Town Quixote's aka Small Observations Pt II


Response to comment [from a Christian]:


Resurrected:  [Question to Arthur Brain]:  "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"  



You've been asking the make-believers this question lately, I see (Isa 8:20).


"Yep--and they either shy away from it or beat their chests and brag about their awesome goodness.. It's been quite revealing."


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "They believe they're good."


You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).  They believe they're good (Ro 3:12, Jer 17:9, Mt 9:12, Re 3:17).


"No, only the self righteous, self appointed judges of men..."


Resurrected is a Christian (1 Co 2:15, 1 Thess 5:21, Eph 5:11).  You are not (Isa 8:20).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Ro 1:22"



"Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit." ~ A.W. Tozer

Keep on keepin' on.


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Thread had been locked] "For a guy who doesn't want to engage me..."



Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Good times! "


Good times

"Men love boys. They see them do what they themselves can no longer do and they think to themselves, 'Look how far I've come.'" ~ Dennis Prager 1 Co 13:11


[Small observations Pt Deux]


Best of Remi Gaillard  



Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "It is apparent that utter destruction of your targets is all that will satisfy you. You misrepresent and lie about your targets so as to make them the laughing stock of your coterie..."


"Hitler worked the same magic against the Jews..."



"...the Slavs"



"...and the Gypsies."



"May you receive all that you have earned."


Are you willing to live by the same standard? Hos 3:1, Eph 4:31


bybee View Post
Why don't you shut your pie hole!
bybee View Post
[Manners ] I take this very seriously.


"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test." Lev. 19:15-16, Rom. 1:29-30


Response to comment [from a Christian]: Thursday's special edition of the Gazette can be found here."


You don't believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine?


"Hmm--How to answer this. No, I don't not believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine."


Based on what? His avatar?


"Well, that too."



Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...I've told you repeatedly that I exempt you and your ilk from basic courtesy."


Your manners are reserved for the God-haters? Ps. 15:3; Rom. 1:30


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Your manners are reserved for the God-haters? Ps. 15:3; Rom. 1:30] "[T]hose who spit on the cross and mock Christ's sacrifice? They're her buddies."


ByBitty loves their raisin cakes (Hos 3:1).

"...Paul changes the construction again to twelve substantives and adjectives that give vivid touches to this composite photograph of the God abandoned soul...Backbiters (καταλαλους [katalalous]). Found nowhere else except in Hermas, compound like καταλαλεω [katalaleō], to talk back (
James 4:11), and καταλαλια [katalalia], talking back (II Cor. 12:20), talkers back whether secretly or openly." Robertson, A. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (Ro 1:30). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I took a shot at contextualizing..."


"But enough about me. What do you think of me?" ~ CC, Beaches


"The Town Gossip..."

Should we call you Mrs. Kravitz? Eph 4:31



Gregory's Favorite Bewitched Moment No. 1


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Serpentdove ...serpentdove... serpentdove ]


Jn 8:44

Wasted Time (right click, open) ~ The Eagles


Tactics of the Left


Response to comment [from other]: [] "You shoulda left it at that..."

I bet your bunny trails could end up in one of his small observations threads (Eccl 1:2, NIV).


IMJerusha View Post
It's especially meaningless when it's used to slap people around...

Arthur Brain View Post
...[M]aybe I should follow your approach and start a thread with some link to wherever and 'respond' with a bunch of further links...


Town Heretic View Post
[I]t's a little funny that someone who tries that hard to promote a distanced indifference, methodologically...



Tactics of the Left


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I tried to backlight SD's practice..."


Eph 4:14

"SD dropped by..."

I dropped by. Alas, no one was home.

"It's always funny to me how people who hold me in public contempt will still show up here, reading."

You're being hysterical.

Town Heretic View Post
...SD was back

We missed you in the KKK thread. Did you know that Trump wears a white hood? He and David Duke are best buds.

Town Heretic View Post
[Trump KKK member] No, but I know anyone worth their salt, when asked what they think about the Klan, wouldn't need a few days to think it over.

Think it over immediately disavow

Town Heretic View Post
"...From the CNN program:

Trump: I don't know what group you're talking about. You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about.
Trapper: The Klu Klux Klan?
Trump: You may have groups in there that are totally fine and it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know.
Trapper: I'm just talking about David Duke and the Klu Klux Klan.
Trump: Honestly, I don't know David Duke"

You are referring to a conversation which occurred after he disavowed the non-endorsement.

How did I get stuck defending a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14
ok doser View Post
[Is The Donald in the KKK? ] it was a gotcha question, exactly like when Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin about "the Bush Doctrine"

How 'bout Hugh Clueless' (Enyart) nuclear triad question?

Tonight: Mr. Trump what is your favorite onomatopoeia?
ClimateSanity View Post
They were expecting trump to condemn a loosely related set of organizations that appear to be racist that trump knew nothing about simply because boogey man words were uttered like David Duke and ku Klux Klan.

When men are desperate words like "Hitler" and "KKK" start coming out.

How 'bout the sorority girls (Savage) on Fox News tonight? Will they ask relevant questions?
Town Heretic View Post
This isn't the Gazette. Most of the traffic is a product of the Gazette. Some of the best months for traffic were when there was almost nothing else going on in the thread...

Ro 12:3
Town Heretic View Post
[A lawyer] "The only thing scarier than Godzilla is Godzilla's lawyers." Paul Watson
 Town Heretic View Post
...unintended irony.
You're a regular Godzilla.

“If a man thinks he is not conceited, he is very conceited indeed.” ~ C.S. Lewis

"So you didn't get that joke either...To wrap SD's approach up in a ribbon..."
“Or, rather, let us be more simple and less vain.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Town Quixote's