Darwin’s illegitimate brainchild
"The idea of natural selection was published well
before Darwin wrote Origin of Species. Darwin was most likely exposed to the
idea in his days as a student in Edinburgh, and those ideas were integrated with
the information gathered on his Beagle voyage. Several scholars have suggested
that Darwin
borrowed ideas from the works of many of his predecessors and contemporaries. It
is suggested that Darwin failed to give credit to Edward Blyth for seminal ideas
because Blyth was a “special creationist” who viewed natural selection in light
of selecting among preexisting Darwin developed traits. Darwin is credited with
the idea of evolution by natural selection, but it remains impotent in light of
modern genetic concepts of information."
Darwin’s illegitimate brainchild, Grigg, Creation
26(2):39–41, 2004.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Just two comments: B...S"
Hark, fair Juliet speaks
[A River Runs Through It].
"There are two religions--one true and one false--the way of Cain and the way of
the cross. Remove the sheepskin and understand those who: pervert, prostitute,
or hate the gospel of Jesus..." Full text:
Cult Toasters
Beware the Wolves (MP3 right click and 'save target
as' to download) Adrienne Rogers.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[S]nakebird...You don't seem to have a problem with people who utter lies repeatedly..."
Answers in Genesis is highly respected by people
willing to take an honest look at the evidence.
"...[D]on't send me any private emails..."
Hadn't planned on it Tom-o.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Protestant "reformers," who couldn't even agree among themselves as to what "the gospel" was..."
The reformers wanted a return to the authority of the word of God (Ps 138:2). It was necessary to expose the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. They were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you? Eph 2:8, Ro 1:16. Why do you think they murdered those who wanted common people to know the word of God? Jude 11.
Understand who is of God and who is not? Exposing Heretics, Apostates and Deceivers:
What was the Protestant Reformation? What was the cause of the Protestant
What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants? Why is there so much
conflict between Protestants and Catholics?
What is the history of Christianity? Can you give me a short / brief / general
history of Christianity?
is sola scriptura? Do the Scriptures even teach sola scriptura? What is the
standard for Christian faith and practice?
was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
Is the church that is the oldest necessarily the most right ...
Why is sola gratia important? Why is it so important to understand salvation as
being by grace alone?
Truth divides (Mt 10:34).
"What a mess."
What's that? The blood your apostate church has left behind? Rev. 3:14–22
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...according to whose infallible and bindingly authoritative interpretations of the Bible?"
According to the false teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church ["Roman Catholics are required to believe all the
doctrines of their church.]:
431 Proclamation that infant baptism regenerates the soul.
500 The Mass instituted as re-sacrifice of Jesus for the remission of sin
593 Declaration that sin need to be purged, established by Pope Gregory I
600 Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels.
786 Worship of cross, images, and relics authorized.
995 Canonization of dead people as saints initiated by Pope John XV.
1000 Attendance at Mass made mandatory under the penalty of mortal sin.
1079 Celibacy of priesthood, decreed by Pope Gregory VII.
1090 Rosary, repetitious praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit.
1184 The Inquisitions, instituted by the Council of Verona.
1190 The sale of Indulgences established to reduce time in Purgatory.
1215 Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III.
1215 Confession of sin to priests, instituted by Pope Innocent III.
1229 Bible placed on Index of Forbidden Books in Toulouse.
1438 Purgatory elevated from doctrine to dogma by Council of Florence.
1545 Tradition claimed equal in authority with the Bible by the Council of
1546 Apocryphal Books declared canon by Council of Trent.
1854 Immaculate Conception of Mary, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.
1870 Infallibility of the Pope, proclaimed by Vatican Council.
1922 Virgin Mary proclaimed co-redeemer with Jesus by Pope Benedict XV.
1950 Assumption of Virgin Mary into heaven, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "According to the false teachings of serpent all Christians must also be young earth creationists."
We don't go to heaven or hell based on our belief of young earth creationism. We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [We don't go to heaven or hell based on our belief in young earth creationism. We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus.] "You certainly don't act like you believe that..."
A few housekeeping items:
I've repeated this statement to PB time
and time again but he/she attempt to misrepresent my position--time and time
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I don't misrepresent you..."
Have I ever replied to you stating?:
"We don't go to heaven or hell based on our belief in young earth creationism.
We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus."
"[Y]our...oft-repeated lies (such as saying I won't answer questions that I have answered repeatedly)."
My mistake. I must have missed your
repeated answers to these questions.
Be ever so kind to answer them again:
Should we amend the Constitution for the personhood of unborn children?
If an employer attempted to say that nurses must distribute chemical weapons for the purposes of killing children, should that be ruled unconstitutional?
Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).
Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).
Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).
Do you believe that natural laws can be broken (e.g. miracles)? Creation was a miracle--did that happen?
The resurrection of Jesus was a miracle--do you believe that occurred?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Should we amend the Constitution for the personhood of unborn children?] "Possibly. I'm open to the idea, but I don't think that is how the war against abortion will be won."
Would you support an amendment to the Continuation which would protect a child from the point of fertilization?
[If an employer attempted to say that nurses must distribute chemical weapons for the purposes of killing children, should that be ruled unconstitutional?] "Unconstitutional? There is no need to go that far, since no employer has the right to force an employee to do anything that violates their conscience. Employment is voluntary."
Would you opposed to a Constitutional amendment which would protect children from the point of fertilization?
[Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).] "In the eyes of God? Sure. Most human failings are. In this world, however, we pick and chose among abominations and one man's abomination is another man's hot date. Remember that your own righteousness is filthy rags and don't like the one monkey laughing at the other monkey's butt."
Is homosexuality an abomination in your eyes? 1 Ki 14:24.
[Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).] "No. Sex evolved some after creation, although it may have been part of God's plan. I don't know. The indications that Christ gave show me that gender is important only in this life."
[Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).] "It is disgusting to God whenever we fail to meet His standards. Which is pretty much always. "
Is homosexuality disgusting in your opinion? (Deut 22:5)
[Do you believe that natural laws can be broken (e.g. miracles)?] "Yes. I don't believe that happens often, however."
[Creation was a miracle--did that happen?] "Yes. Just not in the way you think it did."
How did creation happen differently than the way God said it did?
The resurrection of Jesus was a miracle--do you believe that occurred?
Yep. See that tag over on the left side of the screen that says "Christian".
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I answered your questions, troll. I said that was the end of it, not an invitation for more questions..."
That's a non-answer.
Reponse to comment [from "OK snakebird, PB answered your questions."
I wish that were true.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You have lied about me over and over again..."
Quoting you?
It would not seem that you have a
biblical worldview. I hope I'm wrong. Clarify what you mean.
illegitimate brainchild