Chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[T]his can't be good."
If you disagree with Chrysostom, you are a hater.
Tactics of the Left
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "And the winner of the I hate homosexuals more than you do award for 2013 is aCultureWarrior."
"Truth is hate to
those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
1 Co 6:9
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev.
considered an abomination (1
Kin. 14:24),
punishment for (Lev.
unclean (Rom.
But the
natural man receiveth not the things of the
Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto
him: neither can he know them, because they
are spiritually discerned [1
Cor. 2:14].
"The natural man cannot receive the things
of God. Why not? Because they are
foolishness to him. If you are not a
Christian, my friend, what I am saying seems
foolish to you. If it doesn’t, there is
something wrong with you or there is
something wrong with me—one of us is wrong.
God says the natural man finds the preaching
of the Cross of Christ for salvation
foolish. It simply does not make sense to
“Neither can he know them.” When I was a
student in college, I had the high–minded
notion that anything that any man wrote I
could understand. Well, I have found that
isn’t true. Certainly I cannot understand
the Word of God until the Spirit of God
opens my heart and mind to understand. It is
spiritually discerned. Only the Spirit of
God can take the things of Christ and show
them unto us. The Lord Jesus said that:
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is
come, he will guide you into all truth: for
he shall not speak of himself; but
whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he
speak: and he will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of
mine, and shall shew it unto you” (John
My friend, unless the Spirit of God shows
you the things of Christ, this Epistle to
the Corinthians will mean very little to
you." McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 44: Thru the
Bible commentary: The Epistles (1
Corinthians) (electronic ed.) (38).
Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: " donuts on Mondays."
go to church for the donuts.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I'd love it if you and them would accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior..."
...And for the Turning God's Grace into
Lasciviousness award of 2013--Chrystotom!
Jud 1:4, KJV
Come on up Chrystotom
bound by traditions (Mt
15:9) and
deceitful in all your ways (Eph.
Response to comment
[from a Christian]:
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart 1 Co 2:14] "Sure. But hate can also just be hate to those who own a dictionary."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "..."[L]asciviousness" is a lust/lewdness word tied to playfulness..."
"...Lasciviousness is a very important word. I suppose the best synonym is wantonness because wantonness has in it the thought of lawlessness and arrogance—doing as you please even if you offend the sensibilities of others. Jude says that the ungodly turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness—into immorality. The apostle Paul warned the Galatian believers about the danger of turning the grace of God into license—permitting them to live any way they pleased. “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13)." McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 57: Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (2 and 3 John/Jude) (electronic ed.) (82). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There's a fine line between truth-smacking and just being mean for its own sake..."
Chrysostom opposes--not homosexuality
those who condemn homosexuality.
Pr 27:5
Talk about this
fine line.
New transgender rules at BPD
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Chrys, I think this is a great thread!"
Of course you do (Hos 3:1, Eph 4:31).
He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour,
nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear
the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not [Ps. 15:2–4].
"“In whose eyes a vile person is contemned”—that is, despised. In our
contemporary culture the opposite is often true; the vile person is honored,
and the godly man is despised.
“He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not” means that he will go
on record for the truth and will not change his story to protect himself."
McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 17: Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Psalms
1-41) (electronic ed.) (87–88). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Sorry to interrupt your continuing post...any idea when you'll be finished?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Chrysostom] "...Chrys has not been a sexual pervert here- and the better you get me understanding the definition the further you are getting from the horrible seduction and degrading that has gone on and does still that is so awful. How can we call Chrys immoral?"
He perverts and inverts the word of God.
God says homosexuality is evil (Lev
1 Ki 14:24,
Ro 1:24,
Chrysostom says men who call Sodomites evil are evil (Isa
Pr 16:25).
If you disagree with Chrysostom, you are a hater.
"ἀσέλγεια, ας f: behavior completely lacking in moral restraint, usually
with the implication of sexual licentiousness—‘licentious behavior, extreme
immorality.’ μὴ μετανοησάντων ἐπὶ τῇ ἀκαθαρσίᾳ καὶ πορνείᾳ καὶ ἀσελγείᾳ ᾗ
ἔπραξαν ‘they have not repented of the filthy things they have done, their
immorality and licentious deeds’
2 Cor 12:21. In some
languages the equivalent of ‘licentious behavior’ would be ‘to live like a
dog’ or ‘to act like a goat’ or ‘to be a rooster,’ in each instance
pertaining to promiscuous sexual behavior." Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A.
(1996). Vol. 1: Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on
semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (770). New York:
United Bible Societies.
4 certain men … crept in unnoticed. These
were infiltrating, false teachers pretending to be true, who on the surface
looked like the real thing, but whose intentions were to lead God’s people
astray (cf.
Matt. 7:15;
Acts 20:29;
Gal. 2:4,5;
1 Tim. 4:1–3;
2 Pet. 2:1,20;
1 John 2:18–23).
These apostates were Satan’s counterfeits, most likely posing as itinerant
teachers (cf.
2 Cor. 11:13–15;
2 Pet. 2:1–3;
2 John 7–11). Their
stealth made them dangerous. They were characterized by 3 features: 1) they
were ungodly; 2) they perverted grace; and 3) they denied Christ. long ago …
marked out. Apostasy and apostates in general were written about and
condemned many centuries before, such as illustrated in vv. 5–7 and spoken
of as Enoch did in vv. 14–16. Cf.
Is. 8:19–21;
Hos. 9:9;
Zeph. 3:1–8. Their
doom was “pre-written” in Scripture as a warning to all who would come
later. Jesus had warned about them in
Matt. 7:15–20 (cf.
Acts 20:29). The most
recent warning had been
2 Pet. 2:3,17;
3:7. this
condemnation. This refers to the judgment spoken of by others “long ago.”
Jude’s present exposé of apostates placed them in the path of the very
judgment of God, written of previously. ungodly men. Lit. “impious” or
“without worship.” Their lack of reverence for God was demonstrated by the
fact that they infiltrated the church of God to corrupt it and gain riches
from its people. Cf. vv. 15,16,18,19. lewdness. Lit. “unrestrained vice” or
“gross immorality,” which describes the shameless lifestyle of one who
irreverently flaunts God’s grace by indulging in unchecked and open
immorality (cf.
Rom. 6:15). deny …
Lord … Lord Jesus Christ. See note on
2 Pet. 2:1. Two Gr.
words for Lord are used here. The apostates disowned Christ as sovereign
Lord (despotēs) and disdained any recognition of Christ as honorable Lord (kurios)
by their wicked behavior. The better NT mss. omit “God” in the text (see
marginal note), placing the emphasis clearly on one person, the Lord Jesus
Christ, and emphasizing that apostates deny Him. See note on
2 Pet. 2:1. Cf.
Matt. 10:33;
2 Tim. 2:12;
Titus 1:16;
1 John 2:22,23.
It is always true of apostates, false teachers, and false religions that
they pervert what Scripture declares is true about the Lord Jesus Christ."
The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J. MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Jud
4). Nashville, TN: Word Pub. "
"I think you are a fine person, Chrys, but uhm..."
Don't compliment an antichrist.
3 contend earnestly for the faith which was
once for all delivered to the saints. The gospel of Jesus Christ does not
change. Since He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb.
13:8), so His gospel remains eternally the
same. And it is worth fighting for, since through it alone we find eternal
life." Stanley, C. F. (2005). The Charles F. Stanley life principles Bible:
New King James Version (Jud
3). Nashville, TN: Nelson Bibles.
"New morality is just old sin." ~ J. Vernon McGee
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
If you challenge his small observations,
you are "disruptive" (example
example 2
As long as they agree with you.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"Rusha - do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?"
"Koban [Resurrected] you know Jesus?"
"I do[.] Rusha - do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?"
"Seems obvious that Rusha rejects Christ. Good thing she has so many "friends" to hold her hand on her way to hell..."
With friends
like that who needs enemies?
Eph 6:12
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "With friends like that who needs enemies?"
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph
4:14). With friends
like that who needs enemies?
Eph 6:12
"I'm sure the Pharisees said something similar."
Resurrected and I were discussing make-believers
and those who defend them.
You would be included in this motley crue (Isa
2 Ti 3:13).
[Isa 8:20] "I defend the faith..."
Lie of the day (Ingraham)."
Eph 4:14
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [TH Small Observation Thread Pt. 2 "Town Quixotes"]
He has locked
his small observations thread Pt. 2. He will begin reporting you for being
"disruptive" when you challenge him and Knight will believe him.
I recommend that you stay out of his small observation threads.
Eph 4:14
"He's a compulsive, silly little would-be bully, isn't he?"
They've decided that the Town Heretic should have a
place all of his own where he cannot be challenged (2
Pe 2:1).
Fair enough.
"That would be laughable if it weren't so grossly underinformed [sic] on every level."
Don't you have another
thread to close?
Eph 4:14,
Jn 10:10,
Eccl 10:2
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [To a Christian] " ...[T]hanks for obsessing. Did you make a hundred posts yesterday?..."
You're projecting again.
Did you work on
your scrapbook yesterday?
"I don't think I've even managed fifty in any day since I've been here."
You keep a lovely scrapbook.
I bet the women's club will send you an invite soon.
Re 12:10
How do you manage to get others banned for responding
to your gossip posts
you misquote others?
Membership has its privileges?
"I love Jesus."
Lie of the day (Ingraham).
Eph 4:14
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [To a Christian] "...[Y]ou are not a Christian..."
Crouching Tiger Hidden Pagan
Gal. 2:3-4
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: How do you manage to get others
banned for responding to your gossip posts
while you
misquote others?] "I don't."
The Town Heretic Misquotes Me
Will this highlight show up in your Small Observations Pt. Deux
Eph 4:14
[How do you manage to get others banned for responding to your gossip
you misquote others?
Eph 4:14] "Way to dodge your own
"Being on the Left means never having to say you're
~ Dennis Prager
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from other]: "You OTOH talk about how you'll enjoy people burning in hell..."
We would like you to get saved. You thought we
wanted to live with God-haters in heaven? Wouldn't that make heaven hell?
Jesus loves you (Jn
3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2
Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze
Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk
loves you (
"...[C]alled bybee a 'senile old hag'..."
"2 Ti 3:6 gullible women. Weak in virtue and the knowledge of the truth, and weighed down with emotional and spiritual guilt over their sins, these women were easy prey for the deceitful false teachers. See notes on 1 Tim. 2:13,14; 5:11,12." The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J. MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (2 Ti 3:6). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
Response to comment [from other]: "If you're calling or inferring that bybee 'gullible'..."
cakes taste great (Hos
Pr 20:17 KJV,
Ga 5:9).
[2 Ti 3 from What do you think of Paula Deen being fired
from the Food Network thread] "Great
scripture sd!
Remind you of anybody?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Re: Breathe] "...[Y]ou're easy prey for the deceitful false teachers."
If you
were not strangers of the world, the hounds would not bark at you. Heb 11:13
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why is there always such a vicious circle going on?"
...Because instant e-mail notification is inop.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
It's been testy around here since instant e-mail
notification became inop.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Time to get on with the awards."
Probably the same as
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "The multi-personality that is "Koban, Sod, Resurrected" has been masquerading as an evangelist......C. S. Lewis calls Satan by the title of "The Bent One", meaning that he is a destroyer. He never creates nor does he ever build up, he merely destroys. Something terrible has crept into Koban's psyche. He has become one who tears others down."
You're projecting again (Ro 1:29 NIV, 1 Ti 3:11 NASB, 5:13 ESV, Tit 2:3 NASB).
"Eph 4:31, 32 These verses summarize the changes in the life of a believer
mentioned in vv. 17–30. “Bitterness” reflects a smoldering resentment.
“Wrath” has to do with rage, the passion of a moment. “Anger” is a more
internal, deep hostility. “Clamor” is the outcry of strife out of control.
“Evil speaking” is slander. “Malice” is the general Gr. term for evil, the
root of all vices." The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J. MacArthur, Jr., Ed.)
(electronic ed.) (Eph 4:31). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
"You are a nasty piece of work."
"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test."
Lev. 19:15-16,
Rom. 1:29-30
And be ye kind one to another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath
forgiven you [Eph.
"These last two verses are in sharp contrast one with the other. There
is an additional listing of that which grieves the Holy Spirit in verse
31—these are sins of the emotional nature. Instead, the emotional
responses, which God wants us to have, are given in verse 32.
"Bitterness" is an irritable state of mind which produces harsh and hard
opinions of others. Someone once came up to me and told me what he
thought of another Christian. A third Christian who was present later
said, "Don’t put too much stress on what he said, Dr. McGee, because he
is bitter." A great many people are speaking out of bitterness, and when
they do, it hurts. This grieves the Holy Spirit.
"Wrath, and anger" are outbursts of passion. Bishop Moule makes this
distinction between them, "Wrath denotes rather the acute passion, and
the other the chronic."
"Clamour" means the bold assertion of supposed rights and grievances.
There are people in the church who feel that the pastor isn’t paying
attention to them if he doesn’t shake their hand. Sometimes they even
become bitter and clamorous over a supposed slight. Who can say that the
pastor must run around and shake hands with everyone simply to keep
people happy? It is this kind of attitude that grieves the Holy Spirit.
"Evil speaking" is blasphemy, but it also means all kinds of slander;
and "malice," as we have noted before, is congealed hatred.
"Be put away from you." All these sins are to be put away or, literally,
taken away. In the Greek it is an aorist imperative, requiring a
one–time decisive act if the Holy Spirit is not to be grieved. We must
make a decision to put these sins away.
Now comes a marked contrast. "Be (become) ye" denotes the radical change
that should take place in the believer so that there will be no vacuum
in his life.
"Kind one to another" means Christian courtesy. "Tenderhearted" is a
more intense word than kind. It means to be full of deep and mellow
affection. Some believers are like that—they are wonderful friends. When
they see you, they put their arms around you. I went to college and then
to seminary with a fellow and then helped him in meetings for years. He
is retired now. When we saw each other in Florida some time back, we
just flung our arms around each other. We were tenderhearted toward one
another—we love each other in the Lord.
"Forgiving one another" is a reflexive form of phrase. It is literally,
"forgiving one another yourselves." It means to give and take in a
relation to the faults of one another. We are to forgive rather than
magnify the faults of others.
"Even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you." All of this is to be
done on a twofold basis. First, this conduct will not grieve the Holy
Spirit. Second, the basis of forgiveness is not legal, but gracious.
This is not a command under law but is on the basis of the grace of God
exhibited in our forgiveness because Christ died for us. We are to
forgive because we have been forgiven. It is not that we forgive in
order to get forgiveness. Note the contrast: Christ was stating the
legal grounds for forgiveness in the Sermon on the Mount when He said,
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will
your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt.
6:14–15). Here in Ephesians we are told
to forgive on the basis of the grace of God which He exhibited in our
forgiveness for Christ’s sake, because Christ died for us. This is quite
wonderful!" McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 47: Thru the Bible commentary: The
Epistles (Ephesians) (electronic ed.) (133–134). Nashville: Thomas
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [These last two verses are in sharp contrast one with the other.] In sharp contrast to his [Resurrected aka SOD's] posts? Yes.... yes they are."
He's banned
and you're still not happy?
We just want you to be happy
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10,
Jud 11
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Resurrected banned
and pagans still not happy
"I'm not. I'd be happy if he'd conduct himself in a way that advanced
our cause..."
We have different causes.
Eph 5:11,
Eph 6:12
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Christians can have differences without resorting to the sort of embarrassing business you conduct..."
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
"[Y]ou mean spirited and nasty dissembler, you should repent...If there's an award for snakes you're a shoe-in."
As a reminder, instant e-mail notification is inop.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[E]verything I know about Alabama I learned from South Park."
Welcome back.
A few housekeeping items:
I do not put
complete posts on TOL.
Alabama Man. *warning language*
Response to comment [from other]: "I never bother wasting my time by clicking on your links."
That's a shame.
Isa 2:19-21
And they shall
go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for
fear of the LORD and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to
shake terribly the earth [Isa.
"The Book of Revelation repeats what man will do in that day of
judgment: “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich
men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and
every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the
mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us
from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of
the Lamb” (Rev.
All you see on television today has to do with the political economy,
government, commerce, art, the pomp and pride of man—and the religion of
man. The day is coming when all of man’s pride is going to be brought
low, and the Lord Jesus Christ will be exalted on earth. Today He is not
being given His proper place in government, in society, in business, in
art, or in the pomp and ceremony of the world—or even in the religion of
the world, He is left out today. When He comes again, men are going to
run for the caves of the earth. I don’t know whether men were ever
cavemen or not, but a day is coming in the future when men are going
back to the caves." McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the Bible commentary
(electronic ed.) (Is
2:19). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a
"Christian"]: [To a Christian] "...A
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[Complete posts] "Wouldn't bother me if she wasn't deceitful in her editing."
Response to comment [from other]: [I quote you exactly.] "No you don't."
"You misquote people all the time..."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[M]y argument is you have
to vote republican to get the right judges on the court that will not
find laws restricting abortion unconstitutional..."
See: Response
to comment [from other]: [All quotes on
my site
are exact.
I'm not here to teach you English 101.
Response to comment [from other]: [All quotes on
my site are exact.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [All quotes on
my site
are exact.
projecting again.
Response to comment [from other]: "And the award for TOL Crazy Lady
goes to serpentdove."
Proof please.
I quote you exactly. You misquote me.
All quotes on my site are exact (Eph
Proof please.
Unlike antichrists (Eph
4:14); when I make a claim, I can back
it up with
Open Letter, with Love and Respect, to Dr. James Dobson]
"No they aren't, they're pruned like a hedge in the middle of summer..."
"...[Y]ou compile misquotes from TOL and cobble together your own crazy
crazy-lady versions of the threads here..."
All quotes on my site are exact. Facts
are stubborn things.
"Exactly misleading and truncated."
I quote you exactly.
You misquote me.
Eph 4:14
A few housekeeping items:
If you find an error on my site, please let me know.
Ad hominem 2 Ti 1:7
Tactics of the Left
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: [
Ad hominem
2 Ti 1:7 See:
Tactics of the Left ] "You're insufferable! Do you ever write a post without
Does the Leftist
ever offer an argument without
an ad hominem attack?
"You do realise [sic] not every insult is an ad hominem, or... do [sic] you?"
When a member has committed
an ad hominem fallacy,
point it out for the reader (Eph 4:14).
"P.s. You're an idiot."
Ad hominem
Tactics of the Left
[2 Ti 1:7] "...What has that got to do with you being crazy? You can't say that God has given everyone a sound mind."
I have not made the argument that Leftists
have a sound mind.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Catholic]:
Me too
Food, Less Nagging,
Who is Neg Repping Who and Why?,
Response to comment [from a
"Christian"]: "[Projecting again.
I quote him exactly.
He misquotes me (Eph
"No, you didn't..."
Let the reader decide.
"You partially quoted me..."
Argument Ad Nauseam or Ad infinitum (Repetition)
I'm not here to teach you English 101.
[If you find an error on my site, please let me know.] "And you'll do absolutely nothing about it, apparently..."
You have not
provided evidence
for an error at my site (Eph
"Chrys, you need an Inoperative Conscience award."
You're projecting again.
I quote you accurately.
You misquote me (Eph