[aka Gamara
aka Taikoo,
ThermalCry, aka Samstarrett, aka IXOYE]
(make-believer/s) is a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.
The believer will walk the walk. The make-believer can only
talk the talk (1 Jn 2:19).
You cannot separate what you say from what you believe (Youssef, Lk 6:45).
Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because
their deeds were evil (Jn 3:19).
My God would never send me to hell
"In 2 Peter 2:3 we have a warning about
false prophets and false teachers: "In their greed these teachers will exploit
you with stories they have made up." "Stories they have made up" means
counterfeit words. The Greek word gives us our English word plastic. Peter
warned us about "plastic words." What are plastic words? Words that you can
twist around to mean anything. False prophets and false teachers like to use our
Christian vocabulary, but they do not use our Christian dictionary. They will
talk about salvation, being born again, and being justified and use the words
that we use, but they don't use the same meaning. They twist words around to
mean what they want them to mean in order to make merchandise out of you. You
must be very, very careful of these religious counterfeits who are out to get
something out of you instead of put something into you from the Lord. And they
do it with plastic words.
God's Word is light; it enables us to see. If you want to know what's really
going on in your life, in your world, then you'd better study the words in your
Are you a pro-abort?
[Re: Do you believe children should be protected?]
SD: Would you support an amendment to the Continuation which would protect a child from the point of fertilization?
SD: Would you opposed to a Constitutional amendment which would protect children from the point of fertilization?
[Will not answer: Would you support an amendment to
the Continuation which would protect a child from the point of fertilization?
Would you opposed to a Constitutional amendment which would protect children
from the point of fertilization?]...crickets...
Are you pro-homosexual?
[Re: Do you believe homosexuality is wrong?]
SD: Are you in support of or opposed to homosexuality?
"I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you
don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."
PB: "Not being anti-gay doesn't make someone pro-homosexual."
[Will not answer: Is homosexuality an abomination in
your eyes? 1 Ki 14:24. Is homosexuality disgusting in your opinion? (Deut
PlastikBuddah believes in: Theistic Evolution, Punctuated Equilibrium, "Framework Hypothesis", Time is the Hero of Evolution, etc.
Time is the Enemy of Evolution, Not its Hero
[Re: Do you believe in young earth
"I won't apologize for loving truth...Hiding behind a book won't change
reality...[P]eople come to associate Christianity...with anti-science dogma and
[Did we evolve from monkeys? (Ge 1:26, Jas 3:9)]
PB: "[W]e share a common ancestor [with monkeys]."
[So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?]
"That is what the evidence indicates..."
[Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)]
[What hermeneutic do you use to oppose a six normal day creation? (Ex. 20:11;
PB: [Creation was a miracle--did that happen?] "Yes. Just not in the way you think it did."
[Will not answer: How did creation
happen differently than the way God said it did?]...crickets...
An excerpt: The Young Earth: The Real History of the Earth--Past, Present, and Future by John Morris
Are you a Christ-denier?
[Re: Do you believe in the resurrection?]
SD: Was Jesus resurrected "in the narrative" or "in reality"?"
PB: "Does faith move mountains into sea symbolically or does human belief really change geography?"
PB: ["Was Jesus resurrected "in the narrative" or "in reality"?] "Answer my question and I will answer yours."
SD: No Christian would have a problem answering a question about the bodily resurrection of Jesus..."
[Was Jesus resurrected "in the narrative" or "in reality"?/What was meant by?]
] ...crickets...
Do you believe in the trinity?
[Re: Do you believe in the trinity?]
SD: Was Jesus resurrected "in the narrative" or "in reality"?"
PB: "Does faith move mountains into sea symbolically or does human belief really change geography?"
PB: ["Was Jesus resurrected "in the narrative" or "in reality"?] "Answer my question and I will answer yours."
SD: No Christian would have a problem answering a question about the bodily resurrection of Jesus..."
[Will not answer: Is this a denial of Jesus'
deity?/What was meant by]: "Is "1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a
burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same kind of truth
as "entropy increases in closed systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same
kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"?"
PlastikBuddah (aka Gamera) does not
have a biblical worldview. Posts as
Gamera (also
see: Taikoo,
ThermalCry, Samstarrett, IXOYE --or whatever he/she/it is
calling herself/himself/itself now
[Will not answer: Why do you argue just like Gamera and now Taikoo?
[Did Humans Really Evolve from Ape-like Creatures?:
Biblical Starting Assumptions by David Menton] "God tells us that on the same
day He made all animals that walk on the earth (the sixth day), He created man
separately in His own image with the intent that man would have dominion over
every other living thing on earth (Genesis
1:26–28). From this it is clear that there is no animal that is man’s equal,
and certainly none his ancestor...."
Are we equal to animals?
"...Thus, when God paraded the animals by Adam for him to name, He observed that
“for Adam there was not found an help meet for him” (Genesis
2:20). Jesus confirmed this uniqueness of men and women when He declared
that marriage is to be between a man and a woman because “from the beginning of
the creation God made them male and female” (Mark
10:6). This leaves no room for prehumans or for billions of years of cosmic
evolution prior to man’s appearance on the earth..."
Are we just another animal in the animal parade? Was Jesus wrong when he
confirmed the uniqueness of man? Were there prehumans before Adam and
"...Adam chose the very name “Eve” for his wife because he recognized that she
would be “the mother of all living” (Genesis
3:20). The apostle Paul stated clearly that man is not an animal: “All flesh
is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of
beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds” (1
Corinthians 15:39)..."
Did Humans Really Evolve from Ape-like Creatures?
Is Eve (human) the mother of all humans? Or was great-great-grandma an ape-like
being? Was the apostle Paul wrong? We are one kind with beasts?
For make-believers: Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Understand the spirit of antichrist [1 Jn 4:2-6]. The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test.