. 2:11-12)
[Atheistic rabbit trails] "So it points out your stupidity and troll like behaviour?"
I doubt you are an atheist.
Atheism and Agnosticism
"I have yet to see any proof that any god exists. What does that make me?"
You are in
rebellion against God (Nu
"How can I be in rebellion against something that to my knowledge does not exist?"
You have internal evidence (Ro 2:15) external evidence (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. You are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
"There is similar evidence supporting the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Xenu, Darth Vader, and Gandalf..."
Let's see it compared to the Bible.
Subject Received Size
Britta Erickson last day 6:45 AM 12 KB
"What makes the evidence that is only in your book any more valid?"
Is the
Bible truly God's Word? How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God?
How do we
know that the Bible is the Word of God, and not the Apocrypha, the Qur’an, the
Book of Mormon, etc.? Why should we accept the Bible...
"There's just as many books and other writings about each of them, movies too."
Present your best evidence for your worldview.
What is a biblical worldview?
Why are millions of lives changed by Jesus Christ? Explain predictive prophecy. :smokie:
Prophecy Puzzle