Common Ground
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Is there any between the believer and un/non-believer? If so, what is it? If not, why?"
Neither of us likes ossifrage (Deut 14:11-12).
That's about all.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "We all have sin, but we deal with it and acknowledge it in different ways."
We have humbled ourselves before the Lord and repented--or we have not. There is no common ground (Mt 12:30).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Is not humbling ourselves before the Lord "common ground"? Or am I mistaken?"
Of course, that puts us on common ground (1 Cor 3:23). We are on one side or the other (Mt 12:30, Josh 24:15). Light is separated from darkness (Ge 1:4).
Response to comment [from other]: "Love. But I'm sure somebody is going to say non Believers don't know how to love."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Both will be gathered at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of time."
That is not biblical. Those who insist on being judged by their works will be at the Great White Throne Judgment (Jude 1:11, Re 20:11). They will see that they should have trusted Christ's righteousness not their own.
Those who trust in Christ alone (not their own works [Isa 64:6]) do not come into judgment (Ro 8:1). They receive reward at the Bema seat (1 Cor 3:15).
There is one gospel--one of grace not works (Eph 2:8). No church membership can save (Matt. 15:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "Why do you insist on turning it into a debate about differences...when the topic is common ground?"
The question was: Is there common ground between the believer and the unbeliever? The answer is no: "What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever?" (2 Cor 6:15, NLT).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "So the unbeliever is the devil?"
The unbeliever is of the devil (Jn 8:44).
"That is so pathetic."
Despising the word of God is pathetic (2 Sam 12:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "Representing your own viewpoint as infallible is pathetic...and of the devil."
Truth is truth independent from me. I thought you did not believe the Bible is inspired. How do you know there is a devil?
"That it is,.....there is Absolute Reality... which is intrinsic to Existence Itself, apart from any relative assumption, interpretation or qualification, is just What IS.....this Reality, here, Now...Anything 'else' is one's relative assumption, perspective, interpretation of what 'truth' is especially when it comes to 'theology'...[T]hat Existence is the common ground we all share as "humanity". If God is Love,...all has emerged from It and shall return to It, in one form or another, whether integrated or dis-integrated...all remerges with Source."
I bet you have a whole seminar to sell your
As a reminder, God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33). Imagine bowing down to the true, living Lord this Christmas (not the bulbs on the Christmas tree) or the supposed energy (immeasurable) around it.
God wants one thing from us this Christmas--belief in him (Jn 12:44).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Whether or not one has found truth, we're still all here/there together in the midst of it."
Battle lines are drawn. We line up on either side (Josh 24:15).
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
Salvation is far from the wicked (Ps 119:155; Isa 59:11).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It's just waiting to smack somebody upside the head...just waiting..."
Consider the following:
While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother
and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without,
desiring to speak with thee.
But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who
are my brethren?
And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my
mother and my brethren! [Matt. 12:46–49].
"The Lord is saying that the strongest relationship today is the relationship between Christ and a believer. Friend, if you are a child of God and you have unsaved family members, you are closer to Jesus Christ than you are to your own kin, including the mother that bore you. You are more closely related to other believers than you are to unsaved members of your family. This is tremendous! He is talking about a new relationship. McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 4:70-71.
For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is
my brother, and sister, and mother [Matt. 12:50].
And what is the will of the Father? That you hear the Lord Jesus Christ,
that you accept Him and trust Him." McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible
Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? [Amos 3:3].
"Can two walk together? Yes, but they cannot go together unless they are in
agreement. I watched a young couple the other day who hadn’t been married
long. They were walking down the street arm in arm. All of a sudden she
turned around, stamped her little foot, and started walking back toward
their home—but he kept on going. They weren’t walking together any more
because there had been some disagreement. Can two walk together, except they
be agreed?" McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic
ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 4:70-71
"I cannot help but notice that there is no problem between us that cannot be
solved by your departure."
- Mark Twain
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."
- Groucho Marx ... Full text:
Armor of the Lord/Blood Schmud
Response to comment [from other]: [Truth is truth independent from me.] "But you consider yourself infallible in your perception of it."
No. We are sinners. We will make mistakes. Our commitment to the Lord and to the truth will affect our thinking.
[How do you know there is a devil?] "I see it here in the form of folks who regard themselves as infallible...then use that as a platform for spreading hate and division."
Love is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart). You claim the Bible is a man-made book. Why believe in the devil? Do you pick and choose parts of the Bible to believe in?
Response to comment [from other]: "Good, Serpent. That's all that was being asked. It wasn't a call for you to get into another of your fanatic preaching episodes...simply make a statement about whether or not common ground is possible."
What other dose of truth hurts your tum tum?
"Not much room for common ground if you're that full of hate."
Love is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart).
Response to comment [from a Buddhist]: "What does "Josh" have to do with you or me? Why let his ethnocentric thoughts direct the future in perpetuity?"
Buddha can't help you (Mt 25:41,46; Ro 1:32). He's still in the grave which is where you are headed (Mr 9:44). Only Jesus proved to have power over death (Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12).
Response to comment [from other]: "LOL. [W]ho said I believed in the devil? Is that yet another example of you getting something wrong without even realizing it? Sheesh...with those kinds of errors percolating through this "truth-discerning" mechanism you're using, one can just imagine how many other errors there are floating around that brain of yours that you're not even aware of."
You said: "Representing your own viewpoint as infallible is pathetic...and of the devil." [December 8th, 2009, 11:43 AM].
Try to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Response to comment [from other]: "All Life is the experiential innovation and evolution of Consciousness."
You won't listen to truth so now you are prepared for
loopy, here (2 Thess 2:11).
Do you have a white garment, sandals, and flowers, I hope?
Response to comment [from other]: "I don't believe in the devil."
That sounds more consistent.
You are wrong. There is a devil and you are easy prey (1Ki 22:21,22; Re 20:7,8).
"One of the most devilish aspects of human psychology is their belief in their own infallibility..."
"Devilish" is an adjective.
You prefer people who are uncertain of anything?
You can be sure of this: death is approaching (Heb. 9:27), your sin will find you out (Num. 32:23), and you will be judged (Acts 17:31).
[That sounds more consistent.] "The only thing that made it inconsistent was your inability to read with the required degree of comprehension. If you can get that wrong without realizing it, just think how many other errors are floating around in that fanatic head of yours that you don't realize either."
Consistent meaning--each person has a basis for truth.
For the Christian, it is the Bible. You reject the Bible so what is
your basis for truth? Your heart? Oprah's magazine?
is a devil and you are easy prey (1Ki 22:21,22; Re 20:7,8).] "No, Serp,
I look at fanatics like you and see the devil."
You are borrowing from the book you reject.
[You prefer people who are uncertain of anything?] "I prefer people who are honest. I find they're easier to trust."
Those who honestly knowing nothing? Why are they easier to trust? Do they tickle your ears? (2 Ti 4:3).
"..."serpent" is one of the most reviled terms in the entire Bible."
A Bible you reject? You've gone on an on with that issue. Even a Mormon was able to correct your biblical illiteracy on that one--do you recall?
Inspired Scripture
"...[Y]ou can't handle the inner battle with your own "flesh" you fight this outer battle as a stand-in."
I think you have that backward. Christians are freed from sin's dominion (Ro 6:18). The unregenerate man is not (2Pe 2:14).
It sounds like you've picked up a few Christian terms while here at TOL (2 Ti 3:7). Too bad you won't humble yourself before God.
Response to comment [from other]: "Interesting that some of the teachings of Jesus and Buddha are similar..."
Blurring the lines again as all false teachers do (Eph. 4:14). Jesus is the one way, one truth and one life--not "a" way, "a" truth, and "a" life (Jn 14:6).
"The "cult-toasters" site is just another "apologetics site" with a penchant to 'toast' all other groups and present themselves as the sole custodians of 'Gods Word' - "pop-tarts" for Jesus. Fry everyone else that doesn't believe in your 'certified' dogma, and the age-old Crusades continues its march. (history on 'repeat')."
Toasting false teachers like you who mix truth with error (Ga 5:9).
(See: You promote Hinduism,
Gnostic gospels, New Age mysticism, Urantia toilet pagers, Buddhism,
etc.--you are all over the place.
You love everything but the truth. You are totally destitute of the
truth (1 Tim. 6:3–5).
"...give inquiring minds a 'fair playing field'."
We don't compromise with truth. Better to be divided by truth than united in error (Adrienne Rogers).
"...while I'm not an atheist"
It doesn't much
You don't have Christ (2 Pet. 2:1).
"We cover some of this on the "Ask a Buddhist" thread."
That's nice. Buddha is in the grave and you are headed there (Prov. 21:28) because your oath is false (Zech. 8:17).
Response to comment [from a Buddhist]: "If you subscribe to myths and indulge in magical thinking, then the myth of Jesus rising from the grave and ascending into heaven is not really that big of a deal from the point of view of someone who belongs to a tradition in which reincarnation is the norm (the grave is not the end), raising the dead is common knowledge (I learned how to do this from a Tibetan lama years ago...)"
Jesus is the only man who ever proved that he has the power over death. His grave was empty. Buddha is still decaying in his.
"...voluntary projection of consciousness is practiced"
Merging into nothingness sounds a little cruel to me. And that does not happen (2 Cor 5:8).
Response to comment [from other]: "',..."Truth' is the Reality that is Existing, right here, right NOW....this very moment, where the Omnipresence of 'God' is fully BEING. I Am... and I Know 'this', as Absolute. Reality is Self-evident, as this Intelligent Awareness. - all else is 'relative'....a field of relative interpretations."
You promote a variety of faiths--everything but historical, biblical Christianity. They cannot all be true. In fact, Jesus said they are all false (Jn 14:6). You do not know truth (1 Tim. 6:3–5) because you don't know him. Clearly, 7125 posts later, neither do you have any interest in the truth (2 Tim. 3:8). That's too bad.
"God supplies us with all that is worthy of our enjoyment of Life..."
You deny God. He supplies you with air to breathe, sun to shine on you, etc.--for the time being (Mt 5:45). You live under his general grace. But it will not end well for you if you continue to deny Christ. You cannot claim promises that belong to believers in him:
1. Abundant life
John 10:10
2. A crown of life
Rev. 2:10
3. A heavenly home
John 14:1–3
4. A new name
Isa. 62:1–2
5. Answers to prayer
1 John 5:14
6. Assurance
2 Tim. 1:12
7. Cleansing
John 15:3
8. Clothing
Zech. 3:4
9. Comfort
Isa. 51:3
10. Companionship
John 15:15
11. Deliverance
2 Tim. 4:18
12. Divine sonship
1 John 3:1–2
13. Everlasting life
John 3:16
14. Fellowship of Jesus
Matt. 18:19
15. Fruitfulness
John 15:4–5
16. Gifts of the Spirit
1 Cor. 12
17. Glory after death
Man. 13:43
18. God’s protecting care
1 Pet. 5:6–7
19. Growth
Eph. 4:11–15
20. Guidance
Isa. 42:16
21. Hope
Heb. 6:18–19
22. Inheritance
1 Pet. 1:3–4
23. Joy
Isa. 35:10
24. Knowledge
Jer. 24:7
25. Liberty
Rom. 8:2
26. Peace
John 14:27
27. Power for service
John 14:12
28. Renewal
Titus 3:5
29. Rest
Heb. 4:9, 11
30. Restoration
Isa. 57:18; 1 John 1:9
31. Resurrection
Rom. 8:11
32. Rich rewards
Matt. 10:42
33. Spiritual fullness
John 6:35
34. Spiritual healing
Hos. 6:1
35. Spiritual light
John 12:46
36. Spiritual treasures
Matt. 6:19–20
37. Strength
Phil. 4:13
38. Temporal blessings
Matt. 6:25–33
39. Understanding
Ps. 119:104
40. Victory
1 John 5:4
41. Wisdom
James 1:5
Willmington, H. L. (1987). Willmington's book of Bible lists. Wheaton, Ill.:
Tyndale House.
"God is clearly telling us that serpents are to be avoided."
I thought the Mormon helped you with this issue. Yes. I agree. It is probably a good idea to stay away from snakes.
"Of course, being the Biblical expert that you are..."
Did I claim to be a biblical scholar?
"...[S]o your use of the term"
How do I use the term?
"...and the fact that you wear it so proudly."
I think pride is a bad thing (Mal 1:3).
" a clear warning to the rest of us."
So you are: superstitious, afraid of snakes, and take God's advice when you can?
"I suspect that God actually made you choose that nic'...whether you were aware of it or not...just to warn the rest of us without you knowing about it."
May I recommend a course in logic?
"You name yourself "serpent"'re a snake."
I'm a person not a snake.
[Pride is a bad thing (Mal 1:3).] "In that case, quit being so proud of your infallibility that you use it as a platform for judging others..."
Are you judging me? I thought you said don't judge others? Pride means believing you can life a life without God.
"God is the only one qualified for that..."
Didn't you say you reject God's word?
"...and you're not qualified to speak for God."
When I quote scripture, I am 100% qualified (2 Thess 2:15). Who is qualified to speak for God in your mind? Know-nothings that you admire? (E.g. The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell).
"...[I]f you listen to yourself at all...and you listen to the Bible...that ought to be enough for you, too."
Problem is--you wield the sword of the Spirit like a boy shaving for the first time.
Response to comment [from other]: "Romper Room Apologetics."
We can't all be as wise as you (1 Cor 2:14).
"Truth is Universal, Self-existing, Absolute, in its pure Beinghood. It is this Reality right here , now..."
Right. You keep saying that. Meanwhile, God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33). Wrapping strange-talk up in capital letters does not make it any more true (1 Tim. 6:3–5). I'll take Romper Room over your false teaching any day (Mt 18:3).
"Merry Christ-mass"
I'm not a Catholic. Roman Catholics officially teach that God can be called down by a priest and re-sacrificed. This is not biblical. The mass is a wicked and blasphemous ceremony.
No Sacrifice
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I have to say, you are going about this the wrong way."
Sidebar: I notice you call yourself "more left than right" (Eccl 10:2). Do you think that is a wise place to line up?
"Sometimes, instead of being so full on about saving people..."
We cannot save people. God saves people (Ps 3:8; 37:39; Jer 3:23).
"...with scripture and the 'evils' they are doing, you need to stop for a moment and listen to what they are saying."
I think we hear a little differently (Jer 5:21).
"Nightangel was raised Catholic..."
That's never a good sign.
"She had faith in God..."
1 Jn 2:19.
" nothing back [from God]."
We come to God on his terms (in repentance and humility) not on our own.
"She's angry at God."
Ya think?
Response to comment [from other]: "I don't reject any belief or religion, as a historian and archaeologist I've come to see god as a representation of nature, how early man saw the world in order to understand it and therefore progress, without belief in God, it is almost certain we would not be at the stage in history we are at now. I do not worship "nature" I simply admire it, and belief we would not be here without, all the natural and wonderful things we see around us are as part of it as you, I or even a belief in God."
Men are given: internal evidence (Ps 19:1), external evidence (Ro 2:15) and the scriptures. They are without excuse (Ro 1:20). God is holy (Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2). We are responsible before him.
Response to comment [from other]: "Truth that is."
God is not a light, force, or energy. This supposed energy has never been measured by the way. God is a person. You have the attributes of personhood--God can be greater than us but not less. God has all of the attributes of personhood.
A light or an energy is not offended if you blaspheme it. God is offended when men blaspheme his name and fail to worship him (Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; 2Ti 3:2; Re 18:11,21).
You refer to God as an "it". He is not an "it". He is a person. He alone is to be worshipped (Ex. 20:3; Deut. 5:7; 6:13; Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8; Acts 10:26; 14:15; Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:8).
"And each are free to choose their 'lot'....working from their own perception and capacity. Each can only see and appreciate the view of their own horizon."
Knowledge is not the problem with the world. Sin is. Men do not need more knowledge. They need to humble themselves, repent, and seek God (Mt 6:33). In all your false teachings, you never speak of God's holiness.
There is one way, one truth, and one life found only in the person of Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6).
What Are the Gnostic Gospels?
"Partake of the bread (harvest of grain). Mother Earth and the Goddess provides..."
Earth is created by God. Man was not meant to be a dirt-worshipper (Enyart). Men change the glory of God into an image (Ro 1:23; Ac 17:29); They change the truth of God into a lie (Ro 1:25; Isa 44:20). It is a work of the flesh (Ga 5:19,20) and an abomination to God (De 7:25). Men hold fast to their deceit (Jer 8:5).
"...honoring the Spirit and the elements (heaven and earth). - all is a convergence of Spirit."
You do not honor God because you do not honor his Son (Jn 5:23). We come to God on his terms, not on the terms of our imagination (Ro 1:23). Pan-en-theism (God is in all, we are part of God) and pantheism (God is all, humans are the same essence of God) are false. God is the creator. We are his creation. Men are disrespectful of God as creator (Rom. 1:25).
Worldview Comparison
Do All Roads Lead to God?
Are Sincere Cultists Lost?
Response to comment [from other]: [Ps 19:1, Ro 2:15, Ro 1:20]
Ps 19:1 is an argument from design. It's really the only argument that
theists have...but it's based on the assumption of creation, then using
creation as the evidence that it was created. Weak, circular argument, based
on assumption.
Ro 2:15 says that someone else's behavior is evidence of the existence of
God. Well, no, it's really evidence of someone else's behavior.
Ro 1:20 is argument by assertion, not evidence at all.
The Bible does not set out to prove God. That is a given (Ps 53:1). We are witnesses in the world not lawyers.
Response to comment [from other]: "Freelight doesn't honor Jesus in exactly the same way you do."
Freelight does not honor God (Jn 5:23). He promotes false teaching (e.g. Urantia Toilet Papers, Hinduism, Gnosticism, etc.). He is destitute of the truth (1 Tim. 6:3–5). You will never hear him speak of God's holiness or our responsibility before him. Some 7,000 some posts later--he has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ but he rejects it.
False teachers have their place in the lake of fire (Re 19:20; 20:10). There is good reason to worship the true and living God (not the outlet you plug the Christmas tree into) this Christmas. I hope he does.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I'm pretty sure this
thread was supposed to be about common ground...not common complaints."
Good. Then, you answer JWStipple. We all obey the law of gravity.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Gravity] "...and the older we get the more obedient we become."
This is what I'm saying. More common ground--as we move right along.
Response to comment [from a Wiccan]: "I'm not angry at God. I just realized that your God simply doesn't exist."
So you're a foolish witch.
I wouldn't say that. God would (Ps
14:1). It's nice to know how to classify
people. I don't think they offer a "foolish witch" selection.
Response to comment [from other]: "Your 'version' of 'truth' is imposed."
There aren't "versions" of truth (Jn 14:6). It's God's universe. He makes the rules. God will not force you to go to heaven.
"I do not honor 'God' shows you have little or no comprehension skills. - someone claiming to know 'God' ought to have at least basic knowledge and understanding of the theology..."
You have bad theology like a bad egg--Christians can smell it (1 Jn 4:3).
"You do yourself a dishonor with your 'mis-conceptions'."
Take it up with the King of Kings (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14).
"[W]e've dismantled misconceptions of 'hell' elsewhere..."
Who is we? You and your minions?
Hell is scriptural. It is the future abode of the wicked (Psa. 9:17; Prov. 5:5; Prov. 9:13–17; Prov. 15:24; Prov. 23:13, 14; Isa. 30:33; Isa. 33:14; Matt. 3:12; Matt. 5:29 v. 30.; Matt. 7:13 v. 14.; Matt. 8:11, 12; Matt. 10:28; Matt. 13:30, 38–42, 49, 50; Matt. 16:18; Matt. 18:8, 9, 34, 35; Matt. 22:13; Matt. 25:28–30, 41, 46; Mark 9:43, 44 vs. 45–48.; Matt. 5:29. Luke 3:17 Matt. 3:12. Luke 16:23, 24, 26 vs. 25,28;; Acts 1:25. 2 Thess. 1:9; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6, 23; Rev. 9:1, 2 Rev. 11:7. Rev. 14:10, 11; Rev. 19:20; Rev. 20:10, 15; Rev. 21:8 Rev. 2:11).
"[Y]ou only have your "version" of God".
There aren't "versions" of God (Ex. 3:14; Rev. 1:4, 11, 17).
"You have no vision outside of your own conditioned logic."
I was blind now I see (Jn 9:25).
"'God', that He's become a 'puppet' to serve your own "psychology"."
Get the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). You are alienated (Ezek. 23:17–22; Col. 1:21), spiteful (Ezek. 36:5), debased (Rom. 1:28), hardened (2 Cor. 3:14) and defiled (Titus 1:15).
"Might be time to step back from this contrived 'God' and the ego that created it..."
How Freudian. You don't need a psychologist. Go to the Great Physician (Lk. 5:12-15).
"...and take a breather. - enter the clear spiritual air and sky...that is inherently and always free."
Freedom isn't free. It cost the Lord everything (Mt 26:39). Your sin will be on you or on Jesus (John 3:36).
Response to comment [from other]: "I do not believe that belief in God is wrong, (I know firsthand that it enriches people’s lives, make people happy and helps them to understand)."
* Cosmological argument:
• Everything that had a beginning has a cause.
• The universe had a beginning.
• Therefore, the universe had a cause.
Design argument:
• Every design has a designer.
• The universe—and life—has a highly complex design.
• Therefore, there is a Great Designer.
Moral argument
• Moral laws require a lawgiver
• Absolute moral laws exist.
• Therefore, there is an absolute Moral Lawgiver.
Full text: Atheism & Agnosticism
Response to comment [from other]: "Serpent spreads hate...and the folks he hates most are those exactly like himself."
Did you just blow in from stupid town?
If I hated you, I would remain silent. It's called apathy.
Response to comment [from other]: "One can only see from the platform on which he stands and its context..."
The people like to talk about "love" and "oneness" the most reduce God to an impersonal being (e.g. Hinduism or New Age mysticism). Even a dog experiences some emotion! We have personality and emotion. God can be more than us but he cannot be less. God has personality and emotion.
God is not an impersonal being. Had God written a book, thrown it at us and said, "There, I hope you can understand that." That would be one thing. We could dismiss him. But, Jehovah God, the second person of the trinity, stepped out of time and eternity for "a little time" to save mankind (Heb 2:9).
Jesus, forever man and forever God is our advocate (1 Jn 2:1). He suffered as we suffer (Isa 53:3). He is glorious and worthy of all worship because he suffered and died for us (Heb 2:9). His life never saved anyone. His birth, his teachings, his miracles, his example--never saved anyone. His death saved us. (Ge 3:15, Isa 53:5). On earth, Jesus represented God (Col 2:9). In heaven, Jesus represents man (1 Jn 2:1).
He came and proved that he was God. He is the only man who every proved that he has the power over death (Lk 24:34). He proved he is greater than Moses (Heb 3). Behold this Jesus (McGee, Heb 2:13).
Response to comment [from other]: "Hate divides. Love unites. You spread division..."
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? [Amos
Can two walk together? Yes, but they cannot go together unless they are in
agreement. I watched a young couple the other day who hadn’t been married
long. They were walking down the street arm in arm. All of a sudden she
turned around, stamped her little foot, and started walking back toward
their home—but he kept on going. They weren’t walking together any more
because there had been some disagreement. Can two walk together, except they
be agreed?
Here is a cause and an effect. The cause: there must be agreement if you are
to walk together with God. The effect: you will walk with Him when you are
in agreement. This doesn’t mean that God will come over and agree with you.
You and I will have to go over to His side and agree with Him. As someone
has said, God rides triumphantly in His own chariot. And if you don’t want
to get under the wheels of that chariot, you had better get aboard and ride.
After all, God is carrying through His purpose in the world.
It was very interesting to me to visit England and see Windsor Castle and
Hampton Court. I think of Henry VI, Henry VIII, and Richard II, who were
some of the boys who made the Tower of London famous because they sent many
there who lost their heads. They had their way for a while—especially Henry
VIII, but no one today is paying much attention to what Henry VIII thought
or to what he did. My friend, God is running His universe His way and is not
asking advice from little man. If you and I are going to walk with God, we
will have to go His way. Amos has stated a great principle in his first
question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville :
Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 3:6
Gal 4:16, Lk 12:51
[The people like to talk about "love" and "oneness" the most reduce God to an impersonal being (e.g. Hinduism or New Age mysticism). Even a dog experiences some emotion!] "[S]o folks who talk about a loving God are saying that God is impersonal? Lol..."
Freelight claims that God is impersonal. Try to run on all cylinders today.
"Hateful people don't like loving Gods. Your hate is showing."
Love is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart).
"God doesn't hate."
Mal 1:3.
"Your information is from a book of stories invented by imperfect, fallible humans, written by imperfect, fallible humans, compiled by imperfect, fallible humans, read by imperfect, fallible humans, and interpreted by imperfect, fallible humans..."
2 Tim. 3:16-17.
Response to comment [from other]: "...[Y]our lack of comprehension of the metaphysical dimensions involved."
It's pretty simple. :idunno: God has a name. Do you know it? Clue: it's not "it".
"If you cant put some effort forth in learning something beyond your own 'theology'..."
There is one thing to know (Jn 14:6) which you reject. We are to reject false teachers not coddle them (1 Tim. 6:3–5).
"There is no excuse for ignorance, when the knowledge and resources have been afforded you."
God might say the same to you (Ro 1:20). You don't have an intellectual problem. You have a heart problem (Heb 3:15).
Response to comment [from other]: "He is the source of all personality..."
Close but no cigar.
God has a name and his name is Jesus (Ex. 3:14; Rev. 1:4, 11, 17).
Your denial of him will lead you straight to hell
(Psa. 2:1–3; Psa. 118:22 Luke 20:17, 18. Isa. 8:14; Isa. 49:4;
Isa. 50:1–11; Isa. 53:1–4; Matt. 7:26, 27 Luke 6:46–49. Matt.
8:12, 34 Mark 5:17; Luke 8:37. Matt. 10:14, 15, 33; Matt.
11:16–19 Luke 7:31–35. Matt. 12:38–45; Matt. 13:13, 58 vs. 3–14;;
Isa. 6:9, 10. Matt. 17:17; Matt. 21:32, 38–45 Mark 12:1–12;
Luke 20:9–18. Matt. 26:31–35, 69–75 Mark 14:27–31, 66–72; Luke
22:31–34, 54–62; John 18:15–27. Mark 6:3–6; Mark 16:16; Luke
7:30, 34; Luke 10:16; Luke 11:23–26; Luke 13:34; Luke 14:16–24
Matt. 22:2–13. Luke 17:25; Luke 19:42; Luke 22:67; Luke 24:25 vs.
11,15–25,37-39.; John 1:11; John 3:11, 12, 18, 19, 32; John
5:38, 40, 43; John 6:36, 60–68; John 7:3–5, 12, 13, 15,
25–27; John 8:13, 21, 22, 24, 30 [with vs. 25–29.] John
8:45–47, 53; John 9:16, 17, 24; John 10:20, 21, 24, 33;
John 11:46–48; John 12:37, 48; John 15:18, 20, 24; Acts 13:46;
Acts 18:5, 6; Acts 22:18; Acts 28:24, 25, 27; Rom. 3:3; Rom.
9:31, 32; Rom. 10:16, 21; 1 Cor. 1:18, 23; 2 Tim. 2:12; Heb.
6:6; Heb. 10:29; 1 Pet. 2:4, 7, 8; 2 Pet. 2:1; 1 John 2:22,
23; 2 John 1:7; Jude 4).
Swanson, J., & Nave, O. (1994). New Nave's. Oak Harbor: Logos Research
What are the Gnostic gospels?
"Existence...Presence...all energy, space/time, matter, elements,, feeling, rapture, ecstasy, dance...Advaita Vedanta school (Non-Duality)...Impersonal Brahman (in his "nirguna" state), the Supreme Soul of the the Smarta school...all personality-reality, being its source, but is still not limited to our concept of such,....for His Infinite Being and Personality transcend our finite understanding. - still, God's Omnipresence fills all space and time, by His all-pervading Spirit and its energies. Life is multi-dimensional, and its source is undimensional.""
Do you ever get the feeling people are
ignoring you? (1 Cor 14:33).
That's the most truthful thing you've said all day. You are a false teacher (1 Tim. 6:3–5)--and a goofball (1 Tim. 1:6, 7).
Response to comment [from other]: "God is all people, and God is the plants of the earth and that of the animals that live on it."
This view is called Pan-en-Theism and it's false. We do not know right and wrong from growing and becoming. We know right from wrong because God gave us a conscience. We have an internal testimony (Ro 2:15), and external testimony (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. Therefore, men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Worldviews Comparison
"God is pure and God is sin. If it exists, it is God."
God is holy (Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2). Man was created for God (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11). By man's disobedience (Ge 3:6,11,12; Ro 5:12,15,19), he became estranged from God (Ge 3:8; Ps 58:3; Eph 4:18; Col 1:21). He is in bondage to sin (Ro 6:19; 7:5,23; Ga 5:17; Tit 3:3) and devoid of the fear of God (Ro 3:18). But God provided a remedy (Ge 3:15; Joh 3:16).
"Do we know that God is offended, without finding out once life is over?"
The verdict is in (Jn 3:18). God has given us all we need for faith in him.
"There are many ways..."
There is one way (Jn 14:6).
"...[R]eal truth is what we see..."
We look for what is unseen (2 Cor 4:18).
"I honestly don’t feel that you can quote a religion that is so young..."
Old as time isn't old enough for you?
"...[W]e can go to god on our terms if we wish..."
Understand the holiness of God's temple (1 Kin. 8:10; 9:3; Lam. 1:10; Matt. 23:17; John 2:14–16). We come to God on his terms.
"...[W]hat we do is sleep when we die, we dream and imagine."
We go to heaven or hell with a body prepared for eternity (2 Cor 5:8). It is wise to be prepared to enter into God's presence (2Ki 20:1, Heb 10:31).
"Have you never heard hospital stories of patients who have died and come back to life..."
They were not dead. People do not come back
to natural life. Dead--is dead--not "almost
dead" (Job 16:22).
Response to comment [from other]: "Mind without heart is heartless. Heart without mind is mindless."
Fortune cookie theology. Too bad it's not inclined to God's testimonies (Ps 119:36).
"...all of us are victims of what makes sense to each of us."
Believing oneself to be a victim (a leftist trait [Eccl 10:2]) does not lead to good character (Gen. 3:12). I would suggest dropping the pity parties and getting serious with God and his word (Ps. 107:20).
"For some, Christianity is the next step in their personal spiritual growth..."
Keep on keepin' on (Ps. 119:130). :BillyBob: You don't need knowledge. You need forgiveness of sin. The word of God should produce faith if you begin to take it seriously (Rom. 10:17). You are responsible for what you have heard (Matt. 11:20–24).
Response to comment [from other]: "...[A]ncient bedtime stories and glorified historical events, quoting sources...written by men..."
Men cannot predict the weather, much less the future with 100% accuracy. Fulfilled prophecy--a more sure sign of God's sovereignty (2 Pet. 1:19).
Prophecy Puzzle
Inspired Scripture
Response to comment [from other]: "[T]he deity is not the 'name" itself."
When you reject the God of scripture, reducing him to an impersonal force. :dizzy: In reality, the creator-God has a name (Ex. 3:14; Rev. 1:4, 11, 17).
'God' is not limited or defined merely by being an 'it'.
Oh, I forgot:
Again, on planet earth, the second person of the
Godhead stepped out of time and eternity to die for
the sins of man. A light bulb cannot die for
your sins.
God was made man, and declared the righteous (1 Ti 3:16) Son of God (Ro 1:4). If Jesus were just a man (of Adam), he could not save anyone. He would have died for his own sin. If he was not born of a virgin, he could not save anyone. But, God's blood ran through his body.
As in one man, Adam, men fell. In one man, Christ, the sin problem of the world is corrected (Ro 5:17). God gave his one and only precious Son for you (Jn 3:16). You may accept him or reject him.
"How do you know my heart isn't right before 'God'?"
Because you reject the Jesus of scripture (Joh 16:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "[T]here is a dimension of existence that is beyond 'name'."
...Which you have zero proof for. How do you measure your light beams and forces? Can others test these screwball theories? :rolleyes: You have man's opinion. Christians have God's word.
A real Jesus came. A real Jesus lived. A real Jesus died for the sins of man (Jn 3:16). Why should others put their trust in light beams and forces? Are light beams and forces holy? This part is left out of your theory. God is holy (Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16). Do light beams and forces hold a men accountable for their sin? This part is left out of your theory. God holds men accountable for their sin (Eze 18:20).
"We have assigned 'God' various names by our reflected knowledge..."
Reflect on this--do you see a sinner in the mirror? (James 1:23-24). God does.
God is not an "it". God is a person. You are a person. The one who created you can be more than you but he cannot be less than you. God has all of the attributes of personhood. Are light beams and forces jealous? God is a jealous (Jos 24:19; Na 1:2). Are light beams and forces long-suffering? God is long-suffering (Nu 14:18; Mic 7:1).
Reducing God to an impersonal force is an attempt to diminish him. In reality, there are none beside him (De 4:35; Isa 44:6), before him (Isa 43:10) or like him (Ex 9:14; De 33:26; 2Sa 7:22; Isa 46:5,9; Jer 10:6).
You can build on him or stumble on him. He'll be a stepping stone or stumbling stone (A. Rogers, 1 Cor 1:23).
You have an appointment with Jesus. What Jesus will do with you is determined on what you will do with him (A. Rogers, Jn 3:36).
Response to comment [from other]: "You're a fanatic, Serpent...cannot be trusted..."
You argue like Hugo Chavez.
Talk to yourself for a while...
Ummm you should try watching the news, there's a small section after that called the weather, where... oh yes men do predict the weather."
Predict well. I see you live in the UK. They have a little more trouble in Denver. Meteorologists come here to train because it's so difficult to predict the weather.
"[N]o religion has predicted the future with 100% accuracy."
Excerpt Old Testament Prophecies and Their New Testament Fulfillment by Jesus Christ
Understanding Prophecy and Typology
Western Protestants interpret prophecy in one of
four different ways: Preterism, Historicism,
Idealism, or Futurism. (These basic four or five
schools of thought have lent themselves to several
To a Western Gentile mind, one of these four
methods, (or a derivative of) is the correct view of
all Biblical prophecy. A Jew in the first century,
however, would have been all four simultaneously, as
Jesus was Himself. Western ideas of prophecy involve
prediction and fulfillment. The Hebrew idea of
prophecy is a pattern that is repeated, multiple
fulfillments with one ultimate fulfillment. Each of
the multiple fulfillments is both a type of, and a
lesson on, the ultimate fulfillment.
The book of Daniel presents an extraordinary display of prophetic foreknowledge of the succession of empires from the reign of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king about 600 B.C. to the Roman Empire which began to come into power around 241 B.C. Additionally Daniel 11 spans the centuries from Cyrus The Great to the reign of the antichrist and the end of the age.
Moses’ Great Messianic Prophecy
In one of his most specific predictions, Moses
declared that God would raise up another Jewish
prophet in the future whose life would closely
resemble his. Perhaps the most compelling of all
Messianic Prophecy.
In order to understand the significance of the Jewish feasts, we must comprehend their purpose and timing. The most complete description of the feasts is found in Leviticus 23. Each of the feasts have both a historic and prophetic significance. They celebrate a historical event in Israel's past, but also are a prophecy of future events which have been, or will be, fulfilled. The first four feasts were fulfilled by Jesus Christ during the actual celebration of those feast days. The last three will be fulfilled at His second coming.
The Messianic Timetable
More than any other book of the Hebrew Scriptures,
the writings of the prophet Daniel confront us with
evidence of the time of Messiah's coming, evidence
that many people would rather not see. But it is
there and cannot be ignored.
Jesus Didn't Fulfill The Validating Prophecies
God said that his Messiah would be a great political
leader, would bring peace to the world, would
rebuild the temple and reunite the Jews, then why do
Christians believe Jesus was that Messiah?
The Virgin Shall Conceive
There has been great difficulty over the years in
seeking to interpret the significance of this
prophecy. "Few prophecies have been the subject of
so much controversy, or called forth such a variety
of exegesis, as this prophecy of Immanuel" [Pulpit
Commentary, vol. 10, p. 129]. "This one verse has
received more discussion than any other passage in
the OT, yet without any consensus emerging among
commentators. While Christians agree that it refers
ultimately to the birth of Christ, they remain
divided about its original and primary meaning"
Messianic Prophecies
We have in the Holy Scripture, an array of
prophecies which extend over hundreds of years and
yet find their complete fulfillment in the short
thirty-year life span of one person, Jesus of
Nazareth, many being fulfilled in one day.
The Testimony Of Messianic Prophecy
The Biblical prophecies about the Messiah indicate
strongly that if the Messiah has come, he must be
Jesus of Nazareth.
Messiah Revealed
Messianic prophecy is not easy to understand, but it
is legitimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, contrary
to the arguments of skeptics. For example Psalm
22:16 declares that His hands and feet would be
pierced... long before crucifixion was invented as
a form of capital punishment by the Persians and a
thousand years before it was made common by the
Also See Section on Jesus
Israel’s History written in advance
According to an old story, the powerful Prussian
King Frederick the Great had a chaplain who was a
Bible-believer, though Frederick himself was a
rationalist. One day, Frederick challenged his
chaplain, "In a word, give me a good argument for
the God of the Bible." His chaplain, a knowledgeable
man, responded, "The Jew, your majesty!"
The Odds
Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of
the Bible, about 2000 of which already have been
fulfilled to the letter—no errors. (The remaining
500 or so reach into the future and may be seen
unfolding as days go by.) Since the probability for
any one of these prophecies having been fulfilled by
chance averages less than one in ten (figured very
conservatively) and since the prophecies are for the
most part independent of one another, the odds for
all these prophecies having been fulfilled by chance
without error is less than one in 102000
(that is 1 with 2000 zeros written after it)!
Other Prophecies
A fact often overlooked by critics is that the only
one real case of fulfilled prophecy would establish
Scripture’s supernatural origin. Even if most
Biblical predictions could be explained naturally
even one clear case establishes the rest and
confirms the prophetic event. Includes The
Closing of The Golden Gate, The Destruction
of Tyre, The Flourishing of The Desert In
Palestine and more
"...Jesus fulfilled more than 100 prophecies that were foretold by the Old Testament prophets 400-1500 years before He was born concerning His birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection."
100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Rather than add any positive or productive thoughts to this thread, you prefer to make it another "it's us against them" thread!"
They do these studies on how people react in life-threatening situations. I bet you'd be the "deer in the headlights" personality-type who sits there dazed and confused as the airplane ditches into the ocean. No screaming, no hollering--just shock :noway: That's ok. You just sit there as waves and sharks enter the cabin. Should that ever happen to you, I'm sure there'd be a big guy around who could pick you up and throw you out of the airplane into one of those slide/liferafts. They could put the whistle in your mouth to signal for rescue. Your heavy breathing might be of use (Eph 6:12).
Response to comment [fro
Response to comment [from other]: "The line between confidence and arrogance is hair-thin...Serpent is cocksure..."
Are you vertically challenged? Sure we are sure (1
Jn 2:3). Why do you prefer the unsure?
Response to comment [from other]: "...[T]here's certainly always more to explore and consider when it comes to 'God',...and that infinitely!"
Your gibberish also sounds a bit like the cult of Unitarian Universalism:
"Relativism, tolerance, and alternative lifestyles are all
buzz words used by Unitarian Universalism...
...The Unitarian Universalist name comes from their denial of the doctrine of
the Trinity and their belief that all human beings gain salvation. According to
Universalists, the mere idea someone might go to hell is not compatible with the
character of a loving God. Its roots go all the way back to the
sixteenth-century when Unitarian beliefs became popular during the Reformation.
Unitarian thought and Universal thought were merged together during the late
eighteenth-century in America during the Age of Reason. The intellectual elite
of that time refused to believe in such biblical teachings as total depravity
and eternal damnation, but rather embraced the idea of a loving God who would
never cause someone to suffer.
Adherents of Unitarian Universalism base their beliefs primarily upon their own
experiences and are not committed to any one religious system. They believe that
individuals have the right to decide for themselves what to believe in and that
others should not infringe upon this right. As a result, one such believer might
lean toward liberal Christianity, while another might lean toward New Age
spirituality. There is no real dogma beyond tolerance—for everything except
biblical Christianity. They reject the Bible as a book of myths—denying it is
the Word of God—equating it with barbaric writing that has little to do with
modern man. As such, they reject the Bible's portrayal of a Triune God, leaving
the concept of God up to each individual's imagination.
To the Unitarian Universalist, Jesus was a good moral teacher, but nothing more.
He is not considered to be divine, and every miracle associated with Him is
rejected as being outside of human reason. Most sayings of Jesus recorded in the
Bible are regarded as embellishments on the part of the authors. Among the
Universalist beliefs: Jesus did not die to save mankind from sin, as man is not
a fallen sinner; emphasis is placed on humankind's capacity for goodness; sin is
completely relative, and the term itself is rarely used; man saves himself
through personal improvement, salvation being a purely worldly experience, a
"waking up" to the world around oneself. This is very important, for death is
final. Most Unitarian Universalists deny the existence of an afterlife, so all
we have on earth is all we'll ever get.
The Bible, on the other hand, refutes these falsehoods. Jesus does save mankind,
which was in a fallen state since the Garden of Eden and separated from God by
sin (John 10:15; Romans 3:24-25; 5:8; 1 Peter 2:24). Man is not good, but sinful
and hopelessly lost. It is only through the grace of God and faith in the shed
blood of Christ on the cross can mankind be reconciled to a holy, transcendent
God (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-19); John 3:36; Romans 3:23; 1 Corinthians 2:14;
Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:13-14; 1 John 1:8).
Unitarian Universalism has nothing in common with biblical Christianity. It is a
false gospel, its teachings are contrary to the Bible, and its members strongly
oppose traditional, biblical Christian beliefs (while purporting to be free of
discrimination or prejudice of any kind). The Bible clearly refutes Unitarian
Universalism on all the major points of its teachings... " Full text: What
is Unitarian Universalism?
"You're a fanatic...near psychotic."
How can I put this delicately?--You probably have mental problems: “One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star.” G. K. Chesterton. (Ezek. 36:5).
"[Y]our opinion is duly noted. Free...and worth every penny of it."
Why the pride?
You don't need it (Ps. 10:4).
"Christians are at war with...their own evil side."
You think you have a good side? (Ps 14:3, Jer 17:9).
"They can't take responsibility for it..."
You're projecting again. The Christian has humbled himself before God (James 4:10). Why don't you take yourself down a peg? (Dan 5:20).
Response to comment [from other]: "I addressed the specific subjects that our dialogue was on, with ample links for your own education..."
You are a false teacher denying the person and deity of Jesus Christ (1 Jn 4:3). What can you teach people other than how to go to hell?
" we could engage in respectful, intelligent dialogue."
Sure. But I won't let you get away with false teaching. People should be warned--if they listen to you they will not end up in a good place. Christians possess the truth because they believe the Bible. Your teachings (e.g. Gnosticism, etc.) oppose the Bible.
What Are the Gnostic Gospels?
"I've talked with Knight about allowing [Unitarian Universalism]."
If it more clearly describes your position, I think that you should be able to identify yourself as such at TOL. As Dennis Prager says, I prefer clarity to agreement.
"I was instrumental in getting the "Other" option available, but this is somewhat 'vague' but better than nothing I suppose."
I agree with you. "Other" is too vague. It could mean anything. At least there is a left, right option to describe oneself. I would prefer the option to choose from a list of common cults and 'isms. New ones pop up every day but there are very good sites that keep current. Haven Ministries is one of them.
"[Y]ou'll need to better research on what [Unitarian Universalism] actually believe and their diversity, than rely on ( biased apologetics )..."
You don't like the site because it is biblically sound. When one promotes a position that departs from historical, biblical Christianity, then you are in your happy place. :o What is it about Jesus you do not like?
"With the formation of [Unitarian Universalism]....the doors were open to embrace all people..."
God embraces all people (2 Pe 3:9). You'll have to come to him his way not your own (Deut. 4:7; Psa. 24:3, 4; Psa. 27:4; Psa. 43:2; Psa. 65:4; Psa. 145:18, 19; Isa. 55:3; Matt. 6:6; John 10:7, 9; John 14:6; Acts 14:27; Rom. 5:2; Eph. 2:13, 18; Eph. 3:12; Col. 1:21, 22; Heb. 4:16; Heb. 7:19, 25; Heb. 10:19, 22; Heb. 11:6; Jas. 4:8; 1 Pet. 1:17; 1 Pet. 3:18; 1 John 4:16).
"...[S]o they accept all religious or spiritual traditions..."
Which excludes historical, biblical Christianity because Jesus said there is one way, one truth and one life found only in him (Jn 14:6).
If all religions are true then Christianity must be true. But this can't be because Christianity says all other religions are false. Christianity is either true or it is false.
"[S]ome might take the Bible more literally or symbolic."
Each person is expected to search for the truth (Acts 17:11) and receive it (Acts 11:1).
"Unitarians have foundational principles that are honorable for any human being to adopt."
They oppose the teachings of scripture. We are to reject lies (Gal. 1:6–8).
"[T]he principles of value and 'common good' of the community..."
No one is good (Ps 53:3). The masses are evil (Exo 23:2).
"If you'd like to stay 'Christian', I think considering 'Unitarian Christianity' would be an exercise of reason and intelligent investigation."
God's word is truth (Joh 17:17). Asking a Christian to depart from his faith is like asking a baby to put his dirty diapers back or a man to put his grave clothing back on (Geraci).