aCultureWarrior: Please Present Your Gospel
Response to comment [from a Christian]: ""The gospel" don't matter that much, but get gay marriage wrong and oh boy."
"The gospel is the bible from cover to cover." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 8:31, NASB
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "This oughta be a hoot. (Pulls up chair, popcorn.)"
Agree with the Satanist ACW and all
reprobates here will adore you.
Mt 5:18
Rise 'n shine
"A lie gets halfway around the world before
the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
~ Winston Churchill
Jn 3:19
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"Salvation to me is the love in your heart
that you have for God. And when you truly
love Him, you'll be obedient to His Word.
Can annabennnnedetttti knowingly go against
His Word when it comes to an institution
that He created for the benefit of society
(marriage) and still say that she loves Him?
Can the Jr. Libertarian keep his
subscription to Playgirl magazine and still
say he loves God?
Can you go to the red light district every
Friday night with a pocket full of quarters
and still say you love God?
We all have weaknesses and always will, but
acknowledging His Word as the truth and
doing your very best to be obedient to it is
what loving God, and hence being saved, is
all about."
"If you have a talking
faith that is not a walking faith, you have
a mocking faith." ~ Jim Andrews
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
Ignore. Gossip.
Ro 1:29
As a reminder, VinnyNotaBrother is number 8
Satan Inc. (TOL Heretics List)
in the Religious Zealots (saved by works
crowd) category.