[Cop's rape comment sparks wave of 'SlutWalks': Events
protest 'culture that we think is too permissive when it
comes to rape and sexual assault,' organizer say] "...Some
women and men who protest dress in nothing more remarkable
than jeans and T-shirts, while others wear provocative or
revealing outfits to bring attention to "slut-shaming," or
shaming women for being sexual, and the treatment of sexual
assault victims.
"It was taking the blame off the rapist and on the victim,"
said Nicole Sullivan, 21, a student at the University of
Massachusetts-Boston and an organizer of the SlutWalk
planned Saturday in that city. "So we are using these
efforts to reclaim the word 'slut.'" Full text: Cop's rape
comment sparks wave of
Is it about crime or appearance?
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "...I personally find people wearing nothing but slightly-enhanced lingerie in public to be in somewhat bad taste. On the other hand, I frequently wear a calf-length velvet coat and musketeer hat with peacock feathers in and so am in NO position to be dictating to people what they should and shouldn't wear."
Is there main concern the safety of women? Or, do they gather to protest against your opinion about how they dress?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I doubt that the attire of the woman matters when it comes to rape."
I believe wearing headphones makes you a more likely target. The perpetrator perceives you as unaware of your surroundings.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "I believe the definition of "slut" is often "someone who has more sex than you."
Let's ask
the Satanist (Jn
10:10) about the birds and
the bees.
"In December 1953, Hugh Hefner began marketing Playboy as
"sexual liberation." But, instead of emancipation, Hefner
sold Joe College Pornographically Induced
Impotence...Pornographically Induced Impotence is a national
pandemic, raking in untold billions for pornographers and
their satellite businesses as well as from marital discord
and the despair it produces..." The Impotence Pandemic By
Dr. Judith Reisman, PhD.
Pornification of the culture
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[I] don't think what passes for sexy these days is sexy at all but repulsive..."
You don't care for
the Sodomite look?
Warning: link graphic and
It came from prisons.