Vatican/CAIR aligned itself with anti-capitalism protesters
[Vatican sides
with anti-capitalist protesters and attacks global financial system: The Vatican
aligned itself with anti-capitalism protesters
around the world on Monday when it condemned "the idolatry of the market" and
called for a radical shake-up of the global financial system (Eccl 10:2, Jn
10:10, Re 13:17)] "In a forthright statement, the Vatican's Pontifical Council
for Justice and Peace called for an end to rampant speculation, the
redistribution of wealth, greater ethics and the establishment of a "central
world bank" to which national banks would have to cede power.
Such an authority would have "universal jurisdiction" over governments' economic
strategies..." Full text:
Vatican sides with anti-capitalist protesters and attacks global financial
[Vatican calls for ‘central world bank’] "In a statement Monday, the Vatican
called for major reforms in the world financial system, asking for a ”global
public authority”
to rule over institutions responsible for “inequalities and distortions of
capitalist development...” Full text:
Vatican calls for ‘central world bank’ Vatican sides with anti-capitalist
protesters and attacks global financial system
CAIR Joins Occupy Wall Street
Iranian "Students" Support Occupy Wall Street
North Korea issued a report supporting the Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street goes Wild after support from Hugo Chavez
Also see:
One World Religion/Government
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "From the Telegraph: Ideally, the Vatican would wield the power, collecting all the wealth into Vatican City, and then we could all be 3rd World poor countries begging for bailouts. That would work..."
You and I were
to serve
the Pope.
"Ask Cardinal Peter Turkson how much aid the Vatican has given to the starving people in Somalia and the Sudan."
Jude 11
aligned itself with anti-capitalism protesters