Stamford Man Fakes Death To Avoid Wedding
[Stamford Man
Fakes Death To Avoid Wedding by
Maggie Slysz] "Tucker Blandford and
Alex Lanchester’s wedding was set
for August 15th, 2014. But a
“deadly” case of cold feet got the
best of Blandford when the Stamford,
Connecticut resident faked his death
to avoid getting married.
Lanchester, 23, of the United
Kingdom, reportedly met Blandford,
also 23, back in 2012 while she was
attending college in Connecticut.
The two fell in love and got engaged
before Lanchester returned home to
the UK. The couple had plans to
marry in Connecticut in August of
Things went awry one day when
Lanchester received a phone call
from a man who said he was
Blandford’s father. The individual,
which turned out to be Blandford
himself, told Lanchester that
Blandford had committed suicide.
Still in shock from the initial
phone call, Lanchester reached back
out to Blandford’s parents, her
future in-laws at the time, to offer
her condolences. Much to
Lanchester’s surprise, Blandford’s
mother had no idea that her son had
passed away. Quite the contrary, he
was alive and doing well..." Full
Stamford Man Fakes Death To Avoid
Wedding Re
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "He must really have
wanted out[.]
He did her a big favor.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "She may not feel it at the moment, but she is a very lucky young woman. Imagine being married to such a lying fool wimp."
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "Passive aggressive cat
I think that's aggressive
Passive aggressiveness is a weak
man's coping mechanism. You don't
want to be married to it.
Man Fakes Kidnapping So He Can Party
Without Girlfriend