Allah Smiles on Obamacare by Tom Tancredo
People have started churches in order to claim tax free status. There's a way to get special treatment from the government without the need to open up your own church. You may be able to take advantage of a little know provision of the massive healthcare bill that was passed. This provision may also have the affect of encouraging massive conversions to Islam in the United States. Muslims are specifically excepted from the government mandate to purchase insurance and also by the way from the penalty tax for being uninsured. That's because Islam considers insurance to be gambling or risk-taking and usury and thus they ban it. So, Muslims are specifically granted an exception based on this. They will however, have access to the government run universal system of healthcare. So, the bottom line is--you and I--assuming we do not convert to Islam will be paying for the healthcare of all Muslims in this country.
Here's another irony. In the Muslim world, all non-Muslims are assigned what is called Dhimmi status. The status allows you to live in a Muslim country without being beheaded as long as you pay a special Dhimmi tax. That's a pretty strong incentive to convert. So, with the stroke of a pen, we've all achieved Dhimmitude. Based on edited notes Allah smiles on Obamacare by Tom Tancredo audio (right click and "save as" to download).
Response to comment [from PB]: "It's already pointed out that Muslims will [not] be exempted from any part of the new health care bill..."
All hail PB.
Response to comment [from other]: "See: Tactics of the left *crickets*"
Light the lamp.
Na na na na do do, na na na na na...
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You are vermin. :loser:"
Jude 18.
Response to comment [from other]: "You're not being mocked. You're being called out on repeated dishonesty."
You'll need evidence to
Nevertheless, mocking me is irrelevant. Attempting to mock God is relevant (Ga 6:7).
Response to comment [from other]: "It might also have helped to link to the actual relevant segment considering the length of that thread ([n]ot that it isn't a riveting read)."
I agree.
Here are PB's relevant statements which reveal he/she does not have a biblical worldview:
Are you a pro-abort?
[Re: pro-abortion (requiring nurses to provide the "morning after pill" against
their will)]
PB said:
"Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If the law
requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet it most
certainly is a conflict."
"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do
when you were hired."
"When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the job
requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't
like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious
affiliation of the hospital providing services."
Are you pro-homosexual?
[Re: homosexuality]
SD: Are you in support of or opposed to homosexuality?
PB said:
PB: "I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you
don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."
PB: "Not being anti-gay doesn't make someone
[Will not answer the following: Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).
Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4). Is is disgusting to God to act
differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).]
Are you a humanist?
[Re: young earth creation]
"I won't apologize for loving truth...Hiding behind a book won't change
reality...[P]eople come to associate Christianity...with anti-science dogma and
[Did we evolve from monkeys? (Ge 1:26, Jas 3:9)] "[W]e share a common ancestor
[with monkeys]."
[So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man
became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?] "That is
what the evidence indicates..."
[Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)] "Nope."
[What hermeneutic do you use to oppose a six normal day creation? (Ex. 20:11;
31:17).] "The use of mythic imagery and symbolism, particularly combined with
the scientific evidence, show that Genesis is not meant to a literal, historical
revelation but an allegorical presentation containing spiritual truth...I use
reason and evidence..."
This is not a biblical worldview.
"[W]hat the heck have all these links gotta do with the price of eggs?"
Naturalism, Materialism, Humanism, Multiculturalism, Modernity and Postmodernism are influences in our time. They are blatantly unbiblical (2 Cor 10:4).
Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur