What kind of "seed" am I planting here on TOL?
Response to comment [from a Christian] "What kind of "seed" am I planting here
on TOL?"
"Just as you have planted your seed in the ground, I'm
going to plant my seed in you."
~ Dwight, The Office
"The people who have had the biggest impact on me and my walk with Christ have
shown me love, forbearance, kindness and gentleness. When people are mean
spirited and judgmental, when they demean my thoughts while exalting their own,
I shrink away. What kind of fruit is that?"
Make room for the Jeremiahs and the Ezekiels.
It's good to be broken before God but bold before people.
"[Y]ou're going to find out that Christians that stand for Christ are going to
cause conflict. We're the salt of the earth and not only does salt cleanse and
purify and preserve but salt irritates and if you're a true
Christian you're going to find out because you are twice born in a world of
once-born people that most of the time you are going to be going against the
tide, they're going to despise you. Now, if they don't despise you, if you don't
find yourself going against the tide, if you find yourself getting along with
most of the people most of the time you better check up, because you're so much
like the world they cannot tell the difference..." Full text:
What Is Wrong with Gambling? Acts 19 by Dr. Adrian
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Image] "Sad but true."
Read about
Richard Backstabber Baxter: in an Age of Extremes
To be intolerant toward evil is a virtue. We need more
intolerance (Re 2:2, Isa 5:20, Pr 17:15, 24:24, Jer 48:10)." ~ Darrell Ferguson
Life of Jesus Volume 1: Jesus Tests and Builds Faith Part 3a
(right click, open) by Darrell Ferguson
Response to comment [from My bible says we all once walked in that way, (Pharoah, and, or Judas)..."
God revealed what was already in Pharaoh's heart (Ex 10:1-2). Jesus chose Judas knowing who and what he was (Lk 6:12-16, Jn 15:16).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [God revealed what was already in Pharaoh's heart (Ex 10:1-2). Jesus chose Judas knowing who and what he was (Lk 6:12-16, Jn 15:16).] "All God said to Pharoah was "let My people go" if he were a sheep he woulda."
Right. Pharaoh was ungodly.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [God revealed what was already in Pharaoh's heart (Ex 10:1-2). Jesus chose Judas knowing who and what he was (Lk 6:12-16, Jn 15:16).] "Agreed, like I said, we all were once them. We were all reconciled while in that same condition, too. [S]ome just choose to do something about it..."
Yes. The Lord chooses us (Jn 15:16). Neither Pharaoh nor Judas would choose the Lord (Ex 10:1-2).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[I]f the words are not God's they won't stand close scrutiny."
Without spiritual illumination conscience is a false guide (Ac 23:1; 26:9).
Response to comment [from a Jehovah's Witness]: "I am sowing the seed of the Gospel here on TOL."
No you're not.
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)
Jehovah's (False) Witnesses
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "While we were yet dead in our sins [which were by no means better than other peoples sins] Christ died for the ungodly."
Yep (Ro 5:8).
kind of "seed" am I planting here on TOL?