'You must be 'born again' or else'!
Response to comment [from an
agnostic]: "This was the theme of my
childhood, slammed into me by my
parents and the ghastly Pentecostal
church I was forced to attend. I
resisted until I was eleven before
giving into the pressure of giving
'my heart to Jesus'. I played the
part but never felt comfortable with
the concept. I never had the
slightest feeling any deity was
there for me. I had a problem I
couldn't share with my parents, and
asked Jesus to give me some help
with it, but he never came through
for me. I drew the obvious
conclusion that either he didn't
care, or more likely died 2000 years
ago. By the time I left home at 19
when I married I had lost my faith,
as had my husband.
When our kids were born we left it
up to them to decide if they wanted
a faith or not with no pressure from
us. All three are Christians but not
Biblical literalists and liberal in
their approach. Religion is never
discussed by us."
Dereliction of duty (Pr 22:6).
Why are there times when God seems silent / absent in a believer's life?
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "...I make a point of challenging extremist Christianity on forums as it can be very abusive as I know to my cost."
Are you an extremist
agnostic (lit. without knowledge to an extreme).
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "So you are a victim."
It's not too attractive is it?
Yes, you must be born again (Jn 3:7) or you will go to
hell (Matt. 10:15).
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "The idea of only the 'saved' going to heaven and others, however good they are..."
They aren't (Ps 53:3, Mk 10:18).
"...going to hell, is very sick indeed."
To you (Rom. 2:8, 9). For us, allowing the wicked into heaven would be sickening (Rev. 21:8). Hell wasn't created for you (Matt. 25:41). You've got to step over a lot of Christians to go there (Matt. 10:15). Why have you rejected the light of truth? Ps. 89:15.
"In theory someone as evil as Hitler could have made a deathbed conversion and gone to heaven..."
You think
you're better than him? Ro 3:12. He doesn't blame
anyone else (Gen. 3:12).
He doesn't claim to be innocent (Matt. 27:24).
He put his trust in Jesus (Matt. 12:17–21).
You are rejecting an eternal God (Mk 3:29).
Your punishment should be eternal (Matt. 25:46).
"...whilst an atheist who has done a lot of good in their life..."
They've done no good (Isa 64:6). They are not in Christ (Is. 19:25).
"...would go to hell. The deity would be a psychopath if that was its plan!"
Is this Bill O'Reilly?
We don't refer to God as the deity.
He's got a name (Ex 3:13-14). He's got many names (See:
Names of God). God has a plan. He is calling out a
people for his namesake. If you don't care for his plan, get your own universe.
Your motto: "I am a figment of my own imagination".
No, you exist. Ask Descartes. After you accept that, God has something to tell
you. He is holy (Rev. 4:8). You are responsible to him (Jn 3:18–20).
must be 'born again' or else'!