What divides Catholics & Protestants?
Truth (Ac
Ac 15:11;
Eph 2:5,8).
Your works won't save you ( Psa.
49:7, 8; Psa.
127:1, 2; Eccl.
1:14; Isa.
43:26; Isa.
57:12; Isa.
64:6; Ezek.
7:19; Ezek.
33:12–19; Dan.
9:18; Matt.
5:20; Luke
17:7–10; Luke
18:9–14; Acts
13:39; Rom.
3:20–31; Rom.
4:1–8 vs. 9–22.; Rom.
8:3; Rom.
9:16, 31, 32; Rom.
11:6; 1
Cor. 13:1–3; Gal.
2:16, 19, 21; Gal.
3:10–12, 21 vs. 1–29.; Gal.
4:9–11; Gal.
5:2, 4, 6, 18; Gal.
6:15; Eph.
2:8, 9; Phil.
3:3–9; Col.
2:20–23; 2
Tim. 1:9; Tit.
3:4, 5; Heb.
4:3–10; Heb.
6:1, 2; Heb.
9:1–14; Jas.
2:10, 11).
People come to the Lord
by faith.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Yet works of mercy are the works of God in us."
God is not "in" you (2
Cor 11:4). You believe in Jesus but not the
Jesus of the Bible. You believe the gospel but not the gospel of grace in
"Roman Catholicism vs. historical, biblical Christianity: "We have different
authorities, we believe different gospels, we worship different Christs, we are
led by different spirits and we are on different paths to eternity. Compare this
with the unity the apostle Paul described with those who are in one body and one
......Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, on God and Father
of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph
...According to many Reformers, Satan's crown jewel is the Roman Catholic
religion. It is his most seductive and deceptive form of counterfeit
Christianity in the world. Granted, there are many other apostate churches, but
none compare in the size, power, influence and wealth to the apostate church
headquartered in Rome. The problem most Catholics have is they have been
indoctrinated from birth with the lie that they belong to the one true Church.
By believing this lie, they have no incentive to read God's word and therefore
they cannot discern truth from error. I pray you will ask God to reveal His
truth to you as you abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel, Vol 18 no. 4)..."
Full text
Your works will not save you. To redeem means "to buy something back". Christ
came to free you from sin. Every person has a sin nature (Ro
3:23). Jesus paid the price that God required
in order to satisfy his holy justice (Eze
18:20). The Father accepts Christ's payment not
your "good" works (Isa
The bases for forgiveness of sin is Christ's payment not your works. God is holy. He cannot overlook sin. All sin will be paid for by you or by him. He can forgive anyone who comes to him in faith and repentance (Eph 1:17). Christ's blood (his work not ours) is then applied to our lives. We cannot pay our own sin-debt. Without his intervention, we have no hope of pardon.
Response to Catholic]: "...[W]hatever beliefs serpentdove happens to affirm..."
Ad hominem.
Who cares what I think?
What does God say?
The wrath of God will fall on mankind (Ro
5:8-10). Those justified by Christ's blood will
be saved from punishment.
Catholics teach a false gospel of works. The Bible teaches a gospel of grace.
Justification means that we are declared righteous in God's eyes. Jesus placed
our inequities on his account and then paid it in full (Ro
You are not declared righteous by your works. If you receive Christ, you will be
declared righteous by his work.
Jesus came to live the perfect life that neither you nor I can live. When God
sees us (those in Christ) he sees Christ's perfection not by anything we have
done. We are no longer guilty even though we do not always act blameless. It is
a privilege to be declared righteous in God's eyes (1
Cor 6:20).
[James/Patricius79 comment] "Well put"
We are born in sin, separated and alienated from God. Water baptism does not save. The moment Adam and Eve sinned, the relationship between God and man was broken. God sent his son to save us. Through the blood of his cross (not our works), Christ made reconciliation possible by establishing peace between God and man. When we trust in him (not a plan or program), He is able to present us blameless before the Father (Col 1:19-22). He (not the Roman Catholic apostate church) removed the barriers. We are able to have an intimate relationship with the Lord.
"According to whom?---you, or Christ's historic Church?"
Ad hominem.
Who cares what I think? What does God say? Your authority will be man (Mt
Mk 7:8,
Col. 2:8) or God's word (Ps.
Ps. 119:142,
Is. 40:8,
Eph. 5:26,
Acts 15:15,
2 Pet. 1:21,
Heb. 4:12). If people
trust your apostate church, it will not end well for them.
Jesus sanctified us by applying his blood to our lives (Heb
13:12). Sanctification is the process by which
the Lord is continually transforming us into the image of Jesus. The Holy Spirit
resides within every believer.
Neither attending a
blasphemous mass nor
confessing to a priest will declare you as righteous
before the Lord.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt
[Through the blood of his cross (not our works)] "False Dilemma Fallacy"
We are in a true dilemma. God's wrath will be on us
or on Christ. The word atonement, as it is used in the OT, means "covering". The
sacrificial system was supposed to teach us that God is holy and transgressions
must be punished, and atonement for sin took place only through the shedding of
blood. This arrangement was a foreshadow of Christ, the ultimate lamb who was
needed to cover all of man's sin (Jn
1 Pe 1:18-20).
Neither your works not your apostate church (Re
3:14–22) will save you from the wrath of God (Num.
Ps. 90:9,
Zech. 7:12,
Ro 9:22,
Jn 3:36,
Re. 6:16,
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[T]hat is the teaching of the...Catholic Church."
No. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that one must
participate in the sacraments: "...[S]acraments are not merely a symbol, but are
believed to actually confer sanctifying grace upon the recipient..."
Are the seven Catholic sacraments Biblical?
Catholic Traditions
We are saved by grace alone through faith alone (Jn 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; Ac
16:31; Ro 10:9-10,13; Eph 2:8-9). The Bible teaches a
gospel of grace not a gospel of works (Ac 20:24,32).
When we are saved, we can confidently enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus
10:19-22). The reason we can approach God,
spiritually speaking, is because we are covered in the blood of Christ. The veil
of the temple was torn. This supernatural event signified the Father's
acceptance of Christ's sacrifice, which opened the way to his presence. There is
no need for a sacrifice when we want to approach God.
"..."[F]aith alone" is not [b]iblical..."
Too bad you don't know your Bible (Eph 2:8).
"Relationship is the difference between grace and law." ~ Charles Stanley
Why have you changed your identification to "Christian" instead of "Roman
Catholic"? Do you find deceiving easier this way? Ga 5:9.
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List )
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Catholics do not contend that their own works will save them."
Can you do without the sacraments?
Roman Catholicism (like all religion) is work-based. Historical, biblical
Christianity is faith-based. God fills empty hands. Did you plan to put on your
own breastplate of righteousness?
Jn 15:5,
Eph 6:14.
You have no righteousness of your own (Isa
64:6). Put on Christ's righteousness (Re
Are you written in the Book of Life? If so, on what basis.
Response to comment [from a Roman Catholic]: "[A]men! nothing about "faith alone" there."
We are saved by grace alone through faith alone (Jn 1:12;
3:16, 18, 36; Ac 16:31; Ro 10:9-10,13; Eph 2:8-9).
[Why have you changed your identification to "Christian" instead of "Roman
Catholic"? Do you find deceiving easier this way? Ga 5:9.] "I am a Christian."
Why did you change your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?
"...[N]one...says we are saved through "faith alone"..."
Christians believe we are saved by grace alone through
faith alone (Jn 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; Ac 16:31; Ro 10:9-10,13; Eph 2:8-9).
How do you believe a person is saved?
[Why did you change your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?] Catholics are Christians, being members of the only historic Trinitarian Church..."
Catholics and Protestants believe differently (Jude
Roman Catholicism
Why did you change your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Do without sacraments?] "What does that even mean?"
If a person did not become a Roman Catholic and never participated in the sacraments, what happens to his/her eternal soul when he/she dies?
[...Historical, biblical Christianity is faith-based.] "...[A]nother False Dilemma Fallacy..."
Man is in a true dilemma. He does not need your plan or program. He needs a savior (Ac 4:10, 12, Col. 1:12-18, 2:10, Jn 10:18, 1 Tim. 4:10).
[Did you plan to put on your own breastplate of righteousness? Jn 15:5, Eph 6:14] "...[T]hat's not what the Church teaches."
Can a man be made righteous by your church or by his works? Isa 64:6.
[You have no righteousness of your own (Isa 64:6).] "Straw Man Fallacy"
A person can be declared righteous apart from
the blood of Christ? Should the just live by attending the Roman Catholic church
and participating in their sacraments or by faith?
Ro 1:17.
Is a gift still a gift if you've worked for it?
Eph 2:8.
Do you think it's wise to be a glory-stealer?
Ps 19:1;
Isa 42:8.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[W]e can be made holy by the works of God in us."
I asked if we can be declared righteous apart from the blood of Christ. I also asked (four times) why you changed your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"? Prov. 11:18.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [If a person did not become a Roman Catholic and never participated in the sacraments, what happens to his/her eternal soul when he/she dies?] "That's entirely up to God..."
Does a person need the Roman Catholic Church? Must they participate in the sacraments to be saved?
[Can a man be made righteous by your church or by his works?] "You really have absolutely no clue what the Catholic Church actually believes and teaches..."
Ad hominem.
"A man is made righteous by God the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit accomplishes this task by various means."
Explain the basis by which a person is justified. Is justification a one-time event?
"Do you deny that God has chosen to guide and teach the faithful..."
Who are the "faithful" according to you? Are the faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church or those who have trusted the Lord? Are people declared "faithful" by men or by God? Should men draw near to your church or to God? Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33
[A person can be declared righteous apart from the blood of Christ?] "Straw Man Fallacy."
That was a question.
[Should the just live by attending the Roman Catholic church and participating in their sacraments or by faith? Ro 1:17.] "False Dilemma Fallacy."
That was a question.
[Is a gift still a gift if you've worked for it?] "Straw Man Fallacy."
That was a question.
[Do you think it's wise to be a glory-stealer?] "Straw Man Fallacy."
That was a question.
You have no righteousness of your own ( Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21). Your "good" works won't save you (Isa 64:6). Get yourself a savior (Mt 6:33).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [You have no righteousness of your own ( Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21). Your "good" works won't save you (Isa 64:6). Get yourself a savior (Mt 6:33).] "Amen. that is the doctrine of the Catholic Church...[W]e are saved purely by grace..."
Then what? Go get drunk?
Jer 23:26.
[Can a person be declared righteous apart from the blood of Christ.] "...[A]bsolutely not..."
How is a person declared righteous before God?
[Why you changed your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?] "Roman Catholics are Christians..."
I asked why you changed your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"? 2 Tim. 3:13.
"Catholics are Christians"
Why did you change your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?
[Why did you change your identification from "Roman Catholic" to "Christian"?] "[A]lready answered several times."
Are you a still a Roman Catholic? Have you changed in your beliefs since you last identified yourself as a Roman Catholic? Do you now reject the false teachings of the RCC? Are these traditions biblical?
[Justification] "God pours his love (righteousness) into our hearts thought the Holy Spirit..."
Why would God do this?
God's word is the final word (Ga
[Three Fatal Errors Common Among False Teachers by Mike
Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "Since we are now living in the age
of religious tolerance and ecumenical unity, there are some people who will
immediately call this article unloving and divisive. Others will ask, "What
right do you have to judge another religion?" The answer is given in Scripture.
All God-fearing people are called to make right judgments, judgments that have
already been established by the objective principles of God's Word (John
7:24). There may be nothing more important than
warning people who are being deceived about their eternal destiny. If we do not
lovingly confront them with God's Gospel, they may never know how to escape the
eternal fire of God's punishment. Clearly, the most unloving thing we can do is
to ignore them and let them continue down the road to destruction. For this
reason, I am always willing to offend people with the offense and exclusivity of
the Gospel in the hopes that God may grant some of them repentance leading to a
knowledge of the truth (2
Tim. 2: 25)....The Lord Jesus said: 'Do not
judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment (John
7:24) '." Full text:
Three Fatal Errors Common Among False Teachers
"...[U]se Catholic Answers Library online..."
Trust God's word (
2 Ti 2:15).
Trust the Jesus of scripture (2
Pet. 2:1).
[False Teachers Distort the Person of Christ Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"Jesus Christ is God's perfect man and man's perfect God. He is the perfect High
Priest who offered Himself - the perfect sacrifice--once for the sins of His
people. This one sin offering has perfected for all time those who are
sanctified (Heb.
10:14). For this reason there are no more
offerings for sin (Heb.
10:18). The believer's eternal sin debt was
paid in full and their redemption was secured when God raised Jesus Christ from
the dead (Rom.
4:25). Would there be false teachers who would
deny this and steal away the honor and glory of our Savior?
Yes, Paul even warned us that some would come preaching another Jesus. They will
offer a counterfeit Jesus "whom we [the apostles] have not preached" (2
Cor. 11:4). Many of these false teachers are
Roman Catholics who preach a "Jesus" who does not save sinners completely and
forever. They say Catholics must do their part by expiating and making
satisfaction for their own sins through penance (CCC, 1459). In this way they
attain their own salvation through good works (CCC, 1477). The Catholic Jesus
offers conditional life, not eternal life (CCC, 1035). This counterfeit Christ
is said to return physically to Catholic altars over 200,000 times each day to
be a sin offering for the living and the dead (CCC, 1367).
Catholics must be warned of the consequences for not knowing and believing the
true Jesus. This was made clear by Jesus when He said: "unless you believe that
I am He, you shall die in your sins" (John
8:24). Whenever religion rejects God's
authority, it creates "another Jesus" which always leads to "another gospel."
Why? Because whenever the sufficiency of Christ is denied, another gospel must
be concocted to instruct people what they must do to be saved..." Full text:
False Teachers Distort the Person of Christ
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "In the RCC, there are six degrees of separation[:] [B]eliever--> Priest --> Bishop --> Arch Bishop --> Cardinal --> Pope --> Mary --> Jesus..."
Everyone gets their cut (Lk
16:14) .
[False Teachers Pervert the Gospel of Christ Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"The Gospel is the joyous proclamation of God's redeeming work through Jesus
Christ which saves His people from the punishment, power and ultimately, the
presence of sin. It is the one and only message of redemption and the same
message for every generation (Eph.
Rev. 14:6). Since the
Gospel is about one Savior, it is exclusive and thus declares that all other
faiths and religions are false (John
Mat. 7:13-14). This
glorious Gospel declares that salvation is entirely of grace and those who add
anything to it stand condemned (Gal.
1:6-9). It comes as no surprise that the most
popular perversion of the Gospel is the fatal lie that good works or inherent
righteousness are necessary to appease a holy God. Every religion in the world
perpetrates this lie of the devil. However, Satan's oldest and most deadly lie
is "You surely shall not die" (Gen.
3:4). This lie is still spread in Catholicism (CCC,
Why would any religious leader want to distort the glorious Gospel of grace? The
primary reason is to control people by holding them captive in legalistic
bondage. It is for this reason the Lord Jesus gave the mark of a true disciple.
He said, "If you abide in My word...and you shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free" (John
8:31-32). People in religious bondage can only
be set free when they come to a knowledge of the truth found in Scripture.
Roman Catholicism is not alone in perverting the Gospel of God. There are many
cults and Protestant sects which do the same. Catholicism, however, not only
deceives its people with a false gospel, but foolishly condemns those who
believe the true Gospel. Over 100 condemnations from the Council of Trent are
pronounced on Christians who believe the Lord Jesus is sufficient to save
sinners completely and forever. The Catholic "gospel" emphasizes what man must
DO to be saved instead of what Christ has DONE. This would include the necessity
of doing good works (CCC, 2016), receiving sacraments (1129), attending
meritorious masses (1405), keeping the law (2068), buying indulgences (1498) and
purgatory (1030)..." Full text:
False Teachers Pervert the Gospel of Christ
Rule-keeping leads to disobedience. Rules
become stricter than God's commandments. God's law targets the heart.
Anything that pulls your attention from the issues of the heart will lead to
disobedience (Ferguson).
"You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down (Mk
Worthless Worship Pt 17b by Darrell Ferguson
[False Teachers Must Be Confronted Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "We must
never let doctrinal error go unabated because it dishonors God and deceives the
unsuspecting. It defiles the conscience, corrupts the heart and destroys the
soul. According to Scripture, that which flows from the lips of false teachers
includes: "strange doctrines," "commandments of men," "doctrines of devils,"
"damnable heresies," "traditions of men," "lies," "falsehood," "vain deceit" and
"deceptive philosophy." Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord at all times
and in all cases (Prov.
12:22). Knowing the fruit of false teachers, we
must earnestly contend against them. Peter and Paul said false teachers cause
believers to fall from their steadfastness and pure devotion to Christ (2
Pet. 3:17;
2 Cor. 11:3). They
disagree with the words of Jesus and bring constant friction within the church (1
Tim. 6:4-5). They give rise to speculation and
fruitless discussion which hinder the purposes of God (1
Tim. 1:4-6).
Many who profess Christ are no longer embracing sound doctrine because they want
their ears tickled and are seeking teachers who will do just that (2
Tim. 4:2). Using the Word of God, we must be
ready to reprove, rebuke and exhort with great patience and instruction. Those
who have been entrusted with the truth must take a stand against those who try
to lead men astray. Even when Peter was not straightforward about the truth of
the Gospel, Paul withstood him to his face, and rebuked him sharply (Gal.
2:11-14). Jude exhorted us to "earnestly
contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" (Jude
3). Those who refuse to defend God's truth are
demonstrating their lack of passion for the truth. We must love the truth and
hate every false way (Ps.
119:104). Let us never be intimidated by false
teachers because "the fear of man brings a snare" (Prov.
29:25)..." Full text:
False Teachers Must Be Confronted
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [You nullify the Word of God by your
traditions that you have handed down (Mk 7:13).]
"...[F]or example, sola scriptura, sola fide, adult-only baptism, the Eucharist
as a mere memorial, a 66-book canon of Scripture, etc., etc., etc..."
is sola scriptura? Do the Scriptures even teach sola scriptura? What is the
standard for Christian faith and practice?
Why is sola
fide important? Do we contribute our works along with our faith for salvation?
What is
the proper mode of baptism? Should baptism be by immersion, or are sprinkling
and pouring also allowed?
Do eucharistic miracles really happen? Is the Roman Catholic understanding of
the Mass in agreement with what the Bible says about the Lord's Supper?
How do we decide which books belong in the Bible since the Bible does not say
which books belong in the Bible?
You have a contaminated heart.
Too bad you reject the one thing that can clean it up--grace (Ga
"Too bad."
~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
Works vs. Faith
[The Battle for Truth by Mike Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "Let
us be mindful of the words of A.W. Tozer, who wrote: "So skilled is error at
imitating truth that the two are constantly being mistaken for each other. It is
therefore critically important that the Christian take full advantage of every
provision God has made to save him from delusion - prayer, faith, constant
meditation of the Scriptures, obedience, humility and the illumination of the
Holy Spirit" (That Incredible Christian).
We need to ask God for courage and boldness as we rely on the power of His Word.
May we all become more like the apostles who were strong, bold, fearless,
dogmatic, unaccommodating of error, courageous, intolerant of sin, inflexible
concerning the Gospel, controversial, willing to die for the truth and fully
devoted to Christ. We are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by
waves and carried about by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful
scheming (Eph.
4:14). During these times of great deception,
the Body of Christ must respond with a theological, biblical worldview that
defends the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must protect the purity
of His Gospel for the sake of His elect." Full text:
The Battle for Truth
"Wafers are a type of "bread.""
Too bad your placebo can't cure your wicked heart (Jer
Mt 15:11).
"Too bad." ~
~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
Works vs. Faith
[Handling False Teachers Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"• Identify them by name and warn
others of their error (2
Tim. 2:17-18).
• Mark and avoid them (Rom.
• Be on your guard to avoid being carried
away by their error (2
Pet. 3:17).
• Come out from among them
Cor. 6:14-18).
• Shun their babblings (2
Tim. 2:16,17).
• Turn away from them (2
Tim. 3:5).
• Reject them (Tit.
• Do not receive them nor bid them God
speed (2
John 10-11).
• Expose their evil deeds (Eph.
• Pray for them that God may grant them
repentance leading to a knowledge of
the truth (2
Tim. 2:25).
• Test the veracity of every man's
teaching using Scripture as your
supreme authority (Acts
• Test the spirits because many false
prophets have gone out into the world
John 4:1)..." Full text:
Handling False Teachers
What divides Catholics &