Catholics and Lutherans Will Celebrate Together the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
[Catholics and
Lutherans Will Celebrate Together
the 500th Anniversary of the
Reformation Proclaiming the Gospel
"Pope Francis received a delegation
from the Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Germany last month to discuss a
mutual celebration of the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation in
2017. The pope said, "Lutherans and
Catholics around the world will have
the opportunity to share the
profession of our common faith in
the Triune God. At the center of
this event will be common prayer and
the plea that our Lord Jesus Christ
pardon for our mutual faults, along
with the joy of journeying together
on a shared ecumenical path. Last
year a document was produced by the
Lutheran-Catholic Commission for
Unity entitled "From Conflict to
Communion: The Joint
Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration of
the Reformation in 2017."
Read more."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Most roads lead back to Rome because they never really left."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Luke 23:12 KJV And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves."
What does the Bible say about
liturgy? Should a Christian
participate in liturgical worship?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Don't you think you ought to wait until all the "evidence" of apostasy (or whatever) is in?"
It's in. The
Roman Catholic church
is an apostate church (Ju 11).
That is why you do not identify
yourself as one here.
As a reminder, RepublicanChick is
number 11 on
Satan, Inc.
in the Religious Zealots (saved by
works crowd).
Roman Catholicism
and Lutherans Will Celebrate
Together the 500th Anniversary of
the Reformation