Dinosaurs: phylogenetic chart
"The next time you see a phylogenetic tree (“tree of
life”) in a textbook or magazine article, take a look at the fine print. Honest
diagrams will make a distinction between the actual evidence and the interpreted
information by using shading or dashed and solid lines. In the picture shown
[see link], the lighter lines indicate solid fossil evidence and the darker
lines and branching points represent interpretations. So, the real evidence
shows stasis, not change.
Dinosaurs were dinosaurs and did not change into something else or from
something else.
The links between kinds are simply stories about the evidence. The evidence does
not prove evolution, as is often suggested."
Dinosaurs: phylogenetic chart
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Wrong answers in genesis strikes again..."
"The lighter lines represent actual fossil
evidence. The darker lines represent assumptions about relationships.
When the assumptions are removed, the evidence
fits the creationist orchard model much better."
...But let's all assume
you are right. Do not look at that man behind the curtain.
He still believes the feather thing.
"What is this SD? Is it a dinosaur or a bird?"
A crocodile?
"Pterosaurs...distantly related to crocodiles (Alate_One)."
This is a cry for help, people.
"*Wrong* answers in genesis..."
Ad hominem.
Sucks his thumb to cope on his feather pillow at night...
Response to comment [from other]: "Which feather thing? The first feather thing or the second feather thing?"
Does it matter?
Ro 1:18.
"Having a true bird appear before
alleged feathered dinosaurs, no mechanism to change scales into feathers, no
mechanism to change a reptilian lung into an avian lung, and no legitimate
dinosaurs found with feathers are all good indications that dinosaurs didn’t
turn into birds. The evidence is consistent with what the Bible teaches about
birds being unique and created after their kinds.
Genesis is clear that God didn’t make birds from pre-existing dinosaurs. In
fact, dinosaurs (land animals made on Day 6) came after winged creatures made on
Day 5, according to the Bible. Both biblically and scientifically, chicken
eaters around the world can rest easy—they aren’t eating mutant dinosaurs." Full
Did Dinosaurs Turn Into Birds?
By David Menton
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Answers in Genesis...They consistently get science wrong."
Poisoning the well.
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Do you ever read anything besides creationist sites?"
"Your site didn't even bother to reference where that tree came from."
Glencoe, PH-Campbell, PH-Miller, Holt, etc. This is
what is being taught in the classroom.
Evolution Exposed: Biology Roger Patterson. Second Ed.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Someone whose over-bloated ego blinds them from reality, undermines their own credibility with their own actions. It is quite evident that this is the case with snakebird."
Ad hominem.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Can you describe this "problem" in your own words..."
The problem is--the "tree of life" is in reality a tree of death. And this is what the fossil record indicates.
Questions about the Tree of Life: Satan, the Fall, and a Look at Good and Evil
PlastikBuddah does not have a biblical worldview.
Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You can't get much more blatant in the lies than that."
Let us know when you retract your position:
"Pterosaurs...distantly related to crocodiles (Alate_One)."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think snakebird is back in her four point restraints."
Be so kind as to answer the following:
Did God create the world? Ge 1:1.
Should unborn children be protected? Ps. 139, Ps.51.
Is homosexuality an abomination? 1 Kin. 14:24. Did God made us male and
female? Mt 19:4.
Do you believe in miracles? Can natural laws can be broken? Was Jesus
resurrected from dead? 1Co 15:13,14; Heb 6:1