The True Church Of Christ According To The Scriptures
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [The True Church of Jesus Christ According to the Scriptures]
The church is an organic body of believers worldwide (Eph
Col 1:24). This is his
body (Eph
Col 1:24). Christ (not
the Pope) is the foundation stone (1
Co 3:11;
Eph 2:20;
1 Pe 2:4,5).
Christ (not the Pope) is the head of his church (Eph
5:23). Believers were
purchased by the blood of Christ (Ac
Eph 5:25;
Heb 9:12) not by plans or
We are subject to Christ (Ro
Eph 5:24) not your
apostate church
3:14–22). Yours is a dead faith
You cannot be saved by being "good" (Rom.
Chrisitans are justified: by the blood of Christ (Rom.
5:9), by his resurrection (Rom.
4:25), and by his righteousness (not our own).
Rom. 10:4. Trust in him
alone (Rom.
You do not have a biblical worldview.
War of Worldviews
What is a Biblical Worldview?
"...[T]oday there seems to be some confusion about what the "world" actually is,
as mentioned in the Bible...
...[O]ften the word has nothing to do with physical creation, geography or
demographics. It is used to denote a way of life or a system of thought which is
contrary to the will and ways of God. In this context, the "world" refers to a
realm in which people act by their own rules, disregarding the lordship of
Christ and the authority of God's Word. A person "of the world" is one whose
source of approval is from earth (below) rather than from heaven (above, that
is, from man or Satan, rather than from God (pg. 103, Overman)."
"Already answered..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Ga 1:6-8, Eph 4:14
"...[N] one cares about the opinions of a known public liar such as serpent...You simply have no credibility left to stand on..."
Proof please.
Your words:
Sd: They [the Reformers] trusted the word of God (Ps
119:42). You should, too (Ps
Zep 3:2).]
Cruciform: "...[A]s do all heretics..."
SD: “You removed the scripture from my quote.”
Cruciform: “That's okay. No one cares about your personal opinions…”
SD: [Christ is the head of his church….The statement is true or it is false.]
Cruciform: "It's false..."
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6)
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Your way may seem right but it leads to death (Prov
Jude 11). You'll "get it"
when you trust in the Lord (Jn
Mt 6:33). You have no
righteousness of your own (Job
Ps 14:3;
Ro 3:10). It's not about
you and your work (Ro
Ga 2:16)
it's about him (Isa
54:17) and his finished work on the cross (John
17:4). The Spirit of God (Isa
will not disagree with the Word of God (Jn
1:1) and the Word of God will not disagree with
the Spirit of God (Jn
The Spirit directs the decisions of the church (Ac
"...Those who are not genuinely convinced that the only real bargain in life is
surrendering ourselves to Jesus and his cause, abandoning all that we love to
him and for him, cannot learn the other lessons Jesus has to teach us.
They cannot proceed to anything like total spiritual transformation (pg. 66,
"Post 20"
:yawn: Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Ga 1:6-8, Eph 4:14
Your "good works" are legalistic and in the flesh (Ga 6:8). :olinger: " in God, talk of "giving being the highest expression of potency," and so on, will quickly degenerate into empty words, bravado, self-deception, hypocrisy--or even more self-deification...
...If we--through well-directed and unrelenting action--effectually receive the grace of God in salvation and transformation, we certainly will be incrementally changed toward inward Christlikeness...
The transformation of the outer life, especially The transformation of the inner being is as much or more gift of grace as it is our justification before God. Of course neither one is wholly passive. (To be forever lost you need only do nothing. Just stay your course.) But with reference to both justification and transformation, "bloating is excluded" :olinger: by the law of grace through faith (Romans 3:27-31; Ephesians 2:1-10). In fact, we consume the most grace by leading a holy life, in which we must be constantly upheld by grace, not by continuing to sin and being repeatedly forgiven. :dizzy: The interpretation of grace as having only to do with guilt is utterly false to biblical teachings and renders spiritual life in Christ unintelligible (pg. 71- 82, Willard)."
No Mediator
[Proof please :peach:] "Right here..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Eph 4:14 Let the reader
You make grace good for nothing
which is no grace at all (Ga 1:6-8). Salvation is not found in the Roman
Catholic Church (Jude 11). It is found in Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac
4:12). Cults and 'isms don't save. Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23).
"Instead of inward transformation, some outward form of religion--often today
even called "a spirituality"--is taken or imposed as the goal of practical
endeavor. What is then important is to be a "good _____" (you can fill in the
And the respective social group--the "good _____s"--will enforce that
importance, on pain of disapproval or exclusion from the group. Or the
individual even enforces it upon himself or herself as what is "obviously"
But, whatever the details, authentic inward transformation into Christlikeness
is omitted. It is not envisioned, intended, or achieved.
Not so in the call of Jesus to live with him as his
student or apprentice in his kingdom. By contrast, for him and for his Father,
the heart is what matters, and everything else will then come along. And the
process of inward renovation starts from the stark vision of life in the kingdom
of God (pg. 86, Willard)."
"Answered here..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Eph 4:14, Ga 1:6-8
You'll believe God's word (revelation)
or man's word (speculation).
Vernon McGee.
"...[N]o one can actually believe the truth about him without trusting him by
intending to obey him. It is a mental impossibility (pg. 87, Willard)."
Not your way (Jude 11).
Jesus' way (Jn 14:6).
Jn 4:24
"Already answered..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Eph 4:14, Ga 1:6-8
It starts with grace. It ends with grace. Grace, grace, grace--it's all about
his grace (Gen. 15:6; Gen. 20:6; Deut. 7:6–9; Deut. 9:4–6; Job 10:12;
Job 22:2, 3; Psa. 94:17–19; Psa. 138:3; Psa. 143:11; Dan. 9:18;
Dan. 10:18, 19; John 6:44, 45; John 17:11, 12, 15; Acts 4:29,
30; Acts 26:22; Rom. 3:22–24; Rom. 4:4, 16; Rom. 5:2, 6–8,
15–21; Rom. 9:10–16; Rom. 11:5, 6; 1 Cor. 1:4–8; 1 Cor. 10:13; 1
Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12; Gal. 1:14, 16; Eph. 1:5–9, 11, 12; Eph.
2:8, 9; Eph. 3:16; Eph. 4:7; Eph. 6:10; Phil. 1:19; Phil. 2:13; 1
Thess. 1:1 1 Thess. 5:28; 2 Pet. 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:14; 2 Tim. 1:1, 9;
Tit. 3:7; 1 Pet. 1:5; 1 Pet. 4:10; 1 Pet. 5:10; Jude 1, 21, 24,
25; Rev. 3:10).
Believe it (Mt 6:33, Ac 14:3; 20:32).
It's not about Rome. It's about Jesus. There aren't two Christs (Mark 13:21–23).
There is one Christ (Jn 14:6).
"...[W]e cannot realize this goal on our own. But there is no need for that. God
has made provision for achieving this aim. To "grow in grace" means to utilize
more and more grace to live by, until everything we do is assisted by grace.
Then, whatever we do in word or deed will all be done in the name of the Lord
Jesus (Colossians 3:17). The greatest saints are not those who need less grace,
but those who consume the most grace, who indeed are most in need of
grace--those who are saturated by grace in every dimension of their being. Grace
to them is like breath (pg. 93-94, Willard)."
No Papal Authority
No Sacrifice
Which Jesus will you trust?
"Post #34..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
Eph 4:14,
Ga 1:6-8
Our minds are not renewed into error (Ro
Phil 2:2,
Isa 11:2;
"...Christian spiritual formation is inescapably a matter of recognizing in
ourselves the idea system (or systems) of evil that governs the present age and
the respective culture (or various cultures) that constitute life away from God.
The needed transformation is very largely a matter of replacing in ourselves
those idea systems of evil (and their corresponding cultures) with the idea
system that Jesus Christ embodied and taught and with a culture of the kingdom
of God. This is truly a passage from darkness to light.
The apostle Paul, who of course understood and taught about these things, warned
us that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the
spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians
6:12). These higher-level powers and forces are
spiritual agencies that work with--constantly try to implement and support--the
idea systems of evil. These systems are their main tool for dominating humanity.
By contrast, we who have been rescued "from the power of darkness and
transferred...into the kingdom of his beloved Son" (Colossians
1:13, NRSV) are to "let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians
2:5, KJV). This is an essential way of
describing the substance, the underlying reality , of Christian spiritual
formation. We are, in Paul's' familiar language, transformed precisely by the
"renewing of our mind" (Romans
12:2, PAR) [pg. 98, Willard]."
You misquoted me. It is what you do (Eph
God can be trusted (Phil
2:16). Men
lie (Ga
"Ideas and images are, accordingly, the primary focus of Satan's efforts to
defeat God's purposes with and for humankind. When we are subject to his chosen
ideas and images, he can take a nap or a holiday. Thus when he undertook to draw
Eve away from God, he did not hit her with a stick, but with an idea. It was
with the idea that God could not be trusted and that she must act on her own to
secure her own well-being.
This is the basic idea back of all temptation: God is presented as depriving us
by his commands of what is good, so we think we must take matters into our own
hands and act contrary to what he has said.
This image of God leads to our pushing him out of our thoughts...and putting
ourselves on the throne of the universe. The condition of the ruined soul and
world naturally results. The single most important thing in our mind is our idea
of God and the associated
Thus, A.W. Tozer did not exaggerate when he said,
'That our idea of God corresponds as nearly as possible to the true being of God
is of immense importance to us. Compared with our actual thoughts about Him, our
creedal statements are of little consequence. Our real idea of God may be buried
under the rubbish of conventional religious notions and may require an
intelligent and vigorous search before it is finally unearthed and exposed for
what it is. Only after an ordeal of painful self-probing are we likely to
discover what we actually believe about God.
A right conception of God is basic not only to systematic theology but to
practical Christian living as well. It is to worship what the foundation is to
the temple; where it is inadequate or out of plumb the whole structure must
sooner or later collapse. I believe there is scarcely an error in doctrine or a
failure in applying Christian ethics that cannot be traced finally to imperfect
and ignoble thoughts about God...
...Images empower wrong ideas: Images
increase the danger of inadequate ideas. They have the power to obsess
:bow: and to hypnotize :noway:, as well as to escape critical scrutiny.
the image one has of oneself, for example, can override everything else and
cause one to act in ways contrary to all reality and good sense...
...To manipulate images--and thereby people--:olinger: is the word of the propagandist :reals: and the advertiser. :devil: Unfortunately, it is often done in the name of Christ :banana: to achieve some desired result (pg. 100-101, Willard)..." :greedy:
No Sacrifice
No Idolatry and False Teaching
[You misquoted me Eph 4:14] "You misrepresented me."
Your words not mine. I have quoted you exactly.
"You lied, plain and simple..."
Proof please.
Your words not mine.
SD: [Christ is the head of his church….The statement is true or it is false.]
Cruciform: "It's false..."
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6)
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Too bad you sin against redemption. Too bad you sin against reason. Too bad you
sin against your redeemer.
"Too bad."
Seth Brundle, The Fly
God's Final Call (right click and 'save target as' to
download) Adrian Rogers
"Already answered..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
Eph 4:14,
Ga 1:6-8
"Scripture is certainly authoritative. That does not mean, however, that only Scripture is authoritative."
The scriptures are full and sufficient (Lk
an unerring guide (Pr
2 Pe 1:19) able to make
men wise unto salvation through faith in Christ (2
Ti 3:15).
Grace is God's action not yours.
"...No other source, whether inside or outside of religions
even comes close to what God in Christ shows of love. This is the first "move"
of love in the process of redemption. "He first love us" (1
Jn 4:19)...
When we receive what is thus clearly given, the revelation of God's love in
Christ, that in turn makes it possible for us to love. Love is awakened in us by
him. We feel its call--and first to love Jesus himself, and then God. Thus the
first great commandment, to love God with all our being, can be fulfilled
because of the beauty of God given in Christ. This is the second movement
in the return to love: "We love, because He first loved us."
But the second movement is inseparable from the third movement: our love
of others who love God. "If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love
is perfected in us" (1
John 4:12). The first great commandment makes
it possible to fulfill the second: love of neighbor as oneself...
The Fellowship of Christ's apprentices in kingdom living is a community of love
This is the fourth movement in the process of redeeming love (pg. 132,
[The scriptures are full and sufficient (Lk 16:29,31), an unerring guide (Pr 6:23; 2 Pe 1:19) able to make men wise unto salvation through faith in Christ (2 Ti 3:15).] "Already answered in my responses to grif..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
Eph 4:14,
Ga 1:6-8
The opposite of love is pride
Pr 6:16,17;
You are not God (1
Co 8:1).
His word is the final word (Jas
"I've answered serpent in numerous posts, so there's really no reason for me to continue with this thread."
Are you here to lecture to the rest of us?
Your theology is not based on scripture (Matt. 15:9).
Do you have more than: "Because I said so...;, "You vil believe me;
or "Already answered..."?
1 Tim. 6:3–5
"My posts are there for interested and honest readers to consider..."
Your posts are an attempt to undermine the gospel of grace (Ga 1:6-8).
"I'll let serpent have the last word here (he apparently has some psychological need for it)..."
You have repeatedly accused me of lying. Proof
"...[A]nd simply allow this (") to be my final reply..."
Non causae ut causae (claiming victory despite defeat) Eph 4:14
True Church Of Christ According To The Scriptures